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Wild Cards

Rhea frowned, she knew that phone call was wired.... Quickly Rhea asked if she could Join Shania for dinner again. They were getting together to watch a video, showing her brother the Text... he agreed. Rhea skipped out the door quickly, making her way to Shania's house.

The vampire planted his feet into the ground, locking his blade under the curve of Kai's Axe, and then lunged at Kai with a free hand of claws, trying to grab his neck.
Kai saw the attack coming but was unable to get away so instead he went to kick the attacker hopefully before he was hit.

Shania was just gettin g in the cab when Rhea ran up "Wait she's with us, get in quick." she ordered.
Rhea was almost sure that she was going to miss them and end up staying out at the house while she waiting for someone to come back hurt, "Shania whats happening? I just got a really cryptic call and text from Sage... I can sort of assume.... Glad I caught you in time." She said kind of out of breath, before getting into the Cab with Shania.

Fredrick took the kick so not to give up the chance to grab Kai's throat.
"Ow... that actually might bruise me..." He said in a tone that suggested he was playing with him, before he squeezed his claws in the side of Kai's neck. The vampire let out a satisfied grin.

Sage's bus finally arrived, jumping out she begin to run, finding the hotel and Kai's car... They said they went behind the building? She asked herself, before picking up the pace and trucking behind the building, listening to any signs of fighting.
Kai glared then smiled "this it? ha your brother in arms was more scary Freddy," he said as strong as he could with a hand around his throat.

"The vamp has the trickster, vamp told trickster he had you and the stupid idiot went to fight him alone," Shania said "sage will get their first," Shania said talking cryptically.
Fredrick laughed, "Oh no Joker, this is just the beginning of what I-" He was cut short when he suddenly let go and shoot back several steps, Sage's Scythe coming down between them.

"Quick reaction time you have there. I was trying to make you handles like you buddy." Sage said, pulling her scythe back up and turning her back to Kai. "Not a bad prank about the whole 'I have a hostage thing.' You manage to prank the prankster. Sadly I think he manage to get a bit of the underhand on you as well." Sage said, taking a few steps foreword.

"Oh Death.. the one who won't stay dead. I see you are calling my bluff, I also can admit you bunch are a nuisance when together. Ready for me to kill you again?" He asked, picking up his sword.

Sage grinned and picked her scythe on her shoulders "You better hurry and do that then, the rest of the group is on its way now."

Fredrick frowned, but he did not move, now he was the one stuck. Sage could stall until everyone got here and he would be way outnumbered, but he knew he would just juggle around with her if he engaged first. "Both you and Joker here are good at stalling I can see that much..." he mused annoyed.

Rhea pressed her lips together in a frown, "That's why Sage asked where I was earlier... I wish she would have told me..."
KAi took his weapon and laughed "just in time death I have a feeling I was going to loose that dance," he stood rubbing his neck.

Shania nodded "it was her way of hiding it incase the adults had questions," Shania said.
"Well I am sorry but I think I might have to cut in." Sage said laughing.

Fredrick smirked before taking a few more steps back,
"I see where I stand now, and it is not in a good position. I will be retreating now, farewell." And with that, he disappeared into the darkness. Sage did not bother to chase after him, he would be too fast.

letting her scythe turn into the pen again, she watched for a few moments to make sure he was gone, but then turned to Kai shrugging,
"Hes a smart cookie."

"I know that... I meant when she called me... then again her mom was probably around..." Rhea said quietly.
"yeah I figured he didn't have Rhea or you would all know already or her brother would have called me... seem's I'm the first target... might be safer at home," Kai said softly Shania Lucifer and Rhea's cab got there. "Thank you Death, I wasn't sure if you had understood my call," Kai said
"I almost hung up..." She said honestly shrugging again and shoving her hands into her pocket, "but curiosity got the better of me. You, thanking me, sounds a bit odd. You can stay at my place again if you want... I am sure Shania's place is open as well Kai. Glad you called."

When Lucifer got out of the cab he looked around,
"I don't sense a demon..." He said, before running to go find them. Rhea followed behind him quickly. When they arived she saw both Kai and Sage standing around, Kai was holding his neck. "Kai... are you ok?"

Lucifer ran past them, completely alert, looking for the demon.
"Yeah dear death got to me in time barely god Freddy is fast," Kai said putting his hand down the vampires nails had grazed the side of his neck.

"Why are you out here alone anyway?" Shania asked arms crossed.
Rhea gently touched Kai's neck, healing the injuries.... they were more then a graze, he had lodged his nails in his neck. She had seen Lucifer do something like that, just before he ripped out the throat of what ever he was holding. But Kai always made his wounds seem less sever then they always where. This wound took nothing to heal, so Rhea was just fine after she was done, "I am just glad he did not hurt you as bad as last time..." Rhea said, very thankful. Compared to last time... he really did just get a scratch.

