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Wild Cards

Sage frowned, that hurt... that last blow to her back hurt. Ebony was already trying, and Kai looked like he got it far worse then she even did. Sage got up, darting for the sword a third time.

Rhea watched, a small idea entering her head, she will probably get in trouble for it... but it was very much worth the try. Skirting around the outskirts of the room, Rhea eventually ended up behind Lucifer. Quickly, she snatched the sword out from Lucifer's hands, causing Luicfer to scream
."AHH! RHEA! Thats miiine!" He started to whine, turning around to try and take it back.

Rhea only shook her head, taking a few steps away from Lucifer.
"Dose this count?" Rhea asked.

Sage got up again, another failed attempt,
"I think that is cheating..." She said, she was already bruising... she could feel it.
Shania nodded to Rhea "that was smart underhanded moves are always nessasary," she slammed Kai in the head when he lunged again this time the bluenett was sent to the floor but there was no blood so Shania desided he was fine. Ebony tried to get a sword again and succeeded only because kia tripped Shania by grabbing her leg and sending her to the ground.
Rhea smiled, clutching the sword tightly so others don't do the same. Lucifer just huffed, turning around to get back in the fray with the others, waiting for Shania to get up. It would be to easy to get a sword while she was down.

Sage sighed, you had to be kidding? Both the weak girls got weapons out of luck and her and Kai were getting their butts whooped. Sage sat up, waiting to see what Lucifer would do before she made another move.
Shania got up and smacked kai's hand leaving an almost instant bruise on the milky white skin. She saw Lucifer and attempted to strick him before he went for a sword.
Dodging, Lucifer moved to the side easily, smirking, his purple eyes glowing a bit. "Come on Shania, hit me when I am not standing still." He said in a rather playful way. The space was small, but Lucifer maneuvered around it, moving quickly to avoid Shania. He had to admit, Shania was fast and accurate, it was like dancing around his father when he trained with him for years.

Sage stayed where she was, trying to watch her breath as she watched Shania and Lucifer dance around the room a bit. She had to admire the demon, he was dumb. Moving slowly while Shania was being baited around the room by Lucifer, Sage started to reach for a sword.
Shania never saw her she was too focused on Lucifer no longer playing around she switched hands. Kai grabbed a sword while he had the chance and nursed his hand. Ebony watched the two and gasped as shania got better after switching hands.
Lucifer side stepped again, almost getting hit on several occasions after Shania switched hands. When he saw the two pick up their swords last, Lucifer quickly graving the last sword, rolling a bit before reaching out to trip Shania, the sword place above his head to block any incoming attacked while he moved to trip the girl. The Sword was not Lucifer's strong side. Oh no, hand to hand combat was. But that was not the name of the game, it was get a sword.

Sage bit her lip, she was using her non-dominate hand? And they were getting that butts handed to them? Sage panted, sitting down on the ground, completely frustiaghted. Oh and there was a lot of pain too. Rhea was the only one who did not get hit. Lucky girl. Sage thought.
"ggod you all passed intrance one," Shania said she was a bit winded from her sparing with Lucy. Switching hands again she looked at the group "but if you want to stand a chance against a demon you'll have to be better, I still remember the speed that the one... that day moved I could barely track it and had no chance to dodge," she said "but for now we get water and go to the dojo and we are running there no car's."
"Running..." Rhea said under her breath. There was no way out of this one.

Lucifer dropped his defensive stand when Shania seemed to stop chasing him. He grinned his large demon grin, feeling a tad bit of victory,
"Dose this many I can get those cookies now?" he asked, feeling rather proud of himself.

Sage let out an exasperated sigh, every bit of her hurt...
"I am too fragile for this.." She hissed between pants.
Shania sighed at her group but patted Lucy's head "You can have your cookies now," she said with a nod. "Ok let me see your injuries," she said Kai was first there was a long purple bruise across his stomach and the hit on his head had caused a nasty briuse to form on his forehead his hand was black with the bruise there. Ebony's shoulder was a dark purple and she was still crying because of the pain. "Sage how's your Knee and back?" Shania asked
"Just peachy. By the way, never open up a Dojo, you would make a horrible teacher." Sage said, her sarcastic voice peppered with malice. Kai looked the worse out of the three of them, him being the only one to take Shania head on. Dummy, even Sage was not that stupid. The only other one stupid enough to do that is Lucifer, but hes a demon so he easily did not get pounded to the ground.

"Cookiies cookkiees~" Lucifer chanted, walking out of the room in a rather chipper way.

