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Wild Cards

Ebony transformed her bow and drew it she could feel a power around the arrow like a vortex she loosed it and it hit the tree in a flash of speed and the point of impact imploded from a vaccum of air. Ebony looked wide eyed and staggered a little she put to much force into it...

Shania was speachless "ebony... you killed the tree,"

Kai was shaocked "I'm glad we didn't let her shoot at us."
Sage laughed under her breath, agreeing with Kai, "Me too... that's why I told her to shoot the tree first."

Rhea mouth hung open a bit, amazing. That was simply amazing... she bet everything about Enony's power increased as well.

Lucifer jumped up with the arrow his the tree, he jumped onto Ebony for a hug.
"YEESS! No one can beat us now!"

Rhea shook her head,
"This can be a real problem..." She said under her breath.
"The tree or the power surge?" Shania asked.

"It wasn't a surge of power the air spun the arrow to a speed to where impact created a vaccum before the air hit and caused an implotion... it's just basic science." Kai said and went to see the remains of the tree.

Ebony smiled "you really think so?" she asked Lucy
Rhea whispered to Shania, not really wanting to hurt Ebony's feelings, "I know she is a better shot now... but the amount of energy just put into that... it can cause easy friendly fire be she even hit them directly or just near them. She needs to get it under control or there could be a real problem. I know it is a bit unfair to say that when she just got the power..." She said, feeling a bit guilty that she said this much.

Sage hopped over to the tree remains with Kai, kicking around the splinters of wood,
"I don't think I like my game so much anymore."

Lucifer smiled,
"Yeah! You should do it again!"
"What should i aim at?" she asked softly looking at Lucifer.

Kai smiled "good thing she didn't start with this power,"

Shania nodded "let her practice she seems to be more causious since she hit Luce,"
Lucifer smiled and whispered back, "Right between Sage and Kai..."

"Well if she had started with it I don't think she would have been kidnapped." Sage said laughing, "Man... I can't wait to see what kind of powers we will get."

Rhea nodded,
"Yeah... but we should do that as soon as possible... she can't practice this where she normally does... we will actually have to come out here or some place abandon to do so..."
"Just between them..." she said and drew back her bow and loosed and it hit the ground between the two and the grownd acted alot like the tree drit flying everywhere Kai was flung back by the shockwave though he landed without injury. Ebony gasped and covered her mouth.

Shania was shocked "was she that mad at those two?"
Sage herself was not sure what hit her, but after she landed and rolled a bit she sat up and rubbed her head. "What... "

Lucifer jumped up laughing,
"Sorry we thought the game started!" He yelled over there for Kai and Sage to hear.

Sage laughed getting up and brushing the dirt off her, her shirt muddied. She was pretty sure she deserved that, and Sage was one to always accept the conciquences of her actions.
"That... I would hate to actually get hit by one of those." Sage said to Kai.

Rhea was really shocked at first,
"I-I hope they are not hurt!"

Shania laughed "they are fine if anythings hurt it's their pride the two apperance causious people are covered in diirt,"

Kai chuckled "I would too that would indeed be painful,"

Ebony looked at Lucy "you just pulled one over on Sage and Kai,"
Lucifer grinned, "No, we did!"

Rhea let out a small relived sigh,
"So are we going out tonight? Hunting I mean."
"I don't think we should to be honest, we still need to find out how to trap old one hand," Shania said

Kai looked at Sage "so how do we get them back for this?" he asked

Ebony hugged Lucy "I'll practice alot and we'll take down a bunch of demons,"
Sage laughed, "I have an idea for Lucy I have been wanting to pull... But I was honestly a bit afraid Shania would ruin the fun..."

Lucifer smiled,
"Yeah! We will be great!"

Rhea shook her head,
"If we just spent our time looking for the one who kidnapped us... then it just leaves time for other portals to leak more demons... I can, or should be able to close portals now." She said quietly, looking at the pendent. "Besides... from the bits an pieces I have been hearing... I think the spider is going to come to us.."
Shania nodded "ok then want to go to the second spot on that map of yours?" she asked

"do tell," Kai smiled evily.

Ebony hugged Lucy tightly laughing happily
"Well I was thinking of getting a large amount of butterflies and then locking him in the room with them..." Sage said laughing.

Rhea sighed,
"So we are going hunting tonight?"
"I can get the butterflies," Kai said with a grin.

"Yeah go round up the pranksters," Shania said and went to Ebony and Lucy "You guys up to demon hunting?"

Ebony nodded though useing her new power made her a bit sleepy.
Sage smiled, "Ok, maybe not next time... but the week after. You have to wait for them to put their guard down before you act again." Sage said. "Oh looks like we are about to get called." Sage looked over to the group, then let herself walk slowly there.

Rhea was not feeling up for demon hunting tonight, but if they group wanted it then they wanted it.

"So are we going fishing tonight?" Sage asked, grinning at Lucifer.

Lucifer frowned and hid behind Shania.
"No Rhea said that just because we weren't ready to hunt a spider doesn't mean we shouldn't still search around," Shania said

Ebony hid behind Shania as well she seemed the least likely to pull a trick on her and Lucy at the moment.
"Relax Ebony, I deserved that arrow, no hard feeling love." She said happily. Which was true, but that did not really mean she wont still pick on the adorable girl.

Rhea nodded, not sure if she should correct Shania, but thought better of it. That night the demon hunting went completely quiet with absuloutly nothing found. They walked around the area for a few hours and nothing peaked Lucifer's interest. After a few hours of running around, they returned back for once clean without blood.

"Well that was a bust.." Sage said, getting out of the car.

Rhea was silently glad for the lack of action tonight.
"we got to enjoy a peaceful walk in the night," Shania said "Rhea do you need to borrow some bed clothes?" she asked.

Ebony smiled it was nice knowing Rhea was going to be safe at home with shania.
Rhea looked up, "Ah.. please."

Sage yawned,
"Well then, good night everyone. Ebony do you need me to walk you home?"
Ebony puffed up "you've been mean I'll walk myself," she said and crossed her arms and stomped her foot.

Shania just waved to everyone and went to get Rhea some night clothes.

"Need a ride Sage? you were just dissed by a little ballerena." Kai smirked
"Haha... I see that. Well try not to get kidnapped, love." Sage said waving by to Ebony. "And no, my house is pretty close to here so I don't really need a ride. I actually rather you take Ebony since her house is further."

Sage waved bye to everyone before quietly shutting the door behind her and walking home.

Rhea waved at Sage, Lucifer did as well, "
I guess I will see you guys later." He said happily.
Kai nodded and picked up Ebony "off we go little ballerena," he said and carried her out dispite her struggles "See you guys tomorow," he smiled as he left

"That guy wears on every nerve i have left," Shania said handing rhea some pink and red flanal pajama's "if you need to use the shower go ahead," Shania said.
Lucifer yawned and left to go to sleep, "Good night Shania. Good night Rhea."

Rhea smiled as he left then turned to Shania,
"No its ok... I promised to help you tonight."
She nodded softly and went to the room that hasn't been opened since before the accident with a deep breath she opened the door the room her brothe hadr occupied still smelled of him. He had a simple bed made up neatly with blue and green conforters and pillows. his window's curtains were drawn shut to stop the light from getting in in the morning dust was settled on the night table and dresser both littered with odds and end things. His dresser was out of place as it was the only thing that looked messy his draws half open or had clothes sticking out. Shania wanted to break down but what good would tears do her? A picture of him and her hung over the headboard they looked like they were at a beach, both of them smiling happily.

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