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Wild Cards

Kai looked at Sage "if you thought i was bluffing you don't know me half as well as you think," Kai said "Shania is going to die," he said with an annoying confadence.

Shania looked like she was going to attack Rhea but instead bashed her self by pulling her sakaba back the wooden blade smashing into her forehead. "I know he's gone, and just like then i couldn't stop it," the sakaba snapped in half from the force of the blow. Its all shania could do to stop herself attacking Rhea.

"we can't if she dies," Ebony said

Sage sighd not really sure what she should say, he almost seemed like he was fishing for a curtain response after hes repeated himself for the 5
th time. “What do you want?” She said, serving herself some punch. Not really concerned where the others went. She was aware of the other parents however. “Is your party ending soon?” Sage asked.

“Shania! Please don’t do that… Tell me what you mean.” Rhea said, it had startled her when Shania has hit herself. Unsure if it was actually safe, Rhea took a few more steps to Shania. Wondering if she tell her the others are thinking of killing her, but she was afraid Shania said she would not care.

“Ebony, I am going to try my best to not let that happen… we can try and contact Levi if you think it would help…” Although I doubt he would help, Lucifer thought.
Kai gave Sage's mother a brilliant smile "My dear lady the party will last as long as guests remain but you are free to leave anytime you would like." He bowed "Meeting you has been an honor," hhe kissed her hand the same smile seemingly plastered on his face. "See you at club Sage," he said and kissed her hand as well "do try and take care of yourself I'd hate to have to treat you like we are her," he said to Sage and went on his merry buisness Ebony's parents were both worried for their little girl and no matter who they asked the shy child hadn't been seen since earlier.

Shania clenched the Sakaba "It was my head or you," she said bluntly "I had to hit something," she dropped the broken wooden sword and looked at Rhea "This isn't the first time I've lost it it won't be the last, I would never be able to live with myself if I had killed any of you."

Ebony hugged Lucifer "I don't know what to do, I'm scared,"
Sage schoofed and yanked her hand from Kai, folding her arms across her chest. He was up to something and it was pissing her off that she was not figuring it out.

"Do you have any idea what is causing you to black out?" Rhea said, moving closer to her after she dropped the sword. Reaching out Rhea graved Shania's shirt and held onto her.

Lucifer pulled Ebony closer and rubbed her back slowly, mimicking what Kai had done,
"We will figure something out... just tell me if you would think you would be able to shoot Kai if it came down to it? To be truthful I am going to need help."
"If ...if i saw him going to hurt one of us like lik shania was i could shoot him... but i couldn't kill him," Ebony sniffled softly and held onto Lucy happy to be in someones embrace.

Kai was so falsly happy even his father had begun to look worried he went to sage "What happened?" he asked "If you happen to know I'd like to hear,"

"No... I feel this fire inside and it consumes me all my pain goes away as i bash my enemy's skull in," Shania said
"Even when you train?" Rhea asked, eyeing Shania's hands, "Are you not worried about hurting yourself? Lucy says you don't eat... or sleep. He seemed really worried." She did not want to heal them because it felt like any pain was keeping Shania sain.

Sage's mother smield at Kai and waved as he walked away,
"Sage? You look irritated." Her mother said, pointing out the scowl on her face. Sage turned to her mother and sighed, "Kai, he irritates me. A lot." Sage's mother laughed, "You get irritated?"

Lucifer sighed,
"Come on, staying here is not going to help the situation... your mom might be a bit worried about you."

Rhea's father looked up at Kai and his father,
"Where is Rhea at?"
Kai's father ran his fingers through his hair. "I think my son's up to something I assure you he'd not let her come to harm, he's an odd boy but he has strong chivelrous values. Please exuse me," he said but Kai had shown up "She escorted a friend home she fell and got hurt she lives close and I made sure she was followed to make sure of her save passage and her safe return," Kai said and bowed again.

"You make it sound like he doesn't hate me, he has every right to i did try to kill him." she said the skin on the palms of her hand was covered in blood and torn. "And the fire is calm when i train,"

Ebony nodded and let Lucifer help her out from under her hiding spot.
Lucifer smiled when Ebony had came out with him, "There. Lets go protect our friends right?" He said, holding her hand tight.

Rhea's father made a face,
"When will she back?" he asked

Rhea looked
"He doesn't hate you... He was scared. He defended you... after you left. Kai and Sage started talking about killing you.. Luicfer said he wouldn't let them." Rhea was studering again, she was a bit scared about how Shania would react.
"I supose they think I'm a mad dog... I can't disagree," she said softly she was fighting to hold her rage back she picked up another Sakaba and continued the practiced repetitive swings of training.

Ebony nodded and kissed Lucifers cheek "lets go,"

"Of course she will if she isn't back soon I was going to personaly retreave her," his smile still plastered on his face. "I will go now if you are in a hurry," Kai said.
"No... if you say you have someone with her." Her father said, "We are in no hurry."

Rhea sat down on the floor and watched Shania as she started to train again, "I don't think so..." Standing up again Rhea looked at Shania, "Can I help you train?"

Lucifer blushed, his hand flying to his cheek. "ah..." he said, before followed Ebony back to the party.
"I'm just doing arm training downward strikes take more effert to stop correctly," she said "I don't want an opponant and no offence but if we spared you'd go home with purple pokadots," she said.

