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Wild Cards

Rhea followed behind Shania, her thoughts on the task ahead. When she got in the room, her attention was drawn to the picture, "Do you ever talk to him?" Rhea asked quietly.
She nodded "Alot, I've told him everything thats going on," she said her voice strained. "he was the kind to always smile in hard situations I think i saw him without a smile maybe a handful of times," she said. "I'll go get some boxes..."
Rhea watched as Shania left to get some boxes. Looking back at the picture Rhea smiled, "You sound like an amazing person... I bet you are really proud of your sister, smiling at her like she says you do." She said quietly, "We are proud of her too... I would not want this group any other way." Rhea reached up and touched the picture, she felt tears roll down her cheeks. "Please keep watching over her... watch over all of us.." She wished she could he heal him right there in the picture... but she knew she could not.
Shania came back with a few folded up boxes trying to be brave she set one up "I guess Luce can have his clothes... they are going to be long brother was pretty tall," she said looking at the messy dresser drawrs. She looked at Rhea "you're crying?" she asked and wiped a tear away with her thumb. "hey it's ok brother never aporved of crying anyway,

if something doesn't go your way smile it'll make everyone's day' he'd say that if he ... if he was here," she took a shuddering breath,
Rhea smiled and then turned to touch the picture again, "Sorry I don't mean to cry. Your brother, he is here... he is watching over you always... I think he will watch over all of us. I can feel it..." Rhea took Shania's hand in her own. She hesitated when she saw the scar, but then proceeded to touch the picture with her hand over Shania's. "Nothing has gone my way lately. But your brother is right... perhaps I can make some people's day today."
Shania was shaking "I know... I know he is watching me protecting me like I was still a child...." she fell to her knees "Why couldn't he have lived? Why did I have to be the one?" she asked her head down her hair covering her face hiding her tears that were flowing freely down her cheeks. "I hate him for dieing!" she said. "He left me, we were... we were suposed to grow old and have families and spoil each others kids!" she was openly crying now "we swore to each other we'd never leave the other alone,"
Rhea squeeze Shania's hand tightly she felt herself start crying with the girl, Rhea got down on her knees with her. She listened to Shania quietly, letting her say everything she wanted or needed to say. Rhea did not have the answers to those questions... no one did. Rhea reached for Shania, wrapping her arms around the girls neck, her own tears coming. "Now you have us..." Rhea said quietly, it was barley over a whisper.
She held onto Rhea like a scared child as she cried she may have a new family but she wanted her brother back. "I'd go to hell and back if i could have onemore day." she said "to see him smile or hear him laugh, to have him pat my head and ask me how many people i beat up," she laughed in her tears thoses were some of her last memories of her brother."Kurama you Jack a$$!" she cried out. She cried for a few more minutes before laughing at her self and angrily wiping the tears from her eyes. "Look at us we look horrible," she laughed.
Rhea silently listened to Shania, gently stroking the girl's hair while she spoke, this was the most emotion Rhea had even see Shania let lose. She could really feel everything she had been holding in, Rhea knew the feeling, holding in everything. When she was done, she pulled back and whipped her tears, laughing. Rhea smiled and touched Shania's cheek gently whipping her tears as well. "Yeah... But it feels good," She said quietly, "sometimes..." ​She said, pressing her hand to her heart.
"loosing him will always hurt, but he'd lecture me if i let this stop me from moving forwards. and we had good times together. I'll have to let those times pull me through as I make new memories, Let's start getting his things packed up," she stood on shaky legs. and looked around the room "he was always such a neat person," she said trying to keep talking so she wouldn't break down again one fit of tears was more then enough.
Rhea also stood up, "He does seem really clean... well except for his cloths." Rhea said, walking over to it. Whipping her own eyes she felt a bit light headed. opening the drawer she started to fold up the cloths and put one by one, laying them in neat piles on the ground. She folded the cloths the best she could, considering she had others do those sorts of things for her. She hopped her lack of house cleaning would go unnoticed and she would not be in the way.
Shania took down the picture her hands shaking she laid it in the box and took a dee breath "he was always in a hurry to get dressed had a problem with oversleeping," she said softly. She began to take things out of his bedside table and put them on the bed to look though. Alot of it was paperwork from his job or receits but at the bottom was a book it was a photo album she opened it and had to close it again as she put it in the box one hand over her mouth to stop herself from crying again.
Rhea glanced at her with a worry face, "Do you want to take a quick break?" She asked her quietly. "We can go get some hot tea to calm down..." she suggested, walking over to Shania's side.
"If we stop I know i'll not come back in here, Luce needs a room and this room has been empty for too long," she said "I'm just not ready to see the pictures yet," she fought away tears and closed the now empy nightstand drawr. "he was a picture horder you'll probably find albums everywere," she said once more attempting to talk in order to stop herself from cryiing
Rhea smiled, "Pictures are a wonderful thing. I am sure he would want you to treasure them." before she started to finish folding the cloths in the drawers "I think I am done here..." she said. "Anything I can do next?"
"Clean off the top anything that looks official i'll have to look through just put it to the side everything else goes in a box," she said she was trying her best to stay level headed she went under his bed Rhea could tell shania wasn't kidding she pulled out at least 10 albums from under the bed the top of the dresser had small things wallet sized pictures of shaina one for each year of school from kindergarden up till last year.
Rhea could not help but stare at the Albums. She wanted to look through them... she wanted to share in the memories with Shania. She understood what it meant to have a older brother love you... but not to lose that. In a way she did... but she was getting her brother back now, and losing her parents in turn.
Shania pulled out a box and it fell open pictures scattering over the floor "This is the only time I ever thought I'd hate his need for taking pictures!" she said she didn't want to see but it seemed impossible not to look to see all her memories scattering on the floor. one stopped at Rhea's foot shania was little in that picture probably six or seven with pigtails and a sunday dress on but she didn't look to happy her arms were crossed and her cheeks were puffed out and under the dress you could see the muddy combat boots she had on
Rhea was about to help her pick up the pictures until she saw the picture that had landed by her feet. Picking it up, Rhea looked at it. covering her mouth, she started to giggle, "Your so cute..." She said quietly.

