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Wild Cards

Sage suddenly spend around and hissed shooting glares at Kai, "I will NOT leave my mother undefended!" Sage looked unbelievably pissed at the idea. She already taking a defensive stance, her pen in hand. "With us getting taken down they can just as easily attack our family!"

Lucifer looked up, quietly surprise by Sage's rage. She had never reacted that badly to anything before, not even when Kai was trying to kill them. Getting up, he was slightly alarmed and now expecting a fight.
"And you think staying where they can see she is your weakness will save her?" Kai asked "they want us they don't know ouw weak points exept each other if they did they'd attack and getting yourself killed isn't helping either,"

Shania was suprised she was the one that flew off the handle Sage was clear headed.
"That wont stop anything! There is always a what if no mater what. They could already know..." Sage said, lowering her stance a bit before sliding her hand through her hair. Sage moved around the room, her face in deep thought. "There has to be another way..." Sage said quietly, "I could not put my mother through the worry of losing me...I don't want her defenseless either..." Sage ruffled her hair a bit, calm again, but obviously stressed. She silently cursed herself for reacting the way she did, that was a mistake on her part.

Lucifer sat back down and glanced at Shania.
"Look we are chaining ourselves down and putting those we love in danger I know i have little right to talk since I don't have anyone outside our group, maybe we can explain to your mother and get Kai to give her protection Ebony's parents would not scoff at extra protection either. Rhea will be harder but if we keep going on like this things will get worse," Shania said "we seem to be hardly able to protect ourselved Kai's hand's turning black for gods sake and he was only thrown away once," She hated to admit it but as they are they aren't going to be able to continue and expect to live.
Sage sighed, pocketing her pen, "Should we ask Levi for help again?"

Lucifer looked up,
"That would be a good idea.. and if he does not help I know a few other demons that would support us."
Shania plopped down and leaned against the wall "what divine dumba$$ chose a group of high school kids to do all this?" she asked.

Kai sighed he was thinking along the same lines this was alot and honestly he was starting to see them not surviving as a posability he'd not seen before.
"I think he choose well... Levi saw the power of you guys. I see it too when you guys fight." Lucifer said, laying his head on his knees.

"Levi said it himself, hes not human expert." Sage said, pushing her hands into her pocket.

Lucifer made a defeated face, if they gave up they will die and he will die with them or go home.
Shania began to laugh and kai soon followed "Listen to us we sound like whipped dogs!" Kai retorted.

Shania nodded "I'd never have thought we'd give up like this what do we have to loose really? We can protect the ones we love but we can't do it seperatly," she said and put her hand out Kai put his good hand on hers.

"Together then let's do it together, and not be kicked puppies about it," he said
Sage grinned, where they really putting their hands in a pile? "This is like a bad movie." Sage said, moving to join in on the hand pile. Lucifer scrambled up, slightly confused by the whole groups change of adittude.

(Sorry stepped away from the computer for a moment.)
(lol it's fine)

Shania smiled "Come on Luce," she said. "You are part of the team too," she put his hand on the pile.

"We wont give up we will protect and we'll kick a$$ doing it!" Kai said like a cheer.
Sage grinned as Kai cheered and they threw up their hands, letting out a long sigh, "Well now that we had our pitty party, perhaps we should wait for our other two members to come back before we make any ground breaking decisions. I'll... consider the mass kidnapping." Sage said, taking a few steps back from the group."Perhaps we should head home... see what comes tomorrow at school. They might not be back tomorrow, but maybe Friday. We can try and steal them away for Saturday and come up with a plan."
Saturday rolled along rather quickly, it was mass news that all the people who had been kidnapped reappeared. Sage was pleased about that, although as she perdictied, the 'kidnapper' was still on the loss and cation was to be taken. Sage made it a point to come to Ebony's house with her mother, baring flowers and cookies. Sage personally was picking up Ebony for club activities. They have still set to explain to either Rhea or Ebony what had happened the last few days. knocking on the door of the house, Sage put on her best smile, her mother Tammy also smiled.

Lucifer laid on the floor like usual at Shania's house.
"Shania... why don't be buy another bed?" He said, picking at something on the floor.
"We don't have room for another bed," Shania said simply setting him out a snack of hotchocolate and cookies. "do you not like the one you have? I supose we can buy a new matress," she said thinking of if there were matress stores nearby.

Emily met Sage and Tammy "oh thank you for coming please come in Rocky's just making sure Ebony is caught up on school quizing her really quick," she opened the door for them Ebbony's house was about what you'd expect from a middle class family nothing fance but still relitivly nice.
"Thank you Emily," Tammy said, Sages mother walked into the house with her. "We brought cookies, and some flowers. I am glad you are letting me taker her out with all that had happened, but I am sure sometime with her friends would be good for her, Lucifer is sick with worry." Sage said.

Sages mom made a worry face,
"Oh Sage dear, Lucy is such a doll, I bet he has been pretty down. Also I hope you don't mind me showing up as well.. I thought I could possibly chat with you all for a bit." Tammy said, taking a seat at their table.

