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Wild Cards

Shania ran straight for the spider this time using her normal tactic of rapidly hitting not really in any order or thought Kai went to take the caccon from the spider to protect it and whoever was inside "Yep we are a giant neusance," Kai agreed with a grin.
When Shania's blade hit him and Kai had swiped the cocoon from his hand, the demon made a very furstiaghted noise and flung Lucifer into a wall before climbing up the wall itself. He made his way up as high as he could so that the humans could no longer get him.

Sage frowned, watching the demon accend up the wall where they could not reach it.
"Come back down you cowered." Sage said, Swinging her scythe to the side.

Lucifer slowly sat up after he had bounced off the wall, man he hated being so weak.
Shania looked around the walls were weak, "Trickster and you too kid get the caccons out of here , Death you and me can keep this sucker in here, I have an idea," she said Kai didn't question her but started to carry the caccoons to safty his wrist could wait.
The Spider let out a long hiss, Sage stayed put, glancing up at the Spider. It was starting to pace around on the walls. "I am listening." Sage said, keeping a close eye on it in case it attacked again.

Lucifer nodded and begain to help Kai move the cocoons back out, taking them to the other room.
"our trickster has enough bombs in his car to bring this room caving in ontop of that thing we just got to move the caccoons out first and keep him in here," Shania said .

"copy that warrior maiden," Kai said it was a cood idea the cinderblocks and iron that made the building might be able to crush the spider.
"Do you humans honestly expect to coulaps a whole building on me? I will make my escape long before that." He taunted.

Sage lifted and eye brow,
"I kind of have to agree with him, although squishing him like the spider he is seems like an amusing way for him to die."

Lucifer tried to break all the cocoons the get got a hold of, finding several humans, still no Ebony or Rhea.
"Scared of us?" Shania taunted "going to run from three humans and a little demon?" she asked "seems you like hiding on ceilings? did it hurt when i cut off your hand?" Kai winced was now really the time for taunting the powerful demon?
The demon screamed the hand comment defiantly threw him over the edge. Jumping off the Ceiling it landed with a massive thud. Sage was about to attack it, thinking that it was about to attack Shania, but instead it run out of the room again. Sage shook herself before giving chase, "Its on the run again." Sage said, warning Kai and Lucifer that it made a sprint.
Shania was after the spider as soon as it dropped off the ceiling "we still havn't found our girls," Kai told them. He had seen enough bodies for one day and was ready for this fight to be over with.
The Spider was much faster then them, disappearing somewhere outside the factory. By the time Sage and Shania had made it outside the factory, the thing was no where to be found, "Well that things runs fast." Sage said, breathing hard from running, "My poor not completely recovered legs..."

Lucifer sighed, itching to chase after it, but the sun was still not setting. He continued to break open cocoons,
"Did you break open the one he hand in his hands?" Lucifer asked Kai.
Kai had carried it to safty "it's right here," he ripped through the webbing. Shania was in a rage she wanted the thing dead "do you think it will come back to it's nest?" she asked,
Sage rubbed the back of her head, actually not as pissed as she thought she would be with it away. "No idea... think we should stick around and wait for the police to show up?" Sage asked turning around to go back inside the building to help break the cocoons.

Lucifer smiled when he saw Ebony come out of the cocoon.
"We found one! She is alive!" He said happily, moving to look at Ebony.

"Good, check the one closest to her's that should be the other one." Sage said as her and Shiania headed back. She felt immediate relief flood over her. She even looked visibly refiled.
Shania was still to tence to relax that thing was after Lucifer, she was going to kill it. Kai propped Ebony up against a wall "I think we should call the paramedics say we were looking for our friends and found all these bodies," Kai said "I can get it all under control before it hits the press,"
"I think that is a bad idea." Sage said, "They will call the paramedics when they get here. I think they are fine Kai. We still need to find Rhea, but her body must be healing itself just like last time so I am sure she might look the best out of everyone." She finished just as they arrived back. Sage started to use her Scythe to tear open the cocoons. Most of them where alive, a few were dead. She ran into Rhea half way through, "Ah I found the other one." She said.

Lucifer was working hard to get people moved and the other cocoons opened. Happy to hear that they found their other friend. Lucifer smiled at Shania when she got back, most of the worry had left him.
Shania was helpping to pull people from the cacoons. "it's a releif they are both alive," she agreed but she still wanted to kill that spider "If it's out for revenge though it'll come after our kid again," she said.

Kai nodded "I would feel better if we were all together for a while and not so seperate and scattered," Kai agree'd feeling Ebony's pulse.
Sage pulled Rhea into her arms and carried her over next to Ebony, laying her down next to the girl. "That would be a good course of action... how we are going to pull it off I am not sure. We should care of our families as well. Looks like word of us has finally spreed."

Lucifer huffed,
"He can't kill me. He just got lucky because the sun is up." Lucifer said, standing up tall, "Besides, he might be licking his wounds for a while. Look we even got his sword. Though it is in the other room."

"Kai, why don't you call the police, lets hang around in the shadows, move the car. Make sure the guy does not come back till every human here gets taken back." Sage said, looking around to make sure all the humans were out of the cocoons.
Kai nodded and dialed the police as Shania went to get the demon's sword. "Should we leave Ebony and Rhea here as well?" Kai asked after he left an annonomous tip to the police.
"Yes. We need too... it would be better for them to be found here then with us." Sage said letting her scythe disappear into the pen.

Lucifer glanced at the two before getting up and following Shania.
"Come on Joker. They will be fine. Lets move the car away so it is not spotted. We can camp in the building next to it." Sage suggested, time was now running now that the police were on their way.

Lucifer took the sword from Shania, examining to closely.
"It has a lot of demon energy in it." Lucifer said, following everyone else.
"Well Kid looks like we got you a weapon," Kai said going to his car and hopping in the drivers seat.

Shania put her dager away inside her shirt "Do you think you can use it? I know you are more of a hand to hand fighter," Shania said also getting in the car.
Lucifer sighed, "I would smear my family's name by using this weapon. Besides, I like fighting with my hands. I could use it... but it has the names of demons we damn on it." Lucifer said, pointing out some writing on the sword.

Sage laughed,
"So picky Kid. A weapon is a weapon in my opinion." She said, but she understood the whole family name thing, to a degree.

They ended up on the next building over, looking over the whole situation of police, paramedics and firemen that had appeared at the scene. Sage looked rather bored as everything happened. She watched as they carried some people out on stretchers and some in bags. Lucifer was pacing, anxious about their friends. So far no sign of the demon.
"Calm down your working up the still tence warrior," Kai put a hand oh Lucy's shoulder. "hopefully our warrior p!ssed off our spider friend enough for him to come back after her," Kai said "and you death the jobs open we need clear minded people to help weed out the not so clear ones," He smiled at Sage. Shania rolled her eyesa was now reallly the time to talk about jobs?

"They carried Ebony and Rhea out," she said watching the paramedics carry the girls out on streachers. "I'm glad we made it in time,"
Sage sighed, "Me too. I'll think about it ." She said seriously. "But you know how I feel. I can't just out right kill people or watch people kill. I am a defender, not a killer." She said, her arms were crossed, not really stopping looking at the paramedics taking out the people from the building.

Lucifer stopped pacing and sat down on the floor "Sorry. I just am not sure how to react."

"How about we talk about how we are going to stay together in a group?" Sage said, finally looking at the group. "Staying together during school hours is simple. After that is when it gets complicated."
"Honestly... I'm tempted to stage all our kidnappings just untill this big one is brought down," Kai said. "I don't like it that he know's our Archer and our princess's identities or that he knows the kids," Kai was serious and with his resources it wouldn't be hard.

"And you all told me not to kidnap it's illegal now Kai is proposing it," Shania rolled her eyes "why don't we claim the buddy system i've read after some tragities groups of friends will stick close to protect each other I'm sure the group silvertongues can pull it off,"
"I don't think Ebony's parents would want her handing around with Kai at all, in fact it would not surprise me if Kai got blamed for her disappearance. Yeah sure they found all the kidnapped people, but you know what they are missing?" Sage asked, "A kidnapper. As far as anyone knows, the kidnapped is still very much out there. and he is... But even if we took care of it it would not matter. Back to the matter on hand, I have a feeling both Ebony and Rhea are going to be put down into a lock down."

Lucifer huffed and rolled on the ground, trying to amuse himself.
"Then it's settle I kidnap all of us, Sage shall I make yours look like a struggle Shania doesn't matter no family Lucy either, I can easily have Rhea kidnapped and Ebony's family has very little security," Kai said he was seriously going to do this. "And before anyone says i'll be caught i've done this before... never this many but it can't be too hard," he smiled "then we blame a traiter in the underground and he gets the time,"

Shania shuddered he'd kidnaped people before? what kind of guy did they become friends with?

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