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Wild Cards

Kai smiled "my dad is not like me but he will be polite and well behaved with a lady presant,"

Shania raised an eyebrow sometimes she wondered who was head of the family the way kai talked.
Sage had a feeling that last statement was more directed at her then it was her mother.

Rhea finally got out of the water, taking note her skin was slightly turning prunny.

Her mother smiled at Kai,
"Well I guess I might take you up on that offer some time."
He smiled "well as fun as this was i do beleive it's getting late, perhapse you guys will let me do this again," he held out an arm for Sage's mom "may I escort you to the lockers?"
Sage's mother took Kai's hand smiling, Sage shrugged but smiled as well. Everyone was relaxed and pretty rejuvenated Rhea thought that this was a good thing for all the fighters battle warn bodies... Shania's the most. Not fighting this week would be good as well... Resting was good. Lucifer hoped out of the water, helping Ebony out as well.
Ebony smiled as Lucifer helpped her out "this was nice did you like it too?" she asked him as they all made it back to the locers. After changing Kai's limo took them home and everyone went to prepare for the nights activities.

Shania sighed deeply waiting for this new idea to trial ride. Ebony had brought over a toy hellicopter and kai had said he was going to bring a camera.
Rhea had healed Shania as soon as they got home and Sage said she would be back after she dropped her mother home. Rhea was sure to check Lucifer's wounds, noting that they were all but gone, though he says they are still tender. Rhea was also a little behind in what Kai and Ebony were doing, being last meeting she had gone to sulk instead of staying to listen.

Rhea raised and eye brow at the contraption and wondered if a camera lenses would catch a demon in its sites... she knew humans had a harder time seeing the demons and with their gems saw them much more clearly. She guess though that Kai had seen video tape of them fighting their first demon and saw just fine. So the plan was bound the work. Well if they can get the equipment up and running. They should go to their small abandon city and try the limitations of the air craft.
"So will it fly with the extra weight of the camera?" Rhea asked.
"Kai...kai said it would but i don't know," Ebony admitted her little copter was not the strongest aircraft in the world after all.

Shania looked at the copter "I bet Kai got one of those micro camera's or something," she said.

"That i did my bloody angel," Kai said walking in with a suitcase in hand.
Rhea looked up when Kai walked in the door. Lucifer had been playing with the rotor of the helicopter, he was fascinated with the thing.

Sage was not far behind Kai, helping herself in the door and shutting it behind her.

Rhea smiled,
"Then lets see it."
he opened the suitcase and it was a computer and a little round thing the size of a dime with a few strings attached "here she is," he smiled

Shania just shook her head and went to make tea Kai's toys were so exessive.
"Interesting..." Rhea said... not completely convinced something so tinny can be a camera.

Sage smiled and then went to go sit down on the couch, she felt tired.
"What should I cook today I wounder..."
Kai tied the camera onto the helocopter. "Fly it around the room," he said flipping everything on.

"Oh ok," Ebony said and got the remote turning the helocopter on. it hummed to life and lifted into the air.
Lucifer made an amazed face when the helicopter took off.

Rhea walked over and couched by Kai to look at the screen.

Sage was completely uninterested in what was going on at the moment.
the screan showed them from above he tested the controls moving the camera to get different angles the picture was amazingly clear. "this doesn't have the best battery it can only be used for an hour at a time without recharging but the picture is clear zoom and focus seems to work fine," he said.
"I see... well we wont need longer then an hour... and if we do we can also wait a bit to recharge. I would also like to know how far the toy can go away from the controller before it stops. I would place bets not very far... I am starting to have a few doubts about this idea." Rhea said, looking back at the toy. It seemed like a good idea, but if the toy could not go that far from the owner then they would have to walk around the area anyway.
"the box said it can go 20 yards," Ebony said.

"It's ok if this idea works I can get a better aircraft," Kai said "Lucy how do you feel like running around outside later to see if we can pick up your movements?" he asked Lucifer.
Lucifer looked up and nodded, "I can do that." He said.

When the room turned black, Sage sat up from the couch to look up at Levi.

Rhea immediately latched onto Kai so she did not get picked up, Kai being the closest to her.

Levi laughed,
"You don't have to look so distraught Rhea."
Kai held her with a chuckle "hello Levi," he smiled.

Shania looked at Levi we get another gift from our wonderfull babysitter?" she asked.
"Why yes you do... did the jewel work well for you Rhea?" Levi asked.

Rhea looked up then let go of Kai,
"Sorry Kai." She apologise, "Um.. yes... I had a question for you about it though."

Levi raised an eye brow,
"Ehm... well I noticed that the energy travels through me to get to the jewel... so I could use it vise versa to heal Lucy right?"

Levi smiled,
"Maybe." He said simply, he swung one of his hands to Sage, sensing she had the jewel. She tossed it to him and he held it between his claws, "The jewel is made to make sure all the negative energy leaves your body when closing a portal, but if you pull it out again you have no way of insuring that you push all of it back out. You would just end up slowly polluting your body, what ever energy get left behind, the jewel won't take it back... I highly suggest not putting your human bodies through that. Now... who will be getting their powers today?"

Sage jumped off the couch and walked closer to Shania and Kai, "
Well should we play rock paper scissors for it?" Sage said with a smile.
"I don't need power," Shania said "i seem to rip things in half rather well," she said dryly.

Kai smirked "I'll play you for it," he said and got in front of her.

Ebony giggled Sage and Kai were competitive.
Sage smirked as well, holding her hand out flat, pressing her first into it, the starting stance for rock-paper-scissors.

Levi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, standing there patiently for the two to decide who was going to get the power.

Rhea smiled with Ebony, while Lucifer was watching them play their human games.

"On Three to Go, yes?" Sage said, looking at Kai, "1. 2. 3. Go." And with that, Sage shoot out Scissors.
"damn," Kai said as he had chosen paper "looks like you get it Death bringer," he chuckled.

Shania rolled her eyes much like Levi did.
Sage grinned turning to Levi, "Looks like I am lucky today." Sage said, pulling her pen out.

Levi took the pen and then handed Sage the jewel.

Rhea took several steps back before Levi even started the process, remembering Ebony's power had blown everyone away when she had gotten, not really wanting to face the wrath of what ever Sage was going to get. Lucifer did the same, dragging Ebony with him.

With the process he did much with Ebony, he held Sage's weapon up and then reached with one claw and touched her forehead and her Gem glowed, the Jewel in Sage's hand also glowed. Suddenly a loud and bright crash came from Sage. Rhea had to cover her eyes from the bright flash, before the looked again, there was large visible electrical charges surrounding Sage. Rhea could feel the hair stand up on her arms from the charges around the area.

And as suddenly as it stopped with Ebony, the electricity around the room subsided and Sage could only blink. She felt like her entire body was ready to explode with energy, like the lightening would just jump out of her. She felt, ecstatic, no pub intended.
"Your power is now there." Levi said, handing Sage back her pen. Sage was still stairing at her hands like they were foreign to her.

Rhea was not sure if she was ever going to not be impressed.
"lets agree not to ever let kai get power," Shania said dryly as she shrugged off the static feeling in the air.

"What why? I doubt i'll be more dangerous or anything," Kai said
"Oh but I think Kai having a power would be fun." Sage mused.

Levi sighed, "Lucifer, your test will be soon. Prepare yourself for it." He said before he poofed away.

Lucifer looked up at Levi but he was already gone, a flash of seriousness crossed him.

Rhea felt better as the charge subsided and her skin felt normal again. She wondered what Lucifer's test will be and when... and how long for.

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