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Wild Cards

Sage snickered when Kai got punched, Sage did not have a pit of dislike for the boy because of what he did, no, he constantly was able to get under her skin, something no one before has been able to do. But at the same time, he was the only person in the group that understood her in ways that no one has. It was a double edged sword. "Ah, right Kai. I have with me the suit you lent me. Completely cleaned, folded and pressed."

Lucifer laughed and hugged Ebony,
"Shania made brownies! You should try them!" He spouted.

Rhea smiled, the group dynamics... semi normal.

Sage stood up,
"Actually we need to work on other things. The reason I called a meeting today is because we need to get our act together. Also... I have speculated Kai and I are the weakest link. Ebony is a poor shot, but this can be corrected with practice. Kai and I, have no idea how to truly use our weapons. We need to learn from someone specialized. Shania's basic help was excellent help, but what use is sword training for a Scythe or Axe? The second reason I called out a meeting today is because we did more damage to ourselves then we did to the demon, we need a plan... we need to communicate better. I suggest we take up a sport... something that will teach us to communicate. Baseball would be a good example." Sage said, taking a moment to breath in her speel. "Thoughts?" Sage asked.

Rhea moved to sit down on the couch, pouring herself a cup of tea.
"Sensei... my teacher used to do an exersize to strengthen groups each week one person leads the group and that leader chooses the acttivities, for example on the first day the group would go out to a park and just relax the next day they would play in groups of one on one in tennis exetera," Shania said "Also I think I can find you a specialized teacher but no promises," Shania said.

"We are the weak links? I didn't get the chance to fight," Kai grumbled "But shania's right a mix of activities and just beening teens might do us good,"
Sage nodded, "And you can't tell me Kai you know how to fight properly with your weapon. I agree though, that sounds like a fantastic idea. Who should we choose to go first? Perhaps we should draw straws?"

Rhea looked up, suddenly interested. She knew what she could do, she knew the activity she would want to run with the group.

Lucifer frowned, "
That sounds duummb." He complained, he just did not want to train.
Shania tapped Lucifer on the head "You need training just like the rest of us if not more, you can't be healed and I'll not have you whining about my house even more then you already do,"

Kai smiled "Lets write all our names on a piece of paper and put them in a bowl and have Rhea draw one," Kai sugested "then the person, at the end of their week, will choose who goes next till we all go," Kai said.

Ebony nodded it seemed fair she wasn't sure what she'd do if chosen though.
Lucifer made a face when Shania hit him, "Hmm about that... I should probably remind you guys about something... You guy were given demon slaying weapons... well I happen to fit the bill for demon. If you guys hit me with your weapons, it does more damage to me then it would if you guys hit each other with them..."

Rhea looked up a bit and raised her hand,
"Umm... Also... I noticed I lose energy when I heal. It would be entirely possible for me to pass out from healing too much..." She said, hopping to let people know to be more careful, she thought now would be time to say that after Lucifer. Lucifer was already laying on the floor like he usually did after he had shared his own information.

"Dully noted for both or you." Sage said, getting up and writing names on a paper, then tossing them into a bowl. Walking to Rhea, Sage held the bowl in front of her, "Alright Princess, choose the name."

Rhea closed her eyes and then reached into the bowl and picked one of the papers that touched her fingers. Opening her eyes, she peaked at the paper and smiled.
"Lucy gets to go first."

Lucifer sat up with surprise,
"Oh! Hmmm..." Lucifer did not know what to do... what do humans even do? Maybe he should make them take him somewhere... Or maybe they could go out and eat... no but that took human money, which he had none of. Lucifer seemed to be getting kind of angry thinking of what to do and not coming up with anything, "I think you guys should take me out to eat something awesome!" He said finally

Sage shook her head,
"Lucy... why is it always about food with you?"

(I rolled a D6, since there is 6 or them to see who chooses first, I pulled Lucifer
xD I put them in order of who talked last, which was Shania, Lucifer, Kai, Rhea, Ebony, Sage. I rolled a two, making it Lucifer.)
(lol cool) Shania just shook her head "such a silly kid," she looked to everyone "what do you gus like to eat anyway?" she asked hearing of Rhea loosing energy didn't shock Shania she sorta figured it out for herself last night.

Kai shrugged "I like itallian," he said wondering where Shania seemed to get the money to feed that kid.

Ebony smiled "I like everything," she said much like Lucifer she wasn't too picky when it came to food.
"Ebony is a vegetarian," Sage said, "I already know most peoples eating habits except Shania's, because Shania won't eat anything I cook." She said plainly. "Also I love all foods. Food is what makes my own world spin. Just in slightly different way then Lucifer. I hate badly cooked food. I won't stand for it."