"No.. its just you never sleep in your own bed." Lucifer said, "So I thought if we got another mattress... we both could see on a bed."
Shania laughed "You are silly I'll be ok I don't sleep often anyway," she pat his head then look to the room she never opened. "I'm still not quite ready to move any farther yet,"

"Not at all," Emily said "We love having visitors and Ebony has been wanting to go see you all ever since she got back she said you would watch over her and we shouldn't worry so much," Emily looked worried but happy none the less. "and that Lucifer boy do you think they are dateing? Rocky says they must be with how they act,"

Kai drove to Rhea's house bearing a stuffed teddy bear for Rhea and a new dress for her mother as a peace offering,
Lucifer sat up and reached for Shania's hand, holding it tightly, "You will be when you are..." He said, he did not have a lot of understanding for Shania's loss of her brother, but he did not like to see her hurting any less.

Sage smiled at Emily pleasantly,
"Lucifer right now is very content with their friendship, but I am sure one day they will take that step when they are ready," And when someone gives Lucifer the sex talk.... Sage thought. She thought of him reacting much like a 3 year old would.

Tammy laughed, knowing the face of her daughter when she thinks of something.
"Maybe not now, but Lucifer is a pleasant child to be around. I swear he is never unhappy and pretty content with what he has."

Rhea's father was expecting Kai, and meet the boy at the door.
"Hello how is Rhea? I've been worried about her," he asked he did indeed look very worried. "I brought her a teddy bear... I was going to get her a book or flowers but i didn't know what books she had and flowers are a bit too overdone as it is. I did bring your wife one of our new designs though," he said.

Before Emily could say anything Ebony came down the steps "Sage," she went and hugged her friend. "I thought dad was gonna keep me up there forever,"

Shania smiled "I know Luce," she kissed his forehead "now drink your hot chocolate before it gets cold,"
"Kai, Rhea is no long attending school. I have withdrawn her so she can no long be apart of your club. I am moving her to home school until further notice. I know she has been telling you about the legal issues with her brother, so until they are solved Rhea will be house bond. I would like you to stay out of our family business " He said, his arm folded, ignoring most of everything Kai had said. "I will allow you to continue dating my daughter, but until further noticed she can not see anyone."

Sage hugged Ebony tightly and whisper, "We went through hell to get you back... you scared the mess out of me and everyone." She said the last part loudly. "If you don't mind, we would like to start over there." Sage said quietly, smiling at Emily.

Lucifer rolled over to the hot coco and licked his lips,
"Thank you Shania!" he said happily before taking a sip.
"Oh so you think you pull the strings?" Kai smiled this was perfect her father gave him the absolute perfect opening he needed! The look in Kai's eyes was that of a predaters looking over his pray "I proposed to your daughter, she has not answered me yet but the fact is i have done so, you will let me see her weather she is in school or not she deserves to see her friends we all miss her so dearly, you wouldn't denie her confort would you?" his voice was sweet as honey and deadly as poison and it was easy to tell.

Ebony whispered her appology, "Not at all dears," Emily said just happy to see her daughter smiling.

She chuckled and went to straighten up before the club all arrived
"You proposed to her? Your father approve of this?" Rhea's father said, a bit of shock on his face. The fact was bother were still underage so were not allowed to marry without parent permission till 18. "Although the last I spoke to him about this he said it was your choice. Rhea had not spoken about it and the fact you proposed to her without first asking for my blessing highly offends me." He said, his eyes flashing. "And to your last question, I would deny her."

Sage smiled before kissing her mother and saying good bye, dragging Ebony behind her. When they go outside, Sage smiled happily,
"Phew, I thought it would be world war 3 getting you out of there!" Sage said, "So do I need to answer any questions while we are walking there?" Sage asked.
"Then my dear man you don't know who you are dealing with, and i asked her because it is her life if she were to say she wanted to spend her life with me i would have asked you, however now you get the famos Sohma family's bite, we don't lose and our enemys never win, we've brought full scale corperations down to bankruptcy in a matter of days," he laughed "now if you'll exuse me I'm off to see my future bride," he pushed the man out of the way and went along like he normaly would the threat was not an idle one his family heald alot of power and he would use it.

"Only what happened I know me and Rhea were kidnapped did you kill what did it?" she asked quietly
Rhea's father crossed his arms, but let Kai pass. Rhea was actually walking down the hall, several books in hand. She was in no way ready to go out and fight demons, wearing a rather nice dress, one that did not cover her arm.

Sage thought for a moment,
"Hmmm lets see. You were apparently take by a Spider and a Vampire. Levi killed the vampire, we tried to kill the spider and we saved a ton of lives." She said summing up the best she could.

"I'm sorry... i dont even remember the kidnapping just waking up in the hospital... again," she said "thank you for saving me,"

"Ah Rhea," Kai said with a smile "you look ravashing ready to be kidnapped?" he tossed the dress he brought to the side and gave her the bear taking the books from her.
"Ah Kai... What... K-kidnapped?" Rhea said, the books taken from her before she was hugged, "Kai this is all my fault... I let this go on too long." She started to say hugging him back, "Also you look good today too." She said in a strange after thought.

Sage smiled,
"Any time Ebony." Sage said, pressing her hand to Ebony's cheeks. "Just try not to have it happen again, I lost my cool for the first time ever."

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