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Wild Cards

Sage sat back on the wall again. She was actually planing on pushing him later, but when no one else was around. Putting her pen back in her pocket Sage laughed, "Well I guess that means I am normal on your scale?" Sage said, sure she looked like she did before everyone went to attack Kai.

Rhea let out a long breath and slunk to the ground. Shania looked kind of hurt... she will heal her later.

Lucifer let out a long happy sigh when Ebony put her bow away.
"Yeah its sad the only normal one is the tom boy... ouch face fitting ground hurts," he said with a chuckle

Shania stood and sighed "you pry into our lives and close off yours?"

"Yep sums me up well actually," Kai said with a smile.
Sage chuckled, that summed up hers too, but unlike Kai, Sage gives them lied filled tid bits to satisfie their needs to know.

Rhea nodded, agreement to to Shania,
"Kai we want to help you too.." she said.

Lucifer... like normal was unconcerned and slightly confused.
Kai sighed and his phine rang again he answered and hung up without saying a word "looks like i'm too late anyway," he shrugged. "nobody overreact if i tell you whats going on at least part of it,"

Shania crossed her arms "lucy if you think Kai is telling a lie i want you to pull his hair,"

"What? Why my hair?" Kai asked

"because it's your biggest vanity, and it's motivation," she said simply
Luifcer looked up, not sure if he was the best time of person to do that, but regardless he nodded and inched closer to Kai.

Sage stepped up, she was better at those kinds of things, leaving the wall she moved closer to the group.

Rhea closed her eyes, not sure if the situation had gotten better or worse.
"Don't even think of touching my hair, It's nothing to get worked up over dad pissed off a high power thats trying to threaten me to get to him, they are going to use biochemical weapons and i'm sure even these powers don't stop living weapons," Kai said.

and this is suposed to not be a big deal how?" Shania asked

"Look we hunt demons, humans arent so bad,"
Sage huffed then laughed, before walking slowly away toured the direction back to town. A rather large scowl on her face.

"Ah! Sage where are you going? Kai where are the weapons hitting?" Rhea said spinning to look at him.

Lucifer perked up, understanding that something just got slightly serious.
"I said not to worry I have it under control and Ebony go chase Sage she softens aroung you," Kai said "told you to not overreact," he called to Sage.

Shania sighed "you do realize biochemical warfair wipes out entire cities right? how do we go from demon training to the hell on earth?" she asked Ebony ran after Sage.
"I am not over reacting!" Sage yelled back, before spinning around and watching Ebony come running to her.

Rhea sighed, not sure if he really has it under control or not. She wanted to fly off into a panic but she was trying to remain calm... like Shania, except Shania looked more pissed then calm.
"Kai... would you stop joking for a moment and eplain more in detail what is happening... do we need to go... raid a base or something?" Lucifer glanced at Rhea.
"You guys need to calm down this is not the first time my lifes been threatened like this it won't be the last al i have to do ... I'd rather keep my methods to myself as this will be my most extream,"

Shania looked at Rhea "how did you deal with this guy?"

Ebony hugged Sage "I don't know whats going on but ... we'll be ok," she said
"Well I know someone who wont be if the world does not get turned right side up again." Sage said under her breath walking back with Ebony. She still has one person, she still has one person.

"Well you said it was to late... to late to take care of this quietly or to late to take care of this at all?" Rhea asked, she delt with Kai in a calm fashion, always trying make sure he sees no reaction from her.

Eventually Sage meandered back to the group, Ebony still attached to her.
"to late to do it without killing," Kai said simply.

Shania glared at Kai "what do you mean?"

Ebony was sticking close to Ebony
"He means people will now die because this can no longer be solved without violence. What I want to know is how you were suppose to do anything Physical in such a short time." Sage said, moving her head side to side snapping her neck. Ebony was still attached to her, she just put her hand on the top of the girls head. "Honestly I don't care. If a bunch of @ss holes come together and try to start something that they can do that at any time... they are better off gone."

Rhea was not sure how she felt about this... but as horrible as it sounded... as long as her family was safe.
"I wasn't I guess it was a desprit call... so things wouldn't have been solved but I wouldn't be dragging others into it, honesty i don't think any of you are cut out for cold blood killing," Kai said "so can i go now?" h asked with a smile

Shania clenched her fists and tapped her foot.
"Honestly Kai I already told you I can't kill in less they give me a reason to. I don't care if you leave or not, that call is up to Shania... I wasn't caring if you left in the first place." Gently, Sage unlatched Ebony from her and started to walk away, "Today was fun. See you guys tonight. Maybe see Kai."

Rhea frowned, not sure how to take any of this. She was not the type of person to kill out of cold heart either... she wondered if she even had the guts to kill a demon.
Kai shrugged "see told you you all didn't want to know, I'll be fine, I'll be back tonight prolly," he smiled at Rhea. "do you feel like sage does?" he asked.

Shania was still tapping her foot as Ebony watched Sage go worried.
Rhea shook her head, "I don't know how I feel about it. I guess the only description I can give is fear." She said quietly. "And Sage says things in a complicated way. Like you, I can never tell."

Kai laughed "this is not the first attempt to kill me, I'm still alive and kicking," he smiled "I want to keep my life seperate from group life so that i'm not being a weight on out abilities,"

Shania punched him as was her normal reaction "you are imposible!" she stormed off.
Rhea leaned down and helped pick Kai up, she looked at him a bit worried, "I think your a bit worse then me when it comes to not wanting to be a burden. What do you want to do?" She asked him.
Rhea shook her head, "I have a bad feeling Kai." She said, putting her scarred hand on his face and healing where he got punched. It took pretty much no energy to heal it.

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