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Wild Cards

Sage also took out her weapon taking a quick protective stance. As Rhea he predicted Lucifer had turned around and pushed Ebony to the back of the group next to Rhea while running down a hill of dirt. Several demon came after Lucifer, but he was more concentration to get Ebony back in a safe place. Several of the demons looked long, each had a human weapon in their hands. They seemed to laugh as Lucifer ran the other directions, but most of the demons had a change of face when they saw the rest of the group.

"I tried to reason but they need to die. They will take human's lives." Lucifer said, skidding a halt in front of the group when he had made sure Ebony was safe.

"Thats all I need to know." Sage said, raising her weapon and charging for the demons.
"Yep," Shania said and rushed at the demons her sword ready. Kai stayed to protect Rhea he was more a protector to begin with. Ebony loosed an arrow at the demons making sure nobody else was in her arrows way.
Lucifer knew the fight would be quick, the demons were weak and untrained. They were just here to make a mess of things in the human world. Lucifer did not have to spend very much energy or exert himself. When most of them were dead, the one he identified at the leader started to make a run for it. Lucifer started to yell something at it before taking off after it.

Sage found the fight much easier then the one they had the time before. The demon's themselves proved unskilled and kind of dumb. With only two swipes of her weapon, Sage had killed multiple of them, Ebony even killed a few from a distance. When Sage was done, she looked around, taking note of Lucifer running off. Should she follow or stay? There could be more in hiding.
Shania took off to aid lucifer since nobody else did she wanted to make sure that he wasn't being led into an ambush a thought fueled by pure paranoia. "Seems a bit too easy,' Kai commented streaching he had not had to swing his weapon and that suited him well enough.
Sage shot Kai a glare before speaking to the microphone, "Keep in touch Sword. We are going to scout out and find any stranglers here. Come on Joker, some to put yourself to use." Moving around the area quietly, Sage made sure to take note of ever part of the area, looking for anything that could possibly still be left behind.

Lucifer was getting tired, the stupid demon could run, and it kept running. He heard what was said over the Mic, so he could figured Shania was close behind him. "Split up with me, lets try and flank him." Lucifer said, looking back to see Shania running up. The demon was heading for the large forest foliage at the edge of the property they had the original fight on.
"understood," Shania said and split off trying to do as told but it was fast for a low level demon.

Kai rolled his eyes and searched the area spinning his axe a habit he shared with shania they both twirled their weapons when relaxed.
Just before the demon moved to the forest, Lucifer sensed it, a much bigger demon, "oh no..." Lucifer gasped, "Shania run the other way! There is something way bigger in here and it is coming!" Lucifer said, skirting to a halt, nearly falling forwards before taking off towards Shania. At this point there was a loud crash in the forest and a the ground started to shake.

Sage looked up, hearing was Lucifer said on the Mic, She glanced at Kai before running the direction that the two ran off in.

Rhea also started to run, following Sage.

Kai jetted off towards the forest Shania stopped and backstepped to get ready for whatever was coming "how strong?" she asked Lucifer. Ebony stayed at the back with Rhea.
"Pretty strong, just to get--" He was cut off by a very large bull like demon with four horns and several spikes running down its back came burst from the trees. It was running as fast as Lucifer thought it was, "Do let it ram you, I guarantee you will barely live." The bull was racing straight for Lucifer, most likely targeting him because he was demon. Lucifer made a face before changing directions he was running, causing the bull to follow him.

"We are coming as fast as we can." Sage said, Kai running beside her. They had just made it off the property, look down the long field they had run down Sage saw the large ugly creature. "Oh man." She said.

Rhea let out a silent prayer that no one would get hurt.
Shania chased the creature and when close enough attempted to jump on its back. "God the warrior is insane!" Kai yelled and went after the beast.
Lucifer nearly stumbled a few time, but the demon was catching up, to his horror.

"You guys should try and trip it if you can." Rhea's voice came through the mic.

Sage laughed,
"Shes gunna get herself killed."

The demon was fully unaware of Shania on its back or the other warriors heading its detection. It's eyes were on Lucifer and trying to kill him.

"Hey Kai, let try and get on either side of it, see if we can do something about its legs. Since we have the pole arms and all." She said as they were closing in on the bull.
"My name dear don't use it," Kai said but tried to get on its left side. Shania climbed and once close rammed her sword into its back in the hopes of severing it's spine. Ebony saw the beast and had an arrow ready to fly if it got in range.
"My appoligize, I was caught up in the moment." Sage said, taking her position on the right side, sadly by the time both Kai and Sage got into position the bull suddenly stopped and reared up, letting out a loud cry. Lucifer ran past both of them, practicably gasping for air. He stopped, panting trying to catch his breath.

The bull demon soon started to shake his body violently, bouncing around and kicking trying to get whatever had hurt him Off.

Sage did not want to wait to attack it, but it was in such a frantic state that she would get trampled if she tried to go for it now.
Shania was flun off the bull and kicked before she had the chance to right herself the kick was in her shoulder and she cried out her sword still lodged in it's back. "Sh!t," kai went to get Shania before she could be hit again. "Death cover me as best you can," he yelled to sage. Ebony let arrows fly at the bull trying to make it move away from her friends,
Lucifer saw what happen and rushed with them, if the bull got Shania's with it horns she could really get hurt. Sage ran behind Kai, But Lucifer ran ahead, just before he rammed into the side of the bull who had turned its attention to Shania. Lucifer hit its flank hard enough for him to bounce off a few feet. The bull turned to look at Lucifer Getting up, Lucifer started to speak to it before he laughed the fakest laugh Sage had ever heard from him. While Kai ran to go get Shania, the demon started to rush for Lucifer again. Sage was not sure if he could stand running some more like that.

