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Wild Cards

"Ok everyone go in slow cautious try to mask your footsteps we don't need the added sound." Kai said he was used to this He and Shania slinked inside Shania took off her shoes so the hard soles wouldn't make noise on the ground she'd just have to be careful not to step on anything sharp.

Ebony scaned the area "K... trickster there's a pile of rubble ahead of you you may want to avoid if you take a left up ahead it'll go around the mess no movement so far that i can see though... please be careful," she said

"Read you loud and clear Archer," Kai said taking the left as told. "yo Warrior if one of us runs into our wussy fast prey what should we do?"

"Try to direct his run towards the center if you fail tell us the direction he went in north south east west not left or right," Shania said quietly keeping herself quiet was a priority at the moment.
Sage modified her steps so that they were more quiet, moving slowly between the building.

Rhea had already spotted Lucifer, but she knew it was by chance. He was wondering close to Shania.

Lucifer was trying to be as quiet as he could, listening for any sign. He had heard talking a little bit earlier but all went quiet after a while. Lucifer turned another corner of the building to freeze when he saw the back of Shania slowly moving foreword. Lucifer took a few steps back, trying to get away before she knew he was there, slinking back the way he came.

When Rhea saw him pop out from behind Shania, she wanted to say something, but waited for see what Ebony would do.
"Warrior behind you," Ebony warned and shania didn't let on to what she heard till she felt him more then saw him and abruptly went to block his way and force him towards the center. She made no noise still she didn't want to let on to her prey what was going on.

Kai froze and waited if Lucifer made a run for it he'd head the direction emmediatly.
"Death you are closest, but I suggest you pick up the pace, looks like he is falling for it." Rhea said, picking up on the situation immediately.

Lucifer made a slightly terrified face before turning and running the other way.

Sage took that as 'time to go' and picked up her pace to meet up in the center, where ever that may be.
Kai jetted to follow around "I'll block the exits Archer tell me where to go," he said

Shania tried to herd Lucy like you would cattle chasing him all the while not once making a sound other then her breath and the soft patter of her running feet.

Ebony instructed Kai through the place to block Lucy's nearest exit.
"Death you might want to turn your way to South West." Rhea said, noticing Sage was not lining up with the rest of them.

"Mhmmm..." Sage said, when she got there she saw Lucifer coming running.

Lucifer on the other hand, saw Kai before anyone else. Instead of rearing off to the side to avoid him, Lucifer charged Kai.
Kai stood ready not flinching he would not let Lucifer pass, "he's heading for the trickster," Ebony said shania stopped running she didn't want to ram into kai after all and she stood blocking Lucifer from going backwards
Rhea stood up, wondering what Lucifer was thinking.

Lucifer smirked and then suddenly crouched, Sage moving to the side stopping to watch Lucifer jump as high as he could manage, right over Kai's head.

Lucifer landed on the roof top of the house behind Kia. Turning around Lucifer pointed at them and laughed
"HAHAAA--" His laugh was cut short when the roof had broken under him and he fell through.

Rhea gasped,
"Is he ok?" She asked, knowing no one has had the chance to even go look yet.
Shania ran in quickly "KID!" she called. Kai was not far behind Shania coughing through the clouds of dust that came up due to the rubble.
Lucifer had pulled himself up, catching himself before he actually fell through. Coughing he got back on top of the roof before making another leap from the smoke onto the ground and to another roof. This time he pressed his feet on the top of it carefully to make sure it was stable. "I am ok." He said, looking down at everyone bellow him.

Sage let out a small breath, it was dangerous out here.
"He is fine guys." Sage said, letting the two girls know he was ok.

Rhea let out a breath of relief,
"Well if you guys want to quit now that is fine. We have only been at this for a half an hour, but you guys all pass my test. But if you want to conitue, I would not mind."
"What do you say kid you up for being chased more?" Shania asked and looked at Kai and Sage "you two up for it too?"

Kai chuckled "I don't know, I do know i am not jumping on the roof of nonstable buildings,"

Ebony had to sit back Lucy falling had scared the life out of her.
"Yeah!" Lucifer said, hanging his feet off the side of the building he was sitting on, swinging them in a child like fashion.

Sage sighed,
"I am always up for more running."

Rhea laughed,
"Well you guys can come back here then, we can let Lucy lose through the area again."
"would it not be benificial to chase us too? Lucy will be tracking too and i'm sure his ability to..." Kai was cut off by his cell "I'll get back to you on that he turned off his mic and went to answer his phone.

"Is it just me or is Kai acting odd... even for him?" Shania asked looking at Sage.
"Oh I noticed ages ago." Sage said. She was going to say something more but dident, she changed to something else. "I was thinking of trying to talk to him but part of me thinks I should just leave it. My gut feeling it telling me it is not pleasant."

