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Wild Cards

Sage let out a long sigh, when the food was finished, she took out her phone and took another picture. Meandering over to the waters edge she crossed her arms behind her back and watched everyone play.

Lucifer started to pull several crawfish out of the lake.
Kai grined evily and splashed her. Shania was getting ready to pounce Luce and didn't notice Ebony gasped. "oh no kai... Sage is gonna kill you,"
Sage stood up abruptly trying to dodge the sudden income of water, but it failed. "Kai! ugh... I am wet now..." Sage said, looking at her shirt and shorts. Shooting dagger glares at Kai, Sage stood up again, "I seriously suggest you grow gills because I don't think you should come out of the water."

Lucifer did not see Shania, and when she jumped on top of him, he went under. When he came back up, the turned around and jumped back on top of Shania.
Shania laughed before she was tackled under her and Lucy began a water wrestling match.

Kai chuckled "come now death bringer you'll not have much luck with being in the tunnels if you can't even stand water," he splased at her again.
Sage was losing her temper, she really hated getting wet. If it was in a situation where it could not be avoid she was sure she would be fine, but.... that was not the case. "I am just going to go poison your food now." She said, walking away from the water, waving Kai off.

Lucifer laughed, but he was getting kind of hungry and he could smell the food.
Kai chuckled and got out of the water and shook himself off much like a dog would "come on guys lets go eat," Shania said

Ebony stood up and held out a hand to help Rhea up as well
Rhea smiled and took Ebony's hand, feeling a little closer to the girl.

Sage had sever up the food, and then started to cook the crawfish the best she could with what they had brought with them. The heat from the grill dried Sage off quickly so her mood changed just as quick.

Lucifer was a happy camper, then again there was rarely a moment when he was not having fun.
"you were an exalent crawfish hunter" shania told lucifer.

"Indeed he was ferocious," kai chuckled "so team how much fun are we having?" he asked shania rolled her eyes at him seemed kai had tamed up a bit but best not to let up gaurd around him.
If Lucifer was a dog, he would be wagging he tail by now, that's what Sage thought anyway.

When Sage has finished with the crawfish, the brought them to the group and then sat down on the blanket.
"Eat up.. not my best work when it comes to food." She said.

Rhea smiled, not really wanting the fish, but Lucifer had other idea's before sticking the whole crustacean in him mouth. Rhea giggle, but she did not really say anything.
Shania laughed and showed Luce how he was suposed to eat them trying not to sound too motherly.

KAi chuckled "the poison adds spice," he told sage "very nice,"

Ebony ate her specially cooked food blushing "thank you sage,"
Sage chuckled, "Glad you like it. To bad I did not have the seriously painful stuff with me today." She joked, though she still sounded a bit pissed. "And you a very welcome Ebony." She said happily.

Rhea ate quietly, watching Shania and Lucifer. She enjoyed watching the two of them. Shania always looked happy taking care of Lucifer, even when she was scolding him.

"So whats tonights hunting plan?" Sage asked, before laying down on the blanket.
"the third area on our princess's map of course," Kai smiled "where else?"

Shania sighed "I still dont like the spider running free," Shania admitted.

"me either... i ... I want to shoot it for what it did to me Rhea and all those people... Kai you know something you aren't telling us," Ebony spoke up.
"When does he not?" Sage said, a hand making a sweeping gesture in the air.

Rhea sighed, she was hopping the demon would have come after them by now... but it seems she was wrong and Shania was right... but even then that was no guarantee Shania was right either. Rhea's forehead scrunched up together as she thought.
Kai smiled "don't worry bad things fall into our laps so why not giant spiders?" he asked.

Shania narrowed her eyes as men started aproching Kai turned "I could have swore I destroyed all the tracers on my car... dad must have had me tagged again,"

"Lord Sohma... your father says you have had enough fun,"

"tell dad where he can stick it," Kai commented before they could finish and he flipped them off.
Sage glance up at the bunch, they were upside down from her view, "Sounds like someone wants your attention. Kai is playing with us right now. Go away." Sage said, making herself sit up and turn around.

Rhea glanced up at the men and shivered a bit... humans. They seemed far scarier then demons sometimes.

Lucifer looked up, alert because Shania was.
"you have no rite to speak..." the man silanced himself Kai's glare made even shania shudder.

"You have my message you leave now," he said his voice cold calm and promised a most painful death. "These here are my friends and I will spend time with them as i wish, I was under the impression me and 'father'," he spit the word like a curse "had this talk alreaedy," the men backed away and bowed before leaving. "You actually have an attitude to you don't you death bringer?" Kai smirked

"The hell was that about?" Shania asked.

"the kidnappings on TV dad thinks I may be a victum or some other such nonsence." he waved her off
"You pissed me off earlier. They just came at the wrong time." Sage said, turning around and laying back down. "I don't think they are actually going to leave." She said, speculating. "You sure they are not going to follow us into our, club activities?" She asked.

Rhea nodded, reflecting on what had just happened.

Kai smiled "Sage you underestimate me, I garentee you they wont be able to follow us... with shattered knees," his smirk was bloodthirsty.

"and i thought I was suposed to be the scary one," shania said "and their knees looked fine to me,"

"untill they try to follow us. I am always prepared for dad to do something like this," Kai shrugged "I just wonder where he tagged me this time,"
Sage laughed, "Are you going to give us a strip tease while you figure out?" Sage asked.

Rhea made a face about the whole breaking knees thing... the guys are going to get hurt not doing what they were told or doing what they were told....
"you'd like that too much," Kai smirked "it's probably in my back... I'll fry it like i did the last four," he shrugged. "you know dad may have tagged you too might want to strip," he smirked at Sage.

Shania rolled her eyes. "you two seriously need to get a room,"
Sage laughed, "I much rather watch Shania strip." She said rather casually after the room comment.

Rhea blushed fiercely and covered her eyes.
Tiered of fighting Shania decided to play along "I'm afraid i'd need more clothes or I'd not be able to do it right," she said and smiled as if she were serious. "but then we'd still need a room I'm not an exibitionist,"

Poor Ebony looked like she was about to expolde.
Sage was not expecting that answer, she sat up grinning, "I am sure we can arrange that. And you look fine the way you are." Sage said laughing.

Rhea pressed her face into her hands, no longer able to look.

Lucifer looked up from his food,
"Are we going somewhere?" He asked.
"Sage wants me to take f my clothes as i preform a dance so she can apraise me for a complex mating ritual want to join us?" Shania asked Lucifer.

Ebony squeeked and hid her face curling up in a ball Kai was trying not to laugh.

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