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Wild Cards

"then i shall never let you know princess," he said "I am a prince after all a prince must be kind to a princess expecially one he cares for," he smiled at her as they danced.

"I have met the boy wonder he is like his father only tripping on acid," Rocky said "He says sweet lies and charms with words he charmed an entire croud at his fathers party they all hung on his every spoken word like he is a god," the stuborn man said his wife however nodded in agreement to sage.

"He is a smooth talker but i supose that does not mean he is a bad guy," she said Shania had to stop herself from laughing and succeded very well
Sage also had to stop herself from laughing, that was a dead on description. "Well I promise you sir, Myself, Shania and Lucifer are making sure to keep her well safe from Kai. Ebony usually hands out with Lucifer there. He is from Finnland. He is a very good kid. Cousins with Shania here, you can hardly tell they are related. He can be a bit slow when you talk to him because his English can be a bit off." Sage said, motioning to Lucifer and Ebony. At this point, Lucifer was trying to be the lead for Ebony, actually learning how to properly dance instead of being silly.

Rhea blushed,
"I really like you guys as well."

Kai placed a kiss on her forehead "that means the world to me," he said softly

"Oh Lucy look Sage wants us... we'll continue soon you are getting so good," she praised him.

Shania nodded then her eyes widened as Sage told them Luce was her cousin it felt odd to here though she thought of him as family already.
Rhea made a confused face placing her hand on her forehead, she felt hot. Kai made her blush too much. "I am glad... it means a lot for me to have friends now. I am going to keep trying my best for you guys." She said, a small smile on her lips.

Lucifer smiled, victory was his for dancing.
"Yes! Lets go see what they want!"

When they both reached Sage, she smiled at them,
"Lucy, you should introduce yourself to Ebony's parents."

Lucifer's eyes shined,
"Oh! Hi! My name is Lucifer, everyone calls my Luce or Lucy for short. I just came here not too long ago and made friends with Ebony and everyone else here. I love your dancing building! I found that I really like to dance, though I am not very good... Ebony just said I was getting better though! Also the foods here are amazing! I enjoy my time here, I miss home a lot though!" Lucifer said in one long breath. Sage was not expecting him to say so much and in a random order.
Shania let out a breath was didn't realize she was holding Luce was too cute to be taken in a bad light.

Ebony giggled "Lucy is really sweet dad, mommy," she said timidly holding his hand.

Kai pulled her close "I still say you are cute when you blush,"
Lucifer smiled and help Ebony's hand back, "You mean sweet like a cookie?" He asked, he was obviously serious.

Sage laughed, Lucifer was a secret weapon, no one can resist his... toddler charms.

And that she did,
"K-kai you are really close." Rhea said, "Why do you and Sage tease me soo much?" She said, laughing under her breath. She glanced at the group to see what they were doing, wondering if she should go introduce herself as well. Maybe she could be of help. But then again, she comes from a back ground much like Kai's. Except with less black market transactions and funny business.
"We tease you because you are too cute not to," Kai smiled "and a m i too close princess?" he asked .

Shania laughed a Luce "Sure luce just like cookies," she said with a nod.

Ebony giggled and pat Lucy like shania normaly would,
Sage glanced at Ebony's parent's for their reactions to Lucy, if Lucy did not soften their hearts then Dinner was the back up plan. Regardless she was going to do it anyway. Her mother was lonely, and if they made friend with each other it would be five time easier to get a hold of Ebony. It was a win win. "So were you guys interested in dinner this Sunday?"

Lucifer smiled like he away did when he got pat on the head, it was a praise to him and he liked the physical contact with his human friends.

"Y-yeah." Rhea studered, The thought of Kai kissing her after he kissed Lucifer ran through her head and made her panic a bit. Then the thought of Sage telling her some women already took her first kiss made her fluster even more. She wanted her book.
Kai watched Rhea "princess you are nervious," he stated "tell me why."

"We'd love it dear," Emily said with a smile "maybe we can make plans for you and your mother too." she smiled and took her husbands hand. He was watching Lucifer after all he was a protective father.
Sage smiled brightly an obvious fake smile to those who know her best, but to anyone else it was a pleasant and happy smile, "Fantastic. I have the perfect meal planed out, and I believe that would be a delight for my mothers sake." Sage said happily.

Lucifer glance up from Ebony and noticed her father's stare, he blinked a few times and then smiled at him. He was unsure if he should say anything, so he just did what he did best and that was smile and have fun.

Rhea let out a long sigh,
"People make me nervous. When I run into situations I was not taught how to appropriately react too. Some times I think of things that make me nervous more so then I already am. It makes me want to just go read a book. When I read, it tends to make people leave me alone." She said, that was an odd explanation.
"Tell me princess what's on your mind?" Kai whispered to her.

Shania chuckled "Luce go finish up dancing Ebony looks about the jump out of her dancing shoes," Ebony blushed but Shania was right she wanted to dance more.

Ebony's parents watched the odd group "you all look fun enough to be around," Rocky said
Lucifer made a happy face and nodded at Shania before garbing Ebony's hand and dragging her back to the dance floor. Slowly he listen to instructions from Ebony, trying to take a proper stance to dance.

