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Wild Cards

Rhea nodded, she looked more like a nervous wreck. Getting out she wondered into the house and went to get a book to calm her down.

Sage chuckled a bit at Rhea, the situation was serious, but she might be over reacting just a tad,
"So... whats for dinner?" Sage asked.

Lucifer was a bit on edge because everyone else seemed to be, except for Sage who seemed to be slightly normal.
"I can cook for a change,"Shania said softly "Lucifer in my spare room there is a long red box give it to Rhea please," she wentinto the kitchen to see what she had to cook.

Kai sat on the couch and pulled out a small book from his pocket "I wrote all the data I've collected in here," he said
Rhea actually came back with the biggest book she could manage, and glanced at the smaller book Kai was holding in his hand. Rhea held her hand out, silently asking for it.

Sage laughed,
"It was more of what everyone wanted me to cook." Sage said, following Shania into the kitchen.

Lucifer went to Shania's room as asked, and found the box. Picking it up, he noticed it was a bit heavy, but brought it to Rhea.
"Looks like i need to go shopping again... we have ingrediants for stuffed shells ... stuffed green peppers or pizza," Shania said.

Kai handed over the book with words writen in it in his chicken scratch of handwriting. The box was held together with a bow and when Rhea opened it inside was a sword in a red velvet covered sheath the handel was ivory with blood stones inlaid in it and when drawn the blade was silver and reinforced to be just as strong as a regular sword if not stronger.
Rhea took the book and gave Kai a weak smiled before placing it on her lap before opening the box real quick. "Thank you Lucy, Kai." She said quietly, pulling the sword out an inspecting it. "The sword was a tad fancier then I thought she would get... But it looks strong." Rhea said quietly, more to herself... It felt heavy to her, the blade she knew would be nothing like the weapons Levi gave everyone else. She has heard how they feel like they were made for them alone.

After Rhea was done, she placed the box on the floor and then the sword tilted on the edge of the couch. Next she opened the book Kai had, she smiled softly when she saw his hand writing... she wanted to say something but she did not want to be mean.

Lucifer sat on the floor after he had done as he was told, so he turned around onto his stomach and reached for the remote to turn on the TV.

"Hmmm... Well stuffed peppers sounds good." Sage said, thinking a bit.
Shania came in "does she suit you? I had her repaired..." Shania said looking at the sword it burned her heart to see her mothers blade whole gain without her mother holding it but it was a weapon available and after the reapirs it was an amazingly beautiful blade. "Her name's Fire starter, she is said to kindle a flame of curage for her weilder," Shania cleared her throat "I'll go get changed," she said exusing herself.

Kai looked at Shania as she left into her room "had her repaired? So Shania's had that old sword hanging around and not repaired and used it?"
(Yes I called that! xD -feels so smart-)

Rhea mentally kicked herself, she had remembered the blade pieces from when Shania had played when them after they had cleared out her brother's room.
"Yeah... Shania just gave me something very special. We both hope it will help protect me in the long run. Maybe give me as much courage as she says...." Rhea said quietly, a flash of greater understanding moved in Rhea's eyes. "Kai, I don't usually say things like this... but your hand writing... it is kind of horrible. Mind walking me through some of this?"

Lucifer turned his head to look at the sword, blinking slowly. He understood, but said no more, turning his attention back to the TV, him motioning for Ebony to sit with him.
Ebony crawled into the floor with him to whatch tv with a smile.

Shania changed into her normal clothes and composed herself pulling her hair back into her signature pony tail before going back into the living room.

Kai smiled and walked her through his information mostly it was about the tunnel system the structural insecurities as well as all the neighboring tunnels and any cave ins he'd found also the locations from where the kidnappings took place and anything odd he fouund at the senes like lack of evidence of a struggle.
"Lucy can you come here please?" Rhea asked. Smiling at Shania when she had returned.

Lucifer looked up, then got up and walked over to Rhea,
"Yes?" He asked.

"Listen I have come to noticed a lot of your demons are mythical creatures human's have written down in history, and honestly that makes a ton of sense. But I want to come down to a simple Myth or Fact questionnaire." Rhea said, glancing on the book Kai had more. "Tell me is there anyway for humans to... turn into demons?"

luicfer shook his head,
"Not that I have ever heard...."

