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Wild Cards

"We will take turns protecting Rhia since I have no family I'll take nights when we are home and not fighting," Shania said she looked at Rhia "Is that ok?" she asked.

Kai raised an eyebrow and just went to poking the demon boy. "Um... what about school and stuff?" Ebony asked softly.

"Honestly school is the least of our worries," Kai said and kept poking the boy.
"I-I don't need protection... Only when we fight... I'll work hard not to be a burden..." Rhea said, looking at her feet.

Sage sighed,
"I have a feeling we will be safe for now... No one knows about us, I should hope. Rhea, if you die, I don't think we will get another healer."

"You can't... I am not aloud to have friends over or sleep over." Rhea spoke again quietly.

Sage sighed,
"Of course it would not be that easy."

"Ugh..." The boy said, "Stoop that tickles...." he said giggling while Kai poked him, not really getting up.
"Your parents are strict," Kai said "immensly so why? and what is your name...?" he actually tickled the demon with his perfectly manacured painted nails. "Safty is an illution one that will shatter at a whim," Shania said "Rhia, you seem to be the most important that does not make you a burden that makes you important," she looked Rhia in the eyes. Shania was still cold and hard but the thought of someone to protect made the ach in her chest loosen for a few seconds.
Rhea looked down and shook her head. She was not important, "They were strict before... it just got worse after the accident." Rhea warped her left hand to cradled her right arm. "And my name is Rhea... pronounced Rhe-ah."

Sage watched Shania, a smirk on her face. "Ebony was it? You can stop hiding behind me now, 'Lord' Levi-"

Sage was interrupted when the boy on the floor burst out laughing, "AHAHAHA!! Oh stop! Stop!" He said rolling over and bouncing up almost like a spring. "Ahha! Who are you?" He said, pointing at the group. "Oh..." he said... "Oh no... I am in the human world aren't I? You are the new guardians Levi was talking about? I can see them Gems on your forehead." he said with a smirk, pointing to his forehead to motion what he was saying. Touching his head, he made a strange face of horror, patting the top of his head frantically "My horns are gone!"

Rhea smiled, watching the odd demon, he seemed kind of friendly. Nothing like Levi.

"What is your name kid?" Sage asked, folding her arms over her chest.

"Lucifer..." he said, running to a window to look at his own reflection. "Ah! My teeth! They are gone too!" He said pressing his hand on the glass. "What has he done to me??" He asked frantically.
Kai smirked "seems he sent you up the creek with no paddle." he said Ebony stayed behind sage for a moment more before inching out from behind her. Shania looked at Rhea and sighed softly rubbing the back of her neck "Ok so we need a plan of sorts we can't go out at night if she can't escape and no healer could be ... well it wouldn't end well," she said. "Um... well we can't start now... what about our families? I can't go out late nights either,"
"We will make a club." Sage said bluntly, watching the demon boy stare at his reflection. "We will make a club at the school, therefore, we will have after school activities every other day. Possibly a club with consistent, 'field trips'. The only problem I see if getting away with a club with just the...6 of us..." She said, unsure if Lucifer should be counted.

Suddenly the door rattled,
"Hey! Who is in there? Unlock this door right now."

The sudden rattle and voice made Rhea nearly jump out of her skin. Why was she so jumpy?

"Relax it is just a teacher." Sage said quietly before raising her voice, "Sorry Teach... We were just talking, the door much have acidentlly gotten closed." She said, opening the door. When the teacher walked in, he quickly surveyed the students, "who are you?" He asked, pointing at Lucifer.

Lucifer turned around and looked at the older man,
"An adult." he said, "Oh wait, Levi said to read this paper..." He said reaching into his pocket. He seemed to dig around it for a bit, making Sage lift and eye brow. Rhea held her breath, half expecting him to just turn into a demon and kill the teacher.

"Ah... He said to read this paper." Unfolding the paper he began to read, "If a adult talks to you say this: Hi my name is Lucifer Randie. I am the new transfer student, my papers just got in today and I will be here tomorrow. Smile at the adult." he paused a moment, "That last part did not make sense."

"He... really is dumb..." Sage whisper, a uneven smile on her lips. Rhea blushed, unsure if someone should step in and help the kid out or not.
KAi began to bust out laughing holding his stomach. Shania face palmed and sighed at the demons sheer stupidity. Ebony giggled and whispered "You only say the part after that," she pointed "and you aren't suposed to tell them you had to read off a paper," she said and went back to Sage's side.
"Let me see that." The teacher grumbled, taking the paper away from him. "Who is Levi? Who gave you this paper?"

"Oh well you see Levi is-"

"His dad. You have to forgive Lucey here. Her speaks very poor English. He is from Finland you see. His dad wrote him that so he would not get lost or feel over whelmed by the situation. As you can see, nerves are already eating away at him." Sage spewed smoothly, the lie coming off her tongue like silver.

"Ah I see." The teach said, flipping the paper over to look at the back then handing it to Lucifer, "No wounder I can't read it. Well welcome to America Lucifer, I hope you like it here. I guess we will see you in class tomorrow. Now look, all of you scram, stand around outside or something." The teacher said, shooing the 6 of them out of the class room.

