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Wild Cards

Sage also started to laugh, "is that what it is called now a days?"

Rhea looked up at Shania and smiled weakly,
"Yeah... today has been long. I should warn you I won't be in school this coming week... I also need a place to stay long term..." She said, looking down at her hands.

Lucifer blushed,
"They were being lovers...." He said quietly holding Ebony.
"You can stay here... I supose it's time i go in that room anyway," Shania said softly.

Kai raised an eyebrow "I guess staying at my house is as safe as walking to a demon and saying look I'm a gardian," he admitted

Ebony nodded "he.. hand... shirt... " she hid her face in Lucifers chest
Rhea shook her head, "No... In all honesty I would feel safest with Kai because of his resources, but I know my parents will guess I am with him or my brother. I think it would be best for me to stay here for Shania."

Lucifer was slightly freaked out with Ebony,
"What... he what..."

Sage chuckled darkly, watching Ebony break down the way she was. As she said before... bad habits die hard.
"he stuck his hand up her shirt!" Ebony said into Lucy's shirt.

Kai moved behind lucy and whispered "It's only good manners to feel up a girls shirt and complement her skin it's a nice thing to do," his smile was evil

"I'll clean out... I'll get my brothers things packed up he won't be needing them," Shania said not noticing kai.
Rhea smiled at Shania, "When things calm down, perhaps I may help you." She said, placing her scarred hand on Shania's "If you would let me." She said quietly.

Lucifer looked at Kai, then Ebony, then Kai again,

Sage's grin increased when Kai leaned in to whisper to his ear.
Kai nodded with a smile "if they squeal its a complement to you." he whispered

Ebony wasn't paying attention her face stuck in Lucifers shirt.

Shania smiled "thanks Rhea," she squeezed Rhea's hand "and i thought you only healed bodies,"
Rhea smiled a bit more, "I-I do." She said, not sure how to take the compliment.

Lucifer looked down at Ebony before he did exactly what Kai said,
"Wow it really is smooth..." He said.

Sage covered her mouth, she could barely keep herself from laughing.
Ebony squealed and kai could hardly contain his laughter. Shania looked up shocked at the sudden squeal from the little girl.

"Kai what did you do?" Shania asked.

"Notjing," he mossied on into the kitchen still trying not to laugh
Sage however burst out laughing around the corner, reaching out to give Kai a high five when he walked past her.

Lucifer on the other hand, screamed when Ebony squeaked, his hands flying into the air.

Rhea felt herself blush again....
these people....
Ebony had turned scarlet red her eyes wide.

Kai high fived Sage "I forgot how fun this is," he said laughing.

Shania sighed "I think I'm going to have to kill Kai before this is all over,"
"Kai said it was polite...." He said lamely mimicking her wide eyed expression.

Rhea shook her head,
"I shouldn't condone that...." Rhea started to say, but never really finished the sentence, leaving it open.

Sage laughed some more as she pulled the food out of the oven.
"Since your here, help me serve this up." She told Kai as she cut up the pieces and passed out the plates.
Kai nodded and begun to hand out plates still chuckling to himself.

"Kid he lied," Shania said "traditionaly it is an act of... mating," she suplied he might know that word.

Ebony was still frozen in shock.
"W-what?!" Lucifer said, "Ah..uh.. Ebony I am so sorry!" He said, he was now a bit panicked, almost sure he offended his friend, "I-I did not know your human customs!"

Sage was snickering,
"Food is done!" She said happily.

Rhea sighed, but she was smiling, thanking Kai when he handed her a plate.
Ebony blinked a few times "nobody's ever touch... toucched me like that," she clenched her fist and after Kai set down her plate she socked him.

Shania bent over laughing. Kai however was knocked back in shock.
Sage blinked, Kai seemed to get hit a heck of a lot more then she did. Not that she minded, in fact it made her laugh even more.

Lucifer blinked in complete shock, did Ebony really do that?

Rhea was also for a loss of words... even she would not hit anyone... well at least she did not think she would.
Ebony gasped "i'm so sorry," she said. "I'm sorry I'm sorry," she appologized and hugged Lucifer hiding in his shirt again.

"no problem honestly it just knocked me off balance it didn't hurt," Kai chuckled and got back up.

Shania was still laughing finaly someone else hit kai.
"I think Ebony is ready to play our new game!" Sage said, clapping her hands twice.

Lucifer was hugging Ebony when she ran into his chest again.

Rhea smiled, taking a bite of the food. It was hot and burned her mouth, but as she found her body automatically started to heal itself like usual, so it caused her only a slight moment of pain.
Shania took her normal couple of bites to appease her friends. Ebony slowly detached from Lucifer to eat she felt a tad bit embarased she wasn't even as filled out as Sage after all. KAi sat and began to eat "I've had alot of fun today how about you guys?"
Rhea smiled "Yeah.." She said.

Sage grinned,
"I would have more fun if Ebony showed off her new skill." She said, pouting a bit while eating.

Lucifer was not sure if he did or not... he got tired up... then he made people upset at him... then he tried to mate with Ebony....

Rhea sighed,
"Sage, Ebony won't shoot arrows at you guys..." She said, putting her plate down. She was done eating, she could not hold that much food in with everything that happened.
Ebony looked at KAi and Sage and she felt bitter they had been so mean today her pendant glittered and a breeze picked up in the room it was a cold winter breeze to. Shania shivered as a person who hates the cold does she pulled a blanket over her. Kai smiled amused "looks like she's useing the power now,"
"Come on now... lets go pay outside! There is a park near here right?" Sage said, a smirk growing on her face. "I don't want to destroy lovely Shania's house."

Rhea shivered as well, she was a cold natured person, she was not expecting for Ebony to loss her temper.

"Hey Ebony... are you really going to do this?" Lucifer asked.
"I don't want to shoot at anyone," she said "i could hurt them,"

Shania stood up "lets go outside where it is warm anyway," she said
Sage skipped outside, "Not if you can't hit us love."

Rhea sighed and followed behind everyone.

Lucifer followed with Ebony,
"I am really reallly sorry about earlier." He said, blushing a bit still.
"it wasn't your fault," she said softly "is my skin really soft?" she asked with a blush.

Kai watched Sage "i hope you are like this when i get my power I'd love to try and hit you,"

Shania shook her head and sighed "these people need help,"
Sage laughed, "Only if fair is fair here. I intend to try and hit you as well." She said.

Rhea nodded,
"Yes... I think our whole group needs help." Rhea said honestly and quietly next to Shania.

Lucifer smiled blushing a bit more,

When the got somewhere a bit far away from houses, Sage patted Ebony on the back, "First lets see what the wind does to those arrows." She said, "Go ahead and shoot the tree over there!" Sage said, pointing at a tree a bit of ways away.

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