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Wild Cards

Rhea immediately set to using her powers to first stop the bleeding. Next she pressed her hand to his head, "Someone wrap his injury's in case they reopen. I will get back to those in a moment...please..." Rhea said, her mind was concentrated, her powers were draining her. She was sure of herself and how to heal a concision, that was the priority.

Sage was busy watching the news, her eyes flashed with the TVs,
"Good job." She said, not really looking away from the TV.

Lucifer's eyes narrowed, watching everything happen before him. Humans were so destructive.
Kai winced "Rhea, don't wear yourself out," he said with a smile even as Shania began to wrap his injuries. "It was actually accidental the death that is... but i managed to get this beauty," he pulled a vile of red liquid from his pocket "no more bio thrreat," he laughedthen winced again.

"Stay still dumb a$$," Shania said
"I agree. It is taking every fiber of my body not to kick you right now." Sage said, "I am going to go cook... something..." She said, before tossing the remote on the floor and walking into the kitchen.

Rhea shook her head, trying not to cry. She was just constrained on Kai's head, she could feel it... his injury's moving to the correct place, things flowing at her command. When she was sure his head was ok again, she moved herself down, healing everything she could find that looked bad.
his entire left side was burnt or bleeding but alot of it was superficial. "So Luce this is what humans are like in their core we kill steal destroy we are evil in itself and we go about our lives smiling even though this goes on under our noses everyday," Kai laughed

Shania stood "I need to go stab something," she said and went to the kitchen.
Rhea sighed and continued healing, "Can you shut up Kai?" She said. That was the first time she had ever said something along those lines. Rhea touched his shoulder, healing it until the skin became like new, her scar glowing the soft light when she used it. She moved her hand across his chest and neck to along his other arm.

Lucifer was frowning nothing was different from the demon world, except things were a lot more open.

Sage watched as Shania walked into the kitchen,
"How about finish him off right now?"
Shania grabbed her butcher knife "I'd do it," she said.

"thank you priestess," Kai said softly "imagine I could have let this baby go off and thousands would have died... all because of my father. Lucy do you have a way of disposing of this where nobody will or can get hurt?" Kai asked him
"I know Kai... but really... Shut up..." Rhea said, tears finally coming to her eyes. She was not sure if she was almost done... or half way done with healing, she was not even sure if he was still bleeding. She was starting to feel dizzy. This was the most Energy she had ever used yet. She held herself up firm, moving to his other arms and healing where the bandages are.

Lucifer stood up and took the vile from him hand, looking at it. He blinked before nodding and returning to his room, he glanced at Ebony before leaving.

Sage laughed, just continuing her cooking
, "would you like to help?" She asked.
"rhea..." Kai pulled her into a hug "I'm heald," he said softly he had made her cry.

"just tell me what to do," Shania said softly.

Ebony whatched lucifer.
"I can't tell or not..." she said, easily pulled off balance. her head swayed and she felt herself cry a bit more when Kai hugged her. "Are you sure?"

Lucifer smiled when Ebony followed her, he offered her his head and for her to come sit on the floor with her.

Sage smiled at Shania and moved from the cutting board.
"You can cut this. I am actually just going to make fruit salad because the repetitive motions are the best."
"I agree with that," she said and began to cut the fruit she was given.

Ebony smiled and sat with Lucifer with a smile.

"Rhea it's ok now, I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to cry," he squeezed her to him softly.
Rhea sniffed before weakly pushing herself up to look at Kai, "I knew something bad was going to happen... What if you did not make it here in time?"

Sage laughed and leaned against the kitchen wall, "I guess demon hunting is out of the picture for tonight."

Lucifer closed his eyes, nothing happened for moment, until him and Ebony were else ware, a world covered in a dark red, much like the black world. A man that looked much like Levi appeared,"Lucifer... and this... must be one of the guardians you are with?"

Lucifer smiled, "Yeah. We can't stay for long father because Ebony takes some energy to hold here... but I have a request to make, can you take this and place it somewhere from harms way?"

Lucifer's father nodded, taking the vile and then disappearing, and before they knew it they were back in the room again, the vile missing from Lucifer's hand.
"Lucy that was so cool," Ebony tackled Lucifer in a hug.

"I take risks like this all the time most often i get out with no injuries i was unlucky this time," he had Rhea look him in the eyes "but i wont alow myself to die, its a promise,"

"Yeah Kai got his a$$ kicked already," Shania said
Rhea tired to make eye contact with Kai for a while, but looked away, "I believe you... Maybe... you should tell everyone more often where you go... or me at least... so I can come get you... why did you come here? Instead of home?" She asked quietly. The only logical reason she could think of was he came to use her powers, it was the fastest way to heal. Rhea felt sluggish her eye felt heavy, this was as bad and Shania's wound with bone.

Lucifer smiled,
"are you doing ok with all this?" he asked Ebony.

Sage smiled but said no more.
"I came here because I told you all I would," Kai said "I do what i say," he tilted her head up again "I can't tell you all the time because it's dangerous, you do understand these people could come after you too if i'm not cautious."

Ebony nodded "yeah you've been a wonderful help too,"
"They will do it anyway..." she mumbled, "I don't see... how people would not already know..." Rhea was fading, she could hardly keep her eyes open at this point.
Sunday came quickly, Rhea sat up with a start. She was in Shania's room. She did not remember a lot after healing the concision that Kai had. She wondering if he was ok. Quickly she looked around the room.

Sage almost stayed the night, but since Shania was functional, she went home, but planed on showing up early again later.

Lucifer fell asleep on the floor in the living room again, not really for any perticulour reason besides he did.
Shania had made breakfast as usual and a plate of southern biscuts and gravy with sasuge was by the bed still hot and a cup of cold orange juice was besode it. "Come on Luce time to eat," Shania said waking the boy up.
Rhea pulled herself out of bed, picking up on of the biscuits and struggled to the door. Her first steps were uneasy but after that she was fine. Still a bit weak but sain. Coming out of the door Rhea say Shania, "Shania.." She said, called the girl.

Lucifer looked up from the floor,
"Breakfast? mmmmmm"
"Yes go eat," She said then heard her name she went to Rhea "lean on me if you aren't steady," She said and took one of Rhea's hands.
Rhea smiled, "I am ok." Regardless she took Shania's hand. "What happened? I don't remember much after I healed Kai's concision... What are we doing today?" She asked.

Luicfer made himself get up, wondering to the kitchen to get food like usual, he would go back to sleep after he ate.
"Sage will probably be over some time today Kai said he'd drop by to see how you were as well,"Shania said "Do you feel like eating? I made you breakfast even took it to your bedside," Shania smiled "I'm no sage but i cook well enough."
Rhea flashed her the bisket that she had picked up, "Ah yeah... sorry I was too weak to carry the whole try out, but thank you... today is the day I go back with my brother..."

Lucifer came back out with a plate of food sitting down at the table, letting out a large yawn before taking a large bite of his food.
"Hes going to think we work you to the bone in this club," Shania said and helpped her to a seat at the table before getting the tray for her.
"Thank you again Shania..." She said when the older girl place the tray in front of her, "and I worry a bit about me coming home in this condition... he will be sure to notice unlike my parents." She said quietly, it was a quiet morning, and Rhea loved the quiet. Taking a few bites of her food she nodded, "I think you are a fine cook." She said happily.

Lucifer laughed,
"you got that right."

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