Shania made a face similar to the one in the picture "you and Kurama would have gotten along," she said putting pictures back in the box. "He loved to put me in dress's said i looked cute and i wore them to make him smile," she sighed "at least he let me wear the shoes i wanted,"
Rhea giggled, "You look very cute. It makes me smile too." She was starting to see simularites between Shania and her own brother... "You know... this is the first time we have actually talked next to that one time I ran to your house... The only person in the group I ever talk to is Kai... I am happy... that I got this chance to speak with you more... to see this side of you... Thank you Shania." She said, gently laying the picture into Shania's hands. Leaning down, Rhea started to pick up the other pictures, stopping to look at one every now and again.
most of these pictres were younger shania and Kurama. Shania looked at Rhea "I never noticed we didn't talk much and if you tell anyone i cried I'll throw my shoe's at you instead of kai," she said with a smile. there was one that had a woman who looked like Shania but she wore a long gown and had a baby in her arms and a young boy was holding her skirts the boy was Kurama you could tell by the goofy grin he wore.
Rhea gave a small smile back, "No one will know. It is not anyone's business but your own.." She said quietly. Rhea was never the type to share or gossip. She kept to herself, but Shania would not know that since no one in the group has really gotten to know her. She knew she said it in a joking matter, but she had a feeling she would be true to her word. Rhea stopped at the picture, "Is this your mother?"
"Yeah," Shania said "Ladylike by day warrior by moons light," Shania said "its what alot of people said a bout her," shania looked at the picture "Kurama always had that goofy smile of his," she noted "People used to say i got all moms bad qualitys and none of the good," she rummaged through the pictures pulling out one it was her mother sitting under a willow tree in another beautiful gown Shania and kuram on either side of her both asleep as she read a book "This was taken the day she died, just a few hours before actually," She handed the picture to Rhea.
"What did she do? What happened to her?" Rhea asked, taking the picture and looking at it. She thought her and Shania were a lot alike physical. She admired her beauty and she already admired Shania for how strong and brave she was.

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