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Wild Cards

He glared at Sage "I wasn't done making this one but i had to get here," he said and caught his breath. "I can't find my hands," he commented seeing the sleaves were too long "Oh well anyway I figured out something using our security camera's, I have been watching the fight you guys had many many many times," he said. "but anyway it gave me an idea! We can't find you a scythe weilder then why keep looking when your body can teach you through sight," he saw Ebony's confused face and he sighed. "In other words why not practice then watch your movements correct them repeat you can make your own style,"
"Its true. I thought of the idea myself. I have practice by myself, though it is slightly harder to do because my mother is home when I am and my house is not training ideal for a pole arm." She paused again, pouring the cups, "Video typing would be a great idea, but the equipment is something I don't have nor my mother and I have the money to buy. I have a feeling you might give it to me, but with a catch so I refuse to ask." picking up the tray, she walked with Kai back into the living room, "When I do practice on my own, I try my best, but it is hard to find the most... efficaint way, out of trial and error when you don't even have a base to go off of. I myself have actually gone to a few pole arm classes, although the Scythes blade is what makes the learning curve so large. I have found how ever the hooking action on a scythe making an fantastic trip and disarming function." She said, serving up the tea.

Rhea thanked her, taking a few sips of tea. Inviting Ebony to come sit with her. Rhea could see that the majority of the group had someone they were slightly close too, it was always fun watching, but Rhea wanted to reach out and get to know people.
Kai glared at her "I was going to say we can all train at my house so i can examine our styles and create a sycrinized fighting combination but you have to be the one most irritating female on this planet!" he huffed "oh and also i thought to warn you guys to watch for camera's your lucky i stole the security footage before it was looked over." he smothed out the materials of his clothes. "Ah Rhea hows the studying going?" he asked smileing "and is Lucy still asleep you'd think he'd be up by now,"

"Leave him alone Kai," Shania said "he deserves privacy as much as the next guy," she felt like crap since Lucifer began working and paying for her to live to her that just didn't seem fair.
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Also, you are the most irritating male." Sage retorted back, "the gems... they make us not look us remember? we don't have to worry too much about being discovered. We will have to watch ourselves between transforming, or using our weapons." Sage said. She was obviously not on her game, and she just did not care.

Rhea did not really answer, just take another sip of her tea, watching Ebony.
Kai pulled her up like he would a guy ,by her shirt, "you look here i don't care how irritable you are but this is the type of actions that will get you killed and make your mother cry, so get your head out of your own a**." she was annoying the hell out of him. "is this because we haven't fought any demons?" he asked.

Ebony watched horrified as Kai was not normally one to pull a girl up by her shirt like that shania just waited for the fight that was gonna come.
"Now now my Worms, no fighting..." A dark voice said, the room turned black.

Rhea looked over to see Levi holding Lucifer by his shirt. Tossing the boy onto the floor, he bounced a few times before coming to a stop, "
ow... that was uncalled for..." Lucifer said, sitting up.

Sage pushed Kai off her, looking back to Levi,
"Look who showed up..."

"And look who is not doing their jobs. I told you lot to go out and hunt for demons. Not kill what ever comes to you... which had to be the lowest level demon you can think of." Levi said moving into the room. Lucifer piped up, "They aren't trained... they are better now, but they still can't fight all that well. They are trying not to get themselves killed." He said, trying to defend them.

Levi waved Lucifer off, "
Well?" Levi said, waiting for an answer from the group.
"Its not that easy," Shania said. "if we had a way to track them and not have to act in a way that would get us arrested or some other such thing we might be able to do more, We have been training and mostly we have improved," Shania said Kai was way too steamed to talk. "Now remember Levi you are in my house and Luce is my guest you don't toss people's guests around," she said sharply the voice she hasn't used since the day she snapped. She crossed her arms "so tell us how to track and we'll find them if you won't then take yourself back home if you please,"
Levi seem like he was pondering Shania for a moment, then sighed, "I gave you... what did you call him? Luce? To track them down for you. Other wise I would have just left you bunch to do as you please. Lucifer is a demon and easily tracks down other demons. Also, you are in my Domain right now, not your house, so I can do what ever I please." Levi said.

Sage sighed, he was right, Lucy was the one who found the demon last time...
"Listen if you are just here to play verbal games with us then I suggest you just leave because we don't need it." Sage snapped.

"No... I came for a different reason... The Gems... they have been in your bodies long enough for me to be able to start making you guys stronger. But.." Levi said, looking at his claws in a board manner.
"Look here i don't really care what you do," Shania said "I am stronger now and with or without you i will kill whatever threatens Luce Rhea Ebony Sage and even Kai and I'll slay the demons that dare to come near me in the process," her eyes flashed "now do us all a favor and stop acting like a ****," she was no more afraid of Levi then she was her wooden sword.

"With all due respect... we are still school kids," Kai said but before he could continue shania's glare made him think twice.
Levi bust out laughing at Shania's outburst, before he picked up Rhea again, exactly like the last few times had happened "Little Shania, I bring you children no harm. But I am pleased to see your anger to have transformed the way it did, it will keep you very powerful in the future. Kai, I am fully aware of your position in human society, but contrary to popular belief and what I told you the last time we meet, I did not choose you, I must only baby sit you."

Lucifer moved to Shania's side whispering to her,
"Calm down... Levi won't harm anyone... Hes my uncle." He said, touching her arm gently.

