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Wild Cards

Ebony smiled and hugged Sage again flinging her arms around Sage's neck. "thank you so much,"

"You don't have to tell me or appologize untill you're ready... you can not go demon slaying in a dress," he chuckled a smile still on his lips.
Sage laughed, this girl right here. "Come on, its a longer walk from your house to Shania's then it is from mine to hers. We can take the bus." She said happily.

Rhea looked around, a few men coming up the satires, Rhea pulled Kai into the room she was about to go in, shutting the door behind her.
"I had a feeling you came in here without my father persmison... but I suppose when you say something about Kidnapping... Can I borrow your phone please Kai? I currently don't have one."
he handed her his phone "So this will be a real kiddnapping?" he asked her quietly.

Ebony smiled and nodded "sounds fun," she smiled
"Afraid so..." she said, dialing a number on his phone. When the other person answer Rhea took a shaky breath, "Roen... I am getting out of the house. I am coming to you..." Rhea said quietly. There was a long pause, you could hear him talking on the other side of the line loudly and rather quickly. "Mm.. no, Kai has me... he is going to take me there, but we should meet else ware because father will know I will come to you." She said, she glanced up at Kai. She did not even ask him if this ok, just kind of said he was going to do it.

Sage smiled, then held Ebony's hand.
"So how many people can we get to think we are dating?" Sage asked playfully, standing by the bus stop.
Ebony blushed deeply looking at Sage wide eyed. "Dating," she nearly swooned at the thought.

Kai nodded in assent he'd take Rhea anywhere he'd already told her that once he was listening at the door incase the gaurds came.
"Hmmm see I so can't see you or Lucy dating, both of you just can't handle it yet." Sage said with a grin.

Rhea thought for a moment before speaking to him quietly again and then hanging up.
"Turning around if you Kai... I need to get in appropriate clothing.." She said quietly, quickly taking off her dress and changing into clothing that will better allow her to run. When she was done, she got under her bed and pulled out a smaller book and some keys. "Sorry to put you through this Kai... I hope you will forgive me. We won't be seeing the others today." She said as she got back up from the floor and moved to the door. "Also I hope you would forgive my father and his workers..."
"Won't be seeing the others?" he asked "there is a giant spider demon loose in the city," kai said "Nevermind I'll let you explain on the way there and I've already promised the famos Sohma family bite so I'm going to give it but his workers did nothing to me,"

Ebony blushed scarlet red "you are so mean," she planted her red face in Sag'e shirt to try and hide till the bus came
Sage laughed and patted her head, "There there..." she said, she tried hard just to keep chuckling instead of laughed rather loudly.

Rhea blinked in surprise,
"Spider... demon is running around the city?" Rhea made a face like she was going to cry, "Kai please don't... you taking me where I want to go it going to be a massive blow to them as it is... They are going to loss the last hire to the family company..."
"Rhea... you are not cut out for the type of business i'm in," he said "no promises i'll try, and did you think the tooth fairy kidnapped you? it was a vampire and a spider Levi killed the vamp Shania made the spider one handed and we got it's sword but it escaped it was too strong even in daylight," Kai said.

Ebony pouted and looked up at Sage
"No... I am sorry I am just trying to fix what is in front of me and I completely forgot about the group." Rhea said, looking down. She was so stupid, everything was out of control. "We can go, i'll try and make it quick." She is the burden right now. her stomach twisted, she reached for the door and started to open it to peak out.

Sage laughed, "What?"
Kai grabbed her hand "this first they will understand," Kai's wrist still had a nasty bruise on it "We escaped almost unscathed we can do so again for another night or two, why don't we go out the window instead?" he asked

"You're only picking on me becuse i've never had a boyfriend,"
Rhea stared at the bruise for a moment after Kai graved her hand. without much thought she took his hand and pressed her hand to his bruise and stated to heal it.

Sage's smiled brightened,
"Never you say? What about a girlfriend?"
Ebony blushed and shook her head no "Ive never even been kissed," she admitted.

