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Wild Cards

Kai rolled his eyes "I didn't mean we fought better, I said we were the most versitile we can fight with or without weapons and we have been fighting longer but yes Ebony would probably benifit the most," he said.

"Oh nonono," she said quietly "I can barely handle the bow,"
Levi raised en eyebrow, "Well?"

Sage sighed and ran her hand through her hair,
"Ebony. Give the power to Ebony."

"Very well." Levi said, gliding over to Lucifer and Ebony. Sage stepped aside as Levi approached them. Lucifer gave Ebony a warm smile before whispering, "It will be ok, I promise he wont hurt you." He said moving her foreword to meet Levi.

Levi reached out for Ebony, touching her forehead and then taking off her pendent with the other. The Gem on her forehead became visible and shined brightly. Levi raised the hand with the item he had, it hovering there slightly. After a few more moments there was a burst of energy from Ebony, almost like a massive wind blast. Sage nearly got blown away standing so close, lucky she only got knocked down.

The wind seemed visible as it moved between Ebony and her pendent in Levi's hand until everything just stopped. Handing Ebony back her pendent Levi glanced up at the group.
"Her power is there." He said, he sounded a bit tired. Sage sat herself back up, rubbing her head.

Rhea was amazed by what she saw, it was beautiful but scary.

Ebony was amazed she could feel it in her like a breeze through her very veins. She put her pendantback on "thank you lord Levi," she said quietly.

Shania had nearly got knocked off balance by the suddun wind. "this stuff tiers you out doesn't it?" Shania asked Levi seeing his state when the wind stopped.

Kai was caught conpletly off gaurd and stumbled back when the wind started but he quickly got his legs and watched Ebony.
Levi actually smiled, "Hmm is that so? I think you are seeing things."

Lucifer stood up,
"Levi is not a bad guy! He told me to be quiet but I can't. Sillia took all the energy he was storing for use to use the weapons, but when Sillia saved Rhea, she took all the energy with it... Levi just used his own energy to give Ebony her powers because I told him you guys were worried about having enough powers to keep going. I know Levi is always acting like a bad guy but hes not!"

Levi sighed flicked Lucifer in the nose,
"You are just like your mother, it annoys the hell out of me."

Lucifer held his nose but made an I-don't-care face. Sage laughed, picking herself up and brushing herself off, she had a feeling she figured Levi out. As long as you stroked his ego, he was good to do pretty much anything.

Rhea picked herself up also, knocked back from the wind herself. Standing up she looked up at Levi. She needed to ask him questions.
"Look Levi, we might be kids but we are going to kick a$$ in the battle feild, Luce you know we aren't that underpowered," Shania was a bit offended her Luce had told Levi they needed the extra power. "Thank you for helping out but leave the rest to us,"

Kai smirked "Hell I think we can squish a little spider and when the vamp gets back we'll make him wish Levi had killed him," Kai said with a bright grin.

Ebony didn't know what to think of all this so she took Levi's hand dispite better judgment and thanked him again.
Levi blinked at Ebony, gently taking his hand away from her a flying and moving a few feet away from the group, "I caution you. Those two are not easy to deal with together." He said in a serious tone. "besides my little worms, if I did not think you could do it, I would not waste my time. After all I still have to babysit you brats."

"Um... Levi." Rhea tried to get his attention.

"What is it Rhea? I have spent to much time here as it is." Levi said, already wanting to move back to the demon world.

Rhea sighed,
"I want to know if greater detail what is happening in this war that is happening. I want to know if you have some kind of book on demons or powers... something." She said, taking a few steps to Levi. Levi's eyes narrowed, "I'll see what I can get for you... but perhaps another time."

Rhea was not satisfied, her face said that much. Regardless, Levi disappeared and Rhea felt the weight of the new necklace on her neck. Rhea felt herself ball up her hand into a first, frusitaghted.
Shania sighed "I'm going to go ... unwind for a second before Kai says something stupid and i do really hurt him," she said heading off to her room.

Kai smirked "sad the warrior can't take the heat sometimes," he was smart enough to wait till she was out of the room to say this though.
Lucifer made an upset face and followed Shania. he had a feeling this was his fault. He was just trying to help. "Shania..." He called, trying to follow her.

Rhea wanted to leave at this point. She also wanted to be alone to her thoughts. To much disappointing has happened today for her. Gently she picked up the necklace around her neck and examined it. The jewel was beautiful, but she felt inside it a faint energy like that of the portals.

Sage watched as Shania and Lucifer disappeared into the back of the house, she was afraid Lucifer was going to get himself hit.
"So Ebony, how to you feel?"
"I feel... light," she said "like a feather in a breeze," she said trying to discribe it.

Kai hugged Rhea and pulled her onto the couch "come on if you don't smile I swear I'll find every ticklish spot you have and turn you into a mass of giggling go,"

Shania looked at Luce "Yes?" she said softly before grabbing a box she hid behind some other containers.
"I am sorry Shania... I was just trying to help... the other day... everyone seemed so defeated .. I know you guys say thing but I don't want you guys to feel weak." He said, squatting on the ground.

Rhea shook her head,
"Ah, I am not ticklish sorry. Its ok Kai. I just need something for my mind too do." She said, sitting down where he made her sit.

Sage smiled,
"Ah, well i think later tonight we should all go out and play with your powers."
"Play with them?" she asked softly blushing "what if i'm no good though,"

Shania smiled "I'm not mad Luce," she opened the box and touched its contents tenderly. "I know you are trying to help." she said. Inside the box was a broken sword it's blade had been shattered but the pieces were still sharp the hilt was inlaid with bloodstones in ivory.