Rhea sighed and put down the sword, following the others out of the room. While Lucifer ran into the kitchen to find the cookies that Shania was talking about, Rhea glanced at Ebony, who seemed to be in the most pain, but Kai looked a lot worse. Rhea wanted to help her... She felt like she had a pull in her stomach, something telling her to touch Ebony. The feeling to help her over whelmed Rhea as she reached out and touched Ebony's shoulder. The 'Gem' on her forehead glowed a bit, along with her right arm under her long sleeve shirt. Slowly the bruise lessened in color, looking a little less dark, but not completely gone.

Yanking her hand back, Rhea apologized,
"Sorry... Sorry, I don't know what I just did." Rhea said, slightly panicked.
"You made it not hurt," Ebony said wide eyed "you really are a priestess," she smiled at Rhea. Kai smiled "I think I'll be ok I have an odd feeling she'll give me more bruises before the days out but that was neat Rhea," Shania watched "Ah yes after we get water and rest I want you all to do a one on one with me i'll be bare handed," she said.
Lucifer came back with a mouth full of cookies, not really bothering to get other people some, "Yok can usk your swork withk meh..." He said in response to her bare handed remark. Cookies, amazing. Mark that down on the favorite human foods list, Lucifer thought.

Sage couldn't help but laugh, Lucifer was completely unconcerned with everything around him, while the rest of them was going through hell.

Rhea was hoping she was going to be ok. She got away with the first test because she was smart, but that was not going to always be the case. Taking a sip of water, Rhea rubbed her arm, it still tingling a bit after using her power for the first time.
Shania gave a sadistic smirk "So sage still think my trainings going to kill you?" she then looked at Lucifer "If you spar with me tonight I'll fix any food you want," she said to the food addicted demon. Ebony winced at the thought of fighting shania again and kai wasn''t too thrilled with it either. "Ah Sage did you bring lunch?" he asked looking at the bag of food she brought, it might be a good way to postpone the training. No fighting on a full stomach right?
"Yes... it will." She said simply, getting up. Picking up the bags from the ground Sage walked back into the kitchen. "I am going to help myself to your Kitchen Shania." Before moving in to pull ingredients to make fish sandwiches. Sage worked quickly, setting the cookies left out by Lucifer on a separate plate, bringing it out, she placed it down onto the ground then left for the kitchen again. Turning on the oven, Sage smiled, feeling the familiar comfort and moments coming to her as she cooked. Sage felt her mind wounder a bit, knowing that her life was no longer going to be the same, and this was it, with these people. Letting out a long sigh, Sage placed the freshly cut fish onto the stove to let them cook. She also had brought some fruit and dark vegetables for Ebony, remembering the girl does not eat meat, although Sage was not sure if that even counted fish.

Lucifer smiled at Shania,
"Does that mean I don't have to train anymore today?" He asked happily. Taking another bite of the cookies.

Rhea stood awkwardly, not sure what to do. Truthfully she wanted to sink into a wall and disappear. That would be the easier answer. Lucifer and Shania were very scary, specially when they danced around the room. Shania had a strange look about her, one of someone determined. Looking at the odd shaped skin on Rhea's right hand that was visible she wondered if she really would be able to do this.
"Only if you promise not to hold back on me tonight I want to be so sore I'll have to be towed out of bed in the morning," Shania said.

Kai groaned and looked at Shania "You are a sadistic Masochistic monster!" he said throwing himself onto the couch. "But my melodrama asside I don't think the archer or the Princess should fight you one on one they'd just get hurt," He smiled at Rhea and winked.

Ebony tried to be invisable as she watched Sage cook, Ebony was a horrible cook so her dad made her lunches for her. Kai them looked at Lucy "How much were you holding back in there?" he asked
Rhea blush when Kai winked at her, there he goes again... just like Sage. "Hmmm...Ok Shania, we can spar tonight." he said, before thinking over Kai's question, "I never completed my training. So I have not gone through the right of passage to be a true demon. I was rushed through a lot of my training to get sent here, time is of the essence, so I've been told. My father, Lucifer the 3rd, which makes me the 4th, and my uncle, Levi, kept me in the dark mostly. I know how to use a sword, a spear, and magic. I fight best with my strength and bare hands. If you want to get technical, I was holding back just a bit... You guys have a whole new tolerance level now, something a lot like my own, or a demons. You guys have a new strength as well, which is why it seems like everything hurt when Shania hit you. You guys move a lot faster as well." Lucifer paused the chew his cookie some, wondering if he was making sense.

"Basically... you guys are doing things no human can really do, and I am 100% sure you guys don't even realize the speed or strength in which you are doing things now. As for me holding back... I am probably on the same level as Shania, maybe a bit more of an edge gowning up in the war." He said licking his fingers.