"Rhea I promised you i'd help you go or do whatever you wanted so off to your brothers we go, and like i said can we just use the window? I'll let you ride my back and everything,"
"Hmmm do you want Lucy to kiss you?" Sage said with a smile, "or perhaps me?" She said, grinning at the girl.

"Its ok Kai. We can go." Rhea said quietly, finishing healing his wrist. She let go of him and then climbed onto her desk, used one of the flat keys to disable the alarm on then side the window open. She did not even bother to get the ladder since she knew her powers would not allow such a fall to hurt her. Jumping down, she landed fine before standing up. "Is your car in the usual place?" She asked quietly.
"Always," he replied hopping from the window landing gracefully. "let's go before they have it towed." he said.

Ebony blushed wide eyes at Sage she was unaware she had grabbed the girls shirt in her hands.
Sage laughed, the girl was so awkward her mind was exploding and Sage could see it. Why did she not do this to her sooner? Chuckling Sage spoke again, "Ebony... your stretching my shirt... Also you did not answer my question."

Rhea nodded and lead Kai around the house and too his car, which surprisingly no one was around. Was her father giving up? Getting into the car, Rhea sighed and closed her eyes.
"I think my brother text your phone and address... That is where we need to go."
Ebony squeeked and let go "sorry sorry... she was still staring wide eyes at Sage. She wanted Sage to kiss her but she couldn't say something so enbarrasing

"Alright," he started the car things seemed far too quiet. "read it out to me driving and texting don't mix,"
"You look like a deer who was trying to cross the road." Sage said with a laugh as the bus pulled up, "come on, I'll stop teasing you for now, I am sure Lucy is dying to see you." She said.

Rhea nodded
"Sorry... umm here." She said, reading out the address. It was a house somewhere in the middle of the city. "Kai... I think my father might either have a tracking on your car or someone is going to come out following you..."
"Well then let's give him a run for his money I have alot of cars," he smiled and with a sinister smirk floored the gas.

Ebony hurried on the bus paying the little toll fee and sitting down in the back
Sage did the same, pleasantly thanking the driver before joining Ebony, "So you really don't remember anything before you got kidnapped?"

Rhea clung to herself, Kai's driving scared the mess out of her. She tried to keep an eye out for other, but she did not see anyone. Perhaps he did put a tracker on the car. Or maybe he did give up?
Ebony shook her head "I remember going to bed then waking up in the hospital thats all," she said.

Kai smiled "we'll switch out cars at my house go aead and get out the mic's if you would though," he said and drove straight into the garage befor stopping. "Ha let's use the other van," he pointed to a much newer van of the same general style.
"We need out Mics?" Rhea said, jumping into the car and checking for the Mic where she thought they would be. Taking them out she sighed, "I am sorry again. This whole legal things.. my brother is trying to get custody of me... all either needs from me is my statement... but I have waited because I don't want to choose..." She said nervously.4

Sage sighed then wraps and arm around Ebony,
"We are just glad we found you alive. You almost got eaten by the spider."
"it's a just in case thing," he said "preperation could save a life," he quoted his father's lesons. he hopped in the drivers seat of the other van and waited on Rhea.

"he wanted to eat me?" she asked wide eyed.
Jumping back into the other seat, Rhea let out a breath, this was too much work just to sit down and sign papers and talk to a lawyer. But after this... Kai would not have to get Rhea again and she would be able go back to school. Her father had just taken away too much for her to even keep this delegation between her brother and father any longer. She felt really guilty with putting Kai through all this... she would have to pay him back some how.

"Well... more like piss off Shania and Lucy because they really made a fool out of him." Sage said, shrugging, "Lucy jumped on him like a freak even though he did not have any powers."
Ebony gasped "he's acting like shania!" she said then covered her mouth.

"So off we go to your brothers call Sage she should have Ebony by now we can't just not show up after all," Kai said

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