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Wild Cards

Rhea nodded, dialing Sage. Rhea was pretty visibly upset.

Sage laughed,
"yeah, he keeps picking up bad habits." she finished before her phone rung, looking at it she frowned, "Hey Kai, whats up?" She said answering it. She waited a few moments, Rhea stuttering on the other line. "Ok relax. No one is under attack right now, so take care of what you need too. Tell Kai I said to do anything dumb. And you be careful .. I will pass the message onto Shania." She said, before hanging up the phone. "Nothing is ever easy around here."

Rhea hung up the phone after explaining to Sage that Kai had helped escape her house and now they needed to run away and solve her problem.
"Umm... Sage said don't do anything Dumb. Also she said she would pass the message on to Shania." Rhea said quietly.
"i'm never doing anything dumb sheesh, anyway we'll get you settled and we'll all live happily ever after!" kai smiled "ok the house isn't too much farther," he mused.

"hat happened?" Ebony asked Sage looking up at her with those big brown doe eyes.
"You are too cute..." Sage said, covering her eyes. "Basically Rhea is on the run from her family and Kai is kidnapping her away to a very far land. We will never see them again. It will be ok." She said in one long breath.

Rhea smiled at Kai's joke, it put her at ease a bit.
"Ok..." She said, she was not really ready for this, she felt like her world was moving a bit fast, not just the car.
Ebony looked horrified "no she can't leave kai can't take her!"

"So i'm guessing you finaly put your cute little foot down?" Kai asked her as they drove into the parking area of the house of the adress given
"Yes... I guess this is exactly what is happening." She said, getting out of the car. Moment's later a women come out of the house, Roen not far behind her. Rhea did not really run to greet her brother, in fact she was a bit cold to him. "We should do this quickly." Rhea said, "Ummm kai you can come or leave... I won't tell you to go if you don't want too." Roen did not like that, he obviously wanted Kai to leave, the women looked like she did not care.

Sage covered her mouth and turned around, her body shaking from laughing. When the bus stopped, She got up and dragged Ebony with her.
"I was kidding... come on we are almost there." she said, grinning.
"Hey what kind of empotional support leaves? and not a week ago you said i was like a prince," he hopped out of the car. "but I'll ask you do you want me here beside you?"

Ebony began to beat on Sage's arm halfheartedly "you meanie!"
Sage laughed and let Ebony 'beat her up' while they walked to Shania. Opening the door she saw Lucifer fast asleep on the floor. "The guard dog fell asleep."

​Rhea smiled and nodded, she did not really want to share her family issues with anyone, but she was suppose to sit down with him this weekend to tell him about it anyway, might as well stay and go through it with her. The reason no one really heard about it till Kai insisted she tell him. Walking in the house, Rhea sat down at the table, the women offered her some drinks as well as Kai. Roen eye'd Kai but then sighed, "Thank you for getting her here." he said.
"It is a pleasure to be with my dear Rhea," Kai said but politly declined a drink.

Ebony snuck up on Lucifer and hugged him "Hi lucy!" she said Shania came out of the kitchen and smiled "hey sage," she said
Roen mearly glared at Kai, but did not say anything further. Rhea sat down across the table with the women, the women had already put several papers out across the table. "Hello Rhea. I believe we have meet once but only briefly at the hospital after your accident My name is Lilly. I am your brothers lawyer. I just need to ask you a few basic questions. First you are aware we will be recording yes?" Rhea nodded, "Yes..."

Roen sighed and leaned back on the wall while Lilly proceeded to asked Rhea a few basic questions.

Lucifer nearly jumped out of his skin, being asleep.
"What Wha... EBONY!" He nearly shouted, hugging the girl tightly.

"Hello Shania, I have a message to pass on. Kai says he is taking Rhea away for ever. I think they are going to get married." She said with a smile.
"I hope they invite us to the wedding," she commented "I baked cookies if you want some," she said.

Ebony hugged Lucy "i heard how you guys saved me," she smiled still hugging him

Kai watched Rhea's brother closely there seemed a bit of distance there that wasn't there before.
Roen glanced at Kai, "What? Your just as bad as Rhea, she stares at things when there is something on her mind."

Sage laughed and followed Shania into the kitchen to take her up on the offer for the cookies,
"All jokes aside, I was serious about the marriage thing." Sage said taking a bite of her cookies, "7 out of 10. Anyway, Kai apparently proposed to her a few weeks ago. I have no idea how this is going to all go down, but I am assuming something went wrong earlier."

lucifer smiled and put his hands on his sides,
"Of course we saved you! Shania and I were awesome! I did not have my powers, but I still kicked butt! Besides, I would do anything for you." he said laughing.
Ebony smiled and kissed his cheek "so you were my prince?" she asked smiling she did like Lucy alot like she likes Sage.

"I wonder if she'll fall for him, he lives in a world that would eat her alive and spit her out," Shania said and raised an eyebrow "7 out of ten geez I'll stick to cooking for Luce,"

Kai smirked "no just analizing seems you two are growing more distant then i thought Rhea was extatic to see you at my party now she's barely given you a glance,"
Roen huffed, "She is just mad at me. She would never say it out loud, but she is upset at everyone in the family. That will change after everything calms down." He said, sounding rather sure of himself, after all he knew Rhea better then anyone.

