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Wild Cards

(I think you might have to give Rhea CPR, because her heart stopped. xDDD)

Rhea had to try hard to keep her mouth from falling open. Struggling to keep her composer, Rhea kept silent. Her heart was pounding, she can't believe he just said that to her parents. She was ready to run or something along the lines. Rhea's father only blinked, her mother on the other hand looked a bit confused, trying to figure out if she should be offended or complimented.
"Very well. Make sure it it modest." He said, motioning his hand for Rhea to go do what she wanted.

The only time she had EVER seen anyone say something like that to her parents was the day her brother left the house. her heart was pounding hard as she turned around, completely forgetting to curtsy.


When the song ended, Sage smiled at Shania,
"You are very beautiful, you should try and loosen up a bit more like this." Sage said, "Also, I want to go stalk Kai and Rhea. They both seem to be living it up in this posh world." She smirked, before she had felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around the look, Sage saw a rather tall man in a suit, "Excuse me, did you say Rhea?"

"Hmm, yeah." Sage said, lifting an eye brow, pulling Shania up and letting go of her so she could stand properly.


"I-I don't know... you are the teacher..." he said, looking at Ebony, "Maybe you should dance and show me how to?"
Ebony smiled and did a few simple ballet twirls and giggled. "see it's easy,"

Kai half dragged Rhea to his room which was huge! shania's hole house could fit in the room "Oh white defenatly suits you! so pure... layered yes it must be layered!" he said he was extatic rushing around and grabbing materials.

Shania huffed at Sage's comment and then when the man approched she glared trying to look menacing "Who are you to her?" Shania asked crossing her arms.
“I am her older brother Roen… “ He said, raising an eye brow at the girl’s attitude. “She invited me here, although I am having issues finding her… I am sorry, are you guys her friends?” He asked, crossing his arms back.

Sage laughed, of course it would be a family member, she was 100 percent sure she had no friends outside of their small demon slaying group.
“We are in a club with her. We are her friends as well. My name is Sage. Please to meet you Roen.” Sage said, picking up for Shania’s lack of friendliness.


Rhea glanced around Kai’s room, mostly ignoring his banter. She was feeling so nervous, not only did Kai tell off her parents, but she was going to put on a dress that would end up showing off her scar. Rhea flushed, getting more red as time went by. What was she going to do? What if she gets in trouble? But what if she doesn’t?

Taking note of his room, she compared it to her own. Hers was not as roomy, but very much on the same level of exuberance as her own room. Maybe not as big either, Kais family seemed to spend a bit more then Rhea’s family did.


Lucifer laughed, it looked fun. Following Ebony, he spun around a bit, looking more like an idiot then someone who had been dancing for years.
Kai's room looked like a fashion studio blew up in it. "Lace and a boy... silk maybe," he said still running around. "Long sleeve or short?" he asked her.

Shania tenced "I'm the protective friend that happens to know who to throw a punch she went off with Kai somewhere," Shania said

she giggled at Lucifer "Good good you look so cute!"

(i'm drawing her dress lol)
If Roen could raise an eyebrow further he would, "Protective friend?" He repeated, "Where you at that house that she called me from a different phone?" He asked, "And who is Kai...?" he asked.

Sage laughed,
"Someone we want to throw a punch at."


Rhea looked up, Kai asking her a question,
"Oh. Umm..." Rhea looked away and thought for a moment, "Long?" She said, it sounded more like a question then an answer.


"Cute?" he said, blushing a little, "Hehehe. I am cute! Like Sage always say! She says I look like a puppy! Teach me more dance moves!"
(correction i drew it lol)

Kai quickly sew a dress together his movements like a flash "Ok try this on!" he tossed her a dress... in about fifteen minutes he had a dress made and had thrown it at her. (said dress View attachment 11344) "It's simple but it'll due better then that one." Kai said decidedly.

Shania sighed "I'm sure Kai's being a gentleman he just dragged her out of the crouded halls possibly to his room," she said.

Ebony hugged Lucy and showed him some more dance steps.
Sage made a face, clasping her hand around her mouth, the face that she made when she was trying really hard not to laugh. "Excuse me..." Sage said, walking away a few feet before she started laughing in a rather hysterical manner.

"W-what? What is wrong with him.. or her... What kind of friends did my sister make...?" He asked, looking around. "My sister is in a boys room?"


Rhea looked the dress over, feeling a bit more comfortable that it was long sleeved, her scar would not show as bad.
"O-ok.... one minute." She said, moving into another room to quickly change. Surprisingly, the dress fit well, and in a fashion that Rhea like. It was very comfortable. The only problem was not the ugly scar was visible, looking like vines growing from the right side of her shoulder.

