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Wild Cards

Kai held her a bit tighter. "You princess are staying here I'll not have you weakened, pluse i escaped most of the hard work," Kai shrugged as if he was perfectly fine though he was rather worried about driving to Shania's house.

Shania looked at Luce "You ok?" she asked him he looked unhurt but something looked off or maybe she was just exausted.

Ebony ran to Lucy "we did it Lucifer we defeated demons and sealed a portal and we are all fine!"
Lucifer was about answer Shania until Ebony ran up and as excited as ever, "Yeah! You were a great shot Ebony!" He said, his tune changing with the thought of danger gone.

"Hey, you two stick to code names till we know we are our safe... can never be too paranoid about people who could have seen." Sage said, warning the two

Rhea took a long breath and closed her eyes, every bit of her felt heavy.

Lucifer looked up, wondering if he should be the one to take Rhea, "Want me to carry her?" he asked.
"I got our princess go make sure our warrior can stand she was a bit... too energetic in this fight," Kai chuckled till a rock hit him in the head "Owowowow what was that for!?" he said in an undidgnified manner.

Shania ,the rock thrower, smirked "I wasn't as bad this time and i'm still able to kick your pretty boy a** trickster,"

Ebony flushed "but... do you have a nickname?" she asked Lucy she couldn't remember.
Sage laughed, the victory feeling sweet, "Seems like shes fine to me. Want me to drive?" Sage asked, standing up. She started to walk to the hole they had gotten through at the beginning.

"Hmmm I don't have a code name..." Lucifer said, thinking.

"At the time we had made the names we all were still rather wary of Lucy, so I guess he did not get accepted into the reindeer games yet. Maybe we should name him Puppy?" Sage said joking.

"What? No I want something like you guys!" he said, he never picked up on jokes made at his expense. He was probably the most energetic of the bunch.
"You are the guide," Kai suggested "or the gaurd dog," he said again just listing things off.

Shania sighed "I'm bad with names,"
Sage leaned over, taking the keys from Kai, his hands full with Rhea. Laughing Sage continued to talk, "Guard dog! Ha! Possibly we can call him something to do with his style of fighting. He fights with his hands..." Sage started to twist the keys in her hand in thought, feeling in a fantastic mood after killing so many. Although she was still exhausted.

Lucifer quietly listened, smiling at Ebony while Kai and Sage do their usual back and fourth.
"Hey those are mine!" Kai said chasing her still carrying Rhea. Shania shook her head and followed she was tiered her body was sore she wanted to be home.

"um Lets see maybe he can be um... *giggles* the punisher?"
Lucifer laughed, not sure what they should call him. Although Ebony's nickname was the closet one he liked so far.

Sage ran around, Kai was never going to catch her with Rhea in his arms,
"Relax Joker, I think I have the most energy of everyone, that knows how to drive." She said, stepping back like she usually did. "beside you seem to be fine watching the Princess."

When they all manage to get hand no problem jumping back up to the top of the hole. Leaning down, he offered a hand to his tired comrades to help them up.
"I'll keep her warm in the back then," Kai smiled brightly.

Ebony heard and blushed again once more seeing rather not innocent scenes,

Shania sighed "then I am up front no petting with me around,"
"Your so tired you would let the predator do what he wants with our sleeping Princess?" Sage asked laughing as she jumped out of the hole. Lucifer helped Ebony up out of the hole, more talk about stuff he did not know about.

When Sage got into the driver seat, she started the car up promptly, taking off her mic and handing it to Shania.
"Don't forget to take off your mics." Sage reminded everyone.

Lucifer did the same, thought he was having a bit of trouble getting it off.
Ebony helpped him and took off her own Kai sat in the back holding Rhea in his lap petting her hair softly.

Shania leaned back in the chair "I feel like a horse kicked both my arms," she said with a chuckle "hope the next fights even more entertainning,"
Rhea made a painful sound in her sleep, instinctively clutching her arm. She was hearing things, voices. She wanted to take up, her arm burned, every bit of her burned. But she could not make herself move or talk. Something was terribly wrong, she could feel it.

Sage drove the speed limit, unlike Kai. Although it did take longer for Sage to get to the house, everyone was tired enough to not really care,
"You should probably call your fake police officers and have them escort Ebony home." Sage said, kind of wanting to take her home herself, but since every one of them just kidnapped her, she was sure they were the last people Ebony's parents wanted to see. "We should also take showers to wash blood off."

"I'll take myself home," Ebony said "it'll be ok," she figeted a bit.

"Huh?" Kai asked looking up "Sage i think somethings wrong with our princess," he stated holding her close to him protectivly.

This brought Shania out of her slleepy state and she hopped into the back of the van
"Let me see..." Lucifer said, "I knew I was sensing something... but I figured it was just me..." He said, moving closer to the girl.

