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Wild Cards

"Hmmm I also want to know, I think she would treat you like a bunny rabbit since she treat's Lucy like a dog." Sage said, bringing in tea cups and the tea.

Rhea smiled,
"Shania has been wonderful to me. I think I can't go into the kitchen anymore after I tried to burn the house down a few times..."
"Yeah we leave household activities to me..." Shania looked at Rhea and laughed remembering how funny it was to watch her try so hard. "As nice as it was for her to try I'll stick to my housewarming skills,"

Kai chuckled "Shania you are positivly glowing what did Rhea do to you?" he asked and got a book to the face since Shania was near her book bag.

Ebony chuckled everything seemed right right now.
Sage laughed at Kai as she served up tea, "So your a bad cook Rhea?"

Rhea nodded, taking the cup,
"I am bad at everything..."

Within a few moment, Lucifer meandered into the room,
"Morrniing~!" He said loudly, jumping onto Ebony.
Ebony squeeked and hugged him with a laugh. "morning Lucy," she smiled.

"not everything," shania said "she's good at making tea," she supplied.

Kai laughed "that hurt," he said rubbing his head where the book hit,
Rhea giggled a bit, "Shania is just being nice... your tea is far better then my own, hers is better then mine as well. Kai did you happen to have our mics? or some mics we can use?" Rhea asked.

Lucy smiled went to go plop on the floor like he usually did,
"Shhhaaniaa can I have my candy bar?" He asked.
Shania rolled her eyes but instead of a candy bar she pulled some fudge out of the fridge and put a few pices on a plate handing them to lucy "try these I was in a cooking mood last night."

Kai smiled "it's ok princess dad swears my cooking will eat you before you get the chance to eat it," he laughed and sadly it was true.

Ebony couldn't help but giggle.
Rhea smiled at Kai, it did make her feel a bit better, but in the laughing way, "Kai do you have Mics with you?" She asked again, not sure if he heard her.

Lucifer had to littlearly imagine chocolate eating Kai.. it also made him laugh. Taking the plate, he took a bite of the fudge and slowly chewed it. It was thick and just like chocolate but a lot sweeter.
"MMmmm its good Shania!" he said happily, taking the other piece off the plate.

Sage walked back into the kitchen and started to do any left over dishes in the sink.
Shania was rather tidy for a woman that lived with a little kid but some plates were in the sink. Kai rolled his eyes "I always have mic's the whole i'm always prepared thing ya know," he smiled

"It's called fudge, i'm glad you like it," Shania ruffled his hair fondly and sat down. "why do we need the mics? it's rather early in the day," she commented looking outside
"For my activity today. I will tell you all when it gets there. I have already talked to Lucifer ahead of time, he will be helping out today. Everyone will need a Mic." She said before taking a sip of her tea.

Lucifer laughed,
"Today is going to be a lot of fun! Rhea said I was the fastest runner of the group."

Sage raised an eye brow wondering what the girl could possibly have on her mind.
"Well I am ready to start whenever."
"ok i'll go get the mics," KAi said and went out to get them.

Shania was trying to think of what they were going to be doing. She analized Rhea for clues.

"do we have to run alot in this game?" Ebony asked
"You won't Ebony. You will be next to me... Shania, Kai and Sage however..." She said quietly, she knew they might not like this game, but honestly this was more aimed for to help Ebony and Shania... Sage and Kai already had the ability that this exercise will teach.

Sage sighed,
"Running.. great. My favorite. Shania can I borrow some cloths again, I don't want to sweat in my shirt."
"go ahead... some of my brothers clothes... Luce's clothes are washed if you want to try them?" she asked

"I like to run," Kai chuckled "tones my long lugurious legs," he said.

"oh ok," Ebony nodded "you look happier today then you have been Shania does too..."
"Oooh I was going to molest them next but I guess i missed out. My cooking just takes a bit more priority." Sage said, happily moving to the other room to get an other cloths. She came out with a simple tee shirt that was a bit bigger then her but it would do.

Rhea smiled at the girl,
"Yeah. I don't think I am happier at all. But I have a reason to be happy because I know you guys care about me." Rhea took the microphones and passed them out, taking off the ear piece of Lucifer's mic so he would not be able to ear everyone else but could still communicate with people in case something happened. "Thank you Kai... lets go walk back to where we tested out Ebony's power. I found some abandon and wrecked houses back there." Rhea said, motioning for leave.

Lucifer happily started to walk to where they where going.
Shania followed Lucy "When is the activity going to be revealed i'm starting to think you want us to hunt Lucy," She told Rhea.

Ebony stayed next to Rhea "i hope not i'd hate to have to keep up with Lucy he's really fast,"

Kai was thinking though his mind was not on what they were doing and it was obvious.
"Great guess, because that is exactly what is going to happen." Rhea said. "But getting Lucy is not what this is about." She said smiling at Shania and Ebony, Shania was smart, she caught on fast.