Slowly, Rhea came out of the room, clutching her right arm under her left.
"I really like it Kai. Thank you very much. How did you make it so quickly?"

(Dude... I freakin love it. I wish I had a dress like that!)
(yay i'm glad for some reason i can't make dresses as i invision them)

"I've been making clothes sice i was six," Kai said and tugged the fabric hear and there making sure the fir was right. "There let's go show you off," he winked at her and offered her his arm "And stop fussing with the scar it isn't showing as bad as you think and they'll be to busy looking at you to notice." he smiled and lead her back out.

"Ah looks like pretty boy gave her a new dress... an improvment indeed," Shania said ignoring the boy.
Roen looked up from the girl to see his sister Rhea coming back into the party with a young... God where all her friends like this?

Coming back from her laughing fit, Sage stood beside Roen and Shania, letting out a long whistle,
"Looks to see Kai can do something right." Sage said, chuckling. "Should we intercept?" Sage asked Shania.

Roen sighed, unsure if he should approach Rhea while she was so near to their parents, the last thing he wanted to do was get her in trouble.


Everyone was staring at her,
"Everyone is looking." Rhea hissed under her breath to Kai, her hand on his while he lead her. This was the most embarrassing thing to happen to her.
Kai chuckled "Of course they are looking you look radiant," Kai looked towards her parents to see their reactions.

"Ah my son is quite the designer isn't he?" Shaeil said with a sip of his wine.

Shania shrugged "We may want to before Rhea dies of embarasment," Shania said
"He is quiet the designer." Rhea's Father said. Her father was nothing like her mother. Her mom in her opinion can be kind of foolish sometimes more into the thrills of money. Her father on the other hand is smart, knowing. He was calm and critical, almost like Sage and Kai, he rarely flinches or misses a beat in conversation. "Thank you for catering to my requests for something appropriated. She looks very rapturous. We appreciate your fondness for our daughter." Rhea's father spoke calmly, complimenting Kai.

Rhea nodded, taking note of her mothers reaction. She was pleased, looking absolutely joyed, but kept eyeing Rhea's scar. Rhea gently tugged on Kai's arm, hopping he knew she was ready to leave.


Lucifer had started to actually dance with Ebony, moving rather slowly trying to get the steps, weather there was music playing or not. Stopping mid step, Lucifer looked outside the window. He felt like something was around...


Sage nodded, waiting for Kai and Rhea to head back to the dance floor, giggling a bit.

Roen was watching their parents, knowing every thought that crossed their minds. It only made him frown a deep and fursighted frown.
Kai bowed "thank you for your gracious complements," he said "Now if we may be excused i wish to get this lovely lady some punch maybe coax her into another dance," Kai said and lead Rhea towards the group of friends.

"Here comes Kai," Shania said "doesn't he look pleased with himself?" she asked Sage then looked towards Lucy and Ebony. They were having fun it seemed though Lucy stopped dancing why? she asked herself.

"You ok?" Ebony asked Lucy a touch of worry in her voice.
Curtsying slightly, Rhea followed Kai. She knew officially that Kai was going to be her escort for the rest of the night. Slowly they started to walk towards their friends. Rhea smiled at them, letting herself relax a bit. She waved at him, until a taller man caught her gaze. Looking up a bit, she noticed it was Roen. Looking behind her at her parents she made sure they were distracted before she let go of Kai's arm and ran to Roen.

"Roen!" She said, just before jumping up to hug him.

Sage smiled back, the meek girl was glowing. "Rhea, you look beautiful. Kai, as hideous as ever." Sage said, the compliment and insult coming out in one breath.

"Ebony, I think there is a demon near by. Most likely one of the ones that wounder aimlessly." Lucifer said, "Come on, let go see." He said, taking Ebony's hand and pulling her with him towards he window.
She let him lead her to the window. "If you are right... maybe we should," she looked at the others "do you think we can handle it on our own?" she asked not wanting to break up the others fun.

Kai growled at Sage "I design only perfection!" he flipped his hair. "So Roan was it? I'm Kai the host of this party's son," he said smiling at Rhea "and that lovely lady's escort," he said.

Shania chuckled at Sage's comment on Kai's rather unusual attire, she watched the reunion tence but trying to hide it.
"No no... we will get them.. just want to make sure before I do." he said, not really paying attention to the comment. Peaking out the window, he narrowed his eyes trying to see. "Do you see anything?" The demon boy asked, moving side so Ebony can see outside as well.