Sage laughed at their eagerness "We are fun sir. I have no idea what I would have done if it was not for this group." She said, which was truth. Sage could no longer see a future with 'what if we never meet'. In a way Sage hated feeling like this. Cutting the thoughts from her mind, she nodded at them, "If you excuse us, I think Shania and I might join for a bit of dancing as well. It was very pleasant talk to you two, I sure do hope to see you for tomorrow's dinner arrangements. I will be texting Ebony Later with my address." Sage said, giving them one last smile.

Rhea could not make herself look at Kai, this stuff always happened when they were alone. "I wounder if you would pull something on me like you did with Lucifer, makes me a bit worried." She said honestly, lying would just go poorly for her.
"you don't want me to kiss you?" he asked a purr in his voice "why not?"

Ebony laughed and had fun teaching Lucy a few more moves Shania let Sage have her hand "Can i got out of this yet?" she asked quietly.
"Yes you are dismissed Ms. Shania. Thank you for your... more then lacking charm, but none the less help." Sage said with a smile "We can dance for a few more mins. We should probably switch up partners since this is team work training. Might are well make use of it." She said happily.

"N-no." She said, a little louder then she meant to, it kind of came out as a squeak.

Lucifer moved to dip Ebony, but nearly dropped her, pulling her into him for a quick save,
"Sorry Ebony! I did that wrong." he said, he was really trying hard to get it down right.
She clung to him and took a deep breath "It's ok you got to hold tighter Lucy," she said and leaned on his shoulder.

"I'm not good in a dress I feel funny... it's just not right," Shania said "sorry i was lacking charm but we've never known me to have any, want to take Rhea from Kai before she explodes?" Shania asked

"then you do want me to kiss you?" Kai asked
"Ok." Lucifer said, making a serious face. Not really demon hunting serious, more like I am going to get this right serious. He tried again, much more successive then the first time.

"Ooh, but it was good to the good part, she always seems like she is doing so wel." Sage said, letting go of Shania and then walking over to Kai and Rhea. Before Rhea could answer, Sage had wrapped her arms around her and yanked her from Kai's grasps, spinning her in her own arms and dancing away from Kai. Sage winked at Kai before giving him a knowing smile.

Rhea was not sure how to answer, she could not read Kai, she could not even read herself, he brain felt scrambled. Well until she was yanked form in and then put in a dancing with Sage. She was slightly grateful and nerved.
"Uhh... hi.." Rhea manage to say.

"Hello Princess, I thought it was my turn to dance with you, I hope you don't mind." She said with a smile.

Kai got Shania back out in the dance floor and it was obvious he was a bit upset at having Rhea pulled away but happy to be dancng with the ever unconfortable in a dress Shania.

Ebony giggled and hugged Lucy "you are great!" she kissed his cheek and smiled
Lucifer smiled, then leaned foreword and kissed Ebony's forehead, "Thanks, I try hard." He said happily.

They all dance for a few more hours before Sage rounded up the gang to thank Ebonys parents for the use of the dance studio. Sage glowed at them,
"Like I said, thank you for having us. I was hopping you would let Ebony join us for the usual Saturday Night ghost hunting for the PA investigation. It is the activity that makes our club the club." Sage said with a smile.
Emily nodded "of course just make sure she calls us so we know she's safe," She smiled Ebony hugged her mother and smiled.

Shania smiled the thought of getting home and into real clothes was so inviting she might actually sleep all night tonight.

Kai had snuck out and was waiting in his car for Rhea.
"Of course." Sage beamed, "I will see you tomorrow." Sage said, waving good bye to them, "And we will see you tonight Ebony."

Walking out of the house, Sage smiled at everyone. Taking point that Kai was not with them, she guess he was getting changed,
"I think that went rather well, don't you think?" Sage said, "Ah Shania, mind if I just hand out with you guys till are nightly activities? I rather not go all the way home." Lucifer looked like he was happier then usual.

Rhea kept sighing, she had to go home a study, then meet up again for 'club activities'. Things have been getting more tense at her house... things were escalating and she was sure it was going to bring problems for the group. She was sure even Kai would not be able to help.
Kai smiled at ebony his hair back to its dyed state and he wore one of his flamboyant outfits in fact this one was a bit odd even for kai he looked like little red riding hood gone model. he opened the car door for Rhea "My princess," he said with a bow.

Shania looked to sage "you know you are always welcome," she said. Ebony waved bye to everyone and then ran to get ready for the night activities.
Rhea smiled and thanked Kai, "I guess I will see you guys later..." She said quietly, waving at everyone before getting in the car with Kai.

Sage nodded and waved,
"Thanks." She said, eyeing Kai and Rhea before she started to walk back to Shania and Lucifer's house.
Shania was in a hurry to get homke "next time you can wear the dress ok Luce?" she teased him as they walked.

"whats on your mind?" kai asked Rhea.
"What?but I wear more of those then you dooo..." Lucifer whined. "Shania... I am hungry..." Sage chuckled

"Studying. I need to study when I get home." She said quietly, studying the scars on her hands, she easily found the book she had taken with her when Kai had picker her up. She looked up at him, "Are you ok?" She asked. That was a rather direct question and not really asked in a Kai like fashion.
"Yeah i'm fine," he shrugged "just worried about you is all," he said glancing her way.

"I'll see what we have I won't let you starve," Shania laughed "you still have those chocolate covered cherries kai gave you in the fridge at hime," she reminded him.

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