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Wild Cards

Rhea smiled at Kai, "You don't need too. I won't be a burden I promise." Rhea flashed Kai her book, "I have been studying my brother's doctors books so I am not relying completely on Magic. I work of myself Physically too, so I can defend myself. As soon as Levi gives me the OK, I will be closing portals again.... Also, thank you for saving me again." Rhea said, putting her book down on her lap.

Lucifer smiled, the thought of sweets after all that play made him drool a bit. Sage laughed a little louder,
"Perhaps I can cook lunch a long with dinner since I am here." She offered.
"Only if you want," Shania said "you are a better cook then i am," she admitted.

Kai smiled "I'm really glad," he said "I don't want you to get hurt healing us too much," he drove her to her gate "Pick you up soon," he promised.
Sage obviously glowed at the compliment, one of the few things that could truly make her happy to hear. "Of course I am." She said proudly.

Rhea smiled at Kai,
"See you soon." She said, waving a quick bye to him.


Several hours past until it was time to meet up for their club activities, Ghost hunting. Sage had fallen asleep on Shania's couch after cooking dinner, a nap was what Sage aimed for, unsure how tonight was really going to go since they were going to be running blind around the city.
Shania had also taken a nap in her spare room though it was an accadental one as she didn't mean to fall asleep against a wall.

Ebony had her dad drop her off at Shania's house and she went in without knocking she knew someone would be home.

KAi was at Rhea's gate waiting for her in his jacket and some jeans .
"I am sorry, so sorry! I have to go...I promise we will finish tomorrow..." Rhea said, practically running out the door. Her father had nearly followed her out, a sour look on his face. She made it a point to run to Kai, when she got up to him she looked behind her at her dad, "Dad is not happy. We should probably go." She urged.

Sage woke up with a start when Ebony came in,
"Oh Ebony... you caught me off guard... I guess it is time to get up..." She said, rubbing her eyes.

Lucifer, the only one who did not take a nap, looked up at Ebony when she came through the door,
"Oh oh! Let me go get Shania!" Lucifer said, hopping off the floor and running into the room to go get her.
Shania was asleep leani9ng against the wall a sakaba in her hand.

Kai nodded and waved bye to her dad before driving off "What was that all about princess?" he asked driving the van towards Shania's house "do i have to put a tap on the police phones again?"

Ebony smile "sorry didn't mean to wake you,"
Lucifer smiled walking up to her quietly before poking her in the stomach.

"No that wont be necessary. My father just made an important appointment for me with someone. This is the most defiant I have even been... I am going to be in a ton of trouble. I just did not want to go to the appointment... So I am really glad I could get away in time." She said, actually happy. "So I made the map." Rhea said, showing him a rolled up piece of paper, "I manage to put it in every part of town into a section... I just hope this will be ok for everyone. We can start at section one and move through them how ever we see fit."

Sage laughed,
"No not at all, it would be time to get up anyway. Did you want something to eat before everyone gets here?"
She nodded softly "I like Sage's foods you put love in them makes them taste even better," she smiled blushing.

Shania instinktivly slashed her Sakaba at him stopping just before the wood hit Luce's face "Time to get up?" she asked with a yawn

"appointment?" Kai asked
Lucifer, not really expecting for Shania to strike him, almost did not move, but had a late reaction, falling backwards. "Yeaaah..." He said quietly.

"With lawyers. There is some legal things happening in my family right now. Thats.... Why I am always on such a tight lock down." She said quietly, gently squeezing her map. She wondered if they were almost to Shania's house yet.

Sage smiled, more like a grin before she laughed,
"I AM a fantastic cook!" She boasted, before walking into the kitchen to get Ebony some food.
Ebony giggled and smiled brightly at seeing Sage so happy.

"Oh?" kai asked pulling over "what are these legal issues?"

Shania ruffled his hair "disarm me before waking me you'll get less bruises,"
"You would give me bruises disarmed or not..." Lucifer said as they walked out of the spare room. "I got Shania!" Lucifer said, just ask Sage had brought Ebony some of the Pasta that was left over from Dinner. Sage huffed, "Where is Kai and Rhea? I know they usually show up late, but still. We have probably a lot of ground to cover tonight."

Rhea fidgeted when Kai pulled over,
"Kai... we don't have a lot of time..." She said, she could not bring herself to look at Kai. She hated talking about this, it made her want to cry. "There is nothing you could help with... all the lawyers necessionary are present and I have been trying to keep it where it does not burden the group. Everything is almost over, anyway." Rhea took a shaky breath, covering her face with the map.
"Rhea we are family now we are closer then just some group, I won't tell anyone if you don't want me to but confide in me," he said looking straight at her.

Shania shrugged "maybe he had to redye his hair again," she said

Ebony took the plate and thanked Sage before eating.
Rhea took another breath, "My family. My brother he was disowned. My family has cut all ties with him. He is not aloud to see me, talk to me, nothing in fear of what he might convince me of, I don't know... I use to go see him in secret... Until the train accident. They knew after that... and my arm. It was a mess.. then Levi.. all these secrets and pressure. You made it a lot better... the whole dating thing has been a great front... but it is wearing thin." Rhea was at this point starting to sounds panicked. She was not sure how to start up again.