Rhea looked up,

Lucifer's eyes meet with Rhea's for a few second before she looked away,
"You guys don't know about the war?"

Sage listened carefully to the chatter in the other room, turning around she nearly startled when she saw Ebony. She had not even heard the girl follow her in,
"Would you like to help?" She asked kindly.
Shania absorbed all this "So thats why i hospitolized that boy even though i used my right fist," Shania mused "Should have clocked him with my left." Kai shuddered.

"As i said Shania you are a sadistic monster!" then he looked at Lucifer "And nah we've not heard of any war guessing it's why we are needed though," he said.

Ebony smiled and shook her head "I'll watch you look really happy when you cook...it's nice," her voice was little more then a whisper as she watched Sage
Rhea flushed a bit more, no one else was even slightly concerned with a war?

"Oh well... there are these two demons fighting it out basically. Well recently the lord of all Demons was slain, Rahud was his name. Anyway, two demons have come up trying to take the power.... one is named Eurynome and the other is Axesort. My family supports Axesort. Ill be honest... I don't know much about the politics happening right now." Lucifer said, before he plopped onto the floor like he usually did. "There is a lot of demons rebelling, doing things out of context. Things are a mess right now, but they have slowly spilled into the human world. We don't think any of the new leaders are purpously sending demons into the human world... but low level humans cant just travel because they feel like it. Only people like my father and uncle can do that. I can't do it yet because I am not a full demon. "

Sage smiled a bit at Ebony and turned her back to finish cooking,
Lucy is so useless... why does he not even know his own continues politics? "It is the only thing I truly enjoy doing." Sage said in an equally quite tone back to Ebony.
Ebony smiled at her and continued to watch silently she liked this side of Sage the best.

"So we were somehow selected to help on the human world side, Jesus crist," Kai said "and to think all i was worried about was weather my shoes matched my shirt." Kai said dryly. "Dad is going to so be mad if I ever tell him I'm off fighting demons,"

Shania sighed "you are a disgrace to male kind," Shania said dryly. "So Luce want anything special for dinner we can pick it up on the way home from the dojo if we ever get out there,"

(Lol I keep mixing up my color coding. )

Lucifer rolled onto his tummy and thought for a moment,
"Dinner...." he said quietly thinking. "Something good! Something I have not tried yet!" He said in an excited tone.

Rhea glanced up and watched the two interact, Lucifer and Shania already seemed close and it has only been a week. Though she supposed if you lived with someone you would slowly get closer to them more then anyone else. Touching her tummy, Rhea realized she was getting a but hungrier, smelling the fish coming from the kitchen.

Finished up the food, Sage smiled at Ebony,
"Do you eat fish?" She asked as she placed the fish on a piece of bread, leaving the top open for everyone to put their desired topping on their food.
"No..." Ebony said softly "But..if you really want i'll try it," she didn't want to offend Sage not when she was being so kind.

Shania leaned back into the couch "Ok then I'll make meatball subs tonight," she said as long as Lucifer had been there most everything she cooked went to him she'd eat a bite here or there but mostly locked herself in the spare room. her hair was falling from it's pony tail as she had been training all morning before everyone came.

Kai smirked "seems you are liking living with the sadist," Kai said to Lucy "What all do you do around here anyway?"
"Don't worry. If you don't eat meat, you don't eat meat. I made you a fresh fruit mix because I had a feeling this was how it was going to be. Sorry if it is not as fancy as fish sandwiches. Would you help me move food out for the others?" She asked, god she had been trying to avoid getting close to people, but Ebony was so quiet and honest there was hardly anything Sage could do about it.

Lucifer look at Shania,
"Meat balls... Sounds goood." he said, making a hungry face. "Oh and.... Lay around I guess..." he said, unsure how he passes the time in the day.

"Pardon... But can I use someone's phone?" Rhea asked, stepping foreword.
"I don't have a home line but heres my cell," Shania tossed her the half broken piece of junk she called a phone.

Kai riased an eyebrow "Calling the parents?" Kai asked. "If they give you too much trouble i'll have dad invite all of you to the next party,"

Ebony smiled at Sage "I can do that. and thank you," she was very happy and it showed through her eyes and in her dance like movements.
"Oh no... Don't worry about it... Excuse me and thank you." Rhea said, before walking back into the house, finding the messy room she assumed was Shania's. Dialing a number on Shania's phone, she let out a ragged breath before pressing it to her ear.

Picking up as many plates as Sage could muster, she walked in with the happy Ebony,
"Food is done. Help your selves." She said, placing the plates around the table. "Where did Rhea go?" Sage asked, noticing one was missing. She also noticed that Lucifer was the first to get up and get his food.

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