Lucifer stared at the teacher as he followed the group outside the school, unsure what he was doing wrong. Not read what part? He was told to read the paper.

When they got outside, there was a nice black car waiting at the front, causing Rhea to sigh. Standing in front of the car was one of her dad's employees employed recently to baby sit Rhea. There was more to them then just to 'keep her safe' that was just a stupid excuse.

Whistling, Sage smiled,
"Nice car. Anyway... about that club, any ideas?"
"We can be a paranormal investigation club might make the night activities more beleivable, and i have video equipment," Kai said "we can recruit people but keep them out of the loop as well."

"The pretty boy's head does have something in it besides hairspray," Shania said dryly "but i say others would just add a mess of chao's we don't need and false footage may be difficult to produce,"

Ebony stayed quiet just listening to the others ideas.
"Hmmm Pretty boy does have a a good idea." Sage said, laughing. "I think he is on to something, and we don't have to fake footage. The human eye is a powerful part of the human body. People are easy to lie to themselves, they see what they want to see." She said in a mater factually way. "We can just video tape a dark area and circle a blotch in the dark and claim it a ghost, but Shania is right, getting others involved would make this a huge mess. I have no idea how to make the club... exclusive, In less.. we lie about the club even exsisting." Sage said, rubbing her chin in thought.

"L-lie?" Rhea whispered harshly.

"Yes lie. We will form the club right now, Say it is a school activity and just meet every few days after school to go do... 'Paranormal investigation.'" Sage said, clapping her hands together.

"I think that's is a stupid idea... why don't you all just do what you want?" Lucifer said, obviously paying little heed to the conversation.

Sage felt herself mentally twitch, this kid was clueless.
"We need a way to contact each other, everyone has a phone?"

"Oh oh! Levi gave me one!" Lucifer said, suddenly interested in the conversation.

"Good. We need to exchange numbers. Tomorrow I will give you guys fake 'club activity forms' for your parents to sign, giving you permission to be in the club. Sound good?" Sage said, pulling out her phone.
Shania flipped out her old phone that was held together with ducktape and alot of hope. Kai's phone was the newest iphone and ebony pulled out a little trac phone. "Alright so we agree to lie?" Kai asked. Shania shrugged "I have no family to worry about me I can go out whenever," the way she said it was so blunt and cold it sent shivers down the spine. "um... I can get out alot... my step mom wants me to see friends more often anyway... and my uncle owns a dance studio we can use." she whispered.
"Perfect." Sage said back to Ebony, her phone was just a small black flip phone, sill in rather fantastic condition. Rhea pulled out her own phone, it was just as new as Kai's, which made her feel like she stood out. Lucifer seemed not to care, his own phone a strange model Rhea had never seen before.

"Rhea. We need to leave, you have been talking with friends long enough." A man said, approaching them. Rhea quickly put in the last number to her phone before walking towards the man that called for her, "I will try my best...not to let you guys down." She said before getting into the car that had been sitting there.

When the car was gone, Sage raised an eye brow.
"Her parents really are strict. This could be a huge problem for all of us."

Lucifer grunted, kicking a bit of dirty under his shoe,
"you guys keep binding yourself with invisible chains." He said, not sure why they were debating silly things.
"No parents are that strict... unless she's mafia," Kai said ans Shania smacked him in the back of the head making him yelp.

"Dumb a**." she said "but we'll find a way if i have to kidnap her," Shania said with a shrug. Ebony looked at Shania wondering if she really would kidnap someone.
Sage burst out laughing, Kai and Lucifer were both dumb as rocks, Ebony and Rhea had no back bone, which leaves her and Shania to do all the leg work. "By the way. Shania, you said you owned a Dojo? Or something along those lines. I am assuming you know how to fight? I think Kai and I need to take lesson starting as soon as possible, before we actually start looking for a fight." She said, she was squishy and far from ready to fight.

"Wait... you guys are telling me you don't know how to fight?" Lucifer said, turning to look at the group.

"What do you do no horns?" Sage asked, Lucifer frowned a mumbled, "More awesome things then you humans..."

"Also.. I think we should have nicknames for each other. Maybe take on names from Tarot cards or something." Sage said, "There is no point in the Gems hiding out appearances if we call each other by our real names."
"I am a kendo master I can teach swordsmanship and a little hand to hand," she said "just come over whenever here's the adress to my appartment," she scribbled it on two peices of paper and handed it to them. "and i don't own the dojo but i get to use it alot the master likes me since I do alot of work around there for free," Kai raised an eyebrow.

"Since when did i need to learn fighting i'm much too delicate, and i resent your laughter at my pain." he said rubbing his head.
"Hmm I am very fragile too... But I rather be fragile and slightly nimble then not. and please, resent me all you want." She said, knowing that the three of them were going to be the front line of battle, they needed to go through a crash course of fighting. She took the paper, thanking the girl. "Alright... I guess that is all we will need. I will see you guys tomorrow. Welcome to the PA club." She said, waving them off and walking away.

