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Wild Cards

Rhea smile at Shania, feeling relived she said that, although her tone was harsh, it was honest. Rhea was pretty sure Shania had just given herself a bad scare, Rhea only moved closer to Shania and wrapped her arms around her, "Everything will be ok..." She whisper. She was sure Shania would not really care, but she still felt the need to try and help her. Looking up at the taller girl, Rhea felt herself cry a bit, "Thank you for letting me heal you."

Sage sighed, she was just not a very psychical person, she did not even think about hugging Ebony.
Why did I not think of that? She thought to herself, mentally kicking herself. They needed to get their act together quickly, they will be missed if they stay a bit longer. Standing up, she watch Kai glance at Lucy, yeah the kid looked rough. Half an arrow still sticking out of his arm. Sage wondered what the kid was thinking. She turned and walked to over to Shania and Rhea, stopping a few feet from them, watching Rhea try to calm Shania down. It seemed to be working for the most part.
"I'm fine Rhea i just need a bit of... time to think this all through... go heal Sage i cut her pretty bad." She said her voice was dead there was nothing to it not even monotone. Kaikissed Edony's head "Ok now go help Rhea ok?" he said and she nodded going to Rhea. Kai however went to lucy "Let's get that out," he said soothingly "i'll be as gentle as i can,"
"Ok..." She said quietly, taking a step back noticing Sage who was standing there.

"Nah, you did not really cut me all that bad, I thought it would be a brilliant idea to copy you. Never again mind you, that was a stupid idea." Sage said, her humor well back in place as she took note of the surrounding calming back down, coming back into control. "Here." Sage said, holding her hand out to Rhea.

Rhea took her hand and concentrated, seeing the familure glow appear, feeling the skin mold to her hand like it felt on Shania. When Sage was done, Rhea felt kind of tired.

Sage felt her skin move, like it was alive. She felt all pain leave her, her wound sending soothing pulses from the spot that Rhea was healing. It sent shivers up Sage's spine. When Rhea let go... nothing. Like she had never hurt her hand in the first place.

Hearing Kai's voice, Lucifer opened his eyes, he was tired and just wanted to sleep. Curse his uncle and father. Was he going to have to fear for his life ever time he fought another demon? He knew there was a chance a demon could kill him, but his own team mates? He know Shania hated him. He was not that mad at Ebony... she was not the best archer, but Shania.

He let out a sigh, standing up to let Kai pull out the arrow,
"Pull it quick." he said.
Kai nodded and yanked it out. Then pulled the boy close. "You made the hard a** cry," he whispered to Lucifer. Kai was getting blood on his outfit but he could really care less. Shania was pulling the arrow out of her own leg with a muffled gasp of pain.
Lucifer let a long hiss when Kai yanked out the arrow. Putting pressure on his shoulder, Lucifer cracked a smile at Kai's comment letting out a long sigh. Walking with Kai over to Rhea, she smiled at them awkwardly, "Sorry for my bad reaction guys... Ebony your fine, I promise I am not mad or scared of you. Shania... I am going to take you up on that offer to hit you, later though." he said quietly, patting Ebony on the head with this good arm.

Rhea moved closer to Lucfier, pressing her hand on his shoulder. The glow started, but she did not feel what she did with Sage and Shania.
"AH!" Lucifer said, pushing Rhea away. Rhea stumbled back, almost into Shania.

Sage took a defensive stance, spooked by Lucifer's sudden scream.
"Lucy?" Sage asked.

"I am fine.. sorry just.. that hurt." He said, touching his shoulder.

"I-I don't understand... it worked for everyone else..." Rhea stammered, a bit shocked.
"Lucey is a demon though," Kai said. "maybe your healing hurts them." Shania toor off the bottom of her dress just below her thighs and tore strips. Without a word she began to bandage Lucy's arm. She looked at him "If you want to hit me do it. But i don't want you to hold back," she was serious she wanted him to hit her she would feel alot better an eye for an eye after all. "I also understand if you want to live with someone else," she said Ebony had finaly calmed down but she was still pretty upset.
Lucifer sighed when Shania confronted him, he was trying to bed mad, but he was no longer fueled by such feelings. "Later, Just later... Shania." He said, pushing her away from him. He did not want her so close right now.

Sage sighed things might be a bit complicated tomorrow, but at least everyone was... relatively calm.

Rhea leaned down, pressing her hands to Shania's calf. She felt the skin mend under her finder, as if it was coming to life with its own mind. When she was done, the fatigue showed and Rhea sat down, he hand covered in the blood of the three people she touched.

