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Wild Cards

"You can smile for me a bit," he said with a smile of his own as he started the car.

Shania smiled and repeted herself "we ar going to tie you up upside down from a tree to lure out the spider,"

Ebony gasped hoping shania wasn't serious.
Lucifer was now up from off the floor looking slightly scared.

"Hey Shania, where do you keep the rope?" Sage said a bit of evil leaked in her voice.

Lucifer's face looked even more fearful.

Rhea did actually smile a little after Kai said that,
"Thanks again. I am sorry." Rhea felt kind of sick. her stomach turned thinking about all the trouble she put him through today, "Is your wrist ok?"
"it was only a sprain to begin with but it feels amazing thanks," he said and pat her shoulder. "It'll all be ok Rhea, I don't mind doing things for you it's nice to be away from dad," he smiled at her actually driving the speed limit for once.

"Oh it's in blue contaner in the spare room," Shania said with a grin.

Ebony hugged Lucifer. "you guys are being mean,"
Sage was back in a moment with some rope, Lucifer looked so scared and Sage could not help but laugh, "Its not being mean, we are protecting humanity!" Sage said happily. Lucifer look pretty scared at this point, "I don't wana get eaten by the spider! I hate bugs!"

Rhea smiled, happy to be helpful, "I guess so... I am actually kind of excited to see everyone today. I have missed listening to everyone play."
Shania couldn't help but laugh and draw Lucy up in a hug ruffling his hair she did so love his childish reactions. "it's ok sage looks like he'd be poor bait let's use Kai the bright blue hair's a better lure,"

Kai nodded "when you and Ebony went missing the group fell apart Ebony's arrows and your healing would have made that day a victory for sure, show's us how important you two really are," he smiled "I bet you we become the best group of vigilanty demon slayers to ever walk the earth lets see Buffy handle our familiy lives and hunting," he was actually trying to picture it.
Sage made a confused face, "What? I thought we were actually going to tie him up..." She said, a bit disappointing.

Lucifer hugged Shania,
"Why do you scary me so muuuch?"

Rhea laughed, "If only we can fix the portal closing problem I am sure we would do so much better."
Kai smirked "Let levi handle that the jerk,"

Shania pet lucy "I can't see him so scared it's like kicking a puppy," she said appologeticaly to sage.

Ebony began to pout "sage you are soo mean!"
Sage smirked at Ebony, "Do you want me to tie you up instead?"

Lucifer suddenly jumped up,
"No take me instead! Don't tie up Ebony!" Sage's grin only widened.

Rhea nodded, looking up to see if they were almost there.
Ebony hugged Lucy and hid behind him "they are mean we should run away together," Ebony said.

Shania raised an eyebrow and chuckled "and where would you two go? since you want to stay together "I'll hold em you tie em," Shania said to sage.

Kai pulled into Shania's driveway "ah, I've missed this place," he commented.
Sage only smirked, closing in on the two with the rope in hand.

Rhea smiled and let out a breath,
"yeah... its been a-" She was cut off when a loud scream come from the house.

Rushing into the house, Rhea was slightly surprised and... really confused to see Sage with a rope around Ebony and Lucifer tying them down. Sage was actually laughing rather loudly while Lucifer was crying and squirming.
"I don't want to run away any moooooooore..." Lucifer said after he had screamed.
Ebony was kicking and crying too "stop it!" she yelled.

Kai looked at them "my god what is this an x rated movie?" Kai asked Shania was laughing to hard to do anything else this was a much needed break.
Sage looked up, her grin replaced with a pleasant smiled, "Oooh if it inset the newly weds!" Sage said happily, tightening the rope around the two so they could not get away, "We were just about to tie Lucy up on a tree and try and fish out the spider, but Ebony thought he would be lonely without her, so we were going to let her join."

"N-newly weds?" Rhea studered, rhea knew this was a Joke because Shania would not actually let Lucifer hang from a tree while their waited for something to eat him.

Suddenly Sage let the rope loss, letting Lucifer and Ebony go.
Ebony was crying "I dont like you guys anymore," she sniffled.

Kai smiled "Me and my princess are planning our honey moon in Paris you guys will be ok without us right?" he asked wrapping his arm around Rhea "but before that Sage might want to confort her lover," he said pointing to Ebony.

