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Wild Cards

Ebony nodded and whatched the intrance.

Shania tenced "I guess I'm as good of bait as any Trickster cover me," she said and took out her sword. and she went closer towards the demonic presance Luci senced "how far ahead kid?" she asked Lucifer.
"Its still a bit further... are you sure I should not go first?" Lucifer asked, taking a step foreword to follow Shania. His own heart was beating, he did not want her to do this.

Sage stood on the other side of the mouth of the cave from Ebony, she waited quietly. Rhea stood by Ebony like usual, looking up she something in the corner of her eyes. But when she looked again Sage was messing with her cloths, pen in hand.
Ebony twitched and figited "please be careful Warrior kid and trickster... " she whispered softly.

"Yeah Kid I'll be fine if I'm caught I know I can count on you, but I'm not planning on getting caught," she said she was holding her sword in an odd way by the base of the blade not the hilt.

Kai noticed this but said nothing as he followed "we will be fine archer but the second could be outside if he's here so be on gaurd,"
Hearing a noise of foot steps behind her, Sage turned around only her eyes wide, taking her famous backwards step dodge before transforming her pen and blocking a second incoming attack.

Rhea jumped up, when she saw a rather tall man with a sword swinging at Sage, it was almost as if he came out of the shadows. It was not but a few moments before Sage went on the defensive, trying to keep the demon Scythe length from her.

The next noise on the mic was a clash of metal.
"Shit!" Sage's voice came through the Mic.

Lucifer looked back the direction they had came, alert suddenly. He was too far away for him to sense the other Demon.
"Kid we need to get the spider fast," Shania took off down the tunne.

Ebony shot at the Vampire out of shock.

Kai turned back "I'm useless in the tunnel you two get the spider I'll help them,"
"Oh no you don't" The Spider said, he climbed the narrow wall before jumping down in front of Kai, blocking his exit out. He had narrowly missed Shania and Lucifer because of how close the space was, it was defiantly cramped and close quarters. "You guys fell right into our trap... you thought you were trapping us!"

Lucifer growled before rushing past Kai and trying to tackle the demon in front of him.

"Death is in defensive, Archer is trying to hit him, but he is so fast... Trickster you are coming back?" Rhea asked, trying to keep both sides current on what is happening.

At this point the vampire was trying to kill Sage, but at the same time dodge Ebony's arrows, which was slowing him down quiet a bit. Sage needed to go on the attack, but the vampire was much like Shania and was not letting up.
"We got spider blocked We'll have to fight our's in here hold your own till I can get an opening," Kai said.

Shania went at the spider but did not strike at it "I'll take your other hand pathetic arachnid,"

Ebony was scared and the wind picked up around the group.
"Oh no no no, Archer please don't do that." Sage said a bit out of breath. "Just keep your cool."

Rhea pulled out her own sword, feeling the weight pull her down on her arms, but regardless she was ready.

The Spider laughed,
"I am going to take more of a hand from in in a bit." He said, Lucifer jumped for the Spider but one of his legs came up and knocked Lucifer back. This time he was not fighting in the tactics he was before, but stalling.

Shania lept up at the sider and got as close as she could befor thrusting her sword down aiming at his abdomen the shorter blade easier to get close with.

Kai slid under the spider to get through to the exit.

Ebony was watching for the vampire
Sage decide it was time to take a chance,"Archer get ready to shoot him." Stepping foreword to meet one of his attacks she moved to the side enough to let his blade slide across her shoulder before she kicked him away from her, "Shot him." Sage said quickly. The vampire launched quiet a bit away from Sage, Rolling across the ground, completely not prepared for what Sage had done.

The spider hissed, trying to gave Kai before he got through, but missed by a long shot, the smaller humans more nimble in the small space then him. The blade sinking in his skin made him ram into the wall next to him, a small shake happened under their feet. Lucifer jumped and garbed his hand before he reached out for Shania.
Ebony shot true loosing her power charged arrow at the Vampire.

Shania pulled her blade pushing it up trying to crack the spider open like an oversized Crawfish.

"I'm on my way," kai said through the mic.
"I think we just got him..." Sage said, pretty amazing by the power in Ebony's shot. There was lots of dust that got kicked up from the shot. Her should hurt a bit, but it was just a scratch she knew it.

Lucifer dug his claws into the spider, planting his feet int he the ground, trying to pull him away from the wall. When Shania sliced him deeper however, he used much of his strength to twist Lucifer into Shania, knocking them both away from them and making a run for the entrance.

Lucifer landed on top of Shania. He tried to scrable off her, avoiding her blade.
Shania made sure her blade landed flat as to not hurt either of them "We got the spider it's wounded and heading your way," Shania said she hit her head on the fall but it wasn't bad. "Kid I have to get the hostages. Before this place falls in," she said.

Kai spun and transformed his weapon ready to use it as a spear when he saw the spider.

Ebony didn't relax she drew her bow again ready to loose another arrow,
Lucifer sat up, his instincts telling him to chase the spider. Like he always did, chase the demons, destroy them. But he resisted, listening to Shania, getting up he extended his hand to help her up as well.

The spider ran fast, but stopped mid track when he noticed Kai standing there,
"I thought you were running to save your little friends!" He spat.

Sage kept herself lose, when the smoked cleared, nothing was there, so she was pretty sure it was not dead.
"Archer, Priestess, come here next to me." Sage warned. Rhea looked up and quickly ran over to Sage, knowing it would not be a good idea to stand apart.

Soon the vampire stepped out of the shadows,
"I will admit, I was not expecting you to fight like that... Brother said you guys fought in a rather head on style..."

Sage laughed darkly,
"Oh well you trapped those ones with you buddy. Playing with me is a bit different."

