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Wild Cards

Lucifer thought for a moment while Shania messed his hair up, "What kind of human things have I not experienced that I should?" He asked.

Rhea thought for a moment, there were tons of sports they could all play together. Games, and possibly festivals or parades that happened some weeks around the city. There were a ton of possibilities...
"there is a fair going on next friday and saterday," Kai said "it's not a really big one but it'll have alot of rides and games," he pointed out.

"Would you like to go play games and ride on rides and eat lots of far food?" Ebony asked Lucy.
"Fair food?" Lucifer asked happily.

Sage suddenly burst out laughing, out of all the things that he caught it was fair food. Sage did not mind the sweets the came from fairs, but the foods were over priced and low quality. Chuckling under her breath she took another quick sip of her tea. She would probably leave soon, there was nothing more to do here.
Kai chuckled "so thats our next outing? Hey Rhea why don't you bring your brother so he can meet all of us if he isn't too busy," Kai sugested.

"It might be a good idea i think I may have made a bad first impression on him," Shania said

"And Sage feel free to bring your mom I love how she made Shania blush," Kai mused.
Sage gave Kai a small smiled, "My mother had not been feeling well lately. I don't think she will have the energy to make it." Sage said, taking another sip of tea.

Rhea looked up,
"Oh but she looked fine today..."

"Yeah, she spent a lot of energy, she was really tired when she got home." Sage said with a shrug. "And your brother Rhea?"

"Oh yeah, I can ask him. Depends if he is on call or not. He shouldn't be." Rhea said quietly.

"Oooh whats the fair about?" Lucifer asked suddenly.

"If I am remembering correctly... Its most likely just a fall festival. Since it has been slowly getting cooler." Sage said, not entirely sure if she is right.
"We use it as an exuse to spend money and have a good time." Kai chuckled

Shania smiled "Yeah fairs are sort of fun..." she admitted "but i really never saw too much of a theme to them,"
Sage also laughed, "That's because the theme is exactly as Kai said, spend your money, make kids happy."

Rhea smiled,
"You are not too fond of fairs Shania?" Rhea asked when she said 'sort of fun'.
"It's not that it's just I would work in them more often then actually go to one for fun, or i'd go to a kendo competition not that it isn't fun to beat people twice my age but it's still a bit like work," she chuckled.

Kai smirked Sage had actually agreed with him hell just froze over
Lucifer looked up,"Shania! I want to watch you beat people in a competition! Oh oh I want to fight as well!"he said jumping up to his feet.

Sage grinned Lucifer in a human competition might be pretty disastersion... he might actually kill humans... The only humans he has faught with is them durring sparing and they have the strength of demons... not humans.

Rhea blinked, of course Shania would be beating people twice her age and size....
Shania laughed "humans are fragile Luce you'd have to hold back that's why I stopped compeating I got tiered of holding back," She pulled him back down into her arms as she was still laying down "maybe you can enter an eating competition," she smiled "I bet you could win,"

Kai chuckled at that "Lucy in an eating competition those poor fools,"
Lucifer leaned back in her arms and grinned at Shania, "I be you I would win too!"

Rhea laughed, but she knew it was about time to head home.

School was going by rather slow that week, Lucifer was back in school, completely healed. Sage ended up telling people he was out with the flu. Rhea's brother had said yes to the festival, and was looking foreword to going.

Tuesday night had finally rolled around.
Kai was on his way to his current hide out from home not wanting the others to worry he didn't tell them of him and his fathers still rather heated and rocky relationship. His hide out was really just a junk heap hotel outside of the main parts of the city. The car he was driving was the PA club activity vehicle for easy acess to it. He went to his hotel room and plopped on the bed after closing the curtains and shutting off the lights.
Kai was probably not expecting someone, but none the less, there was a knock on his door when a familiar voice rang through it, "Dear Joker as they called you.... I have one of your friends... the cute little one that heals... I think you should come out and finish that dance with me alone... or I can go finish killing her before she heals herself again." Kai's dear vampire friend was standing outside his door, both his hands and face were covered in blood. His eyes were shinning and he was not stupid enough to stand by the door.
"why don't you just come in?" Kai asked "I keep my door unlocked." he sounded like he didn't really care when in reality his insides were screaming he dialed sage and left it on so she could hear. "So Vamppy I don't know your name though it seems you know mine. Care to share Knowlage?"
"A polite offer, but I would much rather leave you human city. I just watch you guys ever now again.... I was surprised when I found that one could close portals, she is a real nuisance to me. Though I am saving the demon and the one with the sword for last. I am sure the one with the scythe, Death was it? She is next, She did not stay very dead. My name is Fredrick, suppose it is only fair for you to know. I highly doubt your real name is Joker though." He said jesting.

When Sage looked at her phone she noted it was Kai... The guy never calls her in less there was a good reason.
"Hello?" She waited, when there was no answer she almost hung up till she heard a voice... curiosity got the better of her.

