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Wild Cards

"Shania...?" He asked quietly, almost a mumbled thought the mic, he was too weak to care for names, "I think... On the second floor...There is lots of... food places here.... The portal.. its..." He seemed to pause in his speech for a small moment. "Bellow me I think..."

Rhea opened her eyes suddenly, Shania was already up. She had to use her powers for each of them, and the longer she had stayed in a dream the more in sucked out of her. Getting up Rhea picked up Ebony with her.
"We should head up together... splitting up would be bad." Rhea said. "Are you guys ok? Death, Joker?" Rhea asked, she knew Joker was hurt already.

"Hmm? We are peachy. I guess we are going up?" Sage said through the mic, cutting down some more. They just kept coming....
"on my way kid," Shania said "second floor we kill this son of a b!tch then we close the portal... I'll make sure it suffers," she hissed heading towards the second floor.

Kai shuddered "shall we Death or should we keep these runts distracted?" Ebony followed Shania her anger revigered by shania's pure rage.
"Lets at least move to the satires... keep things from going up and over whelming them from behind." Sage said, taking serval steps back to following them. She felt like she had done well not getting hurt, she was better off then Kai. Last time was a fluke, she rarely got hurt.

Rhea followed behind them a trail of blood leading them foreword It did not take long for them to blow through some demons, even Rhea took out a few with the sword before they got to the food court. Lucifer was in the middle of the floor. He was pretty beat up, bleeding badly, he looked up and smiled when he saw the three come foreword, "Don't listen to him..." he said seriously.

"Don't be that was demon boy, your friends were sleeping so soundly.... all of you had awaken... did you not like your dreams?" The demon cooed, still not in sight.

Rhea looked up and she saw it, it was on the wall... it was a extremely large butterfly. "Warrior, up there!" Rhea covered her ears suddenly, trying to keep its voice away.

"I can try better this time... let's go to sleep again... I will make your dreams much more wonderful." The demon said softly.
Shania smirked "oh you are so dead." she said his voice being canceled by her pure willpower. She ran and took a running jump at it using all hr superhuman strength her sword back to being a dagger. Ebony drew back her bow if the butterfly avoided it was going to get shot.
The butterfly did move, taking flight he turned around then began to make gusts of wind with its wings, winds slimmer to Ebony's.

"Come now humans... you all seem so tired.... we don't need to fight, just rest." It was trying so hard to put them back to sleep.

Sage huffed, a bit breathless. She felt like the demon mobs were never going to end, but it did seem like they were finally getting less.
"You hanging in there?"
Shania grabed for it's wings as ebony loosed an arrow hoping her wind could cut through his. Kai was out of breath "this is rediculous!" he commented "i'm actually sweating,"
"I know, this is better then Tennis!" She said laughing, though it hurt her to laugh because she was also out of breath.

Shania took a hold of his wing and it began to rip, the butterfly began to tremble down to the ground, Ebony's arrow cut through the wind quick enough, going straight through the demons body. It was now very obvious that its body was very fragile. Rhea knew and saw this, so she ran up to it as well, taking Shania's mother's sword all the way through his good wing.

The demon made no sound, but it did flap in a horrible way, trying to get off the ground.
Shania laughed and stabbed it repeatedly with the human untransformed dagger want to to cause as much pain as possible before it died. Ebony was trying to find Lucifers greatest wounds so she could try and stop the bleeding.

"i hate to sweat," Kai said haking through more demons
Rhea grimaced, but left Shania to herself, knowing the demon was no longer a threat, she moved to Lucifer with Ebony.

Lucifer flinched when Ebony pressed her hands on his wounds, everything hurt for him.... His worst cuts were on his back. Rhea panicked a bit, she can't heal Lucifer.
"I need someone to go get a first aid kit from the car as quickly as possible." Rhea said loudly. Rhea looked up at Ebony, "Get the keys from Joker, Archer you need to go quickly."

Rhea checked her back, the demon was long dead, his blood more of an ozzing muck. She was hoping Shania did not lose it again like the first day, but she needed to give the girl the benefit of the doubt.
Shania stopped stabing the now dieing in pure agony monster to tear down a flag and cut it into strips "It's ok I'm here kid," she said softly Ebony had run off to get Kai's keys and to get to the car.
Lucifer glanced up at Shania, "This... is why I hate... Butterflies..." he said. Rhea smiled a bit, he was trying to lighten up the mood a bit. "The portal... it needs to be closed. The demons are still coming out of it.... but if fewer numbers without the call of that demon."

"Ill close it as soon as I patch you up..." Rhea said, she did not know if Lucifer cool bleed out any more, let alone if closing the portal was going to take energy from her.

Sage opened a way for Ebony to run through the mob of demons.
Ebony's smal dancers frame helpped her keep up a high speed she didn't slow till she got to the car and got Kai's first aid kit and running Back Shania positioned Lucifer his head in her lap so Rhea could see to his more pressing injuries.
"Is the big guy dead?" Sage asked, watching Ebony, run back up the satires.

