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Wild Cards

Lucifer grind at Shania, he was tired, but not near as weak as the girl was. Putting the plate down, he lifted Shania up and started to carry her back to her room, "Sleep tiiime." Lucifer said happily.


The next few days everyone got back in the swing of things. Rhea did not go to school Monday because she was still sick, Tuesday either, but by Wendsday, Rhea was back and at full strength. It was lunch like usual, and everyone was gather at their table.

"So.. all this happened while I was asleep?" Rhea asked, her brow coming together, a deep blush coming across her cheeks. Sage had just finished explaining what had happen the days pier to her being sick. Rhea said she had gotten better by Monday night, but her parents kept her an extra day at home to make sure. "I-I can't believe I was kissed...." She said, covering her face with her hands.

Sage laughed,
"It was funny how there was a lot of kissing that day."

"Thank you Shania for your help.. Thank you everyone for saving me." Rhea said, still covering her eyes."So what do we do now then?"
"We avoid portals but kill demons," Shania said simply. Kai laughed he loved Shania's bluntness.

"You my dear warrior are bloodthirsty," he said and got shot a glare.

"I prefer to think of myself as a philosopher and my philosophy is if violence isn't solving all your problems you aren't useing enough,"
"Scary..." Sage said leaning on her hands taking a lazy bite of her chicken.

Rhea laughed quietly under her breath, relived she did not have to go through portal closing again. The pain had felt horrible, not in the type of pain where it hurts... but it plagued her head, she could not think straight. She was just glad she could be back to normal.

Lucifer huffed,
"It would be hard to walk around the city just trying to sense something..."
"Everytime you find something I'll cook you something sweet," Shania said "and you'll get a day off with pay from kai," Shania decided.

Kai laughed "as you wish," he said softly

Ebony was quiet through the meeting her parents were getting worse about her being in the club
"I have a better plan." Rhea said suddenly, just thinking of it. "Perhaps we should try tracking were unsolved violence crimes are happening. They are in the news all the time as of late."

Lucifer leaned down to look at Ebony, putting a piece of fruit to her mouth.
"and when we find it the fault of humans?" Shania asked

"I can stop police phones not force them to accept an arrest from us," Kai said
"That would attract too much attention in the end... maybe running around town with Lucy on a leash was not such a bad idea." Sage said.

Rhea sighed, they where right, that seemed like a good idea at first, but it really was not. The only reason they knew where the last portal was, was because they where killed by it.
"Maybe we can split the town up by sections... pick a section every weekend to go check out... Lucy never gets out much except when we take him out..... So its not like he is walking around town all that much..."

"Speaking of taking Lucy out... who's turn is it this weekend for our team work training?" Sage asked, suddenly remembering.

"We said who ever got chosen can pick next.." Rhea said quietly, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"What?" Lucifer said, looking up from hearing his name called, he was busy trying to cheer Ebony up.
"you pick who says our activity this week," Shania smiled at the demon trying to cheer up his teammate.

Kai chuckled thinking he'd probbably choose Ebony.
And Kai was right because he did just that, "Oh Ebony can choose!" Lucifer said kind of excited, remembering last activity.

Sage was pretty sure everyone saw that coming, but Ebony was going to get harder to retrieve then Rhea.
"Ebony, do you think there is anything we can do to convince your parents to let you come out with us more? Maybe if they meet Lucy."
"oh they'd love Lucy," she smiled "but they hate kai," she said a bit sadly.

Shania smiled and let out a laugh "Then Lucy can charm your parents and Kai Rhea's." she said.

Kai flipped his hair "I'm afarid i can;t teach Lucy my silver tongue though,"
"If Lucy learned how to talk like you... why it makes me shutter to think about." Sage said. "Anyway... so we need to make a map to to comb the city slowly... we need a team activity for saterday day, I feel like we are missing something..." Sage said, thinking for a long moment.

Lucifer smiled,
"what are you going to choose?" he asked happily.
"Maybe we can go dancing... or skating?" she asked softly she seemed to have gone back in her shell recently.

"I can get a map," KAi said "easy enough,"
"Dancing? I love dancing!" Lucifer said smiling.

Sage scratched her head, nodding. "Ok well then it is settled." Sage said quietly. "Dancing, Kai and Rhea will take care of the Map. Saturday and Saturday night is deiced I think Shania and I should also go to talk to your parents... possibly get them to let you spend the night during the nights."
Shania nodded "You have more charm then me I'm a tad blunt,"

"A tad KAi asked and dodged a water bottle "Ha i'm getting good at daoging!" he said proud of himself.

Ebony hugged Lucy "you are a great dancer will you save a dance for me?"
"Yeah but your also more female. I refuse to dress feminen." Sage said, lifting an eye brow to Shania.

Rhea smiled, eating quietly while watching the others. She was already back to studying like normal.

Lucifer hugs Ebony back and laughed,
"I would always have a dance for you, I don't know why you would have to save one!"
Ebony giggled and held Lucifer tightly.

"I dress like a boy too not my fault i got C cups," she said and sighed "but i see your point," Kai was shaking with laughter
"Gods, I would hate to carry those around with me all day." Sage said glaring at Kai. "They are just unneeded weight. Although I would admit they do make a women figure and I have already seen--" Rheas book shut hard, she was blushing, "We are heading into R rated conversation again..." She almost studered out trying to stop Sage from finishing that sentence. Sage had seen both her and Shania naked and she tried to forget that detail.

Sage covered her mouth to trying to not laugh.
"Oh so you did like her sexey bod..." he was cut off when a sneeker hit his face. "Again with the shoes!" he said and threw it back only Shania actually caught it.

:Ok Rhea how are your parents now that kai has them charmed?" shania asked her ignoring the fuming Kai.
Sage laughed, "Well I can't help but admire them." Sage said, winking at Rhea to see her blush.

Rhea flushed, why her?
"Uh.. wha... oh.. as long as Kai comes to get me they don't really mind..." she said quietly.

"Well hopefully we can steal Ebony away without pretending we are going to marry ourselves to her, but I suppose if we have to we can." Sage said.
Ebony blushed red "me marry...marry ... Sage," with that she fainted into Lucifer.

"Sage... I'm the most eligable hell Lucy is better then a woman... well nevermind I can't see shania being straight.. do not throw that shoe!" he was right shania had her shoe and was about to chuck it at him
Sage for a moment wondered if Ebony was actually still conscious, he was kind of wide eyed, shaking her a bit.

"Oh come now Kai, I am bisexual and Ebony is adorable, are you saying I would be a bad husband? I think Shania would make a great husband too!" Sage teased. "Besides, the only thing you are eligible for it being a predator and a diva as I said before."

Rhea was also blushing, again with the drastic turning conversations. It was every day with these people... but she enjoyed it.
Kai smiled "Jelious you havn't been kissed yet," he said and sat back in his chair. "Ok clan lets wake the fainted gixie," he said

"before a teacher thinks i did it," Shania said seems since her initial punch everything she did was underinvestigation.
"So are you showing up for dancing kai? I have no idea if that is a good idea if we do it at Ebony's dancing school, Lucy and I will be working Magic with her parents." Sage asked.

Lucifer was not listening, he was trying to wake Ebony.
Kai just laughed "I'll come in costume so i'm not recognized," he smiled brightly.

"Telling me youre a dragqueen?" Shania asked

"No... well only when we have no models,"

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