Sage sighed, she took note quietly of the things they will need to do to prepare before hand when they fight a demon,
"Right... we can all meet tomorrow morning for a meeting about what happen today." Sage said, glancing at everyone.
"In other words we'll kick the madness out of me, we were fine untill i lost it," shania said and shook her head "I need to go home, thank you Rhea," she said softly "I'll see you all tomorow," she waved and began to go home. She would be sure to train all that much harder tonight.

Kai sighed "You can stay with me Luce," he said "no laying out in the streets you've gone to soft and housepet-ish," he handed everyone a change of clothes Sage got a suit though it was made for kai so it would be long on him Ebony was not bloody so she kept her dress Kai cleaned off Rhea's hand with some extra material and tossed Luce a long black tee shirt and some jeans.
Lucy watched Shania go, feeling like he should follow her, but a bit of fear stopped him.

"Something needs to be done about her." Sage said, thanking Kai for the suit.

Rhea watched the girl leave, feeling the need to protect her. She wanted to help, but she was so useless. Getting up, Rhea moved to Ebony. She felt shaky, did healing take energy from her? Brushing it off, Rhea hugged Ebony and spoke to her quietly,
"I am proud of you, do you wana go get some sweets with me and Lucy?" Rhea asked, looking at the demon.

Lucifer nodded, thinking it would be a good idea.
Ebony nodded but she too watched Shania leave. Kai sighed "If only she wasn't so damn stubborn," he sighed. "ok lets go inside," he said but Ebony grabbed his arm.

"do you know something we don't?" she asked her voice a hores whisper from all the sobbiing. Kai sighed deeply and looked at the group.

"Think back on Shania's behavior I think it's obvious what her problem is, I don't think even Lucy cared enough to notice,"
"You mean the fact she does not eat? The fact she does not sleep? She trains herself every moment of the day. Rarely resting except when I lay on her floor being a nuicence? I know that this is not normal. I am not as dumb as you guys think I am." Lucifer snapped.

Rhea looked at her feet. She knew the girl did not eat all that much... but she figured it was from the loss of her brother. Rhea would be like that too if she lost her brother, grieving.

Sage glanced at Kai, and the back to Lucifer. Luficer was irritated, he seemed torn too. Sage just quietly observed, usually the one to noticed things first, she kept quiet.
"She denie's he's even gone, she talks about him like he could walk through the door at any moment the only time she acknowlaged he was dead was when she almost killed that guy in school," he sighed "and i thought she was getting better, anyway I was nosey and did a little research her mother was shot in front of her when she was little had her brother not been there she would have been shot too she began to train in kendo after that the way she does now. She almost killed five men one day when she snapped much like you described her doing today, her and her brother moved here to get away and she calmed down." he said "She's going to kill herself or us one, perhaps we ought to make he go it alone," he said with a shrug. Ebony looked at Kai shocked.
Rhea mimicked Ebony's own face of shock, unsure of how to react.

"How can you not know someone is dead if you watched them die?" Lucifer said, not really understanding the concept of denial.

"Well if that's the case." Sage started to say, but was interrupted, "No... Shania doesn't want that... Shania wants to help... She wants to protect us. She doesn't want revenge if it comes to her hurting people. She said so herself... we shouldn't abandon her. She doesn't want to hurt us..."

Sage sighed and looked at Rhea, the girl making a point that does not change the fact that if Shania snaps, she will kill them.
"Then what should we do? wait for her to kill us all? Hell maybe I should go put her out of her misery, the five of us can do this demon hunting thing without her, the world would never miss one orphaned girl," he said his voice was serious he sounded as if this was what he made up his mind to do. "what has she done for us give us bruises? we could have went to train at a real dojo she put a roof over a demons head hell we all could have taken him in shes an expendable resoarce her usefullness is gone," Ebony looked at her teammates did everyone feel this way?
Sage smirked, feeling the same. Shania was turning into a burden. Although the girl was much more powerful then the whole of the group, that made her a threat as much as a lovable ally.

Lucifer sighed, he wouldn't dump the girl even if he could. he had to protect them, even though she tried to kill him.
"I won't do it. Just because she tried to kill me is no reason, I won't do."

Rhea shook her head
"No... Shania is not a 'resoarce'! She is a human!" Rhea said, standing tall.

