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Wild Cards

Rhea smiled back at Shania, "Shania, do you like to read at all?" Rhea asked quietly.

Lucifer sat down and kind of watched Kai,
"Good?" he asked, wondering if that was the right answer.

Sage nodded,
"Take out some bread, lets just make basic sandwiches. We can cut vegis and meats, ill make a special sandwich for you." She said, slowly cutting up a head of leateace.
"You aren't smiling," Ebony said sadly.

"I do but I rarely take the time to do it, me and my brother we would sit under a tree in the park back to back and read... I havn't picked up a book other then school books since... he died," she was tence when talking about Kurama his death still hurt her.

"Shania seems to be quite attatched she visably relaxes when you are closer to her, she also is letting you wear her brothers clothes," Kai stated
Lucifer, glanced at Shania then back at Kai, unsure at what he is getting at, "Uhh... yeah I guess so..." Lucifer said, actually really confused. as if he was suppose to get something.

Rhea looked down and tired to think of something,
"Well..." taking Shania's hand Rhea gave her a small smile, looking up again, "Maybe you could read with me sometime." Rhea offered.

Sage sighed and touched her forehead,
"Look. Ebony. I just..." Sage was looking for the right words, but never once did she miss a beat while cooking, "there is no nice way to explain why I am not ok... But I don't think it is ok to know." Sage said, knowing she was not making sense.
Ebony took Sage's hand and looked down "I'm sorry," she said quietly her brown eyes much like a deer's were just staring at Sage "but I still want to know even if it hurts,"

"You kid are a wonder," he ruffled Lucy's hair "you have done the impossible and not noticed,"

Shania smiled and nodded "alright,"
Sage frowned, "Tch, this is what I am talking about." She said, taking her hand from Ebony's and poking her forehead. "Look, just make the sandwiches. It doesn't hurt, it just pisses me off." She said, turning to start cooking again. Sage couldn't help but smile some because the girl was so freakin honest, she really wanted to make her cry, but she was not willing to deal with the aftermaths.

"And you never make sense..." Lucifer said, rubbing his head. "Are you excited for the picnic Kai?" he said, changing the subject.

Rhea smiled, unsure of what else to say, but she knew sometimes there did not have to have anything said. She was trying her best to talk with others, but she had nothing to talk about. Not because she was bad at speaking, but more because she felt that small talk could be pointless. She guessed she was like her father in that respect.
"I like picnics yes," Kai chuckled "the fresh air will do us all good," he smiled.

Shania pat her head "We will read together soon then, but if we are going out i need to change," she said and went to go get some actuall clothes on.

Ebony smiled seeing Sage smile a little she went back to helping with the sandwhiches
Sage started to put the sandwiches in bags, Drinks in another and some fruit salads in another. "There. We should be ready to go." She said, picking up the bags and carrying them out to the living room, "So where is out destination?" Sage asked.

Rhea looked up,
"We could go to that park on the other side of town. The one where there is not really a lot of people... the small trail that is behind it." Rhea suggested.
Shania came out of her room her hair down for once she wore a simple black shirt and a pair of jeans "sounds good I think Luce will like it out there," She nodded.

Kai chuckled "for such a feminine looking woman she acts and dresses so plain," he said and made sure to stay out of Shania's fist reach
"The same could be said for you Kai." Sage said with a bit of a smile.

Lucifer smiled and jumped up off the couch, "Lets go! How are we getting there?"
"I can drive us... oh yeah no gas... cab or walk," Kai said shrugging.

"up to you Luce it's your day," Shania said ruffling his hair he was so refreshing to be around.
"We can take a cab I guess." he said, and thus they did.

When they had came to the park, there was more people there then Rhea had actually anticipated.

Lucifer was amazing, this was probably the first time he was outside in a place other then the city. Sage told him to pick a spot to sit, and he did, under a small tree. Sage laid the blanket out, then set the bags down.

Lucifer took Ebony's hand and smiled at her,
"Ebony! Come play on those swings with me!" He said excitedly, pulling her to the small play ground.

Rhea laughed as she watched Lucifer run off to go play on the play ground, opening her book, Rhea began to read again.