Lucifer looked excited, more excited then he looks when he was offered candy bars. The thought of exploring outside the house to get food was exciting.

"I like...simple foods." Rhea said quietly. "Also.. I have another suggestion for weekly routines..."
Shania shrugged "I never really cared much for food, brother taught me to cook," she said her expression a bit blank when she mentioned her brother.

Kai looked at Rhea "Yes princess?" Kai asked her he was happy she seemed to speak out a bit, more time he'll have her as outspoken as he and Shania... well maybe not that outspoken.

Ebony blushed she knew it was hard to take vegitarians out to eat.
"Uh..School. We are all in school... If we fall behind at school, it could be bad... I don't know how you guys are at your own classes... I am top of the class... so I can help... maybe if you need it." Rhea said quietly.

Lucifer glanced at her from the floor, "What are you even talking about?"

Sage sighed, Rhea was right, she completely had forgotten about school. Sage herself had been completely wrapped up in demon slaying. School may be on the bottom of their worry's .. but it was still a worry. Of course... Lucifer would know nothing about that. She wondered if he was even doing well in classes.
"I'm dropping out," Shania said simply "I am almost out of funds to suport myself much less me and Luce, so I'm going to get a job," she said.

Kai looked shocked Shania was smart increadably smart she never studied and still passed every class she might not be first in class but she was up there. However now that he thought about it he didn't ever think that not having family might hurt Shania financialy.

"No you can't do that," Ebony said "if you drop out you can't get a good job or...or get smarter,"
Lucifer sat up and looked a Shania for a long moment. He did not even think about how his actions had affected her, "I leave then..." He sad sadly.

"Hold on Lucy, you leaving is not going to make Shania's situation any better. The damage is already done and Shania would have entered this point of this situation if you were here or not, it was only a mater of time." Sage said, trying not to let people freak out. "I agree with Ebony. I don't think you should drop out. But we do need to find a solution to your problem. Kai... Rhea, you two are the ones who have the most money. Although it is not really your own, do you two have any way to help?"

Rhea looked down at her feet, feeling rather dumb for not thinking about the type of situation of anyone else. She was so selfish.
"I-I can maybe as my brother for help... I doubt my parents would really help."
"I can give her a job, and Sage i do design the clothes i have money," Kai said.

"And pray tell what would you have me do I'm not graceful enough to model," Shania said she had prepared herself to work instead of school she wasn't going to be in anyone debt, she didnt need charity.

"I was thinking more along the lines of gaurding my perfect self or even doing some of the paperwork for the company, i hate doing it myself it's a pain," Kai said.
Sage wondered if Shania could actually live with doing that, Kai sounds like he was ready and willing to turn her into his slave.

"Shania... do you like children?" Rhea asked.

Lucifer was still making a nasty face, he was rather upset that Shania would not tell him anything.
Shania glared at kai then looked to Rhea "yeah i rather like kids, thats probably why I like Luce as much as I do," she said Kia pouted he was indeed ready to make Shania into a little slave girl he even had a uniform in mind.

Ebony saw Lucifer's rather upout expression and she went to sit next to him on the floor
Rhea smiled, "Would you like to go see my brother? He worked at a children's hospital as one of the doctors... He always needs help with the kids. perhaps if you would like to see if you can get a job with him... I mean if you are comfortable with that..." Rhea asked quietly.

Sage nodded,
"I would think Lucy will need to get a job too... but honestly I would be too afraid to stick him in the real world." She said, it sounded like a joke, but she was serious.

"I can get a job!" Lucifer said, standing up, "I don't need your stupid human school anyway... it not like I am going to be living in the human world all my life." Sitting back down with a thud, he crossed his arms, looking rather cross. But he softened up a bit when Ebony sat next to him, letting out a small sigh.
Shania sighed "The problem is even if i refuse to sleep i can't train, go to school, fight demons and work, as for you Luce I'd prefer you stay in school it's good for you to be around people. Rhea the offer is really nice and i appriciate you trying to help, really I do but the facts still remain that i can't do all this at once," Shania had hoped everyone would just shrug it off. "Besides i can just get my GED after our jobs are done," and in all honesty she hoped she wouldn't live after that because then everyone would leave her anyway.

