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Wild Cards

Rhea glanced up at Shania, complete surprised by the girl's hug and fond words. It made her smile a bit, some of the fear disappearing. Well... until she said something about kidnapping, "w-what? Kidnap me?" Rhea said, blinking at Shania, trying to deiced if she was serious.

"What you prance around in that you so call grace and elegance, you lack in style and class." Sage said, obviously giving Kai an irritated smile. "And fine, you deiced. Ebony, did you think of anything?" Sage asked, "I had not thought myself a nick name, but i think Rhea should be the Priestess. Maybe even call her Princess." Sage said, obviously making a joke.

Rhea blushed, unsure how to react to the joke. What where they even talking about?
"No...i ... i haven't been able to think of one," Ebony whispered. Shania thought for a moment "Priestess would suit her well," Shania said Kai was obviously sulking from being down talked he muttered things like "she's jelious ... my body is perfection," and other things along those lines. "I'm not oo knowlageable with tarot cards... supersticions and all," she looked at Rhea "and if i thought it would keep you safe I'd kidnap you in a heart beat,"
"Superstitious are we?" Sage asked, laughing, "Lets see. Perhaps by our weapons?" Sage said in a jokingly manner, although if it worked, it worked. "Perhaps, The Joker, The Sword, The Priestess, The Archer? Where is The Demon..." Sage said... pausing when she only counted 4 student, not including herself.

"I-I think that is very sweet... I think." Rhea said really unsure.

"Don't." Sage said, smiling at Rhea. Rhea only glanced up at the blue haired girl and she watched her lean foreword to whisper to her. "We need you. That is the only case. Revenge is the game here. And Levi made it clear that if you are not with us, we will not be successful. No one here are friends, we just mearly have to work together." Sage muttered to the girl.

Rhea shivered, how could she say those things with a smile? Looking down at her Desk, Rhea nodded, then opened her book up, no longer up for talking.
"I agree those names suit us, and the demon was in bed when i left," Shania said with a shrug though she didn't like how Sage was making the timid Rhea feel even more timid. She pulled Rhea to her "Leave Rhea to me if you would," she said softly. "the princess needs a knight."

Kai flipped his hair and sauntered to his seat still heated at being talked to in such a manner.

Ebony looked at Sage in all honesty she though Sage looked to be a very good person. She hadn't heard what Sage said to Rhea either.
Sage smiled at Ebony, knowing the girl was left out, but silently cursed Shania, she thought the girl was cold heartted?

When the teacher came in, he told all the student's to sit down, make Sage leave to go sit down.

Rhea looked up from her book, eyeing Shania. The girl seemed nice then she originally thought, but she was still unsure of what to think. She seemed nice, but ready for revenge, must like Sage. She had no idea why Kai and Ebony were so willing? Why was she? She had no reason to go out and fight. She could hide... and not come back out.

Class went on for a long while, it was around History when Lucifer turned up to the class room,
"Well you see... I was late because I got lost... your city is so big, I had no idea where too go. There are so many scary things, but good things too. Like your foods, your foods are amazing!" he said during his introduction to the class. Rhea smiled, feeling a bit better after Sage's verbal attack.

When Lunch came around, Sage made sure to get the group together. Lucifer sat down with his own plate full of food. Sage on the other hand had a lunch box. Rhea also had her own lunch, but her lunch was wrapped food from the store.

"So bad to the nicknames. I think I am the only one not named." Sage said, picking up a cube of fruit she had cut up.
"Death," Kai said "you do weild a sythe," he shrugged.

Shania sat down "I supose... though death is a tad... mundane," She commented she had opted to skip lunch today her stomach not feeling quite right.

Ebony sat with her packed lunch after all she didn't eat meat so she had to pack her own meals. "Death sounds a bit scary," she tossed in.
Sage smiled, "It dose sound scary right?" She said to Ebony, "I suppose it would be a keeper." She said, "Ebony... I notice you have no meat. Vegetarian? Or just no meat today?" She asked the girl, she remembered she said her last name was Rose, which made Sage feel a bit kinder to her, her last name being Ruusu. which was Rose in Italian.