Lucifer watched the blue haired... boy or girl... leave. Glancing at the others awkwardly, Lucifer waited to see what the others would do.
Ebony went off down the street. "You demon got a place to stay?" Shania asked him. She cast her eyes on him there was hate n her eyes for his kind and sorrow hidden deep in their depths. "I have room, you'll just have to excuse the mess," she said.
Lucifer visibly flinched, staring at Shania. She... was really scary, and he was pretty sure she hated his guts. He couldn't blame her though. "No... I was thinking of just sleeping outside. I thought I would be fine." He said, "Y-you would really let me stay at your place?" He said, unsure if it was a smart idea, what if she slit his throat while he was sleeping?
"Yeah i have plenty of room theres only one rule though you don't go into my brothers room he gets mad when people go in there," she said "And my house is better then outside here I can cook if you even eat human food," she shrugged trying not to look at him. She hated demons she wanted them dead but he has not wronged her...yet.
"Food... sounds, good..." He said, she was a temptress! A bed and food! It was a trap, he knew it, but he must take the bait. "O-ok." He said, Following Shanina to her home.

(Okie time skip to the next day.)

Rhea was early to school once more, usually arriving before most of the student body. It was easily 6am, Rhea's favorite time of the day. The quietest and the most solitaire. Tugging on her long sleeve shirt, Rhea frowned, always taking note that it dose not fully cover the part of her scar on her hand. Everyone else s scars disappeared .. why did Levi keep hers on? Sighing, she opened her book, getting ready to read until others came to the school.


Sage tossed and turned all night, images of her father hunted her. She just wanted it to stop, to have a peaceful night's sleep. She would often hear her mother crying at night, which empowered her more to kill the demons that did this to her family. Sighing, she got up and dressed in her normal attire, dress pants, button ups and a tie. Going down satires Sage preceded to cook breakfast to feed her mother. She would leave for school soon, but first she had to take care of her lunch.


Lucifer turned in the new bed that Shania had given him, he felt like the luckiest demon in the world. The bed was soft and his belly was full... sort of... he was hungry and wanted to eat again. But the bed was so soft, he did not want to get up either. Humans had it easy!
It seems the bed he was asleep on was actually hers she stayed up all night swinging a wooden sword in a spar room. most of the furnature was coveredin white sheets. She fixed a plate of bacon eggs and biscuts for him setting beside the bed. "You'll be late if you don't get up and eat and dress," she was dressed already "I'll leave ahead of you," she said before exiting the house. Ebony walked to school a bit early to see if her new 'friends' where there. Kai however took his sweet time driving his new cherry red firebird. "Hey lo," he said to Rhea when he got to school seeing her first.
"Fooood..." Lucifer said reaching lazily for the food before falling asleep again on the bed. Why did he have to get up... its not like they were fighting any demons...


Rhea glanced up from her book to see both Ebony and Kai,
"H-hi..." She wondering if she should close her book or keep reading. She knew it might be rude if she kept reading. "how was everyone's sleep?" She asked. The other night Rhea had pleaded with her parent to join the Paranoia activity club, but they were flat out determined to tell her no in less they saw formed. Sage's forms should help clear that up, hopefully.


Sage sighed, walking to school at her own pace, Sleep has been scared lately. Yawning, she scanned the fake club papers one last time to make sure they would pass. Sage had already had her mom sign the paper, being told it would be a good idea for Sage to get out some with friends. Sage was happy her mom was living in her own little world, it helped her get away with things like this. It was for her own good after all. Sage needed to protect her.
Shania aproched Sage. "You look as if you slept less then i did," she commented. Shania didn't actually show the effects of her sleepless night other then the fresh bruises on her hands and red marks from the nonstop training.

Kai ran up "hello so the PA club plan is in effect?" he asked eying the papers. He looked even more dolled up then yesterday his jacket had frills on the bottom!

Ebony smiled ar Rhea "I'm ok... did you sleep well," she asked quietly.
Rhea smiled at Ebony, "Mhm. Looks like better then everyone else." Ebony seemed nice.

"You look like a clown Kai." Sage said when kai ran up to greet her and Shania. Sage critically eyeing the man's outfit, such poor tastes in clothing. "And yes, these papers should do the trick." She said, passing them out one by one.

Rhea took the paper and read over it slowly, was this even going to work? Looking up at everyone, she felt her stomach turned and fear bloomed, she was going to let everyone down... they needed someone confident like Shania or Kai, maybe even Sage or Ebony. She was no good. What if her parents still said no? Squeezing the paper gently, Rhea let out a small silent prayer that this would work.
Shania saw Rhea's fear and pulled her into a hug and whispered "Relax, we are here for you. Everything will work out if not I'll follow through with my kidnapping idea," she pulled away after saying that Shania's body was tone from all the practice she has been doing lately.

Kai glared at Sage "This is the latest from France you tomboy," he said "you lack grace and elogance, also as for the names you spoke of before," he flipped his card "I with to be the Joker or Trickster," he put it back in his pocket.

Ebony fiddled with her sleeves she hadn't given much thought to her name yet.

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