"But I have the child captive. If you want her back, I suggest you come with me, well I could kill her then leave her dead body here. Hmm... that sounds like a better idea. I did enjoy watching her heal her flesh again after I ripped it up, but all good things must come to an end..." He said, and with that he started to walk away, shrugging.
"Hold your pants on Fredrick I'm coming," Kai said "armed or unarmed you have the bartering chip after all," he asked standing at the door "besides are you not worried about other humans here this is the Budget Hotel after all," he put the phone in his pocket but Sage could still hear everything.
Sage bit her lip and ran to her land line, dialing up Rhea. When she picked up the phone Sage tried to sound rather calm, "Rhea? Where are you?"

There was a small thoughtful pause, "I am at home right now... why?"

That sneaky bastered... Sage thought to herself. "Well I actually had a question about homework... but my mom figured it out so I think I will call you later." She lied before handing up and putting on her jacket. "Hey mom I am going out for a bit, don't wait up for me." Sage pressed the phone back up to her ear. Where the hell were they going? She can't help if she had no idea where they were. She will call Shania and Lucifer as soon as she knew where to go.... Budget hotel... down town maybe?

Fredrick grinned "Oh how lovely, but at the same time not. Now I don't get to feast... Well I suppose after I kill you. I think I will allow you armed, if you allow me armed as well. I am not a complete slim bag to fight an unarmed foe." He said, slowly leading Kai to the woods further out of town.
"Can i ask the name of this place I'm a rather traditional fellow I want to know where I'm going to lay you for your final rest," Kai said "Oh and Joker is just what death calls me, if you want my true name I'll give it to you as I slit your throat," Kai jibbed trying not to let him lead too far away from the Budget Inn as he had mantioned it's name and if Sage had heard she'd make her way there. "Oh and where is our little priestess? I don't see her,"
"As you say, this is a slightly populated area.... Dragging around a very bloodied human is not a smart choice in the matter. I have her tied a little ways away behind your Hotel... I am not foolish to bring too much attention to myself." He said with a grin, he was getting a bit irritated that Kai was not following him fast enough. But regardless he trucked on slowly, dragging Kai away from the building.

Sage frowned and caught the bus. She only hoped she can get there quick enough, hanging up Sage quickly dialed Shania, hopping the girl would answer and not be training.
"Lucifer answer my phone!" Shania called from the shower. "Just flip it open like I showed you and say hello,"

"I supose that makes sence... now tell me the name of the spider I killed in the tunnel?" Kai said.
When they had gotten far enough away, there was a sword placed in the ground, Fredrick's sword to be accurate. Pulling it from the ground he flashed Kai a toothy grin. "My brother in arm's name was Garth Gonre. It is hard to say in your human tongue. Now Joker, are you ready to finish this dance? I am afraid I will have to keep your... priestess was what you called her? Hidden, I have no intention of giving her back. Well if you kill me you are more then welcome to find her, but I don't intend to die today."

Sage huffed when no one seemed to be answering until finally Lucifer picked up, "Lucy, listen carefully and repeat everything I tell you to Shania? Don't stop for a moment..."

"Ok.... Sage said I have to repeat everything to you.... Uhh.. yeah..." Luicfer said, standing outside the bathroom with Shania's phone, "Sage says, 'Vampy is back and he is leading Kai somewhere by himself, Kai thinks he has Rhea captured but I called her and she is home safe... I am on a bus there now hurry to a Hotel called Budget Hotel down town behind the building. I'll beat you guys there.'" Then Luicfer blinked and looked at the phone, "She hung up... I think we need to go..." Lucifer said, stating the obvious.
Kai transformed his weapon "I don't plan on dieing today either Freddy," Kai took his relaxed stance.

Shania burst out of the shower only in a towel and ran to her room to throw on clothes. "Honestly I think us running is faster then a d*mn bus," she said coming out her dagger in hand "Let's go, Kai's gonna get his *ss handed too him he might die this time,"
Lucifer scrambled to catch up with Shania.

Sage debated calling Ebony but getting her out on a school night would be near impossible... Rhea as well. But Kai might get pretty hurt... Sighing she pulled her phone out and text both of them, 'Club Announcement. The Vampire Ghost the PA Club saw two weeks ago has seemed to reappear with Kai. Shania, Lucifer and I are headed over there now to video tape the Ghost... if you can make it we will show you the video at Shania's house later... if you can't don't worry we will tell you about it later. -Sage' Satisfied with the text, Sage sent it to Ebony and Rhea.

The vampires eye glowed before he let a very evil smile place his lips and a deep chuckle came from him, "We will see about that...." He laughed before charging Kai, he planed on knocking his weapon out of the way then kicking him. He was going to make the boy suffer, a quick death would be too forgiving.
Kai twisted his body aiming and instead of defending he went to straight on attacking the charging vampire hoping Shania syle fighting wouldsave him.

Shania and Lucy caught a cab to try and get there quicker Ebony was unable to sneek out and her window was now barred from her last escape.

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