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Wild Cards

Rhea blushed a bit before getting out of the car and leaving to what she felt like a new start.

The week went by and Rhea was back in school again. The weather was getting cooler, Fall was coming. Sage was irritated because the last demon hunting trips were completely fruitless and Kai had almost gone and gotten himself killed,
"I am so ready for action!" She said, taking a bite of her lunch. Lunch time was a Relaxing time for Rhea because it was one of the few places Kai, Sage and Shania had to act... semi appropriate.

Kai chuckled "you want action I can stir up a few hornets nests," Shania smacked him in the back of the head.

"We should be woried on weather the vampire and the spider are a team again and if regular people are being hurt again," Shania chastised KAi and Sage.
"I told you a billion times... just tie up Lucy..." Sage said in her usual board tone. "Oh by the way Kai... did you get what we needed." She said, asking about the butterflies.

Lucifer had already finished eating and was talking excitedly to Ebony about a TV show he saw the night before.

"Oh yeah... Shania. I am choosing you for the next activity." Rhea said, looking up from her book for a moment. Rhea had been studying almost none stopped since she got back in school. Being behind in the material bothered her.
"Have i ever let you down?" Kai asked with a dramatic hair flip.

"Oh... I supose... since it's been rather hot lately, maybe we can go to the lake a day to relax after Kai's near death experiance we could all use cooled off nerves," Shania said softly deep in thought.
Rhea smiled, "The lake sounds fun... I have never swam at anything natural." but she was sure swimming at a lake would be just as fun as a pool.

Lucifer looked up,
"Oooh swimming! And in a lake! I bet there will be monsters there!" Lucifer said, actually very serious.

Sage made a face, but quickly just took another bite of her food.
"Snakes and fish but I don't know about monsters," Shania laughed.

"what's with the face ? don't like getting wet?" Kai asked Sage. "Hell we can make it into a good old fashioned cookout hamburgers hotdogs a lake macaroni salade and such stuff," Kai said.

Ebony giggled at Lucifers reaction to the lake,
"Exactly that dear Kai." Sage mumbled, partial lie. She did really not like getting wet all that much. But at the suggestion of 'cook out' Sage's eyes flashed.

Rhea smiled,
"There can be really big snakes in lakes Lucifer. They can be up to 30ft... though I am pretty sure those snake's don't live around here."

Lucifer did not hear the last part of what Rhea side, giving Ebony and excited look at '30ft'. Rhea laughed and found he often tuned people out after he got what he wanted to hear. She could never figure out what he was or was not scared off. He feared the silliest of things.
"You ok Shania?"
"I've found myself deep in thought as of late," she said "mostly things I need to come to terms with and trying to think of how we are to defeat the demons we are hunting and not get as much damage... I have a rather one tract mind," Shania admitted

Kai laughed "but you'll get to see these three ladies in swimsuits and you get to make fun of me and my inability to stad upright on slippery river rocks," Kai looked at Sage.
Sage raised an eye brow and thought about Shania, Rhea and Ebony in swimsuits. "Hmmm cute..." Sage said, in an imaginative tone. "I guess it won't be all that bad..." She said, partially convinced.

Rhea smiled and shut her book,
"I think we will all always have a chance of getting hurt... after all we are always putting ourselves in danger and against things we know little about .. even as much about humans we know... we hurt each other every day... It is just a chance we are taking... and only training and caution .. but also taking care of ourselves will lessen out damage. I am trying to get a hold of demon knowledge also to help with that same cause... But I also push my limits with healing to see if I can increase how much I heal. Oh sorry... That was a long winded answer." She said, slightly embarrassed. She was trying to ease Shania's mind. Rhea has been trying in all her power to solve anything in the group that can be solved, but of course there are some things she can't solve.
Shania smiled and shook her head "No it was a good answer," she put her hand on Rhea's "you are a wonder, if you learn anything neat tell me I'd love to hear it,"

Ebony was telling Lucy about a movie she watched called Anaconda telling him about the snakes.

Kai smirked "wonder if i can get Shania into a skinpy one all that kendo training has made her body pretty nice to look at and the small dancer has a nice body too... " Kai mused softly
Sage started to snicker, grinning, "You are tempting me in very funny ways. Though I have already seen two of the three of them naked~ Nice indeed" Sage said in a quiet sing song voice.

Rhea smiled,
"I have fond a few interesting things about my own power. Nothing ground breaking, though. I found I can't cure anything that inset broken... so sickness... fever. I can fix things like poison... but nothing like.. biochemical warfare... if it looks like it can go in the body then I can't heal it. My own body heals on its own... I have been trying to stop that, see if I can force myself to stay hurt. No successes yet on that part."

Lucifer was rather wide eyed,
"I hope we find something like that!"
Ebony giggled "Will you protect me?" she asked "I'm scared of snakes,"

Shania looked at Rhea "why would you not want to heal? Also I am now sure I'm not getting into Kai's line of work biochemicals are nasty and you can't heal them,"

"Yes do tell me what our warrior and princess look like under all those clothes," Kai smirked and avoided the incoming book from the half listening to him Shania.
Sage snickered, leaning closer to Kai whispering, "Shania is rather large, the largest in the group for sure, well in less Ebony is hiding something Rhea is pretty decent, but could be better~ Rhea also has very smooth skin, Shania is a bit rough, but still quiet the looker."