Ebony hugged Lucifer softly and watched his reactions carefully.
Lucifer hugged Ebony back before huffing loudly and standing up, "Listen you," he said, pointing a finger at Shania, "I will live 5 times longer then any of you! Demons don't die by natural time! Time means nothing to us! You guys only have 100 years, AT BEST! I am going to quit this stupid school because I don't need it. Not like I need it, it is meant for humans like you. Let me take the job. Ill work with Kai, or maybe with another human. Rhea's brother maybe. But it makes more sense for me then it does for you." Lucifer sighed, "Do you know how long this war has been going on? about 300 years! You guys could be dead before the war even stops."

Lucifer sighed, He needed to call Levi, human affairs were so much more complicated when you mash them in with demon affairs.

Sage just watched and listened, what she did best. She was sure they would figure this out, but they really should try and figure it out without any of them dropping from school.
Shania sighed and hugged Lucifer "I was hopeing you'd not push the matter," she whispered to him. "You guys are all looking out for me, when will you let me return the favor?" she asked loud enough for everyone to hear as she let go of Lucifer.

"Lucifer you are now working for me is that understood?" Kai asked "I'm not a nice boss but I pay well." he crossed his arms "as for you, you stuborn girl, you need to let others care for you every now and again or all you'll do is worry us,"
Sage laughed, "You can pay us back by having our backs and... not trying to kill us. And Kai letting Lucy have the job I think is the best, Lucy could be better watched like that. We don't have to risk him doing anything... stupid."

Lucifer raised an eye brow at Kai, he had a bad feeling about this.

Rhea came next to Shania and smiled at her,
"Don't worry, we can do this. Things will work out if we work together."

Sage sighed, taking another sip of her tea, all this talking has made it cold.
"So what are you going to make Lucifer do Kai?"
Kai smiled one of his rather sickeningly sweet smiles "oh not much, just help me out with things," he said

Shania shivered "I think Luce is safer fighting demons." she said kai was a scary guy at times. "And i will do my best to protect everyone," she said looking around the room for now this is what she had this is what she needs to protect.
Lucifer squinted at Kai, not really sure what to make out of him.

Sage sighed,
"I think that's enough for today... Let get to training."

The training that day was harder, most knowing that they needed much more if they wanted too survive. The next few weeks went by without even word one from demons, it was Saturday morning three weeks after their first demon attack, still hardly getting any luck with finding people to properly teach Sage how to fight. Sage was pretty sure Kai could easily just hire someone. But there was no such thing of people using Scythes to fight. In fact there wasn't.

Sage walked into Shania's house, she was very irritated these days, most likely the most irritable. She saw Rhea laying on one of the couches reading a book, which was all she seemed to do as of late. Starting today they would do their group activities because the last three weeks have mostly been figuring out the scheduled.
Shania was in her Spare room which was still where she spent most of her time she would eat a small amount when they ate together and often in the early mornings she could be seen sleeping on the couch she had mellowed out alot, worry about loosing the house was completly gone Kai paid out the tail! Lucifer would come home with enough money to live off of for a mounth each week. All Kai really had lucy do was stand still so Kai could use him as a manaquin for making clothes. Kai did have Lucy do erand like deliveries but that wasn't often. Kai had found that the more he used his axe the better it felt in his hands he had a room of his house cleared out so he could train independantly like Shania did. Kai would also send Lucy home with rare chocolates or fruits to snack on. All in all things were peaceful. Ebony had been practicing her aim and though she had improved she still couldn't hit moving targets really well. She walked into Shania's house shortly after Sage had "Hello Sage, Hello Rhea," she said cheerfully she had hit a target 100 yards away so she was in a really good mood.
Rhea looked up from the couch, from her book, before putting it down. Rhea ended up asking her brother for every medical book he owned. She knew if she was going to be the healer, relying on magic 100% might be the death of one of her team mates. "Hey Ebony. How are you today?" She asked.

Sage kind of just walked into the kitchen like she usually did and began to clean it from morning's breakfast, starting the tea like usual.

"Sage!" Kai ran through shania's house and into the kitchen. "I found... " he took a second to catch his breath how he had ever run in the outfit he wore today was a mystery. Hearing the commotion Shania stepped out of her Spare room and opened the door to Lucy's room to see if he was still asleep.

Ebony squeeked as Kai yelling 'Sage' and running through the house had startled her. She took a deep breath to settle her nerves.

(Kai's outfit lol View attachment 11518
"Kai... why do you look like a prostitute today... never mind, what do you want?" Sage asked, placing the normal cups that they used on the tray.

Lucifer was actually awake, kind of. He was cross legged on the ground with his eyes closed.

"That kind... scared me too Ebony." Rhea said, pressing her hand to her heart. She also wondered what Kai was yelling about.

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