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Wild Cards

Sage whistled when Shania popped two balloons at one time, she knew she would not be able to beat that, so she stepped up and threw her own dart, popping a balloon. "There you have it Kai. I have not played ever." She said laughing, her family could not afford the expensive games, so that was the first time she played, and to her that was actually pretty fun, "Ok whats next?" She asked as Kai, Shania and herself got their prizes.

Rhea laughed, her brother was sulking a bit.
"You can hit it next time Roen." He smiled at her and gave her a hug.
"We could try the water gun game," Shania said she was new to all this and just happened to see one open and it had enough seats for all of them. Shania said handing Lucifer the stuffed frog she got as a prize "there you go kid," she smiled.

"Ah where we sit and try to aim at the dot and first one to the top wins?" Kai asked with a smirk "one winner only might be fun,"
Lucifer seemed to miss the point of this game.... He was more distracted with the water that came out of the gun then what he was suppose to be shooting at.

Sage on the other hand, was doing fairly well on this game as well. Rhea did better... but not by much. Roen did much better as well though was still out matched by Shiania and Sage. Rhea smiled, watching everyone be rather competitive with everyone. Lucifer was having fun with the little frog he was given, then again he had fun with everything.

When Sage won the game, she grinned and happily took the toy tiger. She placed it on top of Ebony's head and laughed, "You can have it. I am winning too much. The sweet satisfaction of beating Kai is enough." Sage said, gloating a bit. "Ok, how about we for play a game of chance now... how about the one where you have to pick up the little duckys and look on the bottom to see if you are a winner?" Sage suggested.
Kai chuckled "Lucky duck?" he asked saying the games name he was a bit sore that he lost but he never said he had good aim with water guns,

Shania who had almost won was laughing "sure Luckyducks sounds fun enough," she agreed.

Ebony was pouting untill Sage plopped the tiger on her head making her giggle Sage was having alot of fun beating Kai it was really cute in her oppinion.
When they pulled Sage had gotten one of the bigger prizes, Shania and Ebony as well. At this point Sage was actually having a lot of fun. Roen looked like he had eased up too getting a long better with everyone, picking up a medium prize. Rhea lost, again, well sort of lost. She did not mind so much because everything was fun. Lucifer also lost again, declaring he thought human games were stupid and pouting. Which required them to cover up for him and what he meant by human games.

Sage had actually picked a rather large cat stuffed animal she planed to bring to her mother. When all was done and said, Rhea said good bye to her brother and went with everyone else to Shania's house. After a long day of a lot of fun, Sage started to prepare dinner for them before they went out for demon hunting.

"We forgot to go Friday... to scout out the area." Rhea said sighing, then taking a quick sip of tea.
"Yeah though I've been on edge the rogue Vampire problem and all," Kai sighed "Might should have given him my real name, I hate waiting for bad things to happen," he said

"rhea do you have any bad feelings? things only seem to go bad for us when you have those bad feelings," Shania said softly she had given her prizes to Lucifer to play with her big snake and the frog seemed to entertain him.

Ebony was watching Lucifer smileing.
"No... I don't have a bad feeling. I did not have a bad feeling when Kai got attacked. It was just a hunch... The first time when Sage and Kai got hurt." Rhea said honestly, those bad feeling usually where not a prediction, at least she did not think they were.

"Well as they say, you should follow you gut." Sage said, she did that often herself, following her gut. Placing on a table a fresh pot of tea, she served herself and sat down with the group.

Rhea pressed her lips together,
"Well I noticed that demons don't wounder in populated areas.... So I doubt we will need to go inside the city often, so I think we should continue to look around the outer part of it. Like Kai told us Fredrick said, running around human society was a stupid idea... Anyway the next area is mostly a run down... population is low. I have no idea if there would be a portal there. it is mostly bad looking town houses."
Kai chuckled "maybe I can see my dear friend freddy, I seriously hope he isn't waiting for a demon to weaken us before he attacks," KAi said more seriously.

Shania sighed "In all honesty Kai I think he wants to pick us off one at a time to make us suffer before he finishes us off we did p!ss him off pretty badly,"
Rhea sighed, "Freddy is going to be a big problem... but you are right, he has a malicious personality and he is going to want to watch us suffer .. so I don't think he will do anything to our right kill us. I can see him do a lot of things.... but he is also pretty tricky too. Kai though sees to be his main target." Rhea siad, before putting her cup down, "Are we ready to go?" She asked quietly.

"As ready as ever." Sage said shrugging.

Lucifer looked up, he was ready as well.
Shania streached "I'm ready," she was hoping there would be a fight.

KAi nodded but he was deep in thought.

"We can beat anythng thats out there but next week we absolutly must scope," Ebony said]
When they got in the car, Sage glanced at Kai before throwing the Mic in the back for everyone to put on, "Whats up? Scared your buddy is gunna slit your throat?" She asked. Although she joked, it was a serious question. "I thought you were use to people plotting your assassination 24/7?"

Rhea took the mics and passed them out. Lucifer was capable to put on his own at this point, he smiled at Shania. Rhea wondered how he chanced so fast, from the Lucy to the demon that killed his own kind without a second thought.
"Oh Shania scares me more then Freddy does... I was just thinking," he said "oh and people do try to kill me 24/7 but going to hotels to hide is a bit more dangerous then it used to be,"

Shania hooked her mic and sighed "we need to jus become telepathic already these things are annoying,"
"I see. Well thinking about what may I inquire? When you think it tends to be a bit dangerous." Sage said shrugging, she and Kai were still mic-less.

