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Wild Cards

"You are willing to risk me being wrong or them getting caught in a tunnal colapse? You have alot of faith in those two." Kai said.

Shania hugged the small girl to her "we'll all be careful even me,"
"You have a tendency to think your the only one who can take risks." Sage said flatly. "Shania is not dumb, you saw her at the team practice last saturday, she surprised us both. Get us maps... we can go over them tonight, get a plan completed, I am sure Rhea can do that quickly. And what if you are wrong? We wasted another night doing nothing?" She shrugged, "Your call. I don't plan on saying anything. It was your find."

"I am glad. I trust you Shania." Rhea said quietly, hugging the girl back.
Kai sighed in a defeated tone "Fine, I supose you are right but I had wanted to scope out the tunnels more... can you stand getting wet?"

Shania smiled "I won't betray your trust," she promised.
Sage glared at Kai, "I can get wet... If it can't be avoided I am fine, but otherwise said... So what do you plan on doing? Wondering around the tunnels or letting Shania and lucy lead them out? Or something else in mind?"

Rhea felt her hard jump a bit, it was weird hearing someone make a promise like that out loud. It moved her. She believed Shania because the girl always held to her word.
"They are not alone... there are two of them, but if you really want to go with them then I guess it would be better. Splinting into an even three would be a better idea. Perhaps we should get everyone's opinion on this... we are all here, might as well have this talk with the group." She said, smirking at Kai.
Kai sighed "I was hoping to not get you all involved in my work but it seems the two jobs are clashing, Father will hear of this and I can't avoid it... I wisah i could shoot him already."
"Then don't tell them Kai, don't take them down there. Why not just take me with you since ill be joining soon anyway. We can lead them else ware from the rest of the group. Or you can pretend you know nothing and we can go to the new area like we originally been planing." Sage said quietly, aware that Rhea and Shania had stopped talking.
Sage laughed, "Very well." turning around Sage smiled like usual at Shania and Rhea, "Ok so Kai had a propitiation to make. He has a feeling he knows where are one handed spider and vampire are at."

Rhea made a face, she knew it... this was going to be a dangerous night tonight.

Lucifer looked up, he frowned at the menchen of the two demons.
"The area they are in is in small space and not all too stable... it's also underground and more then a little wet and dingy," Kai added

Shania looked up at Sage "Why did he not tell us sooner then?"
"Because his dad is highly involved in this and will more likely cause us all problems. How I am not sure, I have not bothered to ask." Sage said, shrugging, turning around to avoid Shania's angry gaze.

Rhea sighed,
"Is there anyway to ensure your dad stay out of this...? We do have the Gems to keep us disguised... but even then. How is he involved?"
"We can shoot him," Kai said dryly "about the only way I can see to keep him out of this... he already assums we are the ones that found the kidnapped people he also thinks we are too close any you are all making me soft after i 'lost' the biochemical weapon he lost a bit of faith in me he also wants to know how i escaped the balst.. uninjured he saw me go in but he never saw me come out again... he's becoming even more of a nusance... those men were packing they were going to try and kill us all if i didn't go home but I fixed that problem already," Kai sighed "now that thats off my chest I may need to run as soon as i stop the car for my life is now definatly in danger,"
"Of course. It is always the most extream with you." Sage said, shrugging. "I did not think your father was going to actually try and kill you, though I knew it was going the other way the whole time. Now he is going to kill all of us? Fantastic. By the way... I will kill your father for you if he even looks at my mother." She said, the last part was a very serious threat.

Rhea felt the blood drain from her face a bit. Where all their families in danger?
Kai chuckled "dad isn't stupid he wont go after any of you till he has killed me, I'm his biggest threat,"

"Kai your family life is Sh!t," Shania said
"So I am assuming you might need a place to stay... or hid forever." Sage said, why was everything so difficult? "You think he will deiced not to kill you anytime soon... does this happen in phases or something? Like a period? or is he really going to go all out?"

Rhea made a face, unsure what to do or say... she wondered if Shania even knew what to do.
"Oh it's normal, I always want him dead he goes through fases where he wants me dead neith of us have suceeded yet," Kai shurgged "I'll be fine this has been going on since i was ten,"

Shania glared at the back of kai's head "you are so dead," she hissed
"Oh so it is like a period!" Sage said happily.

Rhea took Shania's hand again and gave her a look of cool off for a moment.
"So Kai's life aside... how are we solving this dilemma?"
"he said it was not structuraly safe so i don't think we should all go in that way if there is a cave in the others can help us out or get help, but going in half cocked and ready for a fight could get us killed," Shania said Kai nodded his agreement.
Rhea sighed, "Are there multiple entrances and exits? How far does this under ground system goes? Where is this located?" Rhea said, the string of questions come from her suddenly.
"the tunnel we've tacked as the most likely has only one working entrance and exit, it's a good 50 ft underground and it's ... well it's under the school," Kai said answering Rhea's questions.
Rhea made the strangest sound, kind of like sucking in air and squealing, "No.... This is not..." Rhea pulled her hair down out of the braids she usually has, "That is asking for a sink hole if something like that was to copulas, the whole school would go down. One working entrance? We need to force them out of there.... We absolutely can not risk a fight inside tunnels like that. It is beyond just dangerous and runs into the course of action of foolishness." Rhea's hands were not clasped together and she was thinking frantically she knew knew knew something bad was going to happen!

Sage looked back again, was the girl freakin out?
"I scoped out the surounding tunnels a fight inside would be... near impossible to win but drawing them out wont be easy either," Kai stated.

Shania looked at Rhea "Me and Lucy we are fast and are good in closed spaces and the spiders mad at me anyway.... can you outrn them Luce?" She asked him.
Lucifer smiled and nodded, "Yeah, we can do it!"

Rhea looked around but mumbled under her breath,
"Who is... dumb enough to put a tunnel under there... or build a building over it..." Rhea was tense again, she felt like she was the only one taking the gravity of the dangers seriously.

Sage sighed,
"Then its settled, Shania, Lucifer and Kai are going in to lead them out.... IF, they are even there."
"We will have to be more careful then normal," Kai said "this is ... not an advantagous situation,"

"When you fight you don't loose there is no if ands or buts about it. We will be careful we will win and we will all go home just as healthy and in one piece as we are now," Shania said as Kai pulled into her driveway.

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