Sage said down, loosening her tie and folding up her sleeves. She let out a long sigh, leaning back on her hands, today was cool and perfect for a picnic.
Ebony giggled and let Lucy drag her to play seeing him so happy made her happy as well. Shania sat under the tree Luce picked watching Sage "You seem off today," Shania stated blunt as always. Kai shook his head and went to watch Lucy and Ebony play leaving the girls to themselves
Sage smiled and laughed, it sounded uneven and a bit scary, it made Rhea look up from her book, "You guys all care too much. Even Kai does. Which..." Sage leaned foreword and ran a hand through her hair, "I feel the need to fight right now. But I don't want to fight just anyone." Sage said, she was so riled up, she hated the feelings she had developed for this group. She blamed one person in perticulour for this happening.

Rhea closed her book, using her finger to hold the place she left off, does everyone have to have some kind of mental break down?
"I will spar with you," Shania said "I wont go easy on you either," she stated. Shania could feel the oddness in her laugh more then hear it. She would like to help but lets face it Shania knew she was no therapist.
"Ok.. Ok I'll fight with you." Sage said, getting up. "Name your game."

Rhea sighed,
"Please don't hurt each other...." she tried to say.
Shania chuckled "a regular hand to hand fight then no weapons no dirty shots like eye gouging or fish hooking," she pulled her dagger out of her shirt where a hidden blade holster laid and she handed it to Rhea.
"Fine." Sage said, taking the pen out of her front pocket, throwing it next to Shania's dagger. Sage also took off her tie and then unbutton the first two buttons on her shirt. "I may not be as skilled as you, but I am in a bad mood so that might make up for something." Sage said, not sure how this is going to turn out for her.

Lucifer glanced up from the swings,
"What are they doing?" He said, pointing at the two girls for Ebony and Kai.

Rhea sighed, more of a 'I hope this does not turn out bad' sigh.
"letting off steam," Kai said softly "you two just keep playing they wont hurt each other too bad," he shrugged.

Shania took a relaxed stance "I know come at me, if it helps come at me with intent to kill," she was relaxed even her voice relaxed she was confident in her ability to stay alive but if Sage attacked with all she had maybe the frustration building would release.
Sage paused and then sighed, "No matter how bad of a mood I am in, I can never make myself make the first move. Also, I don't have the intent to kill in less I need it. You should know me by now Shania." She said, it was true, and it had shown in Sage's combat over and over again. "Well I guess I should give attacking first my best shot." Sage thought for a moment before moving foreword toward's Shania rather slowly.
"I'm not as noble." Shania said and the very second Sage was in range she dropped and did a leg sweep aiming to trip Sage and send her harmlessly onto her back. Shania's restrictive clothing made her a little slower but she was fast enough to fend off most attackers even slowed down
Sage already hated this because she was at a disadvantage attacking first. She knew that sounded backwards to a lot of people, but it was true. It was because Sage considered he best offense to be her defense. It was like choosing to be the black pieces instead of the white when playing chess. Sage decided to jump back a few steps, trying to dodge Shania's trip, but was a little to slow for reacting in time.
Shania nicked her ankle and knocked her off balance though failed to knock her down. Recovering quickly Shania jumped at Sage aiming to slam her shoulder into Sage's chest. Shania lacked defence but she was one good offensive player
(Even she makes it... odd she does not... I rolled a 12 xD I rolled a d20 because that was the closest dice I had to me xD )

When Sage saw Shania push foreword, she put her hand out and graved hold of Shania's arm, using her momentum against her. Sage pulled on Shania, while side stepping out of the way.
Shania latched to Sage's arm and used her body weight to pull her to the ground with her. Then she went to punch er but the positioning was akward considering sage was ontop of her,
(Lol rolled even again. xD 8. Actually rolling really badly in game right now hahaha. xD )

Sage came down on top of Shania and wasted no time getting on top of her, taking her arms and pining them down. Sage smiled happily and laughed, but it was more of an amused laugh. She felt pretty good just now, almost like she knew that she has improved in her fighting.

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