Levi continuing on as if Shania or Kai had never spoken, also speaking too quickly for anyone to comment on the last statement.
"Listen carefully, the more demons you kill, the more powers I can grant. Every now and again I will pop by to help you guys establish a power. Now you can't just tell me what kind of power you have, you just get one, much like you just got your weapons. Lucifer will gain power on his own, eventually needing to go become a full fledged demon, taking his right of passage. Rhea will not be able to gain her power until everyone had gained theirs. Understandable?"

Rhea did not look as terrified as she died the last few times Levi had picked her up, but she was not pleased with being picked up like a doll.
Shania was tence though she calmed when Lucifer was next to her. "Oh you are such an wonderful baby sitter," Shania said dryly.

Kai flipped his hair "We have weapons are you saying we are going to become like superheros like superman and the justic leage members?" Kai asked. Ebony stayed close to Kai still afraid of Levi.
Levi just raised and eye brow, putting down Rhea, "I have no idea who Superman and the Justice League members are... but superheros... sure kid." He said crossing his arms. Rhea jumped too her feet and ran over to Shania, hugging the girl as soon as she got to her.

Sage sighed,
"When will this be over? When will we not have to fight anymore?"

"When its over dear Sage." Levi said, before absorbing the darkness and disappearing again.

Sage sighed and turned around to walk into the kitchen, taking the tea pot with her.

Lucifer shrugged,
"Sorry that was my fault... I was trying to contact my father, but Levi answered instead..."
Shania held Rhea "it's ok now," she whispered to her stroking her hair as she spoke.

"So i guess we have to activly start looking now," Kai said "what do you say lucy?" Kai asked.

Ebony fiddled with her shirt "we've all improved alot,"
"Lucy, why does he always pick me up?" Rhea mumbled into Shania's shirt.

Lucy smiled at Rhea and shrugged,
"Levi has always been like that, unlike my dad, Levi has always had a strange way to go about things. but he is a good guy, really." Lucifer said, defending the older demon."And yeah I am up for looking."
"wonderful ..." Shania said still holding Rhea. "why were you trying to contact your dad anyway?" she asked. Kai nodded also wanting to know.
"Just to talk... I miss home." Lucifer said, pushing his hands in his pocket, looking like a kid who just got caught in the cookie jar.

Rhea look up at Lucifer completely forgetting he did not belong in this world. He had just become someone to everyone, not an outsider or another creature, just Lucy.

Sage sighed, feel bad for Lucy, which was another reason to piss her off. Why did she care so much for the bunch? Even Shania was finding a place in Sage's heart. She did not need this, she did not need to care. Bringing the tea back out, Sage sat it down on the coffee table,
"So what is today's training agenda?"
Shania pulled Lucifer in the hug as well holding both Rhea and Luce "I've got you," she whispered.

Kai stared at Sage. "I want to know whats going on in that screwed up little head of yours we were going to see how much we improved as a team today," Kai said and sat down Ebony sat beside sage not wanting to interupt the two.
"Hmmm nothing is wrong with my head Kai... Also today is Lucy's day. But yes, we should practice team work. I don't care either way." She said, shrugging. "When do we leave?"

Rhea nodded and took a step back from Shania, Lucifer did the same.
"Yeah I know. I don't hate it here, its just not home."

"I had some small points to make... of mean.. research I made of each person's weapons. B-before we actually do team practice .." Rhea said timidly.
"Ok well lets go do what Luce wants," Shania smiled and ruffled Lucifers hair. She kissed the top of Rha's head "you feel ok now?" she asked.

Ebony smiled "so what does luce want to do?" she asked with a smile
Rhea blushed, feeling ignored, "Yeah I am fine... I just hate being picked up by him."

"We are going to go eat! Outside! Maybe we can practice tonight on some team work and tomorrow we can hunt some demons!" Lucifer suggested.
"So Luce wants to eat outside... any particular food maybe a piknic," Shania asked. Kai looked at Lucifer and chuckled.

"exited to hunt down demons are we?" he asked with a big smile.

Ebony looked at Sage "are...are you ok?" she asked quietly
Rhea sighed, she'll give up for now and try again later. "A picnic would be fun."

Sage glanced at Ebony, "Yeah peachy." She said with a smile, before getting up to go into the kitchen, not stopping for conversation like she usually does, "I'll make food, we can leave and have a picnic in a few hours after I have prepared food."

Lucifer smiled and jumped around the room, "I can't wait!"
Ebony frownd and followed Sage "you aren't ok," she stated softly. She wanted to make sure Sage wasn't begining to degrade like shania had.

Shania Looked at Rhea "and my dear we can talk at the piknic when we all settle down a bit." Shania said knowing Rhea was going to talk.

Kai sighed and looked over their group "Hey luce c'mere," he said
Lucifer perked up, hearing his named called. Meandering to Kai, she looked down at him, "Ah.. whats up?" He asked.

Rhea smiled a bit at Shania,
"Yes... I guess we have plenty of time. Just I have some ides for team work... But I feel like we need to know each others weapons to properly do that. I mean... it was just a thought."

Sage sighed, she was being a nusecence. "Help me make food then." Sage said quietly, pull food out of the fridge.
Ebony nodded softly "What do you want me to do?" she asked timidly.

Kai smiled at the boy "How are things going between you and Shania?" he made room For Lucy to sit next to him.

Shania smiled "I think you may be onto something," she nodded

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