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Wild Cards

"You don't have to worry about my mom Kai. She fine now." Sage said smiling. "Come on, it freaks me out when you start acting all sentimental. Almost feels like you are going to break out and hug me." She said laughing. "Its kind of creepy. Besides if any one needs protection it is you from Fredrick, he keeps kicking you @ss."
"Why Death darling how could you think me so cruel?" Kai asked batting his eyes like a girl would. Kai began to laugh "besides I only hug a woman if she has enough to hold onto," he leaned back to look over sage "just as flat in the back as in the front such a shame,"
Sage laughed, "I like it better this way. Mother wanted a boy, but she had trouble having kids. I popped out. I like the way I am, helps me catch both guys and girls rather well." Sage said with a smirk. "Besides, Rhea has a nice set, just not as nice as Shania's." She said with a small smile, turning around she sat down on the grass, not really wanting to walk anymore.
"{I think Shania took offence to me telling her she was heavy.. she still glares at me," he chuckled and stayed standing. "So Death shall that be your codename in the underworld?" he asked with a smirk "I can get you a skull mast to weat you're alreasy thin as you are flat."
Sage shrugged, "I will think about the details a bit later... I have my hands full this week already. Using my code name for outside Club activities might be a bad idea... there is a slim chance someone might make the connection if they ever witness... but if that is what you think would be easiest... Fine. I respond to it well enough." She said shrugging. Sage did not want to go home... part of her wondered if she should go to Shania's and sleep on her couch. "Sorry I woke you up, but I actually appreciate this talk." She said, "But I asked you everything so if you want to go back to bed I understand, its already been an hour... 4am haha."
"Hell I'm up lets go see if any coffee houses are open 24 hours," he said "long night ... I'd actually just gotten to bed a little before you called... if you want to you can crash at my house... dad's too drunk to be able to do any harm,"
"Coffee... why not." Sage said getting up. "Not much for sleep right now either." She said with a joke, "why the offer to stay at your place? I am not doing you any favors." She said laughing.
Sage smiled, "Nah... if I was keeping track of how many favors you owed me... there is quiet a few piling up already now that I think. But I guess it won't mater, after this job I guess it is repaying me back enough."
"I dont like being in dept I'll pay you back," he said and flipped his hair "I am the true gentalman here after all," he said and found them a little coffee shope to spend the rest of the morning.
Friday came by and Sage was not at school, she was busy apartment hunting. Friday afternoon she walked into Shania's house happy, "Hey! Who wants to help me move to an apartment?" She asked. She was not sure all who was there yet, she had just walked in.

Rhea was already there, she looked up from her computer, she had brought it to help review data when they got it for a little later tonight.
"I heard that was where you were at... I guess that means you found a new place?" Rhea asked with a smile.

"Yep. It is pretty nice. a little small, but we don't need a lot of room." Sage said.
Kai sauntered in a tad well worn today bt still trying to be stunning "Hello team today will be a good wonderful amazing day... if it isn't I'll kill whatever screws it up,"

Shania raised an eyebrow "Sage... I'll help you move in... you seem different today... hyper... is Luce rubbing off on you?"

Ebony was on the floor with Lucifer she smiled "thats great I'll help move you in too,"
"Of course not...." Sage said raising an eye brow at Kai, "Dad keep you up again? Or did you just have a bad hair day?" Sage asked before turning to everyone, "That would be great. I spent the last few days packing. Everything is ready to go, just need to get it there. There is not a lot of stuff. The apartment is still pretty close by here as well. But moving out of the drurry house is an exciting thing for me... it is about time." After all it was the crummy part of town her and Shania lived in.

Rhea glanced at Kai... he seemed a tad scary today,
"Kai... are you ok?" She asked.

Lucifer agreed with helping, mostly only because Ebony and Shania did.
Kai chuckled "I'm fine... just tiered," he said rubbing the back of his neck "if our priestess could heal exaustion I'd have her overworked," he smiled and winked at Rhea "so I'll help you guys move... when did you want everything moved this weekend?" he asked sitting on the couch.

Shania went to get the tea and some coffee for kai.
"Well.. I was hopping to get moved by tonight... I don't want to take who ever's day it is tomorrow." Sage said, leaning against the wall in thought. "I guess today is too soon, and tomorrow we are busy all day. I guess Sunday might be the earliest, if we can all stand each other that long" She said laughing.

Rhea blushed a bit but tried not to react that much,
"We can try today... it only takes an hour at most for this... Did you get a better aircraft Kai?" Rhea asked.
"do i ever let you down?" he asked with a smile taking the coffee from shania greatfully. "it's a model jetflighter 60 yards out 40 yards overhead," he said taking a long drink.

"sounds like a fun toy," Shania said softly.
Rhea smiled, "Sounds good. Ebony can probably fly it while you drive around. I can take care of the camera. Lucy can sit in the car and act like a radar, I guess that makes Sage and Shania just along for the ride." she said lightly.

Sage laughed,
"That is fine with me. Rides with Kai are never unpleasant...."She said sarcastically.
"oh haha," Kai said "mm...shania might be driving," he rubbed his head "i'll take a nap in the back,"

"Kai... i think you aught to let us move all the heavy stuff you'll end up dropping something on your foot," Shania said
Rhea smiled, if she could heal exhaustion she really would try and help Kai. "Well we are not going out for a little while longer. Why don't you take a nap?" Rhea suggested.

Sage also chuckled,
"I don't have anything to put heavy stuff in in less Kai lets us borrow the car."
"why not? Hell call a moving van, my cards in my wallet it's in the dash," the second he laid on the couch he was out.

"What the hell does he do to make him this tiered he always seems so chipper in school," Shania shook her head and sighed "maybe I aught to let him hire me so i can take the workload,"

Ebony poked kai who's only reaction was to roll over.
"Nah don't worry about it Shania. I just took the job with Kai. I'll be around helping him out now." Sage said shrugging. "And I am not hiring a moving truck... thats why I am free loading off my friends." Sage said laughing.

Rhea closed her lap top and walked over to Kai, next to ebony and hovered her scarred hand over him, just to make sure he was not hurt in anyway. She can never tell with the guy...

Lucifer how every laughed when Ebony poked Kai.
Kai had three brused ribs and various half healed cracks in the bones of his arm and sholder on the left side.

"I guess that makes sence," Shania cuckled "looks like I will be driving though Kai died on my couch,"
Rhea gritted her teeth and then began to heal him. Sage looked over, noting Rhea as she started to heal him, "She has a sixtieth sense for people with injuries or something..." Sage said.

Rhea hated healing bone, it took the most out of her, but because there was no outer wound to heal or blood to stop, the healing went faster. The only time Rhea could get a hold to heal Kai like this was when he was dead asleep. She guessed he rarely slept like this anywhere else. It was easy to beg Shania into a healing, but Kai always kept a safe distance from her when it came to that. When she was done, she walked back to the couch and laid down,
"Kai is an idiot..." she mumbled. Between him and Shania she was always worrying.
"What he do?" Shania asked though she saw the healing shurely it wasn't that bad.

Ebony looked at Kai sleeping like a rock then to Rhea. "he looks fine... was he hurt badly?" she asked
"He had a bunch of cracked bones and bruised up ribs." Rhea mumbled tired, "Bone is hardest to heal. Organs are second hardest. Skin is the easiest." She said, Rhea closed her eyes, she was not pretty tired herself and might as well nap as well. She wondered if the bruised ribs and the bone were from Shania when she kicked him and landed on him the other day. With the way their bodies were reformed from their powers... it is hard to break bone now.

Sage shook her head and shrugged, picking up a cup and getting herself some tea.

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