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Wild Cards

"we had fun we'll get them back anotherday," she smiled at Lucifer.

Kai smiled "Ok Sage lets win again," he said after giving her the high five.

Ebony blushed and took her place. "ok we can do it,"
Ebony and Rhea did pretty well against Sage and Kai, in fact the seemed a bit better then Shania and Lucifer, giving the other duo a run for their money, but they still lost miserably. In the final match, Ebony and Rhea actually did very well against Shania and Lucifer, winning the match. Making in the end Sage and Kai taking first place.

When everything was done, Sage severed lunch to everyone, rather chipper.

Rhea smiled at Ebony,
"Hehe I think we did pretty well, don't you?"
"All exept the rokies," Kai smirked and dodged a rock Shania chucked at him.

"First time playing I think me and Luce did good considering," Shania said
Lucifer smiled, "I liked it! it was a fun game,.. but there are too many rules... I think next time we should just hit the ball back and fourth."

Rhea laughed, taking a bite of her food and listening much like she always did.

Sage grind,
"Kai is the last one of pick our activities. For the week. Then I guess the names start over." Sage said laughing.
Kai chuckled "I'll have to think of a good one," he said "something relaxing and pampering perhaps,"

Shania shuddered at the thought of what kai might choose.

Ebony sat by Lucifer "I think you did really well Lucy,"
Lucifer nodded, glowing under Ebony and Shiania's praise.

"Pampering? Sounds horrible."
Sage said shrugging.

Rhea liked that idea, well being if that idea was a in fact what Kai meant by pampering.
Kais grim widdened "you have such a closed mind, would you say no if i told you to bring your mom for the all exspences paid pampering trip? And seeing if they could relax Shania would be interesting."
"Of course not. If you paid for my mother I would come in a heart beat." Sage said with a shrug. "Your dad off his period yet?" Sage asked.

Rhea smiled, relaxed some around Rhea every now and again. Rhea was the same though.
"haha weather he is or not he can't afford to keep me away for much longer," Kai chuckled "I'm his meal ticket,"

Shania rolled her eyes "figures you'd be a cash cow,"
Sage also laughed, Kai was the financial guy for for the group as well. Sage had no doubt that without Kai they would have struggled harder then they are now without the help of money and equipment that he provided. Sage was just a blade sadly.

Rhea shook her head, Kai's family was a mess. He was a strong guy to survive in a world like that.

The evening went by quickly, and the time for hunting came around. Rhea had gotten out the map and spread it on the table. The area they were going to this time was a mall, although it was on the outskirts of town, it was still sometimes heavily populated. Rhea had asked Kai to get a hold of something to take care of the camera's around the area so they could have a throe look around, though Rhea doubted that there was going to be a demon in such a populated area.
Kai smiled "I got the camera's covered though the 80's equipments crap anyways," he said turning ff his phone.

Shania was amazed at kais abilities most of the time but he still wore on her nerves. "Alright lets go hunt for monsters in the mall,"
Rhea smiled, everyone was very eager, She only hoped they would be much more careful this time... She knew last time something bad was going to happen. She just hoped that was not going to happened again. They will need to keep a close eye out for the demon vampire.

When they arrived at the area and waited for Kai to kill all the cameras, Lucifer growled a bit,
"There is several demons here and a portal...."

Rhea looked up a bit confused,
"I wounder why there are not very many reports of deaths around here?"

Sage looked around the area, nothing was there on the outside. Was everything on the outside,
"Maybe they don't actually eat humans?"
"or they are hiding and regrouping," Kai said striding to them "some fights are fought with numbers till the army gets troops it lays low,"

"I hate when you use your logic," Shania said dryly.
Rhea nodded, that was a perfectly good explanation, but not the only one. "We should be careful." She warned.

"Careful as always." Sage said smiling, taking out her scythe. Lucifer also took his demon form before opening the door to the mall.

Looking around he sensed several demons, but saw none of them. Lucifer took several steps into the building, looking back at the group to watch them all come in with him.
Shania was on gaurd her sword in hand. Kai was however extreamly relaxed holding his card in the palm of his hand. Ebony had her bow out and drawn just in case.
Suddenly the door slammed shut behind them, and invisible force fell one them. Making them all feel heavy and restricted, a very soothing voice soon rang through their heads. "The new guardians.... What a pleasure this is..."