Rhea laughed,
"That would be great if we could be telepathic, then we don't have to worry too much about being ambushed."

Lucifer piped up,
"I can communicate telepathically... with other demons... in my family...."
"I was wondering... what would happen if it wasn't me he grabbed I have trickery on my side Shania is alone alot when Lucifer works her home is not in a highly populated area either... I may just be overthinking but I wish i could have tagged the son of a b!tch," Kai said

Shania chuckled and hugged Lucifer.
"Hmmm.... Tagging him would be good..." She said thoughtfully. She wondered if that was what he was really thinking about. Sage would often say things just to appease people when they asked her, she knew Kai did sometimes in a round about way.

When they arrived at the area, it was indeed pretty beat up. Not from anything in particular but normal things that happen to areas like this. Lucifer immediately sensed the demons. He said there were only two, and so far no portal.

"Well I can say with almost curtain that there is no portal if there is only two demons..." Rhea said confidently, usually when there was a portal, there was always swarms of demons around, not just five or six.

"Lead the way Kid." Sage said, watching Lucifer start to walk where he sensed the two demons. When he stopped Rhea looked past him to see a dead deer on the ground and a large bird light claw on the dead animal. When she looked at it fully, there were two large hippogriffs eating from the animal. "Hippogriffs." Rhea said. They birds did not seem to notice them. Lucifer scoffed, "They are dumb. No intelligence to them, which means we should kill them because they think like wild animals. Like the crab we faught." He said.

When Lucifer spoke, one of the birds turned its head to them and then spread its wings in a threatening manner and screeched at them.
Shania looked at Luce "So bloodthirsty it's not like you kid," She stood her ground if the Hippogriff wanted her it could taste her sword. Ebony already had her bow drawn back in preperation.

Kai examined the creaturs "It's a pity it'll decay once dead i thing they might have good pelts to them," he commented casually.
"I am only thinking for your human's... these demons don't care what they kill, they only kill for their next meal... They are wild..." He said, trying to defend himself.

Sage laughed, her scythe already out,
"Ew... you in fur? I think I will pass. Archer, you should probably give them a good shoot..." Sage suggested.

Rhea looked at Ebony and nodded.

The second hippogriff looked up from its meal and did the same thing the other one did, screaming at the group, spreading its wings to look threatening.
Ebony aimed at the rearing beasts heart "Strike true," she told the arrow as if talking to it helps.

Shania twirled her sword in hr hand she was not too kneen on charging a monster that was reaing up and striking out with sharp feet.

Kai smirked "hell did we need to come? Archer could handle these two,"
Ebony's arrow did hit true, straight into the hippogriffs heart. The one fell backwards screeching in pain. It friend did not wait around for the same thing to happen to it, flapping its large wings it begin to get itself off the ground.

"Nice shot!" Rhea said. Sage had to agree, it was nearly perfect. Lucifer however did not take the time to look, no he charged the second one as it tried to take off, jumping for it hoofed feet. He did manage to grab them back the hippogriff begin to kick and fail as it tried to get off the ground.

The other one that Ebony hit was trying to recover, not completely dead yet, its flight or fight instincts coming into play.
Kai ran at the one that was hit to seace it's struggles with a beheading swing Shania ran to get behind the Hippogriff Lucy was trying to ground. "Kid.. I'm going to mount it," She said before jumping onto its back like she had the bore but this creature was being alot more difficult to stay on.
"She's going to What...""Your going too--AH" Sage and Luicfer mused almost at the same time, but Lucifer did not finish his statement before Shania jumped on him and use him to get onto the hippogriff. The force of her pushing off him to mounth the bird made him fall backwards and let go of it and tumbling to his back.

The hipogriff Kai charged fell under his blade, completely losing its head.

"Now I know you have a death wish." Sage yelled as the hippogriff took off higher in the sky, busy trying to get altitude over knocking the girl off.

"Warrior that's too dangerous... jump off before it gets too high!" Rhea warned.
"Not a chance! I'll be fine can't let it live though!" She slid her sword along it's throat and jumpped off landing oddly on kai who fell to the ground her ontop of him.

"Really was that nessasary?" KAi asked
Rhea looked slightly relived that she had hurt it before it actually got off the ground. Sage burst out laughing when Shania landed on Kai, completely amused. "Shania... that was dangerous..." Rhea said weakly. The girl nearly gave her a heart attack....

Lucifer jumped up on the other hand,
"That was cool! Next time I want to ride one!"

Sage how ever walked over to the hippogriff that had landed and stabbed it for good measures to make sure it was dead,
"Fighting stupid demons is so much easier then the ones with brains...."
"agreed," Kai said pushing Shania off him "you weigh a ton," he said and get a hard kick to the somach.

"Sorry I frightened you... it seemed like a good idea at the time," Shania shrugged as Kai rolled over in pain. "It was pretty fun though,"
Rhea smiled the girl and then sighed, accepting the apology. "I guess we should look around some more."

Lucifer on the other hand was watching in the distance,
"I think Fredric is here... I sensed a lone demon for a bit... but it is gone again..."

Rhea frowned a bit a looked to where Lucifer was looking. She did not see anything... after all Fredrick said he had been watching them. Like Kai said.. he might be waiting to take advantage of them. Sage sighed,
"Well nothing we can do about it now. In less someone wants to go see if we can chase after them. That might land us smack dab in the middle of a trap though. I say we should finish checking the area and go home..."

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