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Wild Cards

Sage laughed and smiled at Kai, "Hmmm? What on Earth would give you such an idea?" Sage said, taking out her Phone and taking a picture of Ebony running to the water. Grinning she put the phone back in her pocket and walked away to go prepare food.

Rhea was blushing a bit, over hearing what Sage said, but then walked over to her and handed her what she had asked for.
"Thank you Rhea, you should probably go play too! Besides I want to see you in your bathing suit too." Rhea's face grew a bit redder, making her slightly more self conscious about taking off her cloths.

Lucifer laughed and swam to Shania, trying to jump on her again.
"Shania! Race me!"
"winner get's dunked," Shania smirked though that was exactlywhat her brother would say 'Race you!' she could hear him say.

Ebony went into the water and got down hiding herself in the water blushing still. Kai let out a true laugh "so cruel,"
"Awww Kai, it hurts you think that of me." Sage said, pressing her hand to her heart and making a dramatic face while slowly lighting a fire for the grill.

Rhea smiled a bit and walked over Ebony and couched down by the edge of the water and smiled at her,
"I think you look really pretty." Rhea said.

Lucifer grinned and the pointed to the other side of the lake,
"Ok let goo! First on the other side!"
Shania nodded and counted "One... Two... Three...GO!" she started to swim over to the other side.

Ebony smiled "You look very pretty too Rhea... aren't you gonna get into your swin suit and come in... the waters actually really nice," she said softly

Kai chuckled "I'm rubbing off on you curruption 30% complete,"
"Ooh? What makes you think I wasn't corrupted before we meet? If anything I feel like I have become less corrupted... I had picked up the new saying 'bad habits die hard' because I feel like I have changed so much." She said laughing.

"Well I feel a bit shy... I don't look as pretty and you and Shania do in a bathing suit... Mine is not even that nice." Rhea said, but she did reach foreword and touch the water with her hand. It did feel cool.

Lucifer sprinted foreword, but Shania was already a bit ahead of him. He tried his best to catch up, but she was looking slightly faster then him.
Ebony shook her head "I bet you look really pretty."

Shania slipped in her stride after hitting what looked like a huge crawfish.

Kai chuckled "I am a pure gentleman around you ladies,"
"Pfft," Sage turned her head from Kai and covered her mouth, her shoulders were shaking, "That is a load of crap..." Sage said snickering.

Rhea looked up and Luicfer and Shania, they did look like they were having a lot of fun.
"Mmhmm.. I guess..." She said, getting up she took off her short and tank. She had on a one piece that was light yellow with frills that went around it. She did not really have the confidence to get in a one piece like Shania and Ebony. Her scar showed its fullest on her shoulder. She hated when peopled stared at it, which made he glad that they were here instead of with a crowd. Slowly Rhea moved to the water and got in with Ebony, smiling at her, "Hehe its cold."

Lucifer passed Shania easy after that, turning around and swimming backwards, he looked to see if she was ok,
"Shania?" Ready to sprint foreword;s again if she was ok.
Shania was laughing and she pulled the crawfish out of the water "all hail the king crawfish," it was easily the size of a lobster.

Kai chuckled "oh and you are a gentalman dear lady?"

"see you're pretty," Ebony smiled
"Of course! I have my moment like you... but less often." She said, finally putting down a burger on the grill.

Lucifer's eyes went wide,
"Look at it! That's a lake monster!"he said, swimming back to Shania to look at the crayfish. "It has claws like the first demon we fraught!"

Rhea smiled,
"Thank you Ebony... i was really proud of you during the event last week... when we were doing the communication exercise. I thought you did really well."
Kai chuckled and sat in the grass letting the sun caress his skin. "I am alot nicer to this bunch then i am to others,"

Shania nodded "Want to ask Sage if we can have a grilled monster?" she asked as the crawfish snapped at Lucy.

Ebony blushed "I ... i think you did really good you are like a leader and Shania is too... I like to follow behind it's more confortable there,"
"Ehe!" Lucifer said when it snapped at him, but then grinned again and nodded.

Rhea smiled,
"Its ok to be a follower. Just remember to follow your instincts too. Those can save you more often then not... But I suppose we should talk about something more pleasant .. What kind of dance to you usually do Ebony?"

"Yeah... very much the same for myself. Making people in this group cry does not bring the usual pleasure." Sage said, flipping the burger and pressing on it a bit to check it.
Ebony smiled "I like ballet and classical ballroom dancing the most," she said as she blushed.

Shania smirked and got out going to Sage "Want a few monster crawfish?" she asked as it snapped and struggled.

Kai laughed "it looks like a lobster."
Sage made a face, "I don't even have the right spices or equipment to cook that into perfection... but I could cook it up raw. It should be cookable on the grill. But one Crawfish won't be enough for everyone... even on that size. And do me a favor... kill it before you bring it to me..." Sage said, flipping one of the burgers.

Luicfer smiled,
"We can catch more!"

Rhea nodded,
"Ballroom is all I know. The only dancing I needed to know. Perhaps I could learn more at a later time."
"Of course there are hundreds in the lake," Shania laughed and put the soon to be slaughtered crawfish into a bucket "catch big ones Luce,"

Kai chuckled "they are like children look at them."

"I'd like for you to come to our dance school mom and dad like you alot." Ebony said
"Me?" Rhea asked in surprise, "I-I hardly spoke to them... I thought they hated me like Kai..." Rhea said, looking down at the water.

"Yes they are. Say Kai... have you been keeping an eye on the kidnappings at all? I saw a few the other day. In the news." Sage said glancing at the crawfish in the bucket.

Lucifer looked up at Shania,
"We should ask Ebony to help!" He said, following the girl.
"dad thinks its a neighboring gang... he wont think otherwise so he has me investigating," Kai said

Shania helped Lucy find carawfish a bog one pinched Luce's ankle

"silly they hate kai's dad not you or your family," Ebony said
"Mmm..." Rhea was not sure, but if Ebony said so, "Can I ask you another question?" Rhea asked, blushing a little bit.

"AHHH!" Lucifer jumped half out of the water, sobbing a little bit when one had pinched him.

Sage looked up to see Lucifer had gotten scared again,
"You think it is our guys? If it was... where do you think their new hide out is?"
"I don't want to worry you but it isn't human and I'm trying to investigate... so if i'm not in school a few days next week that's where i am." Kai said his tone serious for once. "After all this is my job,"

Shania smiled and picked up the crawfish "it attacked," she said "we must get revenge."

"um ok," Ebony said softly
"Take me with you." Sage said, equally as serious, flipping a burger onto a plate then putting on another.

"Do you like Lucy?" Rhea asked, watching Lucifer run past them back into the water with Shania, screaming something about revenge.

And that was was Lucifer was doing, although he was laughing while doing so, helping Shania pull the evil crawfish from the ground.
"You are not part of our coven Death bringer, I can't have a newbie on my heels in something so deadly... though having you around would be a good thing think of your family before you decide something so deadly," Kai looked at her "are you prepared to see her cry if you get hurt?"

"I like Lucy he's a really great person," Ebony smiled brightly.

Shania laughed as her and Lucifer got alot of the crawfish from their area of the lake.
"I was speaking more from the part that this is demon hunting, for that IS my business You going in alone to kill a demon... the spider and vampire, if they are together, is stupid. A bunch of your 'coven' humans are not going to be much help." Sage said bluntly. "And I've seen my mother cry enough since she father passed away. If you think for one second I ever stop thinking about her you are wrong." Sage turned around and pointed the spatchula at Kai's face, "Beside, last time you F*cked up and you weren't even fighting demons, get me a mask and they won't even know who the heck I am. When I officially joined you under ground world I was thinking perhaps a mask so I can run around with my scythe. Help keep my safe since I live in a poor ass house... assassination is serious business."

Rhea smiled, "
Yeah, but you guys seem Romantically involved..."
"If you think I'm going to engage two demons or that i travel in a pack you're wrong I work alone so that I don't hacve to worry about backstabs, and if you think you can get out of school then do so but we will not engage the demons we are finding them," Kai was dead serious he has been in many situations where rookie mistakes took lives.

Ebony blushed deeply "do...do we?"
Rhea nodded, "Y-yeah...." Ebony's blush made Rhea blush.

Sage shrugged,
"As long as your not being dumb." She said still a bit sour about last time. Turning back to the food she placed another burger patted on the plate and another onto the grill. "Everything is almost done. By the way... I thought I was promise watching you make a fool of yourself in water."
"Yes yes I'm going," he chuckled and went in the water the first thing he hit was a slick rock and he came crashing into the water a crawfish Shania was chasig in his perfect blue hair. Shania couldn't help but laugh at him.

Ebony giggled happy to have something to focus on other then her nonexistant love life
Sage burst out laughing, fantastic. "This is what a came for." She said grinning.

Rhea cover her mouth a bit worried when Kai hit the water, but soon laughed with everyone else. she trudged over to him and picked up the crawfish.
"Haha... are you ok?" Kai seems to always be getting hurt in some way.

Luicfer also laughed, though he was slightly more entertained with the crawfish in his hands.

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