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Wild Cards

Kai chuckled at his warm reseption. "Ok Lucy lead the way in we should have got a leash for Shania to hold him on," Kai said.

"Luce will be good," Shania said patting him on the head like a puppy.
Sage grinned thinking she should be on her best behavior. Last time she was with Roen, Kai had taken Rhea to his room to change dresses and she had dropped hits off to him about some pretty horrible things. Shania did not help the situation by accidently fueling it with her bluntness, Roen was so freaked out that night. Sage could not help but chuckle to herself over the moment.

Roen raised an eye brown at Sage who was laughing before watching Lucifer launch himself into the fair grounds
"Shania, Ebony what should we do first?" He asked. Rhea took Roen's hand and smiled at him while they walked.
"look around kid there is alot of stuff around," Kai said with a chuckle staying close to Rhea "how about you princess see anything fun?" he smiled at her.

there were alot of dart throowing and taget like games and rides like the swings even ones that threw you around in a cages and even ones tat went upside down music was being played by live bands and a calf popped its head out to moo at a petting zoo.
Rhea was not really one for rides, she was more interested in the small shops around the area or the animals. Lucifer on the other hand was making Shania and Ebony ride all the rides. Rhea liked to play the games though, She liked the fact that if you knew what to do they were rather easy to win. Sage rode a few rides here and there, and played a few games, but for the most part just meandered around the area with everyone else.

It was a bit late in the afternoon when everyone decide it was time to sit down a eat.
Kai laughed "this is my first time at a fair unescorted," he smiled "its fun without dad and his neanderthaws breathing down my neck,"

Shania rolled her eyes sitting far enough away from Kai that she couldn't punch him if he said anything stupid.

"This is alot of fun!" Ebony said and hugged Lucifer tightly.
Lucifer laughed, "Yeah! the rides are a lot of fun! I wish we had these kinds of things."

Roen raised an eye brow and Rhea coughed,
"Lucifer is from a small town in..."

"Finland." Sage filled in quickly, "A small town.... he is visiting Shania for over seas study."

Roen cleared his throat,
"Why did you have to tell me instead of him?"
"If you havn't noticed Luce is a childlike person," Shania said "His father left him notes on what to say and he even said thoses wrong," she patted Lucifers head affectionatly.

Kai looked at Roen "Curiosity killed the cat and there is no coming back after death. In simple turms don't ask too many questions our dear princess needs her brother," he smiled pleasantly at Roen "So Sage darling what did you poison for me today?" he asked batting his ees at her.

Ebony nodded to Lucifer about the rides.
"I didn't make the food.... so how on earth can I poison you?" Sage said shrugging, she actually refuses to eat anything here. Sage was so picky, she would however eat some sweets later.

Roen seemed to just shrug off the comments from Kai and Sage, not too entirely interested in the reason why.
"So Shania, Rhea tells me you live alone... I knew about your cousin coming to stay with you... but it must be hard." Roen asked seriously.
She stiffened slightly being put on the spot. "Luce helps out around the house we both help each other out, It was hard at first but it's nothing new it was just me and my brother for the longest time anyway," she said softly

Kai watched Shania there were times when her timer would start ticking her life being talked about happened to be one of those times.
Rhea also tensed a bit but there seemed to be a flash of understanding form Roen when Shania mentioned it was just her and her brother. "I see. Well if you need anything don't hesitate to ask... Living alone young sucks, I was there when I was around your age." He said with a shrug.

Sage wanted to Roen to shut up... he kept asking tricky questions. He was just as bad as Rhea when she want on one of her question escapades.

"So I want to eat one of those Elephant ears! Are they real ears?" Lucifer asked suddenly.

Rhea laughed,
"No... they are dough with cinnamon on it."
Shania looked at Roen "I take care of myself well,"She stated "I thank you for your offer though," her voice was tight as if she was fighting to remain calm.

Ebony laughed at Lucy "You should try funnel cakes they taste really good with strawberries on them,"

Kai was impressed that Shania had kept her voice as even as she had if Roen started asking him questions he'd be in trouble, not sure if he could fool Roen.
Roen was a doctor and could easily see distress, and knew better to push further. He sighed and crossed his arms. Sage smirked, he was just as socially awkward as Shania. Rhea sighed, this was the worst. Roen looked at Rhea, "What?" Rhea seemed to just give him a look.

"Oh I like strawberries.... What else can I eat here?" He asked.

Sage smiled before she interjected to pull the conversation from Shania,
"Roen, you are a doctor?"

Roen seemed to lighten up a bit,
"Yeah, I started my own practice recently. I am a children doctor."
"A pediatritian?" Kai asked softly.

Shania turned her attention to Lucifer "I always liked candied apples," she said.

Ebonny nodded "I like caramel apples with sprinkles!"
"I dumb it down by saying children doctor don't I? I talk to children all day so sorry it that offended you. But yes, I am a Pediatrician " He said to Kai.