"Oooh I hope he comes with neon colors." Sage commented. Lucifer thought about it for a moment.
"Well then lets make the dating go farther in your parents eyes I'll ask for your hand and steal you away and before the wedding you decide what you want your parents your brother me anything i will get it for you if i have to force hands," he pat her head "now lets go slay demons,"

Shania laughed"you'd like that too much,"
"I-Its not about arranged marriage, well partly... but its not about the relationship... But... thank you for the thought... I am glad you are on my side... You won't have to marry me to keep me to the group..." Rhea said, forcing a smile. She felt sick, she got so worked up, but Kai and already started to head to Shania. She had only gotten through half of everything, but perhaps she would tell Kai another time...

"Hmm of course I would like it. Anything he does if free game for me." Sage said with a smile. "Anything any of you do is free game for me!"
He pat her shoulder "you have friends in high and low places we will help you are no burdon, you haven't tried to kill us yet," he said with a smile.

"oh even if i have my Sakaba in hand?" Shania asked
"Yes I guess I do.." She said quietly, still feeling the effects of getting overly dramatic, or spaztic. She was obviously keeping all this pent up. That was the first time she had even... told someone something. She was always carrying the fear of being a burden.

When they arrived Rhea was not so keen on talking to people, ready to shut down. but regardless she knew she was going to have to share her map.

"About time you guys got here, this is no longer fashionably late." Sage said.
"we had an issue," Kai shrugged not caring what Sage thought.

an issue?" Shania asked sceptically then saw Rhea looked more withdrawn then normal "What did you do to Rhea?"
"He didn't do anything... just family stuff." Rhea said quietly, walking to Shania's table. "Please don't worry to much. Here i have brought the map." She said, unrolling a large paper onto the table.

Sage narrowed her eyes, now just as curious as Shania.

"I have split the city up every 1 mile... it seems like a lot, but I figured it would be easiest. If it seems like too much, we can slipt it again to half smiles. Each smile I named by number a letter, much like a chess board." She said, pointing out the spot on the map. "I figure we can choose an area a weekend. Keep an eye and ear open for places for portals." Rhea picked up a marker and put a red dot where they found the last portal. "We should make sure we keep track of where portals are at, specially while I can't close them." Rhea put the marker down on the table.
"brings a good question to who will," Kai said sitting down.

"I agree are we going to have to have Luce contact Levi?" Shania asked
Rhea glanced around, everyone was distracted or something. "No... as long as we go by sections that I have marked down here and not randomly... we should know exactly where the portals are at as long as we come to mark it down on the paper after we get back from fighting." Rhea said slowly and quietly. She did not want to make anyone upset. "That's why I have this Map."

Lucifer, like normal was not really listening. Eating again while he waiting for everyone to come to a decision.

"Simple enough. Where are we starting tonight?" Sage asked.

Rhea looked down at the map then pointed to a spot,
"A1. It is at the very far part of the city. I think there is construction machinery." Rhea panicked a bit, she should had studied for this, she know have known what was in that area. "I'll know where we are going better next time." Rhea said, taking a few steps back from the Map.

"Relax, you already organized this much for us so far, you did good." Sage encouraged.
"You don't have to do everything princess," Kai said and hugged her from behind his arms around her waist. "You have to relax a bit and let us handle some of the work you know?" he smiled though she couldn't see.

Shania nodded "I loathe to agree with Kai but he is right, from now on I'll research the sites I have a bit more free time then you all do," she said "ok, now shall we get going or is there anything else we need?"

Ebony had put her plate in the sink and came back to the room. She was a bit conserned since last fight was so hard and long but everyone seemed ready to go.
Rhea froze, immediately tense when Kai hugged her. "I-I... I can... you guys are always..." She needed to concentrate, "You guys are always fighting, training... I do nothing. I can do this. Please let me take this..." Rhea insisted. Kai had been so touchy with her lately, even when with the group when they no longer needed to pretend to date.

Sage let a small smile grace her lips watching Kai and Rhea, but it was more of the smile mischievousness then anything else.
"Hmmm well we better get going, it is a long drive to that far of town."
"Ah indeed it will be," Kai said looking at the map he nodded memerizing it's location mentaly before letting go of Rhea. "Off to the van then," he said as he began to walk out.

Shania sighed in all honesty she was begining to feel like fighting was all she was good at, not that it bothered her as much as it did Kai or Ebony but they had other talents. She put her hands in her pockets as she walked out followed by Ebony who was still a bit nervious.
Sage smiled as she watched everyone leave, "Ah, Ebony. Did you get my text?" Sage asked as she climbed into her usual seat. Sage opened up the container and proceeded to hand out Microphones while Kai started up the car. When everyone had Microphones and jackets, Sage gave a happy nod and started to put on her Mic.

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