"Yes I see that... Minor miscalculation." The vampire had an arrow stuck in his side, but he was showing little sign of being all that hurt. "So how about we try this again?" He asked, a rather evil smirk crossing his lips.
Ebony was ready her bow drawn though the arrow doing such little damage worried her.

Kai smirked and ran at the spider his blade ready to attack any way the spider moved.

Shania went to find the cacoons.
"Don't be afraid... just shot him when ever the opening is there... he has to be faking that." She said quietly to Ebony. Sage had realized she made a very terrible mistake. The girls were now behind her and dodging like she use to was very much out of the question. She was going to have to make the first move this time.... Swinging her scythe around she put it front of her in a rather defensive position. Taking the one step foreword, Sage moved to charge the vampire. He swept his blade up, knocking her scythe out of the way, taking another swing at her. Sage dodged, and was expecting him to go on the attack much like Shania did when she sparred with her, but he did not, he stood still, grinning. Sage grimaced understanding how this game was about to be played. "... I think I need that help some time soon... I am not doing so well right now..." Sage said under her breath to the mic.

The Spider started to take several steps back, trying as hard as he could to avoid Kai, but the area was so small.

Lucifer turned a corner and then yelled,
"Shania I found some!" He said, pointing at some of the cocoons they had saw last time.
Shania went to Lucifer quickly.

"I'm on it death give me time." Kai said thrusting his weapon forward with all his strength "I hate spiders!"

"Death dodge!" Ebony loosed the arrow it was aimed right at the Vampire and even had Sage not dodged the wind would have knocked her out of the way.
Kai hit the spider right in the middle of its stomach, he streamed, scratching at Kai's weapon with his hand, trying to grab him and kill him.

Sage jumped, half way in a dodge before the arrow hit, the vampire got the memo as well, doing very much the same thing. Both got knocked back a great deal. Sage rolled back, but recovered quickly, getting up and running for the vampire. The dust made it a bit hard to see but she had a feeling where he was at.

Rhea had been holding her breath, Sage was not doing so well, it was almost at if the guy was playing with them. He seemed like nothing was doing damage to him.

Sage swung and the vampire which was on his back, he rolled over easy getting up. Pulling her weapon up again, Sage side stepped the incoming blow, swinging one more. He jumped foreword, right over Sage's weapon, sword pointed at Sage. He blade went right through her in the middle of the stomach. Rhea gasped as Sage hit the ground,
"Death!" Rhea said out loud.

Lucifer begin to pick up the cocoons and carry them out of the room.
Kai ripped out his weapon and ran to the entrance as fast as his legs would take him Ebony screamed "Kid go help them, I'll get everyone who's alive still out," Shania said saving these people was important to her.

"Hey blood sucker I killed your friend!" or at least wounded it pretty damn badly he told himself "You're next," he didn't let his worry for Sage show as he swung his weapon flinging blood from the blade.

Ebony ran to wards the fight range fighting be damned.
Lucifer gave a worried glance, but moved moving to the entrance with the cocoons in hands, he stopped when he noticed the spider trying to get back up, it was bleeding heavily. putting down the cocoons Lucifer jumped on top of it, pushing it down onto the ground. Taking a hold of the head Lucifer used all his strength to twist it off in one motion, killing it almost silently except for the bone that snapped.

"Oh is that so? I don't believe you." When the vampire saw Ebony approach him he took out a small blade and threw it at the girl, knowing it will most likely stick her mid chest. Rhea also rushed in with Ebony, her sword ready. She had not seen Kai come in, she just knew he had killed the other demon.
Ebony used wind to deflect the dagger and panted it seemed using the wind wore her out faster then just loosing arrows had. She shot at the vampire to get him away from Sage. "The warrior slit it open I slashed it's insides and made a bloody mess of it," Kai smiled happy that the blood was indeed smeared all over him.

Shania began to carry the people out even as the walls groaned and some rocks fell.
Lucifer threw the head out out of the cave entrance, then turned around to get a few other cocoons he was carrying and completely brought them out. When the walls gowned he looked back the way he came and deiced to go back in to help Shania.

When Ebony used the window to deflect the knife, she also pushed Rhea back, knocking her over. The vampire jumped back away from Sage, taking his blade with him. Sage made a groaning sound but did not move much. He looked around and the group, eyeing Kai critically.
Kai stood in a side stance his weapon angled behind him he looked oddly bored. "you gonna stand there all day?" he asked examining his nails "I have blood in my nails... that will take a while to get out..." he mused Ebony got on her knees and put pressure on Sage's injury so she wouldn't bleed out.
"ow ow... easy that hurts..." Sage said laughing, "Careful Kai, he's tricky... baiting does not work for him... don't let the fight drag too long..."

Rhea had gotten back up and scrambled to Sage's side pressing her hand over Ebony's, first she applied a bit of magic to figure the damage. Some organs were sliced... those first.
"Keep pressure Ebony... I need to heal some organs..." Rhea said quietly.

The vampire grinned and chuckled when Kai made the statement,
"Oh? this arrow might take a bit getting out. Guess I should do that now while you work on your nails?" He said, ripping the arrow in his side out and tossing it aside, "Sometimes I much rather talk then dance around, but your friend was such a good dancer."

When Lucifer caught up to Shanie he stopped,
"Is this all of them?" he asked quickly, ready to run back further to get more if he needed too.
"all that i saw," Shania said softly.

"oh want to dance with me? I assure you I'm much more entertaining," Kai flashed him a smile and twirled his weapon. "Please I do so enjoy a good dance," he said ignoring Sage.

Ebony kept on the pressure "Preistess please don't let her die... it's the warrior's job to get hurt not deaths,"

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