Lucifer looked at the group wide eyed, before twisting to look up. He could not see anything, frantically he was looking.

"You all look a bit tired... perhaps you would all like to rest?" The voice came again.

The force on them was getting heavier, everything seemed to be moving into a cloudy haze.

"DON'T LISTEN TO IT!" Lucifer practically screamed, covering his ears.

Rhea was not quick enough, she already felt lulled. She fell to her knees and slouched over. She could not think very well, she felt too fuzzy headed.

Sage gasped, also falling to the floor from the weight that was on her, she could feel herself getting tired, she could barely think straight.

"Come now... rest... you all deserve a small rest." The voice rang again.
Kai chuckled "this will be fun," he said even as he and shania fell slumped to their knees. Ebony tried to fight but surcumbed as well falling with the others.
Lucifer was not the only one not to fall, he hissed things in his demon language at the empty building.

Rhea watched him before the entrancing voice came one last time.

And with that Sage and Rhea fell and slept.
Rhea woke up with a start, looking around she panicked a bit... but she... she was not at the mall... where was...

Looking around she noticed she was at her house... in her room, in bed. The morning sun was coming from the windows. A knock on the door made her jump,
"Rhea are you ready for breakfast?" A voice asked.

"Roen?" she said confused. and sure enough, Reon opened the door, "Are you ok Rhea? You don't sound good. Are you sick?" He said, putting a hand on her forehead. "Oh no... I just... had a weird dream... that's all." Getting up Roen smiled at her, looking at her scarred arm... it was no longer scarred, but smooth and right., "Oh well lets go down for breakfast, Mother and Father are waiting for us."

Rhea stopped mid stride,
"Waiting for us? I thought... we were disowned?" Roen looked at her shocked, "Was that what your weird dream was about? Goodness no, what would we even do if that happened?"

Rhea was unsure... hours past and things seemed... normal? Days passed and nothing was different... her family loved her and everything was... right? But ever time she tried to think of her dream, someone walk stop her, something would talk to her. Why is it she could not remember? What was it she was slowly forgetting?

One day Roen had gotten into a fight with her because she was talking about the 'silly dream' again... it was time to test something once and for all. Reaching out to touch Roen with the hand she remembered to be ugly, she touched his face and pulled on a power the felt familiar, and he burned. Rhea felt tears come to her eyes... she wanted to wake up, this was a dream, she was still in danger, and so was everyone else!

Suddenly, she opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at her arm, scarred. It had only been a few hours, what felt like weeks to her. She was in the mall again... but in a room getting up she nearly tipped over someone. It was Ebony. Looking around again she took note only Ebony was with her. She shook the girl,
"Ebony... wake up... Ebony!" Touching the girls head, Rhea reached to heal her, but was surprised when she entered Ebony's mind. Opening her eyes to a knew world, Ebony's dream. She needed to wake her!
She could see ebony just dancing in a pretty pink ballerena dress her parents were watching her clapping "you will do so well in the performance!" her mother said "our little swan princess," she cooed affectionatly.

"Oh Rhea!" Ebony said exitedly. She had been selected to do a theatrical tour as the swan princess preformer she was so exited and now Rhea was here to suport her too!
"Ebony..." She was very pretty, the dress suited her well... She was dreaming of something she really wanted. Rhea bet the demon hunting stopped Ebony from doing this. But at least Ebony remembered her, she had almost forgotten about everyone. "Ebony, what are you doing here? We need to go... everyone is in danger."
"but everyone was fine a few hours ago what happened?" she asked

"Oh Ebony dear Rhea must be playing a prank on you," Emily said "why don't we get that bow pinned on right? See you tomorow Rhea dear,"
Rhea did not want to have to hurt Ebony's parents The illusions were very real and she could easily set her off... maybe even provoke an attack from the shadow demons. "Ebony... This is not real. Remember we were put to sleep? By a demon. Remember we played tennis today? Remember how we beat Lucy and Shania... how we almost beat Kai and Sage?" She tried to reason, "Then we went to the mall? Do you remember?"
"but... you said the demons were a dream... " Ebony said her father came to Rhea.

"That is enough young lady leave now or else," Rocky said as Emily started to drag Ebony off.

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