"Are you not hungry Shania?" Rhea asked quietly, opening up a packet with a roll inside of it. She decided that she should be more open to the group. Sage was right, now one was friends right now, but that could change over time, right? Besides... she was afraid if she backed out now, Levi would hunt her down and rip her arm off. She mentally shivered at the thought.

"Kai... Why are you so frilly today?" Lucifer asked, taking a bite of the school lunch. He was going to be fat by the time he was done in the human world.
Kai huffed "I am not Frilly I am stunning," he said and pulled out a book called Necronomocon and began reading it.

Shania looked at Rhea "I've not been hungry recently but thank you," she liked gaurding this timid girl she hurt less but... her heart still on revenge she would not feel better till she had killed all those demons.

Ebony blushed "I don't eat meat so yeah i'm a vegitarian..." she said very timidly "want some?" she asked holding out a fresh fruit salad.
Sage politely declined, not too keen on trying any food but her own. She was picky about her foods, her own fruit salad as fantastic as her other foods. She was a fantastic cook and would take nothing less, "How about instead .. you try mine." She said, pushing her box closer to Ebony.

"Don't mind if I do!" Lucifer said, taking a bite. "This, is wonderful!" Lucifer said, reaching for another bite ,before Sage slapped his hand. "Wait your turn you." She said, a tad annoyed, he acted like a 4 year old child. Why were they stuck with this demon?

Rhea looked up, curious,
"May I?" She asked. "Go ahead my lady." Sage said in return.

Rhea blushed, why did Sage say wired things? And Kai and Shania? Everyone were so strange, where people in general always this strange? Reaching foreword a bit, Rhea scooped up some of the fruit salad and took a bite. Mmmm... it really was good.
"Ah.. Shania, you should try some." Rhea said, hoping to cox the girl into eating something.

"Well Ebony?" Sage said, pushing the bowl twords the girl again.
(And here is four samples of kai's oh so... flamboyant fashion... (the form is that of his body)View attachment 11300)

Ebony watched Sage for a second then took a small bit and smiled "it's really good," she said. Shania shook her head no.

"I just don't feel like eating i will make up my lack of appitite when i make dinner," she said streaching her body was sore from all the training the night before but the pain would be worth it in the end.

Kai watched everyone eat from the tomboys lunch. Where was this persons charm? he asked himself
Rhea nodded, a bit sadden by the rejection, but it was none of her business. She watched Shania for a bit before taking a bit out of her roll. Shania was so build and fit, nothing like Rhea. She must be really good at everything she dose. Wondering how she was at school, Rhea continued to stare at her, a bad habit on Rhea's part. Her brother always laughed because Rhea would stare in thought when she wanted something. Suddenly self conscious of her actions, Rhea turned her gaze back to her lunch, suddenly not feeling too hungry herself, but making herself eat anyway.

Sage smiled, glancing at the boy staring at her through the book,
"Come on Stunning, try it... it has been unanimous that I am a fantastic cook." She said, daring him to try it with her smirk.

Lucifer stared, wanting to eat it all for himself. Humans were so stingy.

(He is so freaking fabulous! I love it hahah I love the first two the best! )
"I wouldn't put it past you to poison me oh bringer of death," he said though he was the one reading the famed book of necromancers.

Shania noticed the stares from Rhea and she found herself rather unconfortable. "If you have a question ask it," she said in a matter of fact way. She didn't want to snap at this timid girl she was too fragile like thin glass.

Ebony held out her salad to Lucifer "I'll share," she said though hers wasn't as good as Sage's
"Hmmm that it not such a bad idea, what is your choice in poison My Clown?" Sage said, her grin getting wider Kai was being fun to mess with. "By the way, out first PA training meeting will be this Saturday, at Shania's friend's Dojo. We will be training, we need it." I need it do I don't die. She told herself.