When Ebony returned with the first aid kit, Rhea took it and started immediately She felt like she was going blind. She used her power to figure out the injury before she treated it... but with Lucy she can't touch him with her power or it could do him more harm then good. Taking off her jacket, Rhea used it to whip blood away from parts of his body so she could see what was worse or not as bad. She found his back and shoulder were the worst. She wrapped them quickly, and tightly, working as fast as she could.

Lucifer gritted his teeth a lot every time Rhea move him of did something, he was in a lot of pain.
Ebony stroked Lucifers hair as Rhea worked.

"The bastard died in as much pain as i could inflict," Shania said Lucifers head still in her lap.
"Oh fantastic, great for you.. HELP PLEASE!" Sage snapped, out of breath. The demons number were dwindling, but not faster then Sage's and Kai's energy.

Rhea was in a small zone, checking Lucifer for any more bad injury's, she thinks she had gotten the worse of them...
Shania would not leave Lucifers side but Ebony stood at the top "you guys might want to get out of the way," she said actually charging an arrow.

"Don't have to tell me twice." Kai said ducking to the side of the stairs once Sage was out of the way too she loosed an arrow with a minni tornado around it.
Sage did not say anything, getting behind and under the satires to block out the wind that had in came. Her blast knocked out a good bit of demons, killing more then Sage did in a swing. Sage dropped to the ground, trying to catch her breath back.

Rhea stood up,
"I've done what I can... I am not a doctor... I am sorry Shania." Rhea then sprinted down the stares, past some demons still recovering from the blast, she mostly hopped over the bubbly corpes. Running further into the mall to find the portal, Lucifer said it felt like it was right under him so there had to be close.
Shania looked at him, "I'm sorry but i'll have to carry you to the car... I'll be as gentle as i can... unless we make a streacher..." Shania said

Ebony was fireing arrows covering Rhea's back as she went to find the portal.

Kai climed up the stairs "How are you kid?" he asked
Rhea found the portal, she was so scared to touch it, afraid it was going to hurt her again. Clutching the necklace Rhea touched the portal.

"Hmmm, Better... Now that Shania killed the Butterfly... and Rhea patched me up... Everyone is still alive. It's Ok Shania... I understand." Lucifer looked at the ground, he felt the portal slowly disperse.

Rhea felt the sickening feeling of the portal run through her body like last time... but it did not stay there, but instead moved to the necklace that she was clutching. When the portal was gone, Rhea leaned over and covered her mouth, the need to throw up over whelming her.

"The portal is close... there are still a few demons around.... but they are all weak..." Lucifer said, he was still in his fighting mode, he mind not willing to shut off until everything was dead.

Sage leaned over the stair rail, refusing to move. Resting her soar arms.
Kai picked up Lucifer "I'll take him to the car Warrior pick off the rest they are low level.

"Alright," She said hesitant to let lucifer out of her sight but full of enough bloodlust to be able track and kill.
"ow... Don't worry Shania I am fine now." Lucifer said, trying to reassure the girl.

Sage glanced up at Kai,
"Geez, how do you even have that much strength in your arms left?" She asked him as he came down the stairs.

And Rhea did get sick, after she threw up she tossed the necklace around her onto the floor away from her, the sick feeling still in her vain, but it was just her imagination. She felt sick because she could not help Lucifer. Taking a few steps foreword Rhea sat down.
Shania was half into her insane bloodlust she was attacking the demons but she wasn't using her weapon she was literaly tearing them apart.

Kai chuckled "I'm used to pushing myself past my body's limitations." he smiled at Sage "can you and ebony help our sick princess?" he asked.
Sage let out a long sigh, getting up and walking over to find Rhea and Ebony, "You ok?" She asked when she got there.

Rhea nodded,
"Just.. don't feel good." Sage noticed the necklace and picked it up. It felt like it had bad vibes to it, giving her the creeps. "Now I see why you don't like this very much." Picking up Rhea, Sage also started to carry her out. "Is your wounds ok Kai?" Rhea asked. "Come on Ebony. Shania will come out when she is done. It won't be long, she knows Lucy needs to get home and rest."

Sage made it to the van, sitting Rhea next to Lucifer. Lucifer glanced at Rhea and then at the necklace, before he closed his eyes. Rhea had a bright idea suddenly, taking the jewel from Sage and leaning over to Lucifer,
"If the energy passes through me to the jewel, can I pass it from the jewel to you?" she asked.

Lucifer turned back to look at Rhea, eyeing her,
"I don't know...."
Kai had waved Rhea off most of his injuries were small bites and bruises nothinf major. Though he wondered what she was thinking with the necklace and Lucy.

Ebony got in the van to sit next to Lucy. She watched as Shania came up to the van "God she looks good covered in blood... suits her," KAi stated
Rhea looked up at Shania, looking back at Lucifer, "Rhea... I don't think that is a good idea." Lucifer said he also looked at Shania. Lucifer took Ebony's hand when she moved close to him.

Rhea shook her head,
"I think it would work... It was like the Succubi did.. she took energy from Shania and gave it to me... She just used herself as the person in the middle... so it is the same right? You agree right Shania?" Rhea asked, looking at the older girl.

Sage raised an eye brow, more concentrated on Rhea and Lucifer. Thought Kai was right... she was covered head to toe in blood.

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