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Wild Cards

Shania smirked "Perhaps that's what I am," with that she left the room just as quietly as she had entered it.

"Shania... is by far the worse mental case I've ever seen... that is impressive," Kai said with a shudder "she isn't always like this," he assured Mokii

"Our last battle hurt her heart instead of her body," Ebony said softly.
"I can see that." Mokii said, she smiled pleasantly at Kai, "Your, how did you call it, 'prank' was impressive during the first weeks of the guardians The demon you guys fought is weak in the body, but a master of the mind. He was a demon of horror. You may be surprised to hear this, but Shania has a name for herself in the demon world. I am sadly disappointing however now that i've seen her." Mokii said. "Does she often rise to challenges? Do you think she would fight me?" Mokii asked.

Sage raised an eye brow, Mokii looked fragile, not like a warrior. "Depends... Why would you want to fight her?"

Mokii took another sip of the tea, "This is kind of bitter...." Same reaction as Lucifer, but she drank it anyway, "Hmmm she needs her spirit restored right?"
"If you harm Lucy, she'd kill you." Kai said "if you go after Rhea or Ebony her sword would be drawn, she fights for those around her but she failed to protect the one that ment everything to her... twice," he said knowing about the dream now.

"She'll be ok she always snapps out of it," Ebony said.
"I see. Well sulking is not getting her anywhere is it? It looks like it is crippling more then helping. Do you all truly feel like she is going to... 'snap out of it'?" Mokii asked placing the cup down.

Sage shrugged, her in difference like always.

Rhea was concentrated on Lucifer, placing a smelly cream on his back.

Lucifer was cringing a bit, it stung, but felt good.
"She'll snap out of it when she has no choice, this is her defence against pain, she can handle getting stabbed or bit but you attach her mind she shatters," and with that Kai got the all to familiar shoe to the face.

"Do not talk about me in my own house," she warned.
"Oh my, my apologies Shania. I am being very rude." Mokii said, getting up and bowing slightly to Shania. "I worry for my son. My main reason for my visit today."

Rhea smiled, that was a normal reaction, a shoe to the face.
"no Mokii shania throwing shoes at me... is a good sign," Kai said "but why is it always the face?" he whinned.

"No need to appologize, Lucifer means alot to me please stay as long as you'd like," she said softly
"I don't plan to stay that long. Shania, I wish you warn you that if my son dies by your hands, I will be the one to kill you myself. I did not approve sending him to the human world, but it seems he is happy here, but I still worry, specially with the incident of you almost killing him." She said, her voice never changes from her pleasant just visiting to being serious.

"Mom... Everyone here takes care of me... and I take care of them." Lucifer said, trying to stop his mother.

Mokii was staring down Shania, she wanted the girl to look at her and tell her straight.
Shania's eyes flashed "I have not stopped regretting my actions that day Luce is the most important person to me." she said her stance changed to a proud fighters stance she was ready for an attack. "I will kill anyone that threatens him even if I am the threat," her rage her pain everything was pushed back she would not let this woman threaten her even in such a polite way.

Kai chuckled "Lucy your mom's good for Shania..."
Mokii smiled pleasantly, "Fantastic. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, I would absolutely love to stay for one of your dinners! Lucifer has told me human foods are wonderful As long as I have not over steps my welcome. After that I will leave, The Husband hates when I cross worlds to long, he thinks I am klutzy. How is the slave working Lucy? Oh that is such an cute nickname."

Lucifer blushed, glad that Shania has reacted just how she wanted. "Fine..." He said, he was kind of embarrassed his mom was making a mess. The salve was actually reacting with his sink well, Rhea was writing in her note book.

"Well I can answer any questions you young ones have, I hear you have been struggling." She said quietly, taking her seat again. Rhea immediately looked up from her note book, but looked back down to finish her thoughts before moving to another.

Sage let out a quiet breath, shes already stayed long then she planed, but this might be important to stay for.
"Luce what do you want me to cook tonight?" Shania asked softly.

"Maybe i can help cook..." Kai sat back down when he saw shania's glare "yeah I'd end up making food that bites back anyway,"

Ebony smiled "I'm glad you're feeling better Lucy,"
Sage stood up from the wall, "I would love to stay. But I have things to do." She said, before walking away, and shutting the door behind her.

Lucifer turned to Shania, he looked really excited,
"Ah Shania! Make meat balls!" He said.

When Rhea shut the book and put the medical supplies away she came back and looked at the women,
"Ma'am... I have a lot of question I wish to ask."

"Of course, I am here to answer things the best I can." She said pleasantly.
Shania nodded "meatballs it is," she went into the kitchen to cook.

"Madame Mokii first may I ask what do you all call Shania? and how are we allready talked about?" KAi asked
Rhea sighed, Kai knew she had a lot of questions.