Taking a few steps back from Roen, Rhea smiled at him,
"Roen, theses are my friends. Kai, Sage, Shania... Where is Ebony and Lucifer?" Rhea asked.

Roen raised an eye brow at Kai, at first when he flipped his hair, then again when he said 'escort'. Brother alarm was going off a bit,
"Pleasure to meet all of you... Kai was it? When did you meet Rhea?" He asked.

Rhea quickly answered before the others,
"Two weeks ago... at the beginning of school. Everyone here except for Lucifer are the kids who survived the crash." Rhea said, explaining the situation a bit more to her brother.
Shania looked over at Ebony and Lucifer "I think... somethings wrong... i swear this has to happen the day i put on a dress," she hissed that last part out.

Kai looked "I'll go see, Rhea my dear I'll be back in a moment." He kissed her cheek before going towards Lucy and Ebony.

Ebony squinted staring out the window trying to see something anything.
Roen blushed, much like Rhea did, people could obviously see the resemblance. "Hey you.." Roen started to say, before Kai walked away.

Rhea was fiercely blushing, was Kai doing this to her on purpose? Watching him leave, Rhea silently prayed that their first fight would not be here.

Sage watched Kai go, wondering if she should go too. Was something wrong or was Lucy being himself?

Lucifer pressed his face too the glass and tried harder to see outside, the feeling of the energy coming closer.
"What's up kid?" Kai asked Lucifer.

Ebony yelpped and jumped as kai had scared the daylights out of her. "Lucifer senced something," She whispered.

Shania took Roan's hand "Kai will be kai no need getting up a temper," she said to him "Now your sister needs you to be with her for a little while i'm guessing," Shania shoved him to her "bond," she said as an order.
"AAAAHHH!" Lucifer let out a terrified screamed when Kai approached him, he fell to the ground and laid there, "Aaah... Ah... Kai... Kaiii... why did you scare mee?" Lucifer whined. A few people turned to look at the boy as he cowered on the floor.

Sage's head snapped to see Lucy on the floor.
"What..." Sage started to say. "Like Shania said, you have fun with your brother, we will take care of Lucy ."

Roen frowned when the younger girl, Shania, push him into his sister. "What are they on about?"

"Don't worry about it... they are a very weird bunch... Lucy is really strange too. But I like them..." she said quietly, almost sure now that something was up.
"I didn't mean to," Kai said looking at the cowering demon.

"What in hell's blazes is going on?" Shania asked.

Ebony shrunk back shania was a tad scary when angry.
Lucifer picked himself off the ground, "I uh... think there is a demon out side your house." Lucifer said, peaking out the window. "I think hes waiting for people to leave the party... pick off stranglers... or your drunk people."

Sage laughed,
"Haha... Kai scared you?" Sage asked, before eating something about a demon, "Oh great... out of all the places."
"Good i'll go out nobody will miss me, i'll see if it's something we all need to face or not," Shania said

"Don't get yourself killed I'll keep everyone inside," Kai said and Ebony looked at shania.

"I'll go with you," she said "going alones to dangerous,"
"I'll go too..." Lucifer said, "You two should probably stay..."

Sage frowned, "
I want to go too, I am here to kill as much as the rest of you." She snapped.

Lucifer shrunk a bit, Sage and Shania were being really scary. Taking a few steps back, Lucifer stood next to Ebony.
"Ill lead the way." He said wondering if Sage should really come.
Shania nodded and Kai went up to the front of the room making an announcment to get everyones attention. Ebony was frightened but she held her pendant tightly and stayed to the rear she was a range fighter after all Shania once outside hiked up her dress and pulled her dagger from a garter belt on her thigh.
Lucifer walked out with the rest of them, Sage following closely behind him.

Rhea glanced up When Kai started to speak to the crowd, wondering if she should go up there with them. If she was not with Kai, he parents might wounder where she went. Glancing behind her, she watched and most of her friends seem to file out of the room. Should she go help? What if they get hurt? Rhea sighed, completely tone, clutching to her brother. Roen said he wanted to talk to her about some of the things he had been trying to do to help her, but things where so confusing right now she did not want to hear him, although the announce meant he tried to make to her was inturuped by Kai's own announcement.

When Lucifer and the gang got outside, Lucifer stopped mid stride and closed his eyes. There was something lurking around but where was hard to tell.
"I think its behind the building." He said, starting to walk again.

"Isn't it weird that Kai's house has no guards on the outside of the building?" Sage asked Shania, taking out her pen, letting it transform into the familure Scythe. "Well... in less that demon ate them already." She said, pondering the absence of the security.

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