"N-nothing..." Rhea said, not looking back up at the girl. "And.. I don't know if I can make it. I will try though."

Lucifer looked up, taking Ebony's salad and eating the majority of the content,
"Do I have to come?" Lucifer asked with a mouth full of fruit.
"Yes," Shania told him "and if you are good I'll back cookies for you to munch on," she said bribing the demon with fresh baked food. She patted Rhea's shoulder "It's fine but i would like you to train as well you'll be better off if you can defend yourself untill one of us can get to you in a fight." the threat of kidnapping her seemed even more tempting.

Kai glared at Sage "I am no clown at least i look my gender you look like a small boy," Kai turned the page of his book "Oh if i only had a live sacrifice these spells would do you good," he hissed.

Ebony was scared of Kai he was... odd.
"Cookies? That sounds good. I will do it for cookies!" Lucifer said, grinning.

Sage smirked even wider,
"At least I look like a defined gender. Most think I am Male... you on the other hand, debatable." She said back. "Also, we can sacrifice Lucifer." Sage joked.

Lucifer froze, unsure if Sage was telling the truth or not. He looked absolutely terrified. It made Rhea laugh, knowing Sage really was joking. At least... she hoped. She swears... Ebony was the only sane one here. Kai... he must be the scariest.
"Ok.. I can try." Rhea quietly agreed.

Kai gave a grin that said if it would work he would indeed sacrifice the demon. "You a virgin Lucifer?" he asked. Shania rolled her eyes "Kill him when he stops being useful for now we may need him," Shania said though the bloodthirsty look on Kai's face made her think he might have promise if he lost the makup and frills.

A boy from their class Shania didn't bother to know the name of walked over he was big a football player maybe? "Hey what is this the clud meet for the survivors? Crying about your lost mommys?" he asked and laughed untill Shania's fist met his face.

The crack was heard thoughout the cafiteria. "You mention the loss of our families and the next time i hit you your life will be forfit!" She was visably enraged her hands still clenched in fists the speed in which she stood and struck the boy was impressive. Anger fueled strength.
"I am... what... NO! No no no no!" Lucifer said just about jumping out of his seat when Shania came to his rescue, short of.

However, one of the football players had approached them, taunting them, most of their faces had gone to joking to a serious ones. Sage got up and squatted down next to the boy,
"If our paths cross anywhere outside of school, you better watch your back." She said in a low tone. His face was pretty bloody, his nose, most likely broken.

Rhea immediately got up and took a hold of Shania's fist, pulling her away from the boy she had just hit. Rhea was in utter shock, she could not believe the entire situation. Well she could believe bullying, it was always like this for her, but Shania... Rhea was almost sure the boys nose was broke. She had used so much sheer force in the blow...

Lucifer's eyes narrowed, watching Shania carefully. Levi might need to hear about this.

"What is going on here?! Everyone get to class, NOW. You lot stay put." He said, pointing at the small group. Rhea shrunk letting go of Shania's hand. She can't get in trouble if she did she can guaranty she would be on lock down forever. Shania would almost for sure get suspended for this, there was no excuse for hitting someone.

"I think his nose it broken Teacher." Sage said, standing up.

Shania had not cooled down yet her body tenced "I swear if anyone ever jokes at the death of my brother... next time a punch in the face won't be the only outcome!" she yelled her emotions completly off the charts but the only one being partrayed was rage pure rage. "You can punish me if you want i don't have parents for you to call so don't bother," she said to the teacher.

Kai sighed he closed his book and looked at the teacher waiting for the verdict. Ebony however was hiding or rather cowering under the table.
Getting up Sage took a breath, "Teacher. May I make a plead?" Sage asked, hearing another teacher calling 911 in the background.

"Go ahead." He said, obviously irritated, "Three months ago we were all involved in a very tragic accident. Some of us lost, this was a very hard psychological stress on us. Of course some of us react very differently. So I feel that this would be an unfair judgement to suspend anyone." She said.