Kai bowed and went off to his rooms and stashed a few things in his clothes. befor coming back out he looked towards Sage how could that girl be so dence? he asked himself and went to his father "Father thers a slight misagreement that requires my attention it's nothing major, it'll not take more then half an hour," he said His father nodded knowing what his son ment.

Ebony led the way to kai's home in time to see kai talking to his father.
Rhea smiled a bit, "I can fix that. I can fix purple and blue."

Sage glanced at Kai, he was leaving somewhere, and she wanted to know. He was making her so mad. He said he wants to kill her, but then he says in such a fashion suggesting he is not going to do it.
"Hello Kai. Funny you seem like you are leaving somewhere." Sage said, "Mother, I will see you later at home. I am going for a walk with my friend."

Lucifer looked up, watching with Ebony.
"What should we do?" He asked her.
"I need to eliminate a threat," Kai said simply but with the smile so people wouldn't catch on. "good your coming you can hold Rhea back and try to get her to stop crying," he hummed softly still walking.

Shania looked at Rhea "I don't want to hurt you hitting air is alot less dangerous if you want the Sakaba are where i alway keep them you need to work on your striking you are still sloppy." she said simply bringing down the sword once ore.

"Idon't know... Rhea must be with Shania so i think she's safe..." Ebony said
Rhea sighed wondering what she should do, picking up one of the swords. "Why am I always so bad at fighting?" Rhea asked, trying to preform the task Shania had asked of her.

Sage sigh,
"I don't think we are really going to kill her." She followed Kai, her hands in her pockets. "I think this is a stupid idea. Although saving my skin now sounds so much better to me."

Lucifer growled a bit feeling every need to help them, the last thing he wanted was for Shania to get hurt.
Kai sighed "I said i was going to, thus i am prepeared to do so; you didn't seem to keen on keeping her alive earlier," he said

"You are a healer not a fighter, I just feel better now that you can hold your own if you have to," Shania said "I was pretty bad at fighting when i first started."

Ebony looked at Lucifer "want to follow them?" she asked
"No.. but I am not really one to seek those that are a nuisance to me... That I consider murder. Noticed how I am not too keen on finding demons, although I am more then willing to fight them if they come to me." Sage said, putting the example out there.

Lucifer nodded,
"Yeah... lets just follow them.." he said.

"Yeah?" Rhea asked, "I don't really think I can hold my own.. I mean I am smart.. but that's all I have. But your brave and strong... I really admire you and Lucy."
"I'm foolishly brave, I hunted my mothers killers. Took three weeks of tracking," she said "It almost cost me my life... and theirs." She said "Lucifer is to be admired for all his childishness and innocence he holds a power stronger then what i have. Then again so do you," she said and wiped sweat from her forehead. "You have family, your brother he is your strength think of him when you fight. If you fight win if you protect don't let them die,"

Ebony and Lucy followed Kai and sage though kai was silent the rest of the walk the weight of his weapons weighing his heart more then his body.
"Why... I don't understand what revenge accomplishes... i understand the need to protect... I don't want my family to get hurt... or you guys. " Rhea said, the tip of the wooden sword touching the ground as she rested it there. Even if her own brother died .. it was really hard to think about it, but even then she was not sure she could go out a seek revenge. "I am not strong at all. Body nor mind. I don't revenge was something I could do."

"Revenge will turn your heart to ice and tear you apart and when it's done you feel empty for a while and move on," she said she sat down her body finaly telling her it's had enough. "but they took all i had left,"

Kai opened Shania's door "ha i was right unlocked door food on the table," he mused in an almost sing song way. "looks like i don't have to give up my clothes,"

Ebony watched Kai and Sage enter Shania's house
"No one would take them.." Sage muttered under her breath, following Kai to the back room.

"You have-" Rhea was interrupted when Sage and Kai walked into the room. "Oh no..." She said, worried. This was happening sooner then she thought.
"good Sage hold Rhea," Kai said Shania didn't make a move to go towards him or to go away.

The smell of brownies and spagetti hit Lucey;s nose when he came in Ebony behind him.
Sage sighed, she was starting to have doubts that she would be able to do this... she was not a physically malicious person. Running her hands through her hair, she was going to say something before she was jumped on top of. "I KNEW IT!" come Lucifer's voice.

Lucifer was pissed, "I told you two I would kill you if you tried anything."

Sage huffed, Lucifer was heavy, Struggling to get him off her before he actually did anything like kill her.

Rhea took a few steps, Lucifer not yet in his demon form, but still looking really angry, "We should calm down..." She tried to say.
"Lucy let Sage up," Shania said softly. "I'll be fine," she stood and brushed off her shorts. Kai threw a punch and it connected to her solarplex. She gasped as all the air left her body, but kai gave her no time to recover as Kai pullde back and punched her in the jaw sending her to the floor.

Ebony Pulled Kai's arm "stop it!" Ebony yelled.
When Lucifer got off her, Sage rubbed her back, "Now I know your not trying to kill her..." Sage whispered, watching Kai Punch Shania.

Luicfer was a little too enraged to notice what was going on with Sage, only that he was coming for Kai next.

Rhea moved to Shania's side as soon as Ebony had tried to take a hold of Kai,
"Shania..." Rhea said urgently, trying to help the girl back to her feet.
Shania coughed "i feel like... a horse kicked me," she said Kai pulled away from Ebony and pushed her into Lucifer as he drew a knife from his belt.

"Rhea move," Kai ordered the girl. Ebony had crashed into lucifer shocked by the force kai used

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