"Ah, Shania actually has a reputation of being a terror. There had been a few demons to escape back to the demon world, spreading rumors. You are all talked about, but Shania tends to be talked about the most, her being the one who fight's closest to Lucifer. They say when she fights, she fights like the Fire Manticore, Tannis. He is one of the most powerful warriors in the demon world, serving under the same Demon lord as our own family. He is a very brave a powerful demon. She is brave, but reckless. Your whole group is very well revered, but as rumors, most information shared around the demon world is inaccurate. Oh Kai, also please just call me Mokii. Sadly because you are working with Lucifer your names have been branded with our own, which means you indirectly choose sides to this war, when that was not our intentions in the first place." Mokii said, shuffling her dress a bit.
Kai smiled "I was just curious our dear princess will have more questions," he sat back his questions off his chest leaving the floor to rhea.
Rhea sat down next to Mokii looking up to the women, she started to ask her questions.

The first question she asked was about the war. Mokii said the war started around the time that her and her husband had just met. Mokii was a warrior, who family served under the old demon king. When his death came suddenly the war was apparent to every demon when the two powers raised. Both of the demons were trying to solve the conflict peacefully, but they are afraid that after the first 20 years of ruthlessness, fighting started to break out.

After that Rhea asked why it was this city that seems to be the concentration of the demons, coming to the conclusion that demon appear here more then anywhere else. Mokii answer with the simple fact that this city is one of the very few zones that the parallel words line up, making it an easy place to open portals, even with weak magic.

Rhea asked almost endless question about demon lore and demon culture, asking about ways to tell demons apart and possibly books or materials to study. Mokii said they had nothing written in human language... Which made Rhea incredibly fughtiaghted, coming back saying that she knew demons spoke the minimume of three different human languages. There had to be materials that were translated or demons who could translate the language for her. In fact she would even be willing to learn the language herself. Mokii promised Rhea she could see what she could do, but she was not one with that much power in the demon world, just a warrior.

With Rhea her questions would always lead to another, and they almost seemed endless. Every Mokii was seeming to grow tired of the girls questions, but she kept trying to answer them anyway. No matter how much the girl asked, she seemed to be displeased, thirsting for more knowledge. Mokii looked at the girl with pitty, not really sure how to help her with everything that she was asking for.
Shania soom came out witrh plates of meatballs salad and ittalian bread. "Ok help yourselves," she said softly.

"thank you," Ebony said taking some salad. Kai thanked Shania as well.

"You are no sage but your cookings alot better then mine," he chuckled
"Well lets take a break from all these question... Perhaps if I visit again some time I can try again." Mokii said, before taking some food. "Mmm Human foods certainly do taste really good!" Mokii said happily.

Getting up with a sigh, Rhea pulled out her phone and quickly called her brother, letting him know she'll be home late and was eating dinner with Shania.

Lucifer mostly let his mother talk with his friends, since he talked to her all the time through the link. He was happy she was here to talk with everyone.

Rhea seemed to relax a bit after polite conversation picked up and nothing seemed entirely serious anymore.
Shania sat in the floor and nibbled on some bread as everyone ate she felt sick her rage had begun to subside but it left her feeling dark and empty.

"I think Shania likes to cook she does it alot," Ebony said softly.

"You are right she used to take home economics imagine the warrior in an apron cooking for the unlucky guy she.." Kai dodged an incoming shoe "marries,"
Rhea smiled, "Shania is good at everything. And...." She paused and thought for a moment, "I can't... imagine Shania... Shania would you marry?" Rhea asked, after she could not imagine the girl marrying, at least not any time soon.

Lucifer looked up, at him mom the blushed. Thinking about Ebony.

Mokii laughed as Kai dodged the shoe.
Shania looked at her "I would have to be head over heels in love and half drugged to marry." she said.

Kai laughed "I could arrange the drugged part!" he said almost happily.

Ebony giggled "I don't think you would really drug Shania," she said

"No but I could drug you and Lucy and have you two marry the sheer fun of it would last even after someone brutaly murders me," Kai mussed
Mokii smiled laughing, but then turned to Kai, "Shania would only be murdering the left over parts of my own destructive mutilation of your body."

"M-mom they are just kidding... I think." Lucifer said, blushing fiercely.

Rhea laughed awkwardly, Mokii would be considered monotone if she did not speak in such a polite and sweet manner, but it seemed like she never changed her tone, making threats or just talking. Mokii was not sure how she felt about her Son's relationship with the human.... but human and demon relationships were not unheard of... just rather tragic, humans are so frail.
"Kai has alot of people who want him dead already I don't think even he is stupid enough to add to that list," Shania said casually.

"Fine I'll just marry the princess," Kai pouted "might have to drug her too ....," he chuckled as Ebony was blushing even harder now.
Rhea blushed as well, "Y-You.... I-I don't want to be drugged....." Rhea looked rather fearful and hid behind her hands.

"Kai don't drug Rhea!" Lucifer said seriously.

Mokii was still laughing, she was having a rather pleasant time here.
"Fine I'll have to make her fall for me with my charms and good looks," Kai said flipping his hair.

"Mokii... this is what kind of people Levi left Luce with," Shania sighed she looked over with Luce "It's sad when I think I'm the sane one,"

Ebony hid behind Lucifer "I'm sane..."

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