The teacher shook his head,
"None of you are in trouble, only this kid here and the girl who threw the punch will get suspended. Come with me to the office girl." He said, motioning for Shania to follow.

"I tried." Sage said to her before she left, but she knew Shania did not care. Sage wanted to kick the ass hole while he was on the ground, but knew better of it.

Shania got suspended from school for a whole week and will not be able to attend classes again till the following Tuesday, or so Sage heard. The foot ball player was hospitalized with a pretty broken nose.

When the weekend came by, Sage found herself following the address on the paper that Shania had given her. When she arrived at a rather messy looking house, she found her way up the porch to knock on the door. It was 10am, so Shania should be awake by now. Same with the Demon, Lucifer. Sage was surprised when he said Levi did not arrange for him a place to stay and ended up living with Shania.


Lucifer lazed on the floor, not really wanting to get up, even when he heard the door bell ring.
"Shhaaaniiaa someone is heeereee." He said, turning over onto his stomach to yell into the house.
She came out of the Spare room in a cotton breast band and some shorts "You can't get it huh?" she asked dryly "Can you atleast turn on the kettle all you got to do is turn the nob," she wiped sweat from her forehead and opened the door "Ah didn't expect anyone till noon or later come in," she said unashamed of her mostly naked body. The smell off fresh baked bisckuts still lingered through the house the furniture stil covered in the white sheets.
Sage laughed, "I don't have exercise clothing." She said, a off handed comment about her work out wardrobe. All she had was button ups with ties... "Also, I brought foods for lunch." She said, holding up the bag. "Next time though, we need to set a time to meet." She continued to speak as she walked into the house, placing down the foods.

Lucifer walked into the kitchen, he had seen Shania use the strove once, so he knew it was not overly complicated. Staring at the stove for a long moment, he felt himself start to get frustrated. There was 4 nobs.... which one was he supposed to turn?
"hmm..." He thought out loud. Usually she just turned one... but he can't remember which one. Maybe... he should just turn them all. yeah, that sounded like a great idea, he thought. Smiling Lucifer proceeded to turn all four of the nobs on high.

Skipping into the room, Lucifer smiled,
"I turned on the Stove Shania!"

"And i worry..." she said and went in and they heard a sigh "Lucifer come here," she turned off all but the needed nob and then thought better of it "nevermind." she said and went back to the livingroom "Have a seat anywhere," she said "I can let you borrow some of my work out clothes if you want," she told Sage.
"You remind me of a puppy dog Lucey." Sage said, smirking at the demon. Sage was currently not a fan of Lucifer, but she saw a large value of fun in him.

"Why do you say that?" He asked, Sage only shook her head, looking back at Shania when she returned, "Please." She said, asking nicely for some clothing to ware.

"I don't think Fabio will be here till... much later. Just a hunch." Sage said, annoyance straining her voice. "I have no idea about Ebony and Rhea though."
"Ebony lives near here she won't come late Kai however takes four hours to dress... I'm not even exagerating," she said as she went into the room that was now basicaly the demons. and got a cotton tee shirt and some shorts. When she got into the living room she tossed them to Sage "see if they fit... I may be larger then you due to bust," she said.
Sage laughed, "Shania, the word bust does not exist for me." Sage said, getting up and walking into the room Shania had came out of and quickly changed. When Sage reappeared she took note that Lucifer was digging in her bags, "Hey, get out of there. That is food for later." She said. When Lucifer looked up at her, he jumped up and pointed at her, "Sage! You look like a girl!"

It was true, Sage looked like a girl more then she ever had. She did have the trace of a small bust, but mostly flat chested, however Sage's legs were thick and long, her arms slightly lanky and showered little muscle strength. She was blushing a bit, slightly flustered,
"This.. is the most skin I have ever shown in my life..." Sage said with a long sigh.

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