Sage has never seen the girl get passionate about anything.
"I agree with Kai." Sage finally spoke up, "Shania has become more of a nuisance then an ally. I don't exactly want to have to run her through myself out of self defense."
"Good it's settled tomorow when she comes to the meeting i kill her," Kai said simple matter of fact way. Ebony looked at Kai and Sage "How could you?... and i ... I thought" Ebony took off running she didn't want to be around these people. "Perhapse i better not wait," Kai said simply "I bet you all my clothes she makes dinner leaves the door unlocked and goes to train," he said before heading back into his house.
“I am not suppose to kill guardians, but it you raise a blade in true intent to harm her, I am going to have to kill you.” Lucifer said, watching Eboy run, Rhea started to chase after her.

Sage sighed, she was getting a headache, and today was too long of a day.

When Rhea could not find Ebony, she made a small decided to go to Shania’s house, scared that Kai would actually go kill her.
Kai's grin could have made a demons skin crawl "of course i supose I can't kill her then," he said and went inside. Shania's house was just as Kai bet when Rhea went in the smell of the fresh brownies Shania promised to make for Lucifer filled the house and on the living room coffee table a plate of still warm spagetti was set out at Lucifers place.
Rhea walked in, unsure what to expect. She took the quiet approach, every step she took was quiet and careful, trying to locate the girl.

Lucifer sighed, running her hand through his hair. Kai, Sage and Shania scared the crap out of him all the time... He couldn't do crap against any of them. Their power Levi gave them... they were meant to kill demons, give them resistance against demons. He was exactly what his uncle had made them to kill. To be honest, he stood no chance if he fought Sage and Kai. Sighing, Lufier wondered off, looking for Ebony.

Sage took a step back, not willing to get involved just yet. Instead, she followed Kai back into the house, the party actually still going.
Kai was his pleasant chipper self as useual but for an odd reason he was more icy towards Sage.

As lucifer walked he eventually found Ebony but she was curled under a kiddy slide at the park trying to hide. She didn't want to go home yet and she didn't want to go to a meeting if they killed Shania either.

Shania was in her spar room as kai predicted her hands were bleeding from how tight she was holding her sakaba "HYA!" she yelled on each downwards strike as she just swung her sword she was still crying and it was really ticking her off.
Sage easily picked up Kai's aura of PMS, not really concerned since most of the night has been close to er death, "What?" She said, glancing broadly at Kai.

"Hey..." He said quietly, crawling under the slide with her, "Whats up?" he asked, knowing it was a silly thing to say.

Rhea felt the pit in her stomach grow, watching Shania slowly destroy herself.
"Shania..." Rhea said loudly.
Shania looked at her for a breif second hope shown in her eyes but it soon faded and died. "Hello Rhea," she said "I was just training a bit,"

Kai smiled at Sage "how can i help you?" he asked in responce to her what "Oh i'm such a rude host would you like punch?"

Ebony sniffled "you all hate her now, we cant be friiends anymore can we? and you're gonna kill her,"
"Yes, in you face." Sage said, ending the conversation there, She had a feeling he was having a moment much like she did when she made people cry, satisfaction.

Rhea shivers, understanding now,
"Shania... Your brother is not coming back." Rhea said. She blurted it out, not really meaning for it to come out the way it did.

"None sense... I told Kai I would kill him if he tried... and you saw Rhea, she even spoke up. Sage... Ill fight her too." He said wrapping his arms around her, "The friendship was shaky to begin with..." he said, trying to be rather straight, he shoulder had stopped bleeding but it still ached.
"please do if i'm going to kill a friend i ought to feel something," kai said he shrugged. "Just incase you were worried at all ill make her death as painless as i can."

"We were doing so well though," Ebony said "it was nice ... i liked having friends," Ebony whispered.

Shania looked like Rhea had just stabbed her and she tightened her grip even more on her Sakaba.
Rhea waited, she waited for Shania to do anything, fall, cry more , throw her sword at Rhea... Rhea took an uneasy step onto the room. "Shania... your brother passed away on the train wreck... With Sage's dad and Kai's mom." She said again, her breathing was shallow by quiet.

Sage laughed, "That was pretty cheesy, even for you Kai." Sage said with a smirk. "Kill a friend." she mummered, "I have tried really hard not to get attached to any of you. but even hate brings you to the door of love."

"Yeah... I did not have friends in the demon world, only my family. I like it here honestly, and I like you and Rhea the most. Shania sometimes seems she likes me... but I still feel a loyalties to her. She took me in and I have spent a lot of time with her. We can help her."
He said, trying to make Ebony smile, "I think we are friends."

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