Sage patted Kai on back, acknowledging him, giving him a questioning look.
Kai gave her one of his planted on smiles "starting to worry about me death bringer?"

Shania raised an eyebrow. "I trust you Rhea," was all she said before continuing to walk.
Sage smiled back and shoved her hands into her pocket, "Something like that." She said quietly, "You're off today."

Rhea smiled when Shania walked off, it was not as dangerous as she made it sound. It was mearly a game of tag. There will be no weapons and no one should be hurt.
"Ah," he rubbed the back of his neck "Just a few matters i need to get settled," he laughed and smiled "guess i need to get my head back down to earth,"

Shania smiled Lucifer seemed to be exited about this. She would make sure to work as a team not go off like seemed to be predictable of her.

Ebony smiled "so What are we doing if not running?"
"Hmmm. Well if you need help, I think I could spare sometime to lift a hand. Depending." She said, "Or an ear." She said pointing to her ear.

"Come on we are here." Rhea said, taking Ebony's hand and sprinting past Lucifer and Shania. pulling a ladder off the ground, it was very apparent that Rhea had been her prier. Climbing on top of one of the broken building, Rhea motioned for Ebony to get on top with her.

"Ok... Lucy you can go." Rhea said. With the Lucifer grinned and sprinted off past the house behind them. "So for my day today I want to work on Communication..."

Sage raised an eye brow when Lucifer left. Then looked up at Ebony and Rhea on the roof.

"If we were in a real fight... Shania, Kai, Sage and Lucy are out on the field fighting. While Ebony and I are in the back giving support. For this lesson .. you guys will be running around this maze of run down houses, trying to catch Lucifer. He can't hear you guys, but we have the mics so we will try and communicate with you. Ebony and I always have a clear view of the battle field, we should be the ones giving you the most suggestions of what is happening and opening we see. Things you guys might have a harder time catching when trying to save your own skin." Rhea said, in a rather long winded answer. "No weapons, no powers, just talking to each other."
Shania nodded "understood," she said.

"God the warrior is like one of those toy soldiers," Kai said "I'm awaiting on the over and out type speach you hear in war movies," and it was true shania seemed to be a fighter but with all her power she was not much of a leader, or did she just not act like one? Kai had asked himself.

"Kai keep your head in the game," Was shania's reply.

Ebony looked over the 'battle feild' scaning it it looked worn down unstable that fact scared her.
"Hmm seems easy enough." Sage said, not really fond of running still, but this would be good practice.

Rhea smiled, she knew Shania would pick up quickly, now she hoped Ebony would also speak up. "Last piece of advice... sometimes we are wrong, go with your gut feeling if you think it is right." She said "You guys can go now."

Rhea watched as Sage moved foreword not very fast, just slowly into the conglomerate of destroyed buildings. "So how should we go about this?" Sage asked the other two.

Rhea held her mic with her hands so the other could not hear her, "Ebony... you need to make sure you speak up... if you see anything let them know, ok?"
if we rush in the same point it make us being a group a bit moot point, If we enter and surround trapping pray as we go towards th e middle will be much easier," Shania said "Ebony Rhea where are three good entrances?" she asked.

Kai was shocked Shania was asking the eyes in the sky already?

Ebony looked around "there looks to be a pretty clear passage under the chain link fence in the distance,' she said timidly.

"Ok I'll take that entrance and wait for you two to get to yours before we all get in acceptable?" shania asked
Rhea smiled happy that this was going pleasantly well already, but they were still at the beginning, and they had no clue where Lucifer was. "There is another entrance North East to where you are now, between some building. A third is opiset of that, a little closer to you guys then the other though. That should put you all in a way that you would meet up in the middle."

Rhea happily bumped Ebony giving her a thumbs up for the good spot.

"Alright fine. I will go to the North East." Sage said, just as surprised as Kai, but she knew she needed to sake it off. She slowly bordered the fence keeping an eye out of the outside of the buildings. When she found what she thought was she jumped the fence and looked around, "Is this is?" She asked them.

"Yeah you're good Death." She said in response, "probably be best to use nicknames as practice as well." Rhea thought after a moment, it is part of their communication.
"sure thing Princess," Kai said bounding off to his spot "In possition," he said "Death warrior you guys ready?"

"I'm good to go Trickster be careful some of these walls don't look too stable." Shania warned "Death you ok with all this?" Shania asked she wanted to make sure everyone was cnfortable. "Oh and Priestess archer if you guys see movement alert the one of us who is the closest we need to be careful our prey is faster and stronger then any one of us alone,"
"Yep. No complaints here." Sage said. "And he may be faster and stronger... but you have to admit he is a wus... So what is the pace we are going at?"

"That is the plan." Rhea said, happy to watch things go as planed, she did not plan to say anything if Lucifer showed up, that would be up to Ebony, she wanted the girl to speak up.

Sage had already started to walk slowly through the sides of the building, having not waited for an answer for how fast they were looking.

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