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Wild Cards

"What?!" Lucifer said, jumping up and pointing at Sage, "What did you do with Shania? She would not mate with you!!"

Sage smirked,
"Shania finally fell for me Lucy... you have to accept the facts."

"Fell? She did not fall." Luicfer said, his face still red.

"No she fell in love~" Sage said slyly.

"She is not your lover!" He said, refrancing to weeks ago.

"No, but mating and lovers are the same thing..." Sage debated with the demon.

Lucifer looked like he was going to explode this time, he face was pretty red.
"I think we might take ebony to 'mate' with us as well we could tie her up like when we were going to use her and Lucy as bait..." KAi mused amused by Lucifers reaction.

"I wouldn't mind being tied up," Shania said in a purr.
Sage chuckled, "I knew you were a masochist. I am a sadist so I think things will work out just fine."

"You humans are so confusing.... Rhea told me this is not normal! Ebony your going to do this too?" Lucifer was slightly frantic, trying to figure out what was going on.

Sage snickered,
"Ebony can join, might as well bring Rhea too since this has turned into a... group activity." Sage sad out loud.

"N-n-no....." Rhea tried to get out of her mouth.
"Wait Sage I think Lucifer want's to be the first to mate Shania... he did have a pretty defenciv reaction," Kai said that made Shania turn red dispite her small smile.

Ebony swooned as was he habit during these talks.
"W-what! No.... I would rather Mate with Ebony.... Shania is like a sister..." Lucifer said, puffing his cheeks up much like a child did, but his face was very red.

Sage covered her mouth, she was trying very very very hard not to laugh.

Rhea's mouth was slightly ajar, she was starting to feel as faint as Ebony.
Shania was shocked "you want to mate with Ebony?" she asked Lucifer.

Kai was biting his hand to stop the laughter threatening to bust out.

Ebony shot up to hear this answer her whole body red with her blush.
Lucifer's blushed deepened, "Well... if I had too... cus you guys said we were........"

Rhea face palmed, Lucifer still can't tell when people are joking with him, he was taking this whole situation rather seriously.

Sage at this point was snickering under her breath, Shania's shock made it all the more funnier.

Ebony socked everyone by going to lucifer and kissing him before darting to hide behind Rhea. Shania blinked a few times unsure of what just happened. Kai however was letting out his laughter as quietly as he could.
Sage paused wondering what happened, but smirked again. "So about the Bird and the Bees again?"

Rhea was blushed fiercely, when Ebony darted behind her... that was an... unexpected turn of events. Looking to Shania to see what her reaction was to all this.

Lucifer stood completely still, not exactly sure what happened himself, Sage was pretty sure every but her and Kai's brains are on overload.
Ebony was hiding and content to stay hiding for the rest of her life.

Shania looked at Lucifer the to the hiding Ebony "no more sleepovers," she said "I don't need you two making children,"

that sent kai over and he fell over in his laughter
Sage was laughing as well, tears were coming from her eyes and her stomach hurt so much, "I don't even think they know how!"

Lucifer blushed harder,
"W-we won't mate!" Lucifer sputtered out when Shania said that.

Rhea pulled Ebony into a hug, patting the girl on the head, still blushing herself.
Shania looked at the group and she pulled Lucifer into a hug as she chuckled softly.

Ebony latched onto Rhea she was still blushing madly in her embarasment.

Kai however was just like Sage a mess of laughter.
Lucifer latched onto Shania and started to pout.

Rhea let out a long sigh.... they should be heading back soon...

Wiping away her tear's, Sage could not even describe how great that went.
Shania pet Lucifer "you ok Luce?" she asked softly.

Ebony still had her face hidden in Rhea's shoulder "I...I... i... " she spluttered "I kissed him...."

Kai composed himself and sat up "that was ... an interesting turn of events,"
Sage was leaning back on her hands, she was still snickering and chuckling, "Yes it was... But I think it is time to head back a rest up before hunting." She said, before getting up and dusting herself off and packing up everything.

Lucifer shook his head and continued to pout. He was upset everyone was making fun of him, but he was pretty happy on the inside about the kiss. But Ebony was hiding from him now like she did from Kai.

Rhea smiled and nodded,
"You did... that was really brave. I've never even had my first kiss... well actually I take that back... I was told my first kiss was from a succubi..."
Ebony blushed remembering that time "I think it was Shania's first kiss too," Ebony muttered

Shania held the little boy "ok lets get packed up and go home," she smiled at Lucifer.

Kai hopped up "I'll be back in a second gonna slash some tiers,"
Sage snickers, kind of wishing she could do that too. She did slash some tires one time in her life. It was a fairly funny situation though.

Rhea let out a breath of relief... this would mean less likely someone would be hurt. Getting up, Rhea pulled Ebony with her and smiled,
"Just act normal... I think it would hurt Lucy's feelings if you treated him differently." She said, thinking of what a child would do in a situation like that. With that Rhea started to help Sage pack up the car. It did not take long to finish everything up and be completely ready.
Kai skipped off into the distance as Shania began to pack up their stuff.

Ebony nodded and went to latch onto Lucifer still blushing madly,
When Sage was done, she leaned on the car waiting for Kai to get back.

Rhea watched Sage, thinking she looked a bit different then normal. She looked rather concentrated, like she was deep in thought.

Lucifer smiled when Ebony hugged him, he also blushed, but he was happy none the less, although he was still connected to Shania too.
Kai pranced back whistling "well they won't be following us," he trirleds a spark plug in his hands and a knife was on his belt. "Ok off we go," he hopped into the car.

Shania pat lucy on the head and smiled "in the car dear," she said
"Hey Kai, would it be crazy just to go check that place out as a group tonight?" Sage asked, getting in the car as well.

Lucifer smiled at Shania and did what he was told. Rhea got in the car last, sitting next to Shania. Taking Shania's hand with her own, Rhea smiled feeling a bit nervous for some reason.
Shania held Rhea's hand and smiled "you doing ok," she asked.

"What place?" Kai asked Sage "if you are talking about Rhea's map no if your talking about my job yes yes it would be crazy,"
"I was talking about your job... if you think they are there... why not just go tonight?" She said, leaning back in her seat.

"I have one of those bad feelings again." Rhea said quietly, "I think something might go wrong hunting tonight."
"I don't think it is a good idea because the tunnels are tight and we have a team thats not used to closed space fighting." Kai said seriously "but yes i think they are there,"

Shania put hre arm around Rhea "then we will be extra careful," she said.
"You know if Rhea, Shania or Lucifer knew where they were at we would be going down there in a heart beat... the only two people not fit got enclosed space fighting is us because we have pole arms and those don't do well in places like that. We could stick Lucifer and Shania down there and have them lead them out into the open." Sage suggested.

Rhea smiled, but she was not eased and remained tense. She nodded and took a deep breath.

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