Changing course from being behind Kai, Sage started to run to the demon. She was going to try and get it in the leg before it started a full on sprint.

Rhea gasped watching everything,
"Do I need to go down there?" Rhea asked, not quiet sure if Shania was hurt or not.
"No it's too dangerous," Ebony said "Oh let it hit!" she fired an arrow at one of the beasts eyes.

Kai picked Shania up and went to take her out of the fight her shoulder was bleeding the skin and muscule torn through.
Lucifer was tempted to scream as the bull started to chase him again, but he was surprised when the bull screamed instead. Looking behind him he saw an arrow had lodged itself in the demon's face. Turning around Lucifer started to run towards it.

Sage had moved in on the creature she swung her scythe lower, aiming for its feet. But in a flash, the bull demon had reared up then came back down on top of Sage's blade. It was so heavy she would not get the blade back. Looking up she noticed there was an arrow in its face. The demon then glanced at Sage as soon as the arrow was old news. Sage froze, dropping her weapon which was trapped under the Demons foot, she took two large steps backwards, narrowly dodging its horns.

Turning around, Sage started to make a run for it, the demon turning its bulk to give chase to her. Lucifer on the other hand got to the demon, this time jumping on top of it.

No longer able to stay put, Rhea rushed down to meet Shania and Kai half way.
Kai set shania down and went to help fight the monster his legs were screaming at this point too much running at this speed could kill a man he mused to himself "Death you lost your blade," he called gabbing it as he ran he swung his axe at the beast's back leg as it ran at Sage.
"Minor detail, dear Joker, next to the fact it is chasing me." Sage said in a hurried voice as she huffed, running as far away from it as she can.

Lucifer huffed, reaching for the dagger inside the back of the demon. Pulling it out, he tried to move up its back to its head.

Rhea took a deep breath, looking at Shania's wound closely, before pressing her hand to her shoulder "Sorry if this hurts." She said. She used a bit of her powers first to see how deep the wound was. Shania's whole shoulder probably would have came off it was not for their powers. Rhea grimaced before leaking out the energy to start the repair of her shoulder.

The blade hit its leg, but it did not stop, only slightly trip in its mid run.
"Well damn it... how in hells name did you not sence thiss thing?!" Kai yelled and swung his axe again as its step altered.

Shania hissed as the wound healed "don't heal it all the way, save your energy," she said

Ebony was still fireing off arrows at the monster aiming for legs mostly she ran forward to get a better shot.
"Hey Joker, be a friend and toss me my pen." Sage said, She was starting to run out of breath, how did Lucifer run that whole time? She knew he was demon, but this was ridiculous. "We are hardly doing any damage to it. We are just tiring ourselves out." She huffed again, running in a large u-turn to run towards Kai.

This time Kai's weapon hit the Demon true, causing it to tumble to one side. Lucifer grabbed its horn before it went down so he did not fall of it. Using Shania's Dagger he jumped down and sliced the demon on the neck. To Lucifer's surprise the slice did not look like it did much. Of course human weapons did not hurt it and without Shania the dagger was like a human weapon. Pocketing the dagger, he tried to steady himself and the monster started to get up. A few of Ebony's arrows had pierced it, but since it had no idea where the attacks were coming from, started to just ignore the shots.

Rhea nodded, but healed until she felt the small tingle of fatigue come over her. She knew she had healed the bone and stopped the bleeding, but the skin was no where near fixed.
Kai tossed her her pen and he ran slicig downward trying to sever the bottom of the bulls legs making it impossible to run.

"So doc should i get back in the fight?" Shania asked.
Rhea made a face of thought, quickly assessing the situation, "Let give them a moment.. they have knocked it down twice... I think they might be able to finish this soon. Perhaps you should sit out until it looks like you are absuloutlly needed." Rhea said, giving her a look of concern.

Sage swiped the Pen in mid area, letting it become her weapon, quickly she came in behind Kai, taking the leg he did not. Both hit their targets. Blood gushing through its legs. Kai had actually nearly took off its whole leg while Sage had just sliced it.

Lucifer tried with all his strength to pull the bulls head down to keep it from getting back up. The demon struggled failing on the ground, it was obviously in pain.
"Death you have the scythe slit it's throat," Kai said. hacking at it's back legs to keep it from ever running again.

Shania sighed but nodded all she was used for and she gets set out in the first round."guess i need to train more on the landings,"

Ebony was fireing at it still but she was getting tiered dispite the fact she ran less then the others.
Rhea let out a long breath when she realized that the battle was over and they had it pined now. Sage moving to take the final blow. "I think you did good. It was not your fault you got kicked on the way down." Rhea tried to encourage.

Sage did not wait for anything else before she ran around the back of it, avoiding its still properly working front legs. She moved quickly before jumping on the back of its neck, bringing the scythe around its neck and in one smooth motion, slicing its neck. The demon let out a long grown before it completely flopped on the ground, it still struggled while its life obviously drained away. The beast made running motions, its maimed legs twitching for a while, until it finally went silent.

Sage jumped off it, taking several large steps back before falling onto her butt for a long deserve sit.
"I Never want to run again!" Sage said loudly, rubbing her soar legs.

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