"Ok so it is Myth that a vampire can turn others into vampires. If everything is as I think... I just need to start studying mythology and try and determine fact from myth... right?" Rhea said, handing Kai back his book.
Kai chuckled "I don't worry about such things I'll just do this side of it,"

Shania nodded "sounds like a good idea, so our spider is a Spidren from mythology?"
"Possibly.... The closest I can think is a Centaur... but spider instead of horse." Rhea said, "but I can only come down the the conclusion that the vampire is much like a succubi. Vampires are known for their word tangos and quick speed, crafty minds. Fits the description Levi had given us." Rhea stood up from the couch, "Excuse me... I am going to get changed as well. Pardon." Rhea said, excusing herself to quickly get changed.

Lucifer shrugged and went to go lay back down, Ebony had been really quiet, but he did not want to press it.
She smiled and laid with him in the floor.

"the women of this team... are odd," he stated. Dodging a shoe he laughed "and one of them is violent,"
Rhea came back, she looked a little less nevious then when she originally went into the house, but it was easy to see she was stressing out. "Thank you Shania... so much for the sword... I think it will protect me well."

Sage peaked into the room from the kitchen, but did not really say anything.
"I beleive she will aid you well... they say when a warrior dies their soul rests in their weapon... the soul in her is strong," Shania said with a forced smile it tugged at her heart more and more but her mother would have been proud of her protecting her new family.

Kai whatched Rhea and Shania there was a spark there that wasn't there before.
"She will. So will he. He carries on in your own soul." Rhea said quietly, giving a nod to Shania and a smile of kindness.

Sage caught on quickly, watching the group closely, specially Kai. The time was ticking and they would soon go into most likely the most dangerous battle yet.
Kai looked relaxed like always but his eyes lacked their mischievous laughter. "We will do well," he said confidently.

"If my brother truely is watching me I will not fall to a spider or a bloodsucker," Shania said
Rhea actually smiled that time, feeling herself relax a bit.

Sage nodded to herself, then turned back around the corner to finish making the food.

The night came quickly and they had made the plan, Lucifer, Shania and Kai would go in the tunnel to drag them out, Ebony and Sage will be waiting to to get them with an ambush. Mostly Ebony... Rhea is going to be placed out of the way like usual.

They arrived in the cave opening as quiet as they possibly can, Rhea took a quick look at the entrance of the den.
"If there is one opening... why don't we just collapse this opening now and leave them in there....?" Rhea asked.
"The kidnapped people," Kai said "though a few lives risked is prolly better then risking us not being able to kill them," Kai said.

Shania loked at Rhea it wasn't like her to not think of victims.
Rhea had completely forgotten about the victims.... She was so concentration on keeping everyone safe she had forgotten about the people. "M-my apologizes... I had forgotten..." She said, taking a few steps back and looked down. That was stupid of her, she needed to keep her head clear.

Sage took a long look at her surrounding, walking around the area taking note of anything they can use to their advantage.
Sage smiled, "What ever comes out of there is good as dead." Sage said, waving them off as they went into the tunnel. "Make sure to check in often with us so we know the mic is working and you guys are safe."

Rhea nodded, not really looking up,
"Please be safe..." She said quietly, he hand resting on the hilt of her sword.

Lucifer waved at them before walking into the tunnel, Lucifer took the lead like he usually did, although he had no idea where he was going.
Kai took Lucifer's shoulder "Let Shania lead the spider has a vendetta against you," Kai said softly. Shania nodded and took the lead.

Ebony had her bow ready "please be careful,"
Lucifer looked up, he was going to say no, but when Shania agreed, he sighed and took the back, but still close enough to Shania.

Sage smiled,
"Ok team, no fiddling our thumbs while waiting for them to come back up. We have to be careful not to hit the tunnel. As soon as they come flying out of there and you see a spider and a vampire, Shoot those suckers with your arrow and blast them out of the sky." Sage said, kind of cheerfully to Ebony. Rhea grimaced, and walked away from the cave entrance.
Sage walked over to Ebony and took her hands, "Don't be sacred. We will be fine. You will do fine."

Lucifer kept an eye out, mostly his mind trying to sense the demons. They walked for a good while until Lucifer skidded a bit,
"I sense one. But... only one."

Sage looked up at the cave entrance when Lucifer said that,
"Come on, lets get into position."

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