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Wild Cards

Sage spat out her drink and was coughing a bunch, Rhea leaned foreword and patted her back. After Sage was able to breath again, she burst out laughing, she was holding her stomach and rolled over. She couldn't breath. She had so many images in her head and all of them were wrong.

Lucifer's brows furred,
"Gah I can't take it... what is all this dating and lover stuff?" Lucifer had grown up in times of war and have only seen his training with his own family.

Sage was still struggling to breath, laughing rather hysterically.

Rhea also laughed a bit, feeling her own tension ease a bit.
Shania sighed "Dateing is when a two people go out together and hold hands and have fun and like eachother very much maybe even love... a mistress is like if one of the two people has another person they date without telling the first person and a lover...," shania choked up on this explenation.

"Is someone you do kissy kissy stuff with," Kai suplied "Amung other less innocent things," he was going to list examples but was silanced by Shania's glare
Rhea glanced at Shania for a moment when she seemed to pause, "Kissy... like what Shania and Ebony kiss me?" He asked.

Rhea smiled,
"No, that is just friendship and family. Its what a lot of people show they care."

Sage recovered, snickering,
"I don't know what you dad thinks Kai, but you would be my b!tch." She mumbled to him, a smirk on her face before she got up to dodge anything Kai tried to hit her with.
Kai shrugged "and lucy kissy kissy stuff is this," he pulled Lucy to him and planted his lips on Lucy's kissing the boy and holding him close. Shania nearly fell over in pure shock E bony turned scarlet red as she watched wide eyed.
When the kiss was done, Lucifer kind of blinked a few times not exactly sure how to react.

Rhea jumped up,
"KAI!" She yelled, pointing at the boy.

Sage nearly fell over, god she could not stop laughing. She knew it, she knew it,
"I knew if it happened Lucy would be innocent, Kai you are such a predator .." Sage said in such a tone that it was slightly seductive.
"That is Kissy kissy," Kai stated "and i swear i am straight but... kissing is kissing not like i took him to my room and did grabby grabby," Kai rolled his eyes.

Shania stood "you do not currupt Luce!" she said ready to takle Kai.

"Aw but he loves me don't you Lucy want another kissy kissy don't you?"
"W-what? Does this make us lovers?" Lucifer asked, he was turning red a bit.

Sage smirked,
"Not at all Lucy. Also, I am bisexuality, I date both. Surprises me your not that open Kai." Sage said, leaning her face on her hand.

Rhea looked between everyone, fearing for Kai's life because Shania was about to pounce on him.
Kai smiled "do you want to be my lover Lucy? I'll give you all the sweets you want and pay you double what you are making now," he said in a deep purr.

Ebony fell back in a fain at the images she just had. Shania was trying not to kill kai... it is going to be tough.
Lucifer looked like he was actually debating it, "Candies and more human money?" Lucifer said, he really liked that idea.

"Kai, you are turning Lucy into a prostitute." Sage said, chuckling at Lucifer's contemplation look.

Rhea blushed fiercely, on a day to day basis with these people, she could never figure out what will happen.
Kai pulled Lucy close to his body and placed a kiss on his neck had Kai not been useing Lucy as a human sheild Shania's dagger would be in his head.
Lucy practically jumped when Kai kissed his neck, causing Lucifer to swing and punch kai in the face out of complete surprise, pushing him away, "I don't wana be your lover anymooore." He whined trying to jump away.

Rhea could not watch anymore, she had to close her eyes.

Sage could not stop grinning, every bit of this was entertaining.
"Tripple pay and all you can eat," He smirked dispite the pain in his Cheek.

Shania grabbed Lucy and pulled him to her "You touch him Kai and so help me you will wish i had killed you by the time i'm done,"
"Shaaniia lovers are scary..." Lucifer said, hugging the girl.

Sage coughed before taking a few bites of her sandwich, they would need to get to work soon.

Rhea got up, still blushing but laughing a bit as well,
"Uh well... I can stay at either Shania, Ebony or Sage's house... possibly Kai.. but that is less likely." She said, she needed to call and make arrangements if they were going to hunt tonight.
"You can stay with me but you'll have to sleep on the couch," shania said holding Luce.

"I think Shania is in Looove," Kai teased and she chucked a rock at him hitting him between the eyes.
"Love?" Lucifer jumped away from Shania, "I-I don't want to be your lover either!" Lucifer said, running to go hide behind Ebony.

Rhea blushed again, Lucifer and Shania as a couple? That seemed oddly strange to her... she always thought Shania took care of Lucifer like a kid.
"O-ok..." She said, before walking away to make a phone call.

Sage just sighed and laid down on her back, losing interest in the conversation. Her thoughts wondered to the day the demons attacked. She could only frown and sigh, her irritated mood returning a bit.
Shanai sighed "I think of you as family not as a lover," she said "now come back here," she opened her arms.

Ebony was still seeing Kai and Lucy kiss in her head "but you and kai... so cute," she said blushing even redder.

Kai laughed "silly Lucy I like girls I'd pick Sage as my lover before seriously taking you,"
Sage chuckled at Kai's comment but did not rise to meet it with a retort.

Lucy looked up at Shania,
"Family?" he said, a little sparkle in his eye.

Rhea smiled, coming back from her phone call, Lucy was so cute. Everyone spoiled him, even Sage and Kai did.
Shania nodded "yes family," she said and pulled Lucy to her "you are my family now,"

Kai chuckled at the scene "Ok guys what's tonights plan of action?"
"Not kill each other?" Sage suggested sarcastically.

Lucifer looked up happily and thought for a moment,
"We won't, we are a better team now. Tonight just take me to this place you are talking about and ill tell you what I sense or not."

"We should probably meet at Shania's again a little later, with extra cloths, the devices we need to communicate with around 5 p.m." Rhea said, picking up her book from the ground, "I have actually purchased several pieces of medical supplies that I will be bringing over to Shania's house later when I get dropped off."

Sage glanced up at Rhea, slightly surprised by how she just talked, it was a rather confident fashion.
"I think that sounds like a good plan..." Sage agreed, getting up while slowly packing the lunch back into the bag.
"Alright," Shania said with a nod "do you need anything before we get home?" she asked Lucy.

Ebony looked at Sage "um..." she blushed deeply "nevermind... 5pm then," she said.

"I'll bring the communication devises," Kai said
"Umm?" Sage said, glancing up at Ebony when she seemed to want something.

"Nope! Although I feel like a nap now." Lucifer said, thinking about what he wanted.

"I think we should all nap," Shania said "best to be rested for what we might be up against."

Kai flipped his hair "yes i need my beauty sleep." Kai smiled.

Ebony was blushing "I guess a nap would be nice,"
Sage shrugged when Ebony did not answer back, packing the bag before handing Lucifer the bags. "I am going now." She said simply before walking down the street. She planed on walking home from here, though a nap sounded fantastic.

Rhea sighed, tonight she would study and work, like she always did.

Lucifer blushed when Ebony did,
"Are you still thinking about Kai and I?" He asked.
"how was it? being kissed?" she asked. Kai chuckled

"Come Rhea i'll take you home," Kai smiled at her.

Shania was glaring at kai.
"Ah.. umm... good I guess?" Lucifer said, thinking about it.

Rhea nodded at Kai, and followed him. Glancing back at their small group. Today was fun, but the day was not over, and the night was going to bring their first trial as a true group. Rhea's possible first trial or closing her first portal.

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