Sage opened up the back so that there was room,
"Come on, bring her inside, then we can look at her." She encouraged, why could this night not just end now?
Kai carried Rhea inside and laid her on Shania's couch "ok Lucy tell us what's up." Kai said Shania stood ready to get anything that may be needed as Ebony stood out of the way.
"I couldn't tell you exactly... but I think she is poisoned with a lot of negative energy... or demon energy how ever you want to call it..." He said touching her arm, "I-I can call Levi... give me a few minutes." He said, walking to sit down on the floor, closing his eyes.

"Poison? Did something poison her?" Sage asked, touching the girls forehead, she was running a fever. "Lets see if there is anything in that medical supplies we can use to help her." Sage suggested, walking over to Ebony.
"Wrong type of poison i think," Shania said "please call Levi Luce," Shania nodded.

Kai stroked her hair and felt her forhead for a fever
When Lucifer looked back up again he sighed, "Levi said he will be here as soon as he can... he said he is actually coming here instead of pulling us to his world." It was only a few minutes longer before a hole similar to the one Rhea had closed earlier had opened in Shania's living room. Levi stepped out first, following him was a women, who looked very much like a succubi from books.

"Sillia... what are you doing here?" Lucifer asked in surprise. Lucifer was kind of ignored when both Levi and the new demon women Sillia moved to Rhea. Levi moved Kai out of the way with a large claw, uncaring if he wanted to stay there or not.

"Levi you see what you have done. I told you this was a bad idea, she is barely alive." the woman snaped at the demon, "If her body was not trying to heal itself she would have deteriated from all that negitive energy. What made you think she could hold that in her body?"

Levi sighed,
"The Gems, I thought they would be enough."

"You thought wrong!" she said again. With that she turned to look at the group, "I need a Donner... One of you needs to give up some of your energy. Don't worry I won't take it all and it will recover over time. In order for me to take out the negative, I have to have something to replace it with. I can't take it from Lucifer, I need another human volentree."
"Take as much of mine as you need," Shania said "All of it if it's nessasary," she said simply.

Kai was about to offer his but shania seemed to always be full of energy of just about all kinds.
"I told you I won't need all of it..." Sillia said, approaching Shania. At this point, Sage had walked back in with curtain supplies, mostly an ice back and some medications. She walked next to Kai, "What is happening? Whos that..." Sage stopped mid sentence when Sillia leaned over and kissed Shania on the lips. She stayed there long enough to take the energy she needed from Shania. Lucifer moved to catch Shania, knowing she would be weak after getting zapped of a lot her energy.

Sillia licked her lips before moving to Rhea doing the same to the sleeping girl. She stayed by Rhea much longer then she did Shania. The pained expression on Rhea's face seemed to lesson. As soon as she was done, Sillia stood up and nodded.
"There... that should be ok, she just needs to rest and replenish her own energy." Sillia let out a long sigh then turned to glare at Levi, "I can't believe you did not even think about this possibility, Levi."

Levi stood up,
"I am not some human expert, I am a warrior! I am only doing what I was told to do!" He was being rather defensive.
Shania was greatful to Lucifer for catching her "I really need that nap now," she said softly Kai was in shock and slightly heated from the two woman kiss.

"Sage next," he said jokingly after he saw Rhea begin to get better.

Ebony was worried for both Shania and Rhea now
"Was that really necessary?" Sage asked, interrupting Sillia and Levi's bickering. "I am a succubi dear, that is how my powers work. I suck life energy from those around me through very naughty acts." She said, Sage glanced and Kai and then sighed, "Mind telling us what happened and is going to happen?" Sage asked for the quick subject change.

Lucifer helped Shania to sit down on the floor, letting her lean on him,
"You feeling ok?" he asked quietly.

Levi sighed,
"I miss calculated Rhea's powers. She is an experiment, we have never given a human the abilities to close portals before. Sure we have given humans powers before, we have always done that, but nothing that could potential help a human create, close or sustain a portal. I am one of the few demons who can create portals as freely as I do... Even Lucifer will not have that power when he grows because not even his father, my brother, has it. Demons and humans run on two different energy's... I thought the Gems would stop it... the gems lets you safely use negative energy. But the portals... they are much stronger... we need to find another medium." Levi said, it ended up like a thought for how to solve the problem more then an explanation.
"I'm fine," Shania reasured Luce "Ok Levi then what will become of Rhea? she's part of the team after all," Shania said though she sounded strong she had to lean on Lucifer to stop herself from falling back.

"Indeed we can't function without our princess," Kai agreed
"Rhea still has her powers... she can still heal you. But don't let her close any more portals until we find a new medium. We will remain in contact." Levi said, before walking over to the portal. "Sillia." he called, Sillia smiled and waved at them, "Good bye dears. I hope I don't have to see you again." She said, before walking through the open portal. Levi followed, the portal promptly shutting with a spark. Lucifer felt the portal completely disappear and everything go back to normal.

Sage let out a long sigh, crossing her arms,
"That was unexpected..." She said.
"It was indeed," Kai said and looked over at Shania who had fallen asleep, well guess I'll give sage a lift home "Ebony said she'd go home her own way and Rhea was going to stay here anyway so I think we are all set," Kai said

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