Sage smiled, "Oh no, it is pretty hard to offend us."

"Candy apples?" Luicfer just heard the word 'candy'.
"Oh I'll remeber it's hard to offend you dear bringer of distruction to the hearts of people everywhere." Kai smirked "I swear the more people I asked the more broken hearts I find. So suprised you havent tried our lovely Shania or dear Ebony."

Shania threw a random ball at Kai who dodged just in time. "At least it wasn't a shoe," he chuckled
"You are trying offly hard to get a rise out of me right now." Sage said chuckling. "I'll have you know I have had a few broken hearts, I just don't have enough time to chase skirts and pants with my new hobby." But the idea of trying Shania actually sounded like a fantastic idea, except after she broke the girl's heart she would probably be like the crazy ones and murder her. Sage would walk away with more then just a slap across the face, if she even walked away at all that is. "I have to say, I heard about that kiss with Rhea..." And as on que Roen made a face.

He looked like he was trying not to say some thing. He did not want to to interject in her sisters love life but he looked pretty torn. Rhea blushed,
"Sage! Don't talk about that kind of stuff!" Rhea said, trying to hush the girl.
Kai smirked and pulled Rhea over to him and he kissed her "only the last one was more heated," he smiled.

Shania was waiting for either Rhea or Roen to hit Kai it would be nice to not be her hitting the moron for once.
And Roen did, He hit Kai right over the head and pulled Rhea to him. Rhea was blushing pretty hard, "Hey! Don't do that when I am here... keep your hands to yourself." Roen said, glaring at Kai. Roen still had the preconception that him and Rhea where dating. Rhea told him however she did not plan on getting married to Kai.

Sage burst out laughing, the desired reaction coming out after Kai himself baited it. Lucifer blushed a bit, he himself still a bit shy about the kind of stuff.
Kai bust out laughing "Nah I don't think our Princess likes me to awful much at least not that much I'm just... what do you call me death bringer? A predater?"

Shania rolled her eyes but chuckled at Lucifers blush considering he and Ebony share kisses all the time.
Sage chuckled, "Yes, you are a predator."

Roen just sent more death glares at Kai while huddling Rhea, Rhea just looked like a blushing mess.

"Well we should probably continue around the fair before it gets dark." Sage said, they still had to go hunting tonight. They had all forgotten to look the area over Friday....
"Indeed indeed," Kai said softly "you ready Lucifer?" Kai asked

Shania stood and pulled Rhea away from Roen and to her "what say we go see if i can win you a prize?" Shania asked her softly.

Ebony giggled "I bet you'd be good at the dart throwing games," she smiled at him
Roen seem slightly distressed when Shania pulled Rhea away but he let it happen since it was Shania. "O-ok.... do you like playing the games?" Rhea asked, smiling back at Shania.

Lucifer jumped out of the seat,
"Yes! Lets go play some more games!"

Sage laughed and patted Kai and Roen on the back,
"Let go play a game and see who wins... I bet I can win more offten then not." She said. She was always being competitive with Kai, and was making Roen join because she knew he wanted to out win Kai. Roen raised an eye brow and folded his arms but followed.

Rhea leaned closer to Shania,
"I am sorry about Roen... he means well..." She said, making her usual worried face.
"you kidding anysane brother would protect you from Kai, and I'm pretty good at alot of fair games" she smiled at Rhea.

Kai smirked"you kidding death i need to woop you to make things even for the last dance we played,"

Ebony giggled Lucifer had won a few prizes already but he mostly did rides now she could only imagine the mass of stuff he'd win.
"Ok so it is settled Kai, you and me.... I intent to make sure nothing is even between us again." She said with a grin. They choose a simple dart game, Sage made sure to make everyone play.

Roen uncrossed his arms,
"Ok, I'll play." Roen said laughing. "I guess I would just have to teach you guys a lesson."

Sage chuckled, happy success for getting Roen involved in it.
"I would love to see you win Shania, specially if you kick Kai and Sage out of the water." She said, cheering the girl on.

Rhea tried first, and when she threw the dart at the balloon, the dart did not even make it to the board, landing awkwardly on the ground.
"Ah...." Rhea said, slightly distraught. "I knew I was bad... but not that bad..." Roen patted her on the head, "its ok sis... you did fine... ish. You can try again." Rhea huffed and hugged Shania. Roen chuckled and then tried his luck. He hit the board but missed the balloon. "Dang it..." He said.

Sage laughed, she was going to go last. Lucifer got up next, and when he threw it, it nearly hit the man behind the counter, which made Lucifer also cling to Shania in utter defeat.
Shania chuckled and pet both Rhea and Lucifer as Kai threw his dart and hitting the balloon with a loud pop "It's been a while," he chuckled.

Ebony threw hers but it spun and the back of the dart hit the baloon and it bounced off and to the floor making her blush deeply.

"Ok you two lets see if I can do it," she took a dart aimed and thew popping two ballons out of luck. "seems i'm not half bad," she laughed

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