Rhea frowned, listening to Shania and Sage, but choose not to say anything. She would talk to Kai... but she was afraid Kai would not let her into his world. She did not belong there, she knew that. That's why it intimidated her to try and be close to him. Sage seemed like she was not afraid of him, nor was Shania, she wondered how they could not be.

Lucifer just quietly waited for Kai to be done, exactly as he did at work when he answer his phone.
Kai cut on his mic "Princess do you mind if i disapear for a while?" KAi asked his normal grin on his face "seems I ... misjudged the sevarity of a sertain situation that may become increasingly problematic if I don't cut it off in it's early stages,"

Shania narrowed her eyes "loose the phony grin you aren't going anywhere untill you give me a good reason," Shania stood in his way so he couldn't get through.
Sage's usual smile turned into a long grin when Shania spoke up. "Hmm Kai. I think you should probably speak up. We are a bit worried about you." Sage said in a nonchalant tone. To be honest, Sage was a bit worried about the guy, but she probably would not admit that in front of everyone seriously. Sage moved to the other side of Kai, her hand slide into her pockets.

Rhea kept quietly, watching where she was. She hated when this happened, when the tension raised.

Luicifer was not sure was was happening, but he stood up on the roof, ready to defend Shania.
Kai tugged a strand of his hair "you know if i tell you i'll have to kill you," he said with a serious expresssion. "Seems I managed to get into a bit more trouble then I expected I just need to straighten it out, you guys don't have to worry as long as i nip it early it won't become a hastle trust me i'd rather deal with this later but I need to do it now,"

"We aren't going to let you get hurt let us in this world of yours already," Shania said

"I can't Death and our Priestess even our Archer they have family's I wouldn't put them in risk I would rather avoid Deaths scythe of it's possible," Kai sighed Shania was being problematic.
Sage let a rather sad smile crossed her lips as she took a step back and leaned against the wall of one of the buildings. "I was actually thinking of taking you up on the offer you gave me last time. Not now... but soon."

Rhea motioned for Ebony to get off the building with her, she moved through the building in the way she had them memorized to get to the group.

Lucifer hopped off the building, landing kind of close to Shania.
"Come on Warrior just let me through I'd hate to have to fight just to get out of here," KAi said with a sigh "And Sage we always have a place for smart charming levelheaded members," he nodded to her.

Shania didn't move if kai thought he could take on everyone he was wrong.
Sage chuckled, unsure if she should just let him pass or help Shania keep him there. Her hand was already fiddling with her pen, the reason she had stuck her hand in her pockets. But was it really worth this?

Rhea come out of the blue and ran into Kai.
"Ah Kai... are you ok?" She asked him.

Lucifer was ready to do what Shania was going to do, he always was.
"Yeah i just need through and Shania seems unmovable so sorry but... I'm not a nice guy," without warning he sped at shania and his fist conected to her chest sending her back and he went to sprint off but she grabbed his leg sending him to the ground "ouch," he said Shania was coughing Kai didn't hold back even a little on that hit and her ribcage was on fire.

Ebony gasped "what.. why?" she asked
Sage let out a long sigh, planing on letting them fight it out till she needed to step in, like usual. She seemed to always be the last one to pick sides. They always went to the extream like this. Shania and Kai did anyway.

Rhea took a step back when the two of them flashed, she was not sure what to do.

Luicfer on the other hand stepped in front of Kai after he hit the ground.
"you know this is rather annoying," Kai said blowing his bangs out of his eyes. he roled and kicked Shania's hand off his leg and went to strike Lucifer in the knee to bring him down long enought to high tail it.

Shania winced she still didn't have her breath back so she didn't have enough air in her lungs to yelp.

Ebony drew her bow "Stop now!"
Lucifer skidded backwards but stopped when Ebony drew her bow, completely freezing and afraid to move, he did not want to get hit by one of her arrows.

Sage's expression changed and she pulled her pen out and stood up from the wall but besides that only those suddle movements.

Rhea knew this was getting out of hand now, just like always. She took a step foreword, unsure how to make it stop.
Ebony was aimed at Kai and only kai he was attacking the group though her hands were shaking. Kai sat up "seriously? come on I'm from the blackest pits of hell on earth and you guys want to know about it? most people ... normal people would try to ignore the fact their teammate is in such a thing," he didn't make a move to attack though "and look at me I'm a mess!" he whinned brushing dirt from his hair. Shocked ebony's bow turned back to her pendant.

Shania had caught her breath "we are not normal," she said though her chest was still on fire Kai knew how to throw a punch. "now that we all have tenced up lets go talk like rational people,"

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