Shania pulled Lucy to her "we wouldn't really use you as bate," she promised him
Sage laughed, "She is Lucifer's." But regardless Sage leaned down and patted Ebony on the head, "Now now, it was all fun in games and you know you really love us." Sage said happily, today was the most fun she has had in a long time.

Rhea blushed fiercely,
"We are not married... Paris?"

Sage looked up,
"Aww no wedding bells? I thought I was going to be able to see Shania's be Kai's maid of honor."

Lucifer sniffed much like Ebony did, latching onto Shania as if his life depended on it. Rhea smiled, he was such a brave demon, but then other times he was a cry baby.
Ebony latched to Sage in much the same way Lucy did to Shania "I won't forgive you," Ebony said through her sniffles.

Kai pat Rhea's hea "oh sorry do you think Paris is to overdone? and what do you mean maid of honor I garantee you my maid would actually act better in a dress,"
Sage smiled, "That is a shame." Sage said chuckling under her breath while Ebony clung to her. "I did not think you could find anyone to be your maid of honor so I think you will have to settle with Shania!"

Lucifer had actually already started to calm down, he was always quick to forget and recover from silly things.

Rhea sighed, but she smiled, happy to be back with the noisy group. She moved to go sit down on the couch so she could relax. Although she was lacking a book to read.
"so now that we've terrorozed Ebony and Luce here what shall we do?" Shania asked petting Lucifer,

"First I have to give this to Lucy he left it at my house," Kai pulled out a bag of m&m's from his jacket "Why do you let him eat so much junk?" he asked Shania

"He likes it and i make sure he eats his vegies and meats too," shania said
Lucifer immediately lit up, taking the bag and set to work to opening it, "Ebony come share with me!" He said.

Sage laughed, picking herself off the ground, with our without the crying girl attacked to her,
"Well actually I was thinking we let Lucifer run around and see if our spider comes out for revenge then we hit him with a well placed ambush." Sage said, recovering from her laughing fit.

"I think that sounds like a great idea." Rhea said, her eyes where half closed and she laid down on the couch. "By the way, I know half they day had already passed, but Ebony needs to choose someone new."
"Oh i'm sorry," Ebony said sniffling still "since Lucifer chose me I'll choose Rhea cause she hasn't tried to tie me up and feed me to a spider," of course Ebony went to Lucifer to share the M&m's.

"Do you want to day just to be a lazy day and let Rhea pick next weeks?" Shania asked "we all need a lazy day,"

Kai nodded "it is only fair since we should all get a full day and not get only half for some poeple,"
Rhea nodded her eyes still closed.

Sage brushed herself off, her shirt kept getting wrinkled from Ebony attaching herself to her. She glanced at the girl as she went to share with Lucifer and smiled a little. Loosening her tie, Sage clapped her hands,
"So lunch, any suggestions?"

"Chocolate!" Lucifer said suddenly.

"Lucy... you are eating chocolate right now..." Sage said with a sigh.
Shania chuckled "I just went shopping so we are well stocked when it comes to food,"

"It's amazing our firetempered fighter is a homemaker too," and with that statment Kai got a house slipper to the face "ouch," he said "what is with you and shoes!"

"it's been too long since i'd hit you," Shania replied
"Ehe, her cookies where 7 out of 10. She is not that bad, I've had worse." Sage said, laughing at Kai.

"Mmm how about lasagna?" Rhea said, sitting up suddenly.

Sage thought for a moment then nodded, very rare that Rhea really ever spoke up about the small things.
"Sure thing, that is doable."

Lucifer looked up, handing the bad to Ebony,
"Lasagna? sounds really good."
"It's itallian," Kai said "pastas and tomato sauses and lots of cheese," he explaind rubbing his cheek.

Ebony smiled "did they not feed you over where you come from Lucy?"she asked
Lucifer laughed, "They do! We just don't have food like these over there. We eat things I am sure you guys have never heard of."

Sage smiled and then started to roll up her sleeves and walk into the kitchen to start the food. She was in a good mood, so she started a hum while she cooked.

Rhea smiled, curious what kind of foods Lucifer would eat. She glancing around she saw a sword laying on the ground. Getting up she wondered to it. Reaching out her scarred hand she hovered it over it to feel it. She could feel that sickening feeling the portals had around it. Rhea bit her lip and pulled away from it slowly.
This must be the sword Kai had spoke of. ​She thought.
Kai watched Rhea reach to the sword and pull back. "We got it from the spider," he said.

Shania chuckled "I took it's hand too i bet it's ticked," she said happily

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