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Wild Cards

Rhea looked up at them, "You guys don't remember?" She asked.

Sage laughed, nope no one remembered.

"Lucy has to take his right of passage test. Levi said so when he was explaining how our powers work... He said Lucy will have to take some time soon..." She said, feeling the need that she needed to be quiet, the question was directed at Lucy.

Lucifer on the other hand did not seem to mind Rhea's interjection,
"Its tradition... right of passage... I'll go back to the demon world to take a series of tests to be granted the right to grow to a full fledged demon, my powers and strength with grow... I am actually right now weaker then Sage and Ebony... My family's honor stakes on my success or not. I am not worried about it... but I'll be back, my post is here with you guys until the war ends or there is no need anymore." He said quietly, a little shocked everyone had forgotten about it.
Shania had let thought of Luce leaving slip her mind "please be careful..." she said "when you do go be sure you'll be ready,"

Kai heard the tightness in Shania's voice without her anchor it was hard to tell what she would do.

Ebony hugged Lucifer tightly.
Lucifer hugged Ebony but he starred Shania down, "With all the training you have helped me with, and a place to come back to and new family counting on me... I won't fail. You will help me be super prepared right?" He asked kindly, but seriously. "No worrys. I will be back." ​He was always serious.

Rhea rubbed her arm, nervous habit... she might need to stay long term at Shania's house when Lucy leaves... they might want to keep demon hunting out of the picture then too. Rhea wanted to ask if it was possible to die on this test... but she thought better, the answer of yes might prove Shania to not let him go.

Sage caught the same thing from Kai and was already thinking of ways to buffer this. She did not want another time with Shania flying off the handle and killing people... mainly her.
"I have trained you as much as I know how but I will spar with you anytime you wish," Shania said.

Kai glanced at Sage and Rhea he knew the girls knew what would happen when Lucy left he was hoping they could handle it because he was not good with her, not in the slightest.
Sage meet Kai's gaze and shrugged at him, looking over to Rhea letting him know she was probably the one who would deal best... they would need to watch her. She made a mental note they will need to actually talk about this later.

Rhea however was deep in thought herself, not noticing the glances happening between Kai and Sage.

Lucifer grinned a happy smile,
"Yeah, we should probably do that once a day now!" He said, and he did plan just that, he needed to make sure he was ready.

Clapping her hands Sage then grind,
"So, we were suppose to play with our new toy right?" She said, trying to smooth the tension.
"indeed off to the van." Kai said with a chipper smile.

"Alright we can go to a restarouant if Sage doesn't feel like cooking on our way back," Shania said
"Dear Shania, when do I never feel like cooking? Wait don't answer that. Usually after getting stabbed through the chest by a vampire or chased by a bull that I don't want to cook.... but a restaurant sound nice...." She said, the last part sounded more like a doubtful answer, restaurants where hit or miss with Sage, she could be the worse person to bring to one.

Everyone really pilled into the car and left for their small wrecked and abandon city, Sage liked calling it their kingdom. Getting out Rhea stretched a bit, looking over the small ruins. She had never see it at night before... they had always been here during the day.

Kai smiled "ok then we will go to a sage worthy restaraunt after we test our new toys," he said as he went to get in the car. Shania nodded and went to get in the back of the van Ebony had Lucifer in a death grip not wanting to let go.
"E-Ebony are you ok?" He asked when they finally arrived.

When they did get there, Sage jumped out of the car with a grin, her pen in hand taking a few steps into the broken buildings.

Rhea however was prepping the helicopter.
"the tests they are dangerous aren't they?" she asked quietly.

Shania got out of the van she was waiting for kai or someone to pick a fight a good match would clear her head.
Lucifer watched Shania go before turning to Ebony and giving her a reassuring smile, "Yes... but I will be fine. I'll work hard to prepare with Shania. I want to come back... to Shania and you, both mean the world to me now...." he said seriously. They were semi alone.... so he was not too embarrassed to say anything, "Even Kai and Sage are my family." Lucifer blushed a bit before he leaned foreword and kissed Ebony on the lips. "i'll be safe... I promise. You have to promise me you will help Shania, please..." He asked.

Sage transformed her Scythe before swinging it, concentrating her new power and then channeling it through her weapon. Wish a push of the energy she released it, and she was expecting it to come out of the top of the pole, but instead if came out of the side of the blade, hitting a tree beside her instead of the house in front of her. Sage jumped a bit not expecting that at all,
"I promise I'll try to help her," Ebony said and stole another kiss this one wasn't the soft pecks they normally shared but one that lasted a bit longer.

"Channel the blade of your weapon," Shania said "don't let your swing controle you," it was something her master had always said.

Kai smiled "Looks like Sage is going to need practice," he said checking the camera controles.
Lucifer liked that, when the kiss broke he smiled at Ebony, knowing he had come to have a compassion for humans few demons tend to have. "Come on, Shania's in a bad mood and they need you to fly the craft and me to run around again." He said lightly, pulling Ebony out of the car with him.

Rhea smiled with Kai, trying to pick up on how to use the equipment, she thought it was important for Kai not to be the only one who knew how to use the stuff. Just in care Kai himself was not there to use it.
"You will too when you get it" Rhea said with a laugh. "I think I have really improved with my own healing power... I have come to success with some Major experiments with it. Ebony has also improved with her own power greatly."

