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Wild Cards

Rhea looked over to Shania, "Are you ok? You look worse off then me..." Rhea asked quietly. She was happy that things were so quiet right now. Kai and Sage seemed to be kept at bay right now, the two had not bantered all that much.
Shania nodded "I'm not much for crouded places when i am ... so exposed," she admitted and she didn't want Rhea to notice her still healing proof of her self distructive training.
"I don't like crowded places much either... it makes me nervous." Rhea glanced at Shania for a moment, "Are you avoiding me for some reason?" She asked quietly.
Shania always the horrible liar looked away, "of course not," she lied. Kai watched Sage and her mother enjoy the natural spa with a smile Lucifer looked pretty content too even after he got scolded.
Rhea made the I-am-not-stupid face, and inched closer to Shania, "Shania...."

Sage glanced up at Kai and then pointed at Rhea and Shania, letting him know Rhea was about to catch on. Sage had watched Shania pitifully avoid Rhea since Luicfer's mother showed up.
Kai unsure of what to do shrugged it was Shania's own fault after all. Shania inched away slowly "rhea really... i'm not," she said.
Sage chuckled under her breath and shook her head.

Rhea suddenly wrapped her arms around Shania, hugging the girl from behind so she could not get away,
"You hurt yourself again haven't you...." It was more of a statement then a question, she knew the girls habits too well, but she had not even bothered to look this time. Although after a moment Rhea realized this was a slightly embarrassing way to keep Shania away and keep quite since Sage's mother was here, he was determined to get the truth out of the girl.
"Shania... I don't like when you do this to yourself... no one does..." Rhea hugged the girl tighter, she really wished she would not do this, she could not understand why. But then again Rhea had been doing things slightly destructive as of late to try reverse healing, but her body always heals and there is never sign of it. She had come to be familiar with not healing herself automatically now.
Rhea let go of Shania and gave her a worried look.

Sage thought Rhea looked like a kicked puppy, much what Lucifer looks like when you tell him he can't have candy. It made her want to laugh, but she settled with a smirk.
"I learn better if i feel it longer," she said softly. Kai shook his head softly Shania was being stubborn but babyish it was sort of funny.
"I don't see what you learn... Let me heal it later... please?" Rhea asked, though it sounded more like a beg.
Shania flinched "as you wish," she said defeated by Rhea's begging. Kai chuckled softly and leaned back almost to the point of being submerged.
Rhea smiled at Shania, happy for the girls permission, "Thank you Shania."

Lucifer although happy, was a bit bored and was making Bubbles in the water. Sage's mother had made the comment that he acted like a 5 year old, but was rather cute none the less.
Ebony hugged Lucy in the water and giggled "you are silly!" she said.

"That he is," Kai agreed "and i can say anytthing i want because Shania is not near any shoes,"
"Yes, but that won't stop her from drowning you." Sage pointed out happily giving Shania ideas.

Rhea sighed, here they went, this was the start of something right here.

Lucifer laughed,
"you should try it!" He said laughing as well.
Shania pounced Kai and he did indeed go under but soon pushed her off "Sage don't give her idea's she'll kill me with!" Kai said coughing but soon started to laugh shania joined him.
Sage laughed as well, her mother was smiling at all of them, "I would say I am sorry, but I am not. Besides I think that was just a warning to keep your mouth shut." Sage said smirking pulling herself out of the water to cool off.

Rhea was smiling as well. She watched and Lucifer seemed to sneak up behind Shania before jumping her, pulling them both under the water. This made Rhea giggle.
Lucifer at the point was failing trying to get the better of Shania, he liked wrestling with the girl. Rhea was still relaxing, though not as relaxed when it was quiet. Sage was already ready to go home, but would stay as long as her mother wanted.
Kai laughed watching the two wrestle. "Mrs, Russu how have you liked today?" he asked her. Ebony was cheering lucifer on softly.
"I have had a wonderful time Kai. Thank you so much for inviting me here today. I am happy to know Sage has fantastic friend like you guys now." She said, "I am sure you all will take good care of her."

Sage made a face and looked away. Her mother was much like Sage, and kept the family problems to themselves. Neither could afford an experience like this, and Ms. Ruusu was very pleased to have gotten this chance. "Of course you are welcome over again Kai when ever you would like." She said.
"As soon as our family problems have been resolved feel free to come see me and father," he smiled pleasantly. Shania was laughing as she got out of the water thouroughly soaked.
Sage shot death glares at Kai, like hell she was letting her mother frolic with his drunk dad. She knew his dad would not hurt her mother out right, but still.

Sages mother smiled pleasantly,
"Oh my, I saw your father but I never meet him, he seems like a fun man."

Lucifer sank in the water when Shania got out, doggy paddling around like a shark, blowing bubbles in the water again.

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