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Wild Cards

"Nervious?" Kai asked Rhea softly taking her hand. He smiled at her "sorry if my fooling aroung disterbed you I assure you it was all fun and games you are much more attractive then Lucy,"
Rhea blushed, "You really.. shouldn't say things like that." but Rhea squeezed Kai's hand, she was nervous, "I don't know if I will be able to close the portal. To be honest... I think Levi does not know either, or what will happen."
"We will cross that bridge after we build it my dear," he said softly. "Should i come in to greet your father or kiss your lovely hand at the door and bid you adieu?" he asked he loved her blushing. "And do keep the red cheeks it suits you,"
Rhea blushed, "I have no idea what to make of you sometimes Kai." She said, Rhea has felt herself become more confident with people like Kai and Sage always pushing her around, but she had only manage to do so with those people, although when she is caught off guard she manages to go into a studded, much like when Kai kissed Lucy.
"make of me what you will my gem," Kai smirked "maybe I should i kiss you at your gate?" he asked "make it more beleivable," he watched her reaction
"N-no thats ok..." She said, blushing and looking away. Geez.... "I'll see you later Kai... Thanks again." She said when they had gotten to her house, she curtsied, just in case someone was watching.


Later that evening, Rhea had shown up with several boxes of medical supplies for Shania.
"Sorry if there is too much... but I thought your place would be the best place to put it. I figured this is where we would go after every battle... since we meet here for everything else."

Sage showed up not too long after Rhea had, in her usually attire, but with the jacket Kai had given them. Rhea felt kind of bad because she had forgotten her own jacket.
Shania nodded "yeah my house seems to be a high traffic zone," she said helpping Rhea put up the supplies. "I'm hoping none of it will be nessasary," she said softly. Kai came in wearing tight leather and his Jacket only because it matched.

"Are we ready team... we have no name!" he said just realizing that.
Sage looked up, "Your right, no name... hmmm. Something catchy." She said in thought.

Lucifer rolled in the room, wearing cloths that Shania had let him borrow. They were meant for him to move around easily, "Where is Ebony?" he said, noting he was not here.

Rhea came back in the room with Shania, thanking her for the help with everything.
Shania looked around "Sage can you call her while I go get my shoes?" she asked

Kai was deep in thought "The DDA Demon destruction agency? nah that's lame...."
Sage sighed, "Why am I always the one calling people?" She asked, opening the phone and calling Ebony, "I would offer our club name, but that might make us easy to track if police get involved." She said, listening to the phone ring.

Rhea watched Kai throw out suggestion,
"Maybe something that has to do with us protecting... Levi has refired to us many times as Guardians."
"yeah but it's so plain ... i guess it works for now though," Kai sighed Shania went to get her shoes ignoring Sage's question.
Rhea thought for a moment, not sure what else to throw out there, she was not that creative.

Sage sighed,
"I don't think she is going to answer," she said, listening to the ring tones on the phone.
"Ebony is never late," Kai stated "normaly the girls early."

"should we stop by her house?" Shania asked everyone a hint of worry in her eyes,.
"Yeah." Sage agreed, handing up the phone. "After all, we can't do our club activities missing a member."

Rhea nodded, wondering if they should take off their jackets when going to see her.

"Yeah! Lets go find Ebony!" Lucifer said, looking up from what ever he was doing.
Kai drove there in a black van with a hollowed out back with a matress for a floor the matress was covered in soft egyption cotton sheets of a deep purple color "This old thing will do well for club running right?" kai asked.

"He has a shag wagon..." Shania said "why am i not suprised?"
"A hideous one to boot." Sage comment, taking dibs on sitting in the passenger seat.

Rhea sat quietly in the back, while Lucifer on the other hand was exploring every inch of the back of the car.
the matress was overly plush and felt almost like jumping on piles of fluffy cotton balls. Shanai got in and sat down "this is... more confortable then the couch," she stated "color could be better chosesn,"

"Oh hush," kai got in and smiled off to Ebony's." the trip their was uneventful but when they got there they saw Ebony trying to climb out her second floor window.
When they had gotten out Lucifer watch, feeling a bit worried that she would fall, he ran over to help her, "Ebony!" He said. "Ill get you!" Although he knew she would be able to land that if she used her powers.

Sage cringed, he was being a bit too loud.

Rhea stayed where she was, knowing better then to get in the way.
He scared her and she fell landing on him her parents turned on the lights "Ebony?" they called

"Let's go now!" she said and got up quickly pulling lucy with her to the van.

"EBONY STOP THIS SECOND!" her fatrher yelled

Ebony jumped into the car "Kai step on it!" the second everyone was in Kai floored the vehicle.
When they all piled into the van, Lucifer looked at Ebony, "Ebony? Are you ok?"

"More like what happened?" Sage asked, thinking this could prove bad for later endeavors.
"I'm grounded evedently my dad hates Kai's dad and they want me to quit the club it's really stupid," she said quietly. Kai sighed deeply he knew this was coming.

"This is not gonna make them like me anymore that's for sure, Sage be a doll," he tossed her his phone "Text my dad the numbers 454," he said.
Sage let out a long annoyed sigh, taking Kai's phone, "Everyone's Phone lacky." She muttered, running through Kai's numbers and texting the appropriate didgets.

Rhea looked up at Kai,
"You always seem to have a fix..." she said quietly. "What are you doing?"

Lucifer made a distress face,
"I don't want you to leave!"
Kai smirked "I'm having dad tap the police phones so if Ebony's parents call they will get false officers," he opened his glove compartment leaning over Sage to do so "ok lacky make sure everyone geta a chocker and that it's connected to an earpiece,"

Ebony hugged Lucy "I don't want to leave and i wont," she stated.
"So very illegal," Sage said blandly, making it a point to hit Kai over the head before he leaned back, she did not care if he was driving. Leaning behind her, Sage handed everyone everything they needed and in an orderly fashion, before connecting her own mic and head set.

Rhea connected her quickly, then leaned over and connected Lucifer's. She was already getting nervous, she was not sure if she would be able to do this...

Sage held onto Kai's own set, planing on handing it too him after they stop.

"Testing." Rhea said through the mic. Lucifer jumped up suddenly excitement and a bit a fear, the mic was new to him.
"It works," Shania said chuckling at Luce's reaction.

"good not only functional but stylish!" he said happily "Ok since I'm technically speeding we'll be there in another minute or two any questions?" he asked. He was going a good 90mph but he didn't seem to mind.

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