Kai looked at Rhea with a puppy like pout "I swear I'll have to get you somehow," he mused and pinned her to the couch his body looming over hers though the position was predatory he didn't seem threatening. "and you asked Levi for a book? I do have a library at home nothing on their world but you could disapear if you really wanted.
Rhea seemed to shrink under Kai blushing a bit, "uh... uh... Kai... I think..."

Sage glanced over at the two before wrapping her arm around Ebony's waist and then walking over to Kai and pulling him off Rhea then slinging her arm around his neck,
"Ohhh Kai! Lets go play with Ebony's new power, I just had the best idea for a game!" She mused.

Lucifer looked in the box,
"What is that?" He asked quietly.
Ebony squeeked "g... game?" she asked Kai huffed but smiled.

"As you wish, though with an arm around me i might start thinking you like me," he smirked

"It was my mothers, IT was broken before I was even born. I like to set out the pieces and try to put them in order they are still sharp I've cut myself more then once," she said softly "it's relaxing like a puzzle but with more meaning."
"What your just now liking me? Oh but Kai I thought we were secret lovers!" Sage said in a rather dramatic way, "I was the dominate remember?"

Rhea smiled, laughing a bit under her breath.

"Anyway game, we need Lucifer and Shania too, then I will explain the game. Lucifer can't play and Rhea will be watching." She said happily, "We can play Dodge Ebony's new ability, we can see who gets hurt first. I bet it will be Shania."

"I-I think that is a bad idea Sage..." Rhea said after she heard this 'game'.

Lucifer looked at the pieces and reached to touch one gently.
"Your family... I wounder if they are like mine... I would love for you to meet them." Lucifer said, slightly absent minded.
"I don't have any family anymore I'm the last one... and i'd like to meet your family but how they'd like me is not known," Shania said as she warned the pieces were very sharp and cool to the touch she kept them clean and polished the blade wasn't made of steel or iron it was made of silver strengthened with some other metals in the middle.

"We might tier the poor archer out." Kai pointed out to Sage "though it might be fun to try and avoid her new power." then he smirked "and who said i'd let you dominate me?" with that he pulled Sage close to him and kissed her like he had Lucifer only he held her arms so she'd not be able to punch him and he pulled her too close for her to use her knees.

"I don't want to hit anyone!" Ebony said
Lucifer watched quietly, "I think my mother and father will like you. I don't have siblings. Levi already likes you. Sillia is kind of family, she hangs around my mother a lot, I grew up with her around." He said, thinking about the Succubi that had came by to save Rhea.

Sage would be honest with herself, she was not expecting that, however Kai is now playing her type of game. She warped her arm around him then with one quick motion of her foot, tripped him and lean him down into a dip so she was holding him much like a girl while they kissed. When she broke the kiss she grinned at him,
"Oh Kai, you are a better kisser then I thought you would be."

Rhea felt herself blush watching the two, why did this always happen to her? She could never figure out what was going to happen around here. She just needed to stop trying to figure it out.
Kai smirked and used his body to pull Sage to the floor and pin her before biting her neck. "You taste good for a tom boy," he comented licking the mark he had made.

"Levi likes me... odd I have trhis unexplainable desire to punch him," shania said with a small laugh.

Ebony nearly fainted Kai had Sage pinned and he was doing that sort of thing. Did he do that stuff to Rhea!! she felt her heart beat quicken at the images
Lucifer laughed quietly before he heard a loud thump in the other room. He looked behind him at the door, wondering if he should go look.

Sage twisted in Kai's grip before rolling so she was on top of him, her grin was wide now, this was challenge.
"I bet you taste as sweet as any lady." she said, leaning over and nibbling his ear.

At this point Rhea had jump up off the couch, for the third time today? And ran over to Ebony.
Ebony promptly fainted too much stimulation for one day.

Kai purred deep in his throat "I like a woman who can be rough," he pushed her off and he pounced her forcing her face down on the floor he snuck a hand up her shirt to caress her flat stomach. "you're skins so smooth my dear,"

Shania put up the broken sword and went to see what was going on "get a hotel room," she commented.
Sage glanced up at Shania when she walked in, "Oooh well Kai kind of started this." Sage said with a smirk, before she used a lot of her strength to push Kai off. She was about to attack him again when she realized something much more important then him, "Ah no! My Lasagna!" She said, jumping to her feet and running to the kitchen to get the food.

Rhea was holding Ebony up, the girl had fainted again.
"Uh... oh..." Rhea also felt a bit faint from blushing so hard.

Lucifer was not far off, his own face was blushing,
"What where you guys doing?" He asked "Ah Ebony!"
"they were acting out lovers," Shania said to Lucifer.

Kai laughed "relax it's fine it hasn't been that long unless Levi didn't stall time," he got up and brushed off his clothes.
Lucifer blushed even more with Shania's explanation, "Eboonyy.." he said, taking her from Rhea and shaking her lightly.

Rhea sat down and placed a hand on her forehead, she felt like all the blood in her body was in her face right now.

Sage checked the oven, letting out a soft sigh of relief.
"It still had a little bit to go. Phew I thought it might have over cooked." Sage said.
Kai chuckled "you'll make someone a very nice housewife one day,"

Ebony opened her eyes "huh?" she asked

Shania sighed "my house will turn into a den o sin with kai invading it," she sat on the couch
"Ebony you passed out again." Lucifer said, a bit concerned.

Sage popped her head around the corner from the kitchen to look at Kai,
"You have no idea how good of a house husband I would make. Also, food it almost done. Then we can go play that game~" Sage said happily.

Rhea sat down next to Shania and let out a long sigh.
"game?" shania asked looking at Rhea "are you ok?"

Ebony looked at Lucy "they were... doing health class education...." she was blushing deeply.

Kai bust out laughing

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