Sage turned to look at Shania, the glance was just a mear acknowledgement. Its not the swing that threw her off, it was where the electricity came from that did it. Charging up again, Sage charged it and the same thing happened once more. What was she doing wrong?
Shania sighed the electrisity was coming from the balde at the end of the swing she would have though it would come from peek swing but who was she to judge a scythe?

Ebony nodded blushing lightly and she and Lucifer joined the group. "Ok Lucifer stay reletivly close but out of sight and move quickly we need to see if this will pick your speed up," Kai said as Ebony had the craft lift off. "Rhea, see these buttons down here, this is full spectrum it'll take pictures one per second in a full range like ultraviolet and even heat signature pictures, this button in infared and this one is night vision," he said coaching Rhea
Sage turned around and shrugged "Oh well, I was always bad at anything that had to do with offensive capability. I was thinking of using this more of a shield but I bet that would take a bunch of energy. I'll work on it I guess. You doing ok Shania?" Sage asked. She already knew the answer to the question.... but though she should ask anyway.

"I see... night vision might be the one we use most. But I guess depending on the time of day. How much can it hold? We won't ever run out of space right? I highly suggest we keep some of these videos, if not all of them for future reference.... I know its not to plausible that we would need them after we clear the area right now... but still." Rhea said, gently touching each control to confirm what Kai had told her.

Lucifer grinned at Ebony, he was feeling pretty good right now. Summoning his powers from the moon like he usually did he laughed a bit, getting excited,
"So I am suppose to try and not be seen by it by running fast? Or just... run around?"

Rhea smiled at Lucifer,
"We just need to see if we can catch demons on cam and to what quality. So yes, run as fast as you can, but stay close to us, the helicopter can't go far, so run in circles or zigzags."
Kai nodded "jump around and have fun lucy," he said then to Rhea he showed her the cd burner "it's all burned on a cd as long as we have cd's we have space," he said adjusting the camera vision to be able to see. "Rhea whatch the camera and tell Ebony where to fly the copter," he said befor throwing a mic at Lucy "also kid wear this just in case there is trouble so we can hear you."

Shania looked at Sage "I'm fine," she said then went back to watching the others.
Sage smirked and shrugging, whatever floats the girl's boat. She had her own problems, but at least she did not let them effect the group.

Lucifer finally got up and took and running skip away. Rhea did her best to try and detect Ebony, and also asked Lucifer to do a few things ever now and again too. They tested it until the camera ran out of battery because Rhea wanted to watch the equipment be pushed to it's limits. When they were done, Lucifer was rather tired, but happy and had fun.

"There...this should do well." Rhea said, looking over to Ebony as she brought the copter and camera back to them.

"Ok now we get the joys of reveiwing the data." Kai said.

"have fun running around?" Shania asked trying to sound normal as she pat his head.

Ebony landed the copter and Kai removed the camera to put it in it's place to charge it with the internal battery he had in the case.
Rhea laughed, "I can review it if you want... I just wanted to see how long and far it would go for." She said, "Do we need to take it back to review it? Or can we review it here?" She asked. Either way they should probably just go back and review in the comfort of Shania's house. Then again they were going to go eat first.

"Yeah!" He said, he was pretty happy, but he knew Shania was worried. It won't be for a while when he has to leave, a few more weeks at least.

Sage watched thoughtfully, learning what she could from sight, not too entirely interesting in how but knew better then to be ignorant.
"We can reveiw it on anything with a screan and a disk drive so a laptop or a dvd player but out here with nothing no I'll have to bring a laptop next time." Kai said.

Shania hugged him "well Luce lets go eat i'm sure you are hungry by now," she said
Lucifer wrapped his arms around Shania and hugged her back tightly, "Please don't worry about me too much." He said quietly. He did not like when she worried about him too much, this week had been specially bad with him being hurt.

"I can bring my own lap top..." Rhea offered Kai, he was always bringing the things they needed, "We can watch the DvD when we get back to Shania. I guess we should call it a hard days work and go eat now." Rhea said happily.
Shania smiled at Lucifer "you are my little brother it's my job to worry about you."

Kai got in the car "where are we going to eat?" he asked with a smile.

Ebony hopped in the back letting Shania and Lucifer have a moment to themselves.
Lucifer smiled hugged Shania harder, "You worry too much." He said laughing a bit

Rhea also got in the car, not really caring where they went.

Sage on the other hand, named restaurants she would not go to. It was an extensive list.
"In the end... we can go where ever, but I won't eat."
"Why don't we go to an open cookhouse where they give us the ingrediants and the grills in the middle of the table? that way our picky sage can do the cooking and they have plenty of vegitables for our vegitarian," Kai suggested.

Shania smiled and got in the car and laid down "I like this car," she said streaching on the matress making Ebony giggle.
Sage laughed, "Sounds fine to me."

Eating out was fun, and when they had gotten back Rhea had sat down to watch the footage of the tap. Lucifer was fast, and she did not realize how fast he was until a camera had tried to catch it. Rhea now truly appreciated the abilities that they had. Although Lucifer was a tad blurry, he was still a bit visible, so the plan might actually work.
"Well that was slightly more successful then I thought it would be.." Rhea admitted quietly.

"Of course it was. So who is choosing next week?" Sage asked, she was on the couch drinking some tea.


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