She laughed,
"I thought the same things dear. Kai and his world would most likely harm her. And Kai would be an idiot to think he could be with her and protect her from it. he said so himself, he does not own that world, he is just apart of it." Sage let out a little sigh, bad habbits die hard. She should be cheering for her friends, but she still wants to see them fail. Oh well.

Lucifer grind giggled,
"hehe yeaaah, me and Shania were."
Ebony smiled and laid in the floor with Luci.

"do you think Kai will leave the underworld as he calls it?" Shania asked sage. "he seems good at what he does," she shrugged.

"I don't know I think Rhea bows down to much trying to please everyone else." Kai said looking at Rhea "she's fragile at times and other times i think she might be strong enough to punch my lights out,"
"No." Sage said bluntly, "I think the underworld calls to him. I think even if he tried to leave it would just drag him back down. You don't just... leave those things." Sage said quietly before taking another bite and leaning on the counter, "That's why I must think seriously about his offer."

Roen smiled,
"She is strong, she just did not have the right people around her to help her be strong. She was always pushed down by our parents just something to marry off." He said, kicking his feet a bit. Lilly had started asking Rhea questions about her parents She would struggle to answer every now and again, trying her best to put it as nicely as possible.

Lucifer smiled at Ebony,
"Shania doesn't like when I lay on the floor like this... but I can't help it, this is the most comfortable."
Ebony chuckled "it is cozy,"she said.

"It's got a good money flow I don't have the... restraint i'd be a hire out killer if i went in," she shrugged.

"Yeah whoever gets her heart is a lucky guy, I proposed to her... not sure if i'd be good for her though," he shrugged and leaned back in the chair.
"It is good money. Kai says I have what it takes, and I am sure I do, but it is not something I should take lightly. For my mother's sake really... I don't think I could do it." Sage said, finishing off the cookie.

Roen turned around,
"You asked her to marry her?" He nearly shouted, both Lilly and Rhea looked over at them. Roen waved at them apologetically. Lilly sighed, "We are almost done."

Lucifer closed his eyes, slowly drifting back off to sleep again.
Kai looked at Roan "overreaction much if she says no it won't crush either of us or our friendship I care for my princess regardless what she thinks of me," Kai said still in his normal i don't really care way he had when talking to people he didn't really care what they thought.

"Yet you are still debating it?" Shania asked
"Yeah." Sage said, not really elaborating. She did not feel the need too, "So what should we do now?"

Roen crossed his arms,
"The thought of my sister marrying while she is still a teen and long before I even marry is ridiculous. and Princess? Really?" Roen said, raising an eye brow.

Kai chuckled "yeah I'm not the most original when it comes to nick names and I never said the second she says yes I'd take her to vagas, she will have plenty of time to break it off. I won't let her make that kind of mistake." he said and streached "she's the one that said i was like a prince... or" he chuckled "a princess at times,"

"I don't really know that spider running around has me on edge," Shania said "but i guess all i can do is wait and prepare,"
"We can go fishing." Sage said, "Just Tie Lucy up somewhere and see how long it takes to catch something."Sage was just joking, but after the idea came out of her mouth, it actually sounded rather brilliant. "I am a genius." Sage said with a smile.

Roen was not really sure how to respond to that, but it was not long till after Lilliy stopped the recorder and closed the note book.
"Ok... well the hearing will happen this week. We will have you in your brother's custody as soon as we can. Until then we need to keep you away from your parents As much as I would like to give you to your brother, that would not be the safest place for you." She finished. Rhea stood up, taking a drink from the water next to her. "I will find a place to stay, please don't worry." Rhea said quietly, walking over to Kai, "Thank you for waiting. I am going to leave with Kai now. I will see you later Roen."
Kai stood and bowed "My lady," Kai said in a chipper tone "I'll escort you to your transportation and you can tell me where your heart desires i take you," he said with a smile.

Shania chuckled "I wonder what he would catch but it has been a while since I've been fishing," she admitted.
"Ehe me too, but I think it is well worth the try. We can set up a very well coordinated ambush. Also I am hoping to catch a rather large one handed spider." Sage said happily before she took another cookie.

Rhea smiled a bit,
"lets go see everyone if that is ok." she said, helping herself out of the house. She just wanted to leave at this point. She wanted to hid in a hole and not come out.
"Alright," Kai said and went to open her door like a gentalman. He made a note to himself to leave it be for a little while no pushing anyone off the edge.

"Luce we are going to tie you upsidedown from a tree to lure out a spider," Shania called to see if Lucifer was already asleep or not.
Lucifer opened his eyes not really catching what Shania said, he just knew Shania was talking to him and did not want to get kicked for being lazy, "whhat?" he said sleepily.

Sage grind, walking into the living room where both Ebony and Lucifer were laying on the ground.

Rhea smiled, thanking Kai as she got inside the car. When he also go in, Rhea spoke quietly,
"Is there anything I can do to repay you for everything you did today Kai?" She asked.

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