"You got that right, he dodged me like I was nothing, I even had the surprise on him.I would love to see him fight Shania." Sage said, "And Shania, he's probably still homeless."
"Then he should have came to me my house is open to the group all of you." Shania said "lets get Kai to a bed and us home... but we have to take care to not be alone if he found Kai then he knows what we really look like," she said.

Kai winced "god thats right he told me he has been following us but he was saving Shania and Lucifer for last,"
"Oh? He has a black list?" Sage said curiously. "If that's the case, I bet he tracked Kai by the car.... I would not doubt that he knew all our real faces...." Sage started to walk with them back, she would need to think of a good excuse for why she left so suddenly. "Anyway... I'll see you guys later, I am just going to catch the bus home. Try not to get almost killed anymore..." Sage said, waving by to everyone.

The rest of the week went by rather uneventful, but everyone had been on edge with the surprise attack that had happened. The Fall festival came around rather quickly and Rhea had told everyone she would meet them at the festival itself with her brother. Sage arrived at Shania house much like normal, carrying with her though a cake.
"My mother wanted me to make it for all of us to snack on after tonight's PA meeting. As thanks for he fun time. She is feeling pretty sick tonight so she said she apologies, to Kai specifically that she will not be making it."
Shania chuckled "I think Kai likes your mom," she said Kai was in the shower at the moment and Shania was on the couch that Kai had insisted on useing as a bed. "He says he'll be returning home tomorow too," She told Sage Ebony came in soon after Sage did.

"Hello," she smiled softly.
"Hello Ebony." Sage said, before walking into the kitchen and putting the cake inside the fridge and coming back, "Huh. Well I hope I don't have to save his @ss over there as well. Regardless my mother thinks Kai needs someone to straighten him out, but she think he has a good head on his shoulders. She likes him too."

Lucifer was bouncing,
"Ebony! Are you as excited as I am? Shania! Are we leaving soon?" he asked. Sage raised an eye brow, the kid was high strung.
"as soon as Kai's ready," Shania chuckled at Lucy "And I think Kai can handle his father better then a vampire,"

Ebony looked as exited as Lucifer did if not more so.
"Maybe, or we can just tell the vampire that kill kai's father would be a blow to him.... then problem solved. Well there would be a vampire still running around..." Sage said, laughing a bit.
Kaio came out of the bathroom "Oh no I'm the only one alowed to kill my father," Kai said "it's family business, are we ready to go?" he asked
"Yeah I've been waiting on you..." She said, "Mother says hello and to stay out of trouble. Sorry she can't come."

Luicfer jumped and skipped out the door jumping into Kai's car. Sage followed, getting into the passenger seat like normal.
"I'll send her a get well gift i feel bad she is sick," he said and smiled "I got the car lets go," he said

Shania shook her head "ok lets go before we leave Rhea and her brother waiting too long," Shania said
"What? You feel something? Bad even. I think the world just ended." Sage said as they drove off to the fair.

The place looked fairly busy, when they arrive, Lucifer jumped out, Half dragging Ebony in one hand and Shania in another.
"Lets find Rhea hurry!"
Sage smiled and stuck her hands in her pocket, following the small group.

Rhea was waiting by the entrance and waved when she saw Lucifer Shania and Ebony run up. Sage and Kai were not far behind. Rhea's brother stood next to her, he was tall but looked a lot like her. "Hi everyone." Rhea greeted.

"Rhea! We have to go get food now!" Lucifer said.

Roen seemed to make a face when he saw Kai and Sage. Sage chuckled, "I messed with him pretty hard the last time I saw him... I don't think he is any less pleased to see you, Shania or me." Sage said under her breath.
Shania smiled "I swear Luce your stomach is bottomless," she shook her head then looked at Roen "Hello if you remember me I was the protective friend,"

Ebony smiled "Hi," she said she hasn't met Roen yet since the monster attack stopped her.
Roen chuckled, "I hear a lot of you guys from Rhea. I might have misjudged a few of you. I hope we get off on a better foot this time... My name is Roen. I am Rhea's older brother by 12 years. I want to thank you guys for all the help you gave me and her when our family was falling apart " Rhea took Roen's hand and smiled at him, "They know. Lets not talk about it anymore. Roen these are my friends, you already know Kai, but there is Sage, Shania, Lucifer, and Ebony."

"Kai..." Roen said, an acknowledgment, "Sage was it? Nice to meet you Ebony, Lucifer and you Shania."

Rhea smiled, Roen had a protective and awkword demener, but like her had a hard time with small talk, both tried to only say what was needed to be said.

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