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Wild Cards

Graetful for a reason not to answer Sage Shania flipped her phone open and yawned "Hello?" she asked in a sleepy voice prolly just a telemarketer or something, she thought to herself.
"Oh... I am sorry if I woke you. This is Rhea.. I got in a lot of trouble last night... I won't be able to come to club today. I'm sorry." Rhea said on the phone. "B-but i'll see you guys at school tomorrow." The was a short pause on the phone while Rhea waited for an answer.
"I'll have kai pick you up," Shania said completly ignoring her saying her parents wouldn't let her come. She streached "Sage called the pretty boy tell him Rhea needs a ride over tell him to be charming, see ya Rhea," with that she hung up and fell back "I never realived how soft these couches are!"
Sage raised her eyebrow, taking out her phone and dialing Kai. "You are chipper today. I am not sure if I should be scared or happy for you." She said, waiting for Kai to answer.
"Hello?" Kai said in the background a shower running could be heard. Shanai just shrugged "If I'm chipper it's news to me," she said and got off the couch and trudged to her room to get clean clothes.
"Hey Kai. Rhea got in trouble last night and can't come. We all know you will be able to pick her up no problem. Go get her before you come over." She said, before she hung up without waiting for an answer.

Lucifer was snoring softly on Shania's bed. Mumbling things in his sleep about home.
"Sure thing," Kai said and hung up finishing his shower. once out he drove to Rhea's home and knocked on the door he wore a button up white shirt and dress black slacks. He waited for the door to be answered.
Rhea's house was fairly large. A women answered the door, eyeing the young man, "May I help you?" She asked.
"Ah... come in and ill go fetch them." The women said, before bowing and walking away.

Moments later, Rhea came down some stairs,
"Kai... I have no idea of this will work. Well actually.. they are mildly obsessed with you since they have been talking with your father... and... I think I like it better when you dress in your cloths." Rhea said truthfully. She did like Kai better when he dressed like himself.

Rhea's father came out moments later, eyeing Kai,
"Kai, this is slightly unexpected. How can I help you?"
"Sir," he bowed "I was wondering if i may take your lovely daughter out, I know we have club activities but I've found myself thinking only of Rhea, her elagance and grace. I was hoping you'd let me drive her there then take her out dancing," He smiled "I thought it best if I ask personally instead of haveing Rhea ask," His smile could only be described as sophisticadedly charming.
Rhea blushed deep red, knowing he was just saying that, but still that was the first time someone had said something like that... "K-kai..."

Rhea's father eyed the boy, thinking for a long moment. "Very well. Tell me of your plan activities tonight. I won't have her going to any clubs." It would be bad for the family name, Rhea thought in the back of her mind. "I have high standards for my daughter, I won't have her dating an incompetent young man. I can see you have down the face of politics, and you handled my wife's feelings like a true politician. A crowd pleaser to say the least, but our family name is strong and my daughter is the only air to it. I don't need someone who is not serious prancing around with her." He said sternly.
"You wound me, I do not treat young ladies like trophies," He said "Our plans are simple club activities first as my father says social interaction is the single most important thing to a true noble gentelman or Lady, then I was thinking we could go to the dance hall and have a little time to spend together if it's not suitible there we have a ballroom at home," he said "I will have her home by seven pm at the latest I understand a father worries for his daughter she must be the gem of your life," Kai said
"Yes." He said, giving him one more long look before nodding, "Very well Mr. Shoma. You may take my daughter out. As promised by 7 p.m. you will have her back. Tonight is a school night and she has fallen behind on her studies because of yesterday's events."

