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Wild Cards

On that note they dropped Sage off first, "Ebony, I expect to see you tomorrow! Tell me if you can't make it or not." Sage said, getting out of the car and trying her best to walk straight. Rhea glanced at Sage's house and noticed it was not all that nice, which is nothing you would expect from Sage who always dresses nice. Sage proceeded to sneak around the back, still covered in blood. The last thing she wanted her mother to see was her covered in blood.

"Who is going home next?" Lucifer asked.
"Your house is closest Lucy," Kai said "so it's only fitting we drop you two off then our little dancer can be taken home." he wanted to get home but he also wanted to have a word with Rhea before taking her home.

Shania was laying on the matress in the back lost in though to much so to notice Sage. Ebony had waved her off quietly.
Lucifer looked happy, he could not wait to get clean and take a bath. Sleep was also next on the list. It was not long till after Shania and Lucifer were dropped off. Lucifer waved bye to everyone, "Good night! See you guys later!"

Rhea also waved, clutching her book she waited for her own turn to get taken home.
Kai dropped ebony off then pulled over a few blocks out of sight "About all the matters you deal with, tell me," he said the way he spoe wasn't his normal practiced charming way it was course a bit straightned he was ready to call it a night but not before he was positive she was telling hm everything.
"I would offer to take a walk, but I am sure like Sage you have had your fair share of running." Rhea said quietly, "Can I tell you later?" She asked, standing up and pulling herself into the passenger seat. She let out a long tired sigh.
"only on the condition later is soon," he said "I am not as blind as the others you are going through alot is shows pretty well," he sighed. His legs were begining to cramp up and he still had to drag himself home and get drilled about the blood again.
"Possibly next weekend. Maybe you can take me out later for tea for a proper disgustion." Rhea said quietly, "I don't think people are blind... I just think they are letting me deal with it. It would be a burden if I took it everywhere with me." Rhea said, yawning. "Do you want me to heal your legs a bit? Before you leave?" She asked quietly.
"Let what can heal on it's own do so," Kai said "like shania I am not made of glass," he quoted one of her more common sayings. "Next weekend will do well, I worry about you out of this group the underground prince is the most stable what a shame," he said restaring the car.
Rhea frowned a bit, "Why don't you ever talk about your mother?" Rhea asked, "I-I am sorry if I am prying. Its just that when we were talking with my parents you said I had helped you with the loss of your mother. I have never once heard you talk about her."
"I don't talk about her because I beleive remembering her as she was is more benificial then remembering her death, I miss her but I'm not the kind to truthfully say I love my parents. If given the chance I'd kill my father and take over in a heartbeat... unfortunatly the chance has not arrived. I've lived in a world of darkness and sercrets all my life; death sadness destruction I expect it," he shrugged "doesn't faze me,"
"Taking over your father's business... how would that benefit you?" Rhea asked, even though she was timid and quiet, she was very learned as was quiet familure herself in the world's power struggles, how things worked in the greater picture. Rhea was always one to have trouble with figuring out people though.
"I would be in controle of it all earlier then my time and I'd be have to survive a few less assasinations, if i had ten bucks for everytime someone's tried to poison or shoot me I'd not need to own a fashion line to be this rich, I'm not an only child but i am the only heir... untill i die that is," he shrugged. "besides I hate my father and he loves that about me," Kai said "we act buddy buddy and he tries to pretend to be fatherly but we've at it out for each other for years," he bust out laughing "watch out you might find out how bad a person i really am,"
"Well... That did not answer my question... You already have control over a lot... with our without your father's ehm... endeavors. I doubt assassination attempts would stop no mater what the status." Rhea blinked and frowned, "I am sorry I feel like I am being to informal... I don't like to pry... but.." Rhea was not sure how to say but I want to know about you without it sounding rather awkward. "Kai... Do you think you can take me to visit my brother some time... I know that sounds really awkward.." She said, a sudden conversation change. She was pretty sure they were almost to her house.
"I can take you anywhere you want and to answer your question you'd have to know me better to understand," he smiled. "So princess what days would you like to see your brother?"
Rhea smiled, "Some time soon would be best. But I guess this weekend would be bad with our appointment already made." Rhea said, she was happy. The thought of seeing her brother properly, made her happy. Looking at her hand, Rhea looked up in surprise, "Oh... I did not wash up. I have blood on my hand still from healing Shania. I lean about my skill more every time I heal. Healing bone.... it is really hard on my body."
"Yeah she got one nasty kick, in my glove compartment there are tissues and hand sanatizer will that work? "he asked her. "don't wear yourself out healing what isn't needed to be healed that's why you got to learning the doctoring stuff isn't it?"
"Mmm... well I see it more as if I have the energy to spare... than I feel I can use it. I am learning this medical stuff because I want to be prepared .. but I much rather get a hold of demon knowledge's." Rhea quickly picked up the stuff and started to clean her hands, the blood coming off a bit easier then she thought it would. "Thank you for the ride Kai... and your concern for me." She said, smiling a bit. "I means a lot... to have people who really care about you."
"What else are friends for?" he smiled and got out to open her door for her. "IIf you are ever in trouble i'm a phone call away," he said.
Rhea smile and gave Kai their usual good bye routine, but then thought better of it and gave him a hug.

The next few days went as planed, Sage's evening plan going smoothly. School began again, Sage still overly soar from running. The first half of the weak passed by without anything new or interesting happening. until Wedsnday when both Rhea and Ebony did not show up for school, not really too worried about, Sage suggested they had maybe other things to do. Wesnday evening passed and Lucifer had gone home with Kai to work his job.

Lucifer huffed, standing around with Kai. He was doing the work he usually for money, although he was excitingly waited for food to take home with him.
"You look even more exited then normal," Kai noted as he finished a few stitches in his latest design. He smiled and helpped Lucifer out of the new outfit and went to get the treat he had ordered for the silly kid.
"Yes! I always love the food you bring me!" He said. Lucifer looked up when Kai's phone rang, but then looked away again. It often rang when he was working so to him it did not matter.
Kai picked it up "Hello Kai Sohma speaking," he said not looking at the number as he opened the box he had Lucifers 'payment' in.
"Sohmn. This is Rhea's Father. I request to know if my Daughter is with you. She had been missing as of last night and we have been frantically looking for her." the voice on the other end said.

Lucifer perked up, glancing at Kai blinking curiously.
"No... Rhea isn't with me, I didn't see her in school either," he said and looked at Lucifer. "I'll begin looking right away," Kai didn't bother to listen to anymore and he hung up "Lucy Rhea's missing ... Ebony! call her Cell I'll try Rhea's," He dialed Rhea's phone
It was not long when Kai's Phone rang again, cutting off his Dial to Rhea.

Lucifer opened his phone and Dialed Ebony's phone, a worried frown on Lucifer's usual smiling face.

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