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Wild Cards

"Hey, I just got a phone call from Ebony's parents. She has been missing almost 24hrs. This is Sage by the way. I just finished calling Shania, she said Lucifer was with you. We need to meet up." Sage said on the other line.

Lucifer looked up, "
No one is answering... should I call again?" He asked.
"We'll be there in a second," he hung up "They are both missing," Kai said "were meeting up so off to Shania's Ill pay you when we get our girls back," he said and as they went down the hall kai called into his dads room "going out don't know when i'll be back taking the runner," without waiting for an answer he took the keys and lead Lucifer to the garage, it had so many cars in it it looked like dealership Kai got in a impala "get in." Kai said
Lucifer just did what he was told jumping into this car.

Sage was already running to Shania, after about 3 days ago she had sworn off running
. "I hate running... freakin demons." Sage huffed as she found her way to Shania's house. Opening the door, Sage looked around, "I am here."
Shania was ready "do we know anything about the situation?" she asked her hair tied back her fighting clothes she would wear at the dojo on.

Kai sped to Shania's house rushing in right after Sage "the hell is going on?" he asked.
"Cool your jets Kai. First we need to trace some steps. Lucy, I think you need to call Levi, are going to need some help." Sage said. She moved inside the house.

Lucifer nodded wide eyed before he walked into the house and sat down on the floor, closing his eyes.

"Look have any of you been keeping track of the news lately? There has been several kidnappings recently, but the fact that Rhea and Ebony dissapeaared at the same time makes me think this is no accident. This can be human or demon, which I have no idea." Sage said, running her hand's though her hair. "this is my speculation so far."
"If it's human we have more problems then if it's demon, but I brought anough weapondry for a small militia," Kai said.

"the domon that got away wasn't strong so i doubt he could overtake Ebony or Rhea with their training but the possabliltiy is there," Shania said
"I think you are both right. If it is human it will cause a lot of problems taking them down. If it is demon, less problem but still undesirable. I am hoping Levi will have some way to track them down. The demon from Saturday was pathetic and I doubt he has much to do with the current situation. At least I hope." Sage said, she was already starting to pace the room, she did not even noticed herself. Her brain was working as fast as she could get it.
Kai took out his phone and began to trace all the missing people reports "do you think if it is demon it's trying to weed us out?" Kai asked trying to find a similarity between the victims.

Shania growled at the thought oh if anyone hurt Rhea or Ebony they would taste her fist or sword or Sakaba depending on who they were.
It was not long till the world around them went black, that obviously meet their Lord and Master was there to greet them.

"You called? Lucifer tells me you lost our baby Rhea and rang fighter Ebony."

Sage looked up to see Levi looking down on the group critically.
"What do you want me to do about it?"

"Help us find them... You must have some way to track Rhea and Ebony." Sage said, there was a hit of desperation in her voice.

"Hmm..." Levi said as if he was in thought.
Kai looked at him "look you are our babysitter right? so naturaly you'd be able to find us incase we went awol," Kai said "we've been fighting your demons at an increasing rate that has to mean something,"

Shania never liked these meetings she wanted to find Rhea and Ebony but relying on Levi was not what she liked doing.
Levi let out a sigh, "give me two of your human hours. I will find them." He said, waving as if he could wave them away. "Wait here." He said again, before disappearing.

Sage let out a long sigh,
"These two hours is going to drag out..." Sage said..

Lucifer had a worried look on his face, he was like everyone else, they wanted to just jump out there and save them.
"well we might as well rest up not much we can do to prepare," Kai said "stressing out will wear us out," he sat down and closed his eyes.

"how can you be so calm?" when he didn't answer she contemplated kicking him in the head.
"Hes not... hell even I am not." Sage admitted, trying to stop herself from pacing. "How could this even happen? I know both of them are not the strongest... but they are both stronger then a normal human, I have a hard time believing this is human doing." Sage said, tossing her hands in the air. She was trying to stay calm, "This is why I try to hate people, because you get thrown into situations like this and you suddenly have no emotional control because they took it with them! Its like a shackle!"

Lucifer frowned
, "Thats not true..."
Kai opened his eyes "oh its true alright human attachment is a shackle to those to weak to embrace it look here Sage you are stronger with them then without do i have to trick you into learning another lesson?" he asked.

Shania tenced human attachment was the only thing stopping her from being a mass murderer
Sage shot Kai death glares, "Oh I have already embraced it, but it does not make me like it. This whole embracing thing is Ebony's fault. So freakin honest... it was stupid Shania too, running around swinging her sword at the sight of our resident child in danger. Rambo on steroids." Sage stopped mid stride and took a deep breath, letting herself lay down on the couch, "I wish I could hate you people, but you guys make it near impossible to do so."

Lucifer shook, they really did not need to fight now, they needed to save their fighting sprites to save their friends.
"Ranbo on steroids? Seriously?" Shania said she was trying to be mad or hurt but that was just funny.

Kai couldn''t help but let out a little laugh "and you are normaly so clever," he commented
"Yeah well... human shackles... It puts you through hell... Not in my best moments right now." Sage admitted laughing with them, felt good to get that off her chest.

Lucifer sighed, glad the tension went down a bit.

Levi showed up a half an hour earlier then he said, but it was much to everyone's relief.

"I found them. Although I am positive you are not going to like the second part to this." He said, crossing his arms.
"we were all prepared to not like the second part so tell us anyway," Kai said Shania readid herself for whatever it might be.
"Yes, lucky you guys. As I fear the worse, a demon has picked them up. I know who as well, making my creations in danger. There was a portal there, and two higher level demons... a dou known for their trickiness. A spider demon and a vampire. I manage to seal the vampire back up into the demon world, but the other demon went into hiding. I don't know if he would still be around, but I don't have the time to hunt. regardless, I split them up and they are not as strong apart as they are together." Levi paused in thought before touching Lucifer's forehead, showing him where he needed to go to find the area. "Any questions before I leave?"
"so we have to go back where we killed the bull?" Kai asked making sure not to go around in circles.

Shania smiled "I'm just glad it's not humans demons we can kill humans make it complicated,"
Levi sighed "No. They are inside an abandoned factory."

"Convent." Sage said, she was ready to go fight.

"Luicfer... it is still daylight, be careful." Levi said, the first hint of him actually caring for the boy.

Lucifer looked up at Levi, nodding.
"Yeah, I will. I am not the only demon at the disadvantage."

A small smile was on Sage's lips,
"Thanks for your help Levi."

Levi looked up in surprised but then just grind, "
Your welcome." He said before he disappeared.

Sage laughed then look over to the group,
"Lets get going quickly."
Shania nodded "And what was this about weapondry to start an army?" She asked kai as they went to his car.

"Lucy come here you might like some of this even if it is human," he opened the trunk and it looked empty till he pulled up a taband there were guns ranging from hand guns to sniper rifles machetties iron nuckles throwing knives bombs and grenades. "I got enough here to start a war," he commented.
Lucifer walked over and eyed all the contraptions, "I am not sure how effective human weapons would be on demons. Well I know already that they are not as strong..." He said doubtfully.

Sage sighed,
"Can we make googly eyes at your toys later and go? I have a feeling time is of the essence right now." Sage said, getting into the passenger seat like usual.
He smiled "but of course I haven't felt this blood thirsty in years," he shut the trunk and got in the driver seat Shania was already in the back seat waiting for kai to hurry up and drive and as soon as everyone was in the car he floored the gas pedal going from 1 to 90 in 10 seconds flat.

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