When he left, Rhea felt herself let out a long breath, taking Kai's arm and walking out of the house as quickly as she can.
"You lie really well..." Rhea said quietly when they got outside.
"Dad says i'd make a good lawyer," He smiled "and do you really like my clothes?" he asked "I have my actuall outfit in the car but figured this looked more... not like a runway model," he chuckled and opened the passanger door of his firebird for her.
"Yeah... Sage makes fun of you a lot, but you like what you wear... which makes me admire you." She said. Rhea got into the car, watching Kai. He was a mystery, as much as Sage was. But at the same times it seemed like they had each other figured out. She was so unsure if he was actually going to hurt her last night. When Kai got into the car with her she spoke again. "My mother loves you, but my dad is skeptical because of some rumors flying around your company. You can only guess. He would love to make a business propitiation with your dad... and... well... he uh... would most likely..." Rhea studdered, looking away from Kai, totally unable to say the last part of the sentence.
"My dad doesn't like arranged marrage if you're worried they'll set us up," he said hopping into the car "And i think dad thinks I'm into men which is so wrong I like a considerably sized..." he stopped himself remembering a lady was in the car "heart," "ok off to Shania's wonder how they are anyway," he mused. "Thank you for stopping me I would have hated to have hurt anyone," he chuckled "but I got everyone to work as a team!"
Rhea let out a very long sigh of relief, She is absolutely fearing the day her father actually arranged to marry her off. Rhea blushed again, realizing what Kai was going to say. All thought the awkwardness did not last when he thanked her for standing up to him yesterday, "Uh... did not think that was nessecary... Well maybe for Shania... But I think Sage understood what needed to happen... I wounder if Shania is ok." She said, pondering out loud. "Oh and... Thank you Kai... For last night when you gave me another dress... it made me feel good for once. I know you say things to get your way... but thank for saying them anyway."
He chuckled "I was serious I'd love for you to model my clothes," he said turning into Shania's driveway "were her curtains ever open?" he asked being who he is that was the first thing he noticed. He got out and went to open her door for her.
Rhea shook her head, walking in with Kai. The house had transformed into something completely different. "Are we in the right house?" Rhea asked.

"Yeah this is the place." Sage said from in the living room, "Come on in, tea is ready. Ebony has still yet to show."
Shania sighed "And we need to wake the puppy," she was now fresh out of the shower wearing some red pajama bottoms and a white tee shirt. "and there is one way to wake him up without fail," she got a bar of chocolate from the top of the fridge and snapped the bar in half "Luce it's snack time," she hoped he would still come for the sweet human foods he seemed to like so much.

Kai was looking around the area transformed!
"Snacks..." Lucifer mumbled, debating actually crawling out of bed. But then the thought of Shania hurting him because he did not get out of bed when she called him, motivated him slight more. Might as well get snacks and get out of bed then a kick in the ribs and get out of bed. Rolling out of bed, Lucifer peaked out the door to see Shania holding a candy bar. Where did she hide those?? He could never find them when he looked for them. Moving slowly Lucifer reached for the candy bar, "Caandy!" He said happily.

Rhea watched and Lucifer came out, the first time she saw him back to his normal self. He was still injured, but he looked much better then he did last night. Shania too... she seemed... different.
"What happened?" Rhea asked, not sure how to take the whole situation.
Kai chuckled "shania is the kind of person that needs harsh reality to move on," Kai whispered to Rhea as Shania gave Lucifer the candy. Then she shocked Kai by kissing Lucifers shoulder "how's ot feel?" she asked. Ebony came in after the kiss and was amazed looking around the house.
Rhea looked back at Shania, then blushed when she saw the kiss. She nodded at Kai's comment, returning to the speculation she made in the car, that this mainly was just to help Shania...

Sage shook her head, The hell? Sage made two observations just then... Rhea blushes a virtually everything... and Shania was... Different... Sage glance at Kai to notice he had a look on his face which mimicked Sage's.

Lucifer smiled, eating the candy bar,
"Good, should be all better in a few days. Specially if the moon is full." Candy had to be his favorite human foods. When Ebony walked in the foor, Lucifer smiled, "Ebony!" He said, then he noticed everyone else, "Rhea! And... Kai and Sage."

"That was a unhappy greeting Lucy~ How very cold." Sage said smiling.
Kai shrugged "If i were him I'd hate me too I almost killed his owner," with that Shania spun and her fist connected to his stomach which still hurt from Sage's stomp. He clenched his stomach and laughed "Still a hard a**," he said "owwww," he went to sit down.

Shania pulled her hair back in a pony tail "Are we still training theres a limit to what i can teach," Shania said.

Ebony had ran to Lucifer andgiven him a hug.

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