Rhea rocked back a little,
"Because if I got hurt but if was nothing worth immediate care while we were in the middle of the fight, I would want to save the energy for some one else. But if I get hurt and my body spends a bunch of energy healing it.. that is one or two less wounds I can heal you guys..." She said, trying to get Shania to understand her logic.

"Ooooh, why are you afraid of them?" Lucifer asked, leaning a bit closer.
Ebony told him of their big teeth and that some were poisonous.

Shania nodded "I can see how that would be problematic, but all we have to do is make sure you don't get hurt," she smiled.

Kai whistled softly "such a shame Shania isn't softer she'd sell well," he chuckled
Lucifer nodded, then told Ebony about demons that were kind of like that, but some had multiple head or wings.

Sage snickered,
"I am so glad I am how I am... could never imagine carrying those things around all day."

Rhea smiled,
"Yeah... I am asking my brother to let me take classes for sword. I would like to practice with you more often... Now that I am with my brother I can learn and do a lot of things. I am not so afraid to learn things I knew my parents would disapprove of. I think I should carry a weapon with me... I know Lucy said humans weapons don't work all that great... I think it might help." Rhea tucked her book in her arms when she heard the bell ring.

Shania nodded "Ok on our club day I'll have a weapon for you," she smiled.

Kai laughed "yeah I'm glad i'm a guy,"

Ebony clung to Lucy at the thought of those creatures.
Rhea nodded, "Thank you... I look foreword to it."

The next saturday came and Sage had appeared early with a cooler in hard, packing things they needed for a cook out at the lake. She had asked Kai to bring everything they needed to actually cook. For once, Sage was dressed in trunks and a male tee shirt instead of a button up and dress pants. She was actually rather chipper at the moment, she planed on making some really good hamburgers, she even got vegi for Ebony. Luicfer had been up all morning, actually rather excited about going on the trip, helping out in what whats Sage told him to.

Rhea on the other hand, was stuck at the school calling Kai's cell phone.

"Kai sohma," Kai answered his normal greeting as he rummaged under his bed "ow," he said hitting his head on the bedframe.

Shania came out in a red simple bikini "Luce how do i look?" she asked

Ebony was skipping to Shania's house her bikini on under her dress.
Sage peaked around the corner, "Ooh, and here I was hopping for something more colorful, nice fame though Warrior." Sage said with a smirk.

Lucifer looked up and smiled,
"Yeah! I think it looks good." He said happily, though he was not one to care for other's personal appearance, he did not get Sage and Kai's obsession for it.

"Oh... A-Are you ok?" Rhea asked, completely forgetting to say who it was on the other end.
"Yeah fishing for my swim trunks.... how are you princess?" he asked rubbing his head.

Shania stood tall dispite her attire. "Red suits me," was all she said.

Ebony came in "hello," she called happily
"Ah... well I am stranded at our school... My brother insisted on dropping me off at my club activities... I love him but he is so insistent... I made him drop me off at the school. Because if I was dropped off at Shania's he might asked questions and I can't lie to him very well... but now I am not sure where to go from here..." She said quietly. Rhea actually had a one piece on under a pair of simple shorts and a small tank top. One of the few times she had not tried to hid her scar.

Sage snickered,
"Yeah it sure does suit you, it accents your... Hello Ebony~" Sage said, stopping mid sentence of purpose, smirking at Shania.

"Ebony! You look nice today too." Lucifer said, smiling at the girl.
Ebony giggled and took off her dress her bikini was green and had a soft vail like wrapping around her waist. "It's the only on I could find,"

Shania was tempted to throw her shoes but she wasn't wearing them.

"I'll come get you princess," Kai said "I'm almost ... ouch... stupid bed... ready," he threw the found trunks on and a simple shirt "give me 10 to get there princess,"
"Ok I am not in a hurry... take your time... try not to hit your head too much more..." She said before hanging up and throwing a slightly worried glance at the phone. She glanced around, suddenly slightly afraid she would get kidnapped again, so she pressed herself up against a wall and waited.

Sage snicker some more, taking out her phone and snapping and picture of Ebony and Shania boy in their bathing suits. Then quickly disappearing back in the kitchen snickering.

"You look just as good as Shania! Look what Shania gave me!" He said, showing off his swim trunks that Shania had given him.
to be ironic they were green snakeprint swin trunks. "I like them," Ebony said with a smile.

Kai drove to the school and looked around for Rhea.

Shania tossed on a tee shirt and sighed "Luce you and Ebony go make sure you have sunscrean on ok?"
"Sunscreen?" Lucifer asked.

Rhea waved at Kai, picking up a small bad she had